InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu Yasha Has A Taser ❯ The Red Room ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from this entire series of fics. Except for Gina, Ray, Mr. Smith, the two interns, the receptionist, her friend, and possibly the new left arm, but don't quote me on that.

The Red Room

Two security officers walked into the room where Inu Yasha stood next to Dr. Applegate.

"I hear that you finally cleared everything up and are sending me to where I really belong." The clueless hanyou stated. The two officers looked at each other in confusion, but shrugged it off.

"Uh, yeah. That's right." said the first officer. "So if you wouldn't mind following us."

"Sure, whatever gets me out of this hell hole." Inu Yasha said stomping over to the door. "Rachel, this has been unreal, but I think you need to listen to that lady there." He pointed to Dr. Applegate, and stepped out the door with the two security officers rushing after him.

As he took his first steps out from the door, Inu Yasha tripped over somebody.

"Hey, watch where you're going." said the all too familiar kid. Inu Yasha stood and dusted himself off as the officers walked out of the door.

"What are you doing back out?" asked the second officer.

"I was walking Pickachu, but now he's missing." Ash stated as if it were a well known fact.

"I'm sure I won't have any problems with him." said officer one, pointing to Inu Yasha. "Why don't you escort him back to where he came from." The second officer nodded, and picked up Ash.

"Alright little buddy, well clear this whole thing up." Officer two picked up Ash as her was glancing all around.

"Pikachu, where are you?" He screamed. Inu Yasha just smirked as he followed the first officer in the opposite direction.

Inu Yasha followed the officer into a hallway where each of the doors seemed to have a color coding. They passed a yellow door, a green door, a blue door, a purple door, a white door, and a grey door. When they stopped, they stood between two doors. A black one on the left, and a red one on the right.

"Hey, what are we doing here?" asked Inu Yasha. The officer opened the door on the right.

"Nothing really," he caught Inu Yasha off-guard and pushed him in through the door, "but I guess I should say, 'Welcome to the red room.'" Then the door was shut and a clicking noise heard as the lock was instituted. Inu Yasha turned to look at the occupants of the room. There was a young man with red hair, possibly around fifteen years old, dressed in a pink school uniform. Next to him was a girl around the same age. She too had red hair, but she was lacking in sufficient clothing. She had yellow boots, a bra similar to Madonna's famous cones, and blue gloves that traveled to her biceps. The most noticeable of her features however were the horns protruding from just above her ears, the wings sprouting from her back, and the tail that was swinging back and fourth behind her. He noticed a third person that was sulking in the corner, but he thought he recognized this one.

"Shippou?" he questioned. The figure turned around with wide eyes.

"Inu Yasha!" He ran towards him with his arms out. Inu Yasha was relieved at finally seeing a familiar face. He prepared himself for the impending hug, but was surprised when he received a punch square on the nose.

"Hey, what was that for?" He said while rubbing his nose. Shippou was almost as tall as Inu Yasha, and nearly as strong by this point.

"It's all your fault that I'm in here. Kagome sent me to get you when she found out about Gina's little plan, and when I described you to the person at the front desk, they threw me in here." Shippou pouted, then growled in frustration. The boy walked up to him.

"I'm sure it is not his fault that people in this time, much less this country, no longer believe in demons, then look down upon those who do." Shippou stopped pouting, and Inu Yasha got a bit protective.

"And who exactly are you?" Shippou decided that he should aswer.

"Oh, this is Kurama. He's a fox demon too, only he's a human at the same time. The girl is Mink, she's a half demon too, I think." Mink cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, but I am a dragon half. Not a half demon." She crossed her arms and eyed the hanyou carefully. Mink looked over at Kurama. "Something about him doesn't seem to fit does it."

"I see nothing wrong with his appearance." He stated. "Though I do not see a tail."

"So, let me get this straight, they put you in here for believing that your demons, which you are. So, how come they don't believe you?" Inu Yasha was trying to get a clear picture of what was going on.

"I'm not a demon!" Whined Mink.

"Same reason they probably don't believe you. They think you're just some punk kid that is letting their imagination rule how they treat their body. Thus, you get put into here." Kurama plainly stated.

"I can even breathe fire, and they thought I was just a circus freak." Mink interjected.

"What I can't believe is that a group of demons," Mink glared at Inu Yasha, "and a dragon half can't just overpower a bunch of humans."

"I think it's because we all have conscience." Shippou spat. Inu Yasha just smirked.

"Well, Shippou, if there is one thing you've learned about me over the past few centuries. I think it's that I don't have a conscience when it comes to people threatening me." He reaches into his sleeve and pulls out the taser. "So, is anyone with me on busting out?"


Okay, okay, there is still more to come, but I need to know something. Is everyone ready for this fic to wrap itself up in the next chapter, or does anybody want to see what is in the other colored rooms. Let me know! I'm at an impasse of enjoying myself while writing this, but I don't want to drag it out to being boring.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed last time, and you will be acknowledged when the end finally comes.