InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Wilting Roses ❯ Oppertunites to change ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER I do not own Inuyasha or Sailor moon.

WOW you must seriously hate me for making yet another story.

But I happen to like this certain idea for a story. I'm on an Inuyasha phase right now if you haven't noticed. HE IS SO SEXY

And I hope you like it to. So read on and see what's it's all about.

Title ---- Wilting Roses

Summary-- Roses are red and violets are blue, honey is sweet but not as sweet as you. Sweet from the flowers honey from the bees I've got a feeling I'm ready to relieve, Don't let my broken heart fall apart. Fulfill my wish

"Usagi are you sure about this?" Rei asked worried. Minako nodded.

"Yeah this is crazier then the idea I had."

Usagi turned to glare at them. "You can stay if you wish. Everything I know is falling part and normally I wouldn't give up so easily, but I have nothing left to fight for. I want a new start. To be a whole new person I don't want destiny to rule my life anymore. And if this is the only way to be free, then I am going to take the chance. Now you said you wanted to come with me, well then get ready we're going now. As I said before, I have been planning on going for weeks.

I no longer have a life here, just painful memories." Usagi said wiping away a few stray tears.

Rei sighed and nodded. Minako nodded reluctantly but not before speaking her mind.

"Usagi, just because they have lives now doesn't mean we have to leave. Why can't we start lives of our own"

Usagi turned away from them tears flying from her wide and painful eyes.

"You just don't get it do you? Mamoru, he left me to start his own life. All I have are bad grades and clumsiness. How can I start a life with that, and with out my one true love I feel nothing. My heart has turned cold and clouded with misery. Besides if I were to stay here I can no longer build Crystal Tokyo and have my precious daughter Rini.

They have lives I lost my dreams and now carry a broken heart. I am no longer need in this world."

"Where do plan for us to go?" Minako asked worriedly.

"We can't go where I want to go like this. I am sorry but we need Setsuna's help for this one" Usagi said taking out a time key.

"Usagi! Where did you get that time key!" Rei said accusingly

"If you accusing me of stealing it, your wrong. After chaos Rini left it here when Setsuna showed her back to her own time. It was her final gift to me. Though I never used it or thought of using it till now. After the past weeks alone I decided to go to a time where our power will be accepted. Minako can finally be free to love and Rei you will be able to be accepted for you work as a priestess." Usagi stated mysteriously.

Luna and Artemis looked at each other sadly. Usagi truly wasn't happy here anymore.

"Will we be able to come back if we don't like where we go" Luna asked worriedly.

Usagi turned away from them "I doubt it, but we can always talk through our communication watches. If we go now then that's it. If they choose to follow that's up to them. I just can't take the pain of duty and destiny anymore. I want peace," Usagi said handing Rei and Minako a bag while strapping the large leather pouch on her back.

Usagi picked up Luna and sighed putting Luna in the bag on her back she turned to Minako who was putting Artemis in her bag

"So do you still wish to come?" Nodding Rei and Minako each touched Usagi's shoulders as Usagi prayed to the crystal time key.

A second after they appeared in a dark place of the time gates, the mists darker and the empty feeling colder.

"Usagi where are we?" Minako said shivering. Rei looked around uneasily.

"You are at the crossing between the underworld and pathway to time." A soft impassive voice said as a shadow walked to them slowly, only to reveal Sailor Pluto.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sailor Pluto asked miserably. "We'll all miss you. They know and yes they wish you'd stay but they also know this is for the best. Something that will end up saving you from yourselves."

Nodding Usagi walked up to Setsuna giving her a hug filled with emotion stepping back with Rei and Minako she spoke softly.

"We will miss you all as well. Now tell us what has to be done?" Usagi said smiling for the first time in months.

Setsuna smiled though a stray tear traveled down her cheek. Not bothering to wipe it away she pulled three small sacks from her space pocket.

"First I must take a piece of your soul and replace it with a soul that can handle the dimension you will be going to."

"Rei-hime what is the worst part of your personality" Rei raised an eyebrow at the hime comment.

"My trust issues and my bad attitude, why?" Rei asked confused.

"If I am going to take a piece of your soul then why not take something you don't need" She frowned as an after thought.

"This is going to hurt so do not move or scream or the pain may increase."

Rei nodded worriedly fear taking her mind.

Setsuna pressed her time staff to Rei's throat as it glows a soft garnet color.

Rei winced as tears flew down her cheeks. From her heart emerged a bright reddish purple colored orb a small fist sized ball of light. Setsuna took the small orb and placed it in a new pouch.

Setsuna took a small bright purple orb from one of the three pouches and placed it above Rei's heart and let it sink in to her body.

Rei fell to her knees in pain her eyes closed in pain

Minako squinted her eyes that must've hurt.

Setsuna stepped to her next. "My worst problem is my Ditziness and Loudmouth" Setsuna did the same thing to her.

Minako let out a small whimper her eyes open in shock and pain tears freely falling from her open eyes.

A bright orange ball of light came forth from her heart. Setsuna placed it in the bag with Rei's. She proceeded to take out a small bright red orb from one of the small three pouches.

Setsuna placed it just above her heart and let it sink into her body. Minako stood still and as soon as the pain passed she collapsed on the ground panting.

Kami that felt like I was being burned alive by dry ice Minako thought bitterly.

Usagi looked slight frightened by spoke anyway "My clumsiness and laziness"

Setsuna looked at her with concern "You may want to hold onto this, because yours will hurt worse then there's."

