InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Guardian's ❯ What you HAVE to do ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Well, first of all, to retrieve the chip, you have to get a voice recording, from the head leader of the main office. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to get any access into the room, where the chip is said to be located.” Mamrou started. “And to get his voice recording, two of you must go to a celebration party, which is to take place tomorrow afternoon.” He said. “After you get the voice recording, we can get the door to open, but after we do, we also will need a security card, to open the next door.”
“What’s up with all the door securities?” Rei asked.
“We’ll, see, it would be easier if they only had one person, who could activate all the doors to open. But since, the chip is valuable, and extremely expensive, they have extra security to make it harder for anyone to break in.”
“Riiighhht.” Rei said.
“So to get the security card, one of you will have to go to a bar, which is where the security guard always goes, and get it from him.” Mamrou said.
The girls looked at each other.
“The next door, has to be opened by a one of a kind key, which is said to be at the bottom an ocean, in a treasure box, inside of a sunken ship.” Mamrou said. “When you gather all of those things, report here, and I can give you further instructions.” He said.
“Ok.” The four girls replied. They then left the room, and took a ride together in a black convertible.
“So…sounds easy.” Kikyou said.
“Yeah.” Rei started. “But who’s going to do what?” She asked.
“I’ll go to the party.” Kikyou said.
“Typical.” Rei joked.
“I’m coming with” Sango said as she steered the wheel.
“Then I’ll go underwater.” Kagome said with a smile. “Since I like swimming.” She nodded.
Rei just looked at her friends.
“Fine. I’ll go get the security card.” She said with a deep sigh.
The three laughed at their friends reaction.
~Next day~
The girls were preparing for their missions.
Sango got dressed in a white elegant dress, while Kikyou got dressed in a black one.
Kagome got her swimming gear, her goggles, and the swimwear.
While Rei, put on a red halter top, with black leather jeans.
“Here we go.” Rei said, as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“What’s up with all the door securities?” Rei asked.
“We’ll, see, it would be easier if they only had one person, who could activate all the doors to open. But since, the chip is valuable, and extremely expensive, they have extra security to make it harder for anyone to break in.”
“Riiighhht.” Rei said.
“So to get the security card, one of you will have to go to a bar, which is where the security guard always goes, and get it from him.” Mamrou said.
The girls looked at each other.
“The next door, has to be opened by a one of a kind key, which is said to be at the bottom an ocean, in a treasure box, inside of a sunken ship.” Mamrou said. “When you gather all of those things, report here, and I can give you further instructions.” He said.
“Ok.” The four girls replied. They then left the room, and took a ride together in a black convertible.
“So…sounds easy.” Kikyou said.
“Yeah.” Rei started. “But who’s going to do what?” She asked.
“I’ll go to the party.” Kikyou said.
“Typical.” Rei joked.
“I’m coming with” Sango said as she steered the wheel.
“Then I’ll go underwater.” Kagome said with a smile. “Since I like swimming.” She nodded.
Rei just looked at her friends.
“Fine. I’ll go get the security card.” She said with a deep sigh.
The three laughed at their friends reaction.
~Next day~
The girls were preparing for their missions.
Sango got dressed in a white elegant dress, while Kikyou got dressed in a black one.
Kagome got her swimming gear, her goggles, and the swimwear.
While Rei, put on a red halter top, with black leather jeans.
“Here we go.” Rei said, as she looked at herself in the mirror.