InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu Yasha Has A Taser ❯ Consequences ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is known by more than a few people, so I do not own any of the characters in this fic.


Inu Yasha was carted into a room with five teenagers seated in a circle.

"Here you go Dr. Applegate. We have a new arrival for you." The security staff set Inu Yasha upwards, and walked out followed by a woman with dishwater blonde hair and a lab coat.

Inu Yasha looked around at the teenagers in front of him. Each of the teenagers stared back at him. The first young man had a strong build and dark hair. He seemed confident, but reserved. He sat next to an African-American girl in overalls. Judging from how he was protectively holding her hand, Inu Yasha derived that they must have been a couple. Next to them was a dark-haired boy with an olive complection. He had a smirk on his face like he was about to say something, but it was kept in check by the glare that came from a blonde girl that sat across the circle from him. The blonde girl was sitting next to a dusty topped boy that kept starring at the clock. The girl herself generated an air of crazy confidence. It was she that approached Inu Yasha.

"I want to let you go because I know that whoever sent you here possibly doesn't understand what's going on, but I do have some questions to ask you first. Who gave you the power? Was it the Andalites, or the Yeerks?" She glared at him with a feral glint in her eye. He went to answer her, but it came out muffled due to the mask that currently covered his face. The girl giggled to herself for a moment and removed the mask. He repeated his response.

"I have no clue what the hell you are talking about. Who or what is an andy-light or what did you say? A jerk?" His head was cocked in confusion at the odd question.

"Well, I guess it's okay to let you go, but did you get caught mid-morph?" The girl asked, starring at his ears.

"Morph, what do you mean morph?" The girl looked at him strangely.

"I guess I better explain that, but first, let's get you out and introduced." She quickly undid his straps and helped him step down from the cart. She pointed to the boy and girl that were sitting together. "That's my cousin Jake, and his girlfriend Cassie." They both blushed, and she pointed to the boy with the smirk. "That's Marco, you can just ignore everything that ever comes out of his mouth." Marco became offended.

"Yo, Xena, my mouth produces relevant information ever now and then." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Sure, whatever." She turned to the boy that was starring at the clock, and her expression softened. "That's Tobias." She took in a deep breath. "And I'm Rachel." Inu Yasha gave her a queer look.

"I thought your name was Xena." This caused Rachel to glare at the now laughing Marco.

"No, that's just what Marco calls me to get on my nerves." She crossed her arms in frustration. "So, what's your name?"

"Inu Yasha." Rachel was about to comment when Dr. Applegate stormed in through the door.

"You let him loose? Rachel, I thought we had worked out your reckless behavior." She was cautious of Inu Yasha as she spoke. Rachel just rolled her eyes.

"If there was any danger, don't you think we could have handled it?" The doctor rubbed her temples. Inu Yasha gave a quick, but ignored interruption.

"I don't have that thingy any more, that damn kid took it when he thought he was fighting me." Dr. Applegate continued as if he had said nothing.

"Once more, you cannot turn into animals, and there are no such things as aliens." The entire group had their eyes on her.

"Uh, Dr. Applegate, may I go to the restroom?" Tobias asked glancing between her and the clock.

"No, you may not. You just went just under two hours ago. How am I going to prove to you the difference between fantasy and reality if I give in to your delirium dealing with that whole two hour rule. Tobias, once again, you are not a hawk, you are a sick teenager, that needs some serious help." Rachel looked as though she were about to kill the woman, but she held herself back when Dr. Applegate turned to Inu Yasha. "So, what is it that you believe you can turn into, hm?" Inu Yasha blinked.

"Turn into? I can't change into any thing. I'm only half-demon. It's my half-brother that can turn into a dog form, not me." At the mention of brother Jake started to cry on Cassie's shoulder. "What's his problem?" Cassie glared at Inu Yasha for his insensitive statement.

"Jake has some issues with his brother that we are currently working out, but that is none of your business." She turned her attention back on Inu Yasha. "You said that you are part demon?" Dr. Applegate stared at him.

"Half actually." He felt that he deserved every bit of demon that he had. Dr. Applegate walked over to her desk, and dialed someone on the phone. She picked up the receiver and spoke softly.

"You sent him to the wrong room. I believe he belongs in the red room." She nodded her head. "Oh, okay, see you in a few." She hung up the phone and walked back over to Inu Yasha.

"This mess will be cleared up in no time." She said to him, then smiled sweetly.

"Good." He said as he crossed his arms.


Okay, so there is going to be a third part. All reviews of this little series will be put at the end of this fic, but I would like to thank all of you that have reviewed so far. Here is a little about the next chapter.

Mink looked over at Kurama.

"Something about him doesn't seem to fit does it."

"See nothing wrong with his appearance." He stated.

Well, see you next time in The Red Room