InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Journey through the past ❯ Please... Protect her ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Sailor Moon.

A/n: yeah I'm sorry about taking so long but it took me forever to get my thoughts about this one cleared up and now I kind of have a clue as to where I want it go… and for some reason I kinda feel like complicating this fic a bit…

"Rin…" Sesshoumaru shook the young girl out of her sleep. She coughed a couple of times before she muttered something. "Speak louder." He was becoming frustrated.

"That creature took Serena…" She said and it had dawned on him that the girl wasn't anywhere nearby. He raised his nose in the air but he couldn't find her scent… the scent of that scorpion filled the air heavily. "You cannot smell her can you?" Rin asked sadly. Sesshoumaru looked at her and felt his heart lurch… If the girl had been ingested he is not sure if he could help. Rin had become attached to her.

"I smell the beast that has taken her." Sesshoumaru stood after Kicking Jakken's still body. Jakken groaned awake. "Watch Rin… I should be back by nightfall." He said speeding off.

"Always under appreciated."

"Jakken, do you think Serena's okay?"

"IS there something wrong, Serenity?" Endymion asked glancing over at Serena. Serena couldn't help but stare at him, he looked like her Endymion, but the ponytail… it wasn't something he'd do…

"Nothing…" She smiled warmly at him. No, Endy wasn't the type with long hair… Many times she had imagined him with long hair but never once brought it up around him unless…. "Endy, Darling… I am rather thirsty…" She said as a wave of weakness suddenly rushed through her veins when he had brushed her hand.

"I will get you something…" He said almost hushed.

"Hurry back…" She uttered as he stood and walked away. Once he was gone a smile played on her face before being replaced with fear. "What will Sesshoumaru do if and when he gets here?" She said but shrugged if it all worked out well… she could have her plan up and ready before her wound would act up again.

"Have you found it yet?" Lita asked impatiently as Inuyasha sniffed at the ground hoping to catch the scent of that scorpion beast.

"Stop trying to rush me like I'm some dog!!!"

"Sniffing the ground like that he looks like one." Hotaru muttered weakly against Shippo making everyone laugh.

"Oh, I hope Serena's okay…" Kagome said softly.

"She should be until sunset." Sango said before the sound of a smack was heard and Miroku turned with his arms crossed and a throbbing handprint on his face.

"I was trying to ease the pain of your sister being held captive by such a demon."

"I won't need any easing of any form if we can't find her by sunset." Sango said. "That demon was no regular spider youkai… It wasn't a spider youkai at all." She whispered. "It was more a lizard type…a chameleon type."

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked softly.

"Hai… You see the chameleon type had been the very first type of demon I had slayed. They are strange and commonly try to take on the form of stronger beings to take what they expect to be their next feast. Usually they do that but draining the energy of their victim for hours for most of the day."

"By night fall he will have drained any amount of energy she has making her easy pickings…" Miroku summed up. Inuyasha then had stopped sniffing the ground and sped off. Everyone was aware of that and sped off with him. When he got to the clearing it was at a cliff… but on the other side Serena was there with a man with a long black pony tail.

"Is that…" Hotaru asked still leaning against Shippo.

"Endymion?!?! No… can't be." Lita said.

"But the face…" Hotaru pointed out. Lita nodded.

"Endymion… the future King?!?!" Shippo asked softly.

"How is that possible?" Lita asked before shaking her head. "Hotaru let's move out!" She said and suddenly newfound energy in Hotaru allowed her to let up off of Shippo and the both of them sprinted off at a speed that could give Inuyasha a run for his money.

"How does she manage energy when it comes to Serena but any other time she is in a weak state?" Miroku asked speeding off with the others seeing how the cliff was too far of a jump even for Inuyasha to cross without a scratch.

"I don't know…" Shippo muttered an answer.

"You don't look well, Serenity."

"Thank…" She uttered sarcastically as Endymion had given her a puzzled look. She shook her head. "Endy, I am feeling rather tired. Do you think I can rest?" She asked softly leaning her head against his shoulder before falling asleep. Endymion smirked a little before carrying her off to a lake where a young woman known as Kagura was standing with a small young girl by her side.

"She is very weak… taking her soul now would shatter it being useless."

"It doesn't matter now does it? This is our Chance Kanna…" Kagura said unable to hide that she and the young girl were on friendly terms. "We can finally sever what hold he has on us."

"It matters much. Shattering her soul will remove the body and send it to a place to be reborn again. Your demon friend has become greedy leaving her along the brink."

"I have not taken much!!!" Endy protested.

"But she is badly wounded." Kanna pointed out.

"I should have known Naraku would be behind this." The assassin's voice came out deadlier than ever. Kagura turned her eyes to him. "Never one to dirty his own hands…" He brought up his left hand as it began to glow with his poison.

"Dogs, they never learn to keep their noses out of any one else's business." Kagura said as the Endymion doppelganger took off.

"When it involves me you must be prepared to die…" He gracefully moved his hand and the poison seemed to lash out in the shape of a whip. Before Kagura could utter a smart remark she found herself dodging the onslaught of his poison whip.

"Fuujin no Mai!" She yelled waving her fan as the wind blades headed straight for the Inu youkai. With his great speed Sesshoumaru moved and delivered a hard blow to the female's head. Before losing all of her control of her body she had once more created a gravity defying feather and both she and Kanna floated off. Kanna looked over the edge at Sesshoumaru who had decided to let both females go and check on Serena's condition. This struck as interesting to Kanna as the wind guided them to their escape. He inspected her body not seeing the pallbearers of the souls and then it reached his ears… the sound of her breath was soft and coming out raggedy. He'd have to take her to his home, then he'd return to Jakken and Rin with Ah- Un.

"Kagura…" Inuyasha said watching the feather take flight.

"And Kanna too." Kagome pointed out.

"Ahh!!!"Lita screamed a bit spying Sesshoumaru. "He looks like my old boyfriend!" Lita exclaimed making Hotaru shook her head.

"That's twice…" Shippo said.

"Once an accident, twice a coincidence but three times…" Kagome said.

"Things have been going too easily for them…" An alien voice said. They then spied the same little girl who had been showing up whenever she felt like it.

"What do ya want now?" Inuyasha asked.

"Just to bother my favorite uncle!" She said giggling before bouncing her ball. "That and well I want you to watch mother carefully…" Rini said.

"What're you talking about, brat?"

"Inuyasha be nice!" Kagome said gently.

"My mom is in more danger than normal. Since she no longer has the crystal protecting her, her powers are developing at a rapid speed, so rapidly that she is not aware of it and well, being with the assassin will more than likely change her… physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually…" Rini sighed. "That is why Kagura is going against Naraku's wishes and has been trying to kill her. Naraku wants to harness her powers while Kagura wishes to take it and free herself from Naraku's hold. After her change… she will be pursued after more frequently."

"So just stop her from changing." Hotaru said.

"Easier said then done…" Rini said. "There are two more full moons before her change shall occur. I do not think you will be able to cross into Sesshoumaru's territory before two full moons. Even should you get there both Shippo and Inuyasha will be helpless." She dropped her tone a bit. Everyone noticed when Inuyasha hadn't objected to the accusation.

"So she will die?" Sango asked softly.

"Probably not… at least until a later date." Rini sighed. "But please take care of her… From here things will only go down hill and the struggle for power will finally come to an end…" Rini threw up her Luna ball and it busted into a spark of light and when it died the girl was gone and the group stood there in silence. Each silently rejoicing for they can finally get over what Naraku had used to ail them all but still had a feeling of uncertainty...What if they lost?

"We should head west." Kagome broke the silence.

"Yes, we should move quickly as long as we have the use of Inuyasha and Shippo to move." Miroku said getting on Kirara with Sango and Lita while Shippo sped off with Hotaru on his back and Inuyasha with Kagome on his.


You people didn't believe me when I said I had made things a little complicated!!! Now you'll see the high price of adding an Endy look-alike. ^_^ Review Please!! PRETTY PLEASE WITH ICE CREAM AND SUGAR ON TOP?