Usagi's eyes widened. She looked at her hand that now held a small violet crystal, the healing crystal of Saturn.

Setsuna placed her time staff over her neck and muttered a small word. It glowed with a bright garnet color.

Usagi's eyes widened from server pain, like she was being ripped and torn apart into shredded pieces.

Emerging form her heart was a bright white ball of light.

Usagi gasped slightly her eyes going blank and dull. She felt nothing, like she wasn't even there. Like she was empty.

"What's wrong with her?!" Rei asked panicked as she and Minako stood with worry

"I just took a piece of her soul" Setsuna said placing a purely silver orb above her heart letting it sink in.

Usagi started to scream falling to her knees.

"What's going on?!" Minako shrieked.

Setsuna turned to them a second after Usagi fell to the floor panting.

"It's not like taking your souls, Though your souls are powerful and were originally the princess and senshi of your respective planets your souls have become one. Usagi has hosted three souls in one body since she has been reborn. They have just recently merged.

But that was three souls; Sailor Moon never existed on the moon that came with Usagi's rebirth. So she literally had three hearts, minds and souls floating within her. Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity and Usagi Tsukino. They are merged now and formed one giant and powerful soul. She will never be cosmos because of her altered destiny. When I took a piece of her soul it was like ripping out her heart and stepping on it. When I replaced it, it will have to take a while till it settles into one whole soul. It has to merge with her new one.

You see the small orb was a soul I replaced with the portion I took from hers. The soul I gave her was all of the Senshi's souls combined.

She now carries a pieces of us where ever she goes and has all our powers, if not more." Setsuna helped Usagi stand and placed her so she was next to Rei and Minako.

"Now you must change your identity's and looks"

Rei sighed agitatedly and nodded "Fine lets just get this over with"

Usagi smirked "Seems like she left that temper of yours alone."

Rei smacked her upside the head. "ITAI, and violence to" Usagi muttered.

"Enough, Your new identities are going to be created, but first you need new looks." Setsuna raised her staff up high before crashing it into the ground in front of them.

A white-hot light spread through the darkened area of the gates of time.

When the light died away they looked like a whole new person. Their faces and body structure was the same as their original form but everything else had changed.

Rei had black hair with red and violet highlights the hair length came to her to just below her shoulders, straight and shiny.

She had pale skin and bright indigo eyes with lilac specks her hair was in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck with her bangs curled.

Minako's hair length came to her elbows in thick large curls. It was raven colored with platinum blond and cobalt hints hidden in the strands. She no longer had bangs

She had sky blue eyes and pale skin. Her hair was in a high ponytail a thick red ribbon tied in a bow where her ponytail started.

Usagi had raven colored hair in thick waves that came to the curve of her back just above her hips. Silver and gold strands could be seen shining underneath the light. Her bangs were thick and heart shaped.

Her eyes were bright crystalline sapphire color with specks of silver and pale skin. Her wavy hair was styled down.

"Whoa" Minako said

"My beautiful long hair gone!!!!!" Rei whined

"I like it, something fresh to start our new lives"

They were also wearing new cloths. Rei wore a red summer kimono with blue Chinese dragons over it as a design. A black and purple obi around her waist.

Minako wore a deep blue summer kimono with a gold obi and bright orange, red and yellow hearts as a decoration.

Usagi wore a pure white elegant kimono. With gold crescent moons on the silver obi. And deep crimson stars on the white cloth. (No not silk, to fancy for what I have in store for her)

"Why are we dressed like the feudal era?" Minako screeched.

Setsuna smirked "Because that's where you're going, now for weapons"

Usagi narrowed her eyes, "Weapons?" she thought where she was going she'd finally be at peace.

Setsuna winced. "There are demons in feudal Japan. But this is not our dimension, just a parallel universe. In this new dimension demons are called youkai there, and are a constant part of feudal Japan, some are kind and some are vicious. So you need to protect yourselves." Setsuna said smiling.

"Fine" they muttered darkly.

Setsuna brought forth a leather and chain whip, made of heart shapes and a set of crescent moon throwing stars and a thick long pointed staff that was deep gold in color. She gave them to Minako.

Setsuna created a pair of finely crafted Katanas and set of bow and arrows that were red with white arrows, and gave them to Rei.

Setsuna brought a pair of small bladed fans that were made of white wood and deep royal blue and pink designs the thin blades hidden in the paper part of the fan. She also gave Usagi a set of bow and arrows. Hers were pure white with colorful feathers and arrow tips.

"Why the arrows and bows?" Usagi asked.

Setsuna smiled, "Minako is a demon huntress and you two, Rei and Usagi are wondering Priestesses."

"I think we should change our names" Minako said smiling.

Nodding Usagi new what her name would be "Kenako but I like to be called Usagi-chan"

Setsuna smiled softly.

"Then call me Jasmine, but my nickname will be Rei." Usagi nodded smiling while muttering under her breath, and Pyro, while grinning

"Aiko's my name and I liked to be called Minako, or better yet Mina! And you two are my sisters" Minako said smiling.

"You really are blood related, those new souls carry a piece of relation in them, your blood and souls are the same in some aspects. But you must hurry and go now, I will stay in connect through the watches and don't be to surprised what's in those bags I gave to Usagi, Sayonara and good luck!

Sorry I have done yet another story, it is slightly similar to the story I just took off.

Well hope you liked it please leave a review and I'll give you a cookie XD

-Sigh- I really hope you liked it. Sayonara till next chapter.