InuYasha Fan Fiction / Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ A Wolf's Cry ❯ Beginnings ( Chapter 6 )
"There is a Legend
that Speaks of Paradise on Earth…
But Only Wolves
Can Find It."
A Wolf's Cry
Chapter Six - Beginnings
`Flower…and water…I can smell them, but how?'
Slowly openings her eyes, Kagome looked around herself curiously. Indeed she was surrounded by the innocently gentle flowers that caressed her fur when the wind blew. Just beyond the flowers was pure blue water that fell from the grassy cliff and into the calm awaiting stream below. Swimming around in the water were fish that made Kagome think of sushi, she was hungry after all.
Kagome slowly stood up and made her way to the waters edge, enjoying the `swish' the flowers would make when the wind blew. She sat down and took a deep breath. `Was it all just a dream?' She still felt the same inside but…. Looking down into the water, Kagome focused her eyes on the figure that appeared, her eyes widened in shock, mouth open.
The same black wolf she had seen when she had closed her eyes, telling herself she was a wolf, was now looking right back at her. Stunned, Kagome quickly jumped back, now standing and not looking into the water. She blinked her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.
`Is it really true? Am I a wolf?' Kagome asked herself many times. Walking back over to the waters edge and sitting down she looked into the water again. She saw the same black wolf with the same deep blue eyes. She began to move her eyes and her head to the side to see if it would mimic her. She had even stuck out her tongue before completely understanding that it was herself.
She stood up on all fours and turned to the side to get a good look at herself. She guessed she was the regular size of a female wolf, which would be smaller than the male. Her fur was pitch black and was nicely groomed; maybe it was because of how much time she spent on doing her hair. Her tail was long and soft looking and Kagome would enjoy sleeping on it sometime in the future. Her ears were, what she would say, the right size and were probably just as soft as her tail was.
Looking down at her paws she found them very large, larger than a normal dog, with sharp claws for ripping flesh apart and for puncturing skin to hold onto the hide of an animal. Kagome began flexing her claws in the dirt and enjoyed how good it felt. She smiled in happiness as she closed her eyes, continuing to flex her claws.
Opening her eyes once again she looked into the water and bared her teeth. Her top lip seemed to curl in, in a snarl and she growled at herself. Her fangs were large and sharp for sinking easily into flesh and tearing it apart.
Her tail stood straight up as did the fur on her back, her legs were spread evenly apart and her chest was low to the ground as she began to growl louder at herself. It scared Kagome to the bone just thinking about what she could do with those teeth and claws. Did this mean she had to kill an innocent animal just to survive? If it did she would feel bad for the animal but she had to get revenge for her families death…and she would enjoy it, every second of their pain, every drop of blood that was bled from their bodies. The last thought scared her but it wouldn't change anything. Suddenly a bullet flew right past her head and she turned around to see the same man who had shot at her when she was at her house. His gun was pointed right at her chest, one eyes closed while the other took aim.
"I'm going to kill all you wolves if it's the last thing I do!" he cried as he pulled the trigger.
~ ^_^ ~
Kagome's eyes sprang open as her head immediately left the ground, panting. It was all a dream, nothing was real… except her being a wolf she realized when she looked down and saw the same paws that held deadly claws in them. She began flexing her claws again feeling the same enjoyment she had felt in her dream.
Kagome looked around the room. It was true they all were wolves. She saw a white and brown colored wolf against the wall, still awake and watching her. She looked in front of herself and saw another brown wolf, but this one was younger then the other and had a collar around his neck, it must have been Hige. Last she looked towards the farthest wall from her where Tsume had been last. Instead of seeing Tsume a gray wolf took his place.
She suddenly felt a movement bedside her and she looked down. It was a rusty colored wolf that had its back pressed against her side. Kagome bent her head down next to his body, trying to figure out the scent. It was Toboe. His scent was pure and untainted, still young. He was a little smaller than her but that was only because he was not fully grown. He reminded her of Shippo and when he would sleep with her in her sleeping bag at night and it suddenly made Kagome happy.
He was moving around a lot in a non-comfortable manner, head moving up and down, legs moving like he was running from a nightmare. Kagome brought her head down slowly to rest on Toboe's neck, trying to comfort him. He instantly stopped moving and settled down. Kagome curled her tail around him, much like a female would do with her pups, and fell into a peaceful sleep. They both lay there warm and comfortable.
Kiba and the older wolf watched this happen while sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall. Tsume and Hige had already fallen asleep minutes before, leaving only Kiba and the old wolf the only ones up. The old man spoke up. "Makes you wonder how dangerous she could be when she realizes her own strength doesn't it?"
They sat in silence for a few more minutes enjoying the crackling of the fire. Kiba couldn't deny that Kagome was a very attractive wolf just by looking at her sleeping. It made him think highly of her when she comforted Toboe when he was having a nightmare and wondered what she would be like when she had pups of her own. She looked so peaceful sleeping there, bringing a smile to Kiba's face.
Deciding he should get some rest also, Kiba walked over to the corner of the room, in his wolf form, curled up and went to sleep. The old man did the same soon after.
~ ^_^ ~
Daybreak came and everyone started to rouse. All began to stretch in the canine way. The old man, Tsume, and Kiba were the first up followed by Hige and soon after Kagome got up. Yawning, Kagome stretched her front and back legs along with her back. `I could get used to this' thought Kagome silently. She didn't notice the surprised looks Tsume and Hige gave her when she was standing on all fours. "What a babe!" Hige said softly to Tsume. Tsume rolled his eyes but still watched her.
Looking down to see Toboe still asleep Kagome nudged his head with her own, slowly rousing himself. Changing into his disguise he asked, "What's wrong?" He stood slowly and yawned, stretching his arms over his head and looked down at Kagome who cocked her head to the side and watched him. A smile appeared on his face as he patted her head happily. "You look beautiful Kagome! See I told you it's not that bad being a wolf!"
If Kagome were in her human form she would have smiled at him.
`Now how do I change back into my human form? Maybe I have to do the same thing when I wanted to change into a wolf? Lets see what happens.' Thought Kagome as she began to change into her human form. Pulling her hands out in front of her body she knew it worked when she saw the human hands. She looked down at Toboe. "I think we are leaving soon." Toboe smiled up at her and nodded his head
Kagome looked down at her arm and noticed that the bandage on her arm was still there. She lightly touched it to see if it still needed to heal. A sharp pain went through her and she instantly removed her hand from the wound. It hadn't fully heal yet but it should hopefully do so soon.
The old man began walking out of the shelter. "I'll show you the way to Paradise, but I can only taken you so far." He began and everyone followed him.
They walked through the snow easily since it had stopped storming making it easier to see where they were going without any confusion. The walk was a short and easy one, but they suddenly stopped when they came to a window like thing that was missing a few pieces so there was a large open space. It sat in the middle of a little hill that was covered in snow. The old man passed through followed by Kiba, Tsume, Hige, Toboe and last Kagome.
Kagome slid her legs through the hole and dropped to the ground, landing safely on her feet. The group had waited for her but began walking once she had caught up with them. They followed the old wolf through many tunnels and Kagome saw big rats along the way, making her get creped out before they finally stopped. "This is as far as I can take you," he said and pointed down the endless tunnel that they now stood in front of. "I can't guarantee what will happen to you all. You might be chasing something that doesn't even exist."
No one said a word until Tsume spoke up. "It's not like a wolf from a different pack to help outsiders. Why did you help us?" he asked as he walked forward. "You all reminded me of myself when I was young and foolish" was the old wolf's simple reply. "Even though you, old man, never made it to Paradise, I sure as hell know that there is no doubt in my mind that we will." Those were Tsume's last words to him before Kiba started running in the direction in front of them and one by one the rest of the group followed.
They all ran now in their true wolf forms. Kagome running with a slight limp as the old man watched on. "Kids!" he spat as he made his way back to his own pack.
Kagome ran as fast as she could with the limp. She was so excited and she felt the erg to howl and decided to try it out. Lifting her head up she let out a howl of excitement. It was very loud and it echoed on and on. She howled again but it wasn't only her this time, both Hige and Toboe joined in and the group began to pick up speed. They all looked so happy running so freely and it made Kagome wonder what would lie ahead. Finally letting out another howl Kiba and the reluctant Tsume howled, completing their packs howls of joy. They ran and ran as their howls echoed through all of the tunnels letting everything that was down there know that they were there and they were moving fast.
`We're going…to Paradise!'
Another chapter done! Sorry for the long wait even though I didn't think it was that long. Well I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter so please tell me what you though in you review! No flames please. Any questions? Please e-mail me and I will answer them! I decided not to answer them in my story so if you want questions answered e-mail me!
Thank you reviewers!
Serena SilverMoon; Adriana the dark angel; hells angel (fimvr); iowa chick; me; Jamee/ xoulblade; Jamee/ xoulblade; midnightryder; Shizuka Ishida; me; Mefdet; kyli the wolf hanyou; sango16; Luscious; Lolly Pop Princess of Geiko; LDD; InuDragon; angeldemon45678; Broken_ Angel; akuma_river; InuKitsuneMiko; teenager15; kikyo killer
vampirebunny; Lady of Chaos 2005; ChaosKree8er; Demon Girl; starangel4899; ebony; kagomepotter; ZeLLy907; Kaimi Kitsune; Black Kitsune; Sapphire fox girl; Tjaganshi; Golden Glow Wolf.; Cold-Hearted NightFox; k; Jasmin A.k.A A Girl Who Loves Anime; kagedfox; Amara; devinedragonslayer; Deamon Drama Queen; Angel Of Life01; me; Sake-is-Yummy
Thank you for all the reviews! Until next time!
Dark Paine