InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Kirai Oyobi Ai ❯ the Plan ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Speaking stuff…”talking” `thinking' Flashback or Dream or Fantasy 'Telepathic talks'

A/N; Well here’s my second chapter. Let’s just hope that I finish typing tonight so I won’t have to type it tomorrow... Some of you guys may be angry that I don’t have Inuyasha and Kagome together, right now, but if you keep on reading you might just get an awesome moment between the two. ::big hentai smirk:: I sure know that you’re going to get A LOT of good stuff between the two main characters. But, of course, darkness comes before the dawn. LES GO!! WARNING!!! LEMON WARNING!!! This fic is rated NC-17 so do NOT read this if u r UNDER the age of 17. If u do so it is of ur own free will and I will not take blame for your own actions. U HAVE BEEN WARNED!! 2 read the none lemon version of this chapter please go 2 and go 2 my profile... which is the same for this one here. Hikari no Yume


~*Kirai Oyobi Ai*~
By; Hikari no Yume


dIsClaImEr; the Inuyasha characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, the maker of the Inuyasha anime and manga series.


Minna; ::still starring at Yume::
Yume; ::growls and clenches her fists:: IF YOU ALL DON’T STOP STARRING AT ME I SWEAR I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!
Minna; ::runs out of the house:: HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLP!!!
Yume; ::growls and unlocks her bedroom door walking in and tripping over the recovering hanyou:: OUCH!!
Inu; ::smirks:: Hey...
Yume; ::blushes:: Hentai...


Chapter two; The Plan

(Then he sat down and took her hand in his as he pulled her close, taking in a whiff of her scent. ‘She smells so good. I could just eat her...’ Yume’s scent had always had that effect on the hanyou. She froze in his grasp. The hanyou was never that forward with anyone, not even Kagome.)

“Inuyasha, don’t. You’re wrong...” She whispered to him. How could she tell him she didn’t return his love? She just couldn’t. Sometimes, she hated herself because of her powers to read minds. And it had become a habit of hers to read the hanyou’s. So every time she wasn’t around him, she found herself reading his mind, to see where he was. He was always close to her, which made it easy for her to pin point his location. Unlike, Sesshoumaru’s. But each time she looked, she was greeted by the same thing. ‘Inuyasha had always had me on his mind as I had always had Sesshoumaru on mine.’ She thought. ‘I guess things never change...’

“Wrong about what, Yume?” Inuyasha asked as he slightly picked her up and placed her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her up against his chest as he breathed in the scent of her hair. But, not as much as he would if he was in his hanyou form. She didn’t struggle against him because she knew if she did, he would only tighten his hold on her more. The rest of the companions dropped their mouths as they witnessed to what went on in front of their eyes. Without a doubt, the hanyou was acting extremely strange.

‘I’ve never seen Inuyasha react that way to Lady Yume-sama before. And she usually doesn’t allow any man to hold her so...’ Miroku frowned to himself. ‘Maybe he has decided on her being his nakama.’ He pondered that thought over in his head, wondering it to be the truth.

‘He’s been acting strangely ever since that battle with Sesshoumaru. I wonder if he’s starting to feel like he has to prove himself to her and us. I mean, we sure did do a number on him with all those things we said about Yume and Sesshoumaru.’ Sango also thought amongst herself while unconsciously glancing over at Miroku. The houshi acknowledge her glance by winking at her which caused her to instantly turn away and play with the kitsune’s tail as a blush formed on her face. ‘How does he do that?’ She thought.

Yume giggled a bit in Inuyasha’s lap as she caught the wink Miroku gave Sango and the blush that had appeared on the taijiya’s face, because of the wink. ‘They’ll sure as hell end up with each other, sooner or later.’ She thought as she smiled devilishly in her mind. Kagome sighed and a tear slipped down her cheek. Yume sensed the shift in Kagome’s soul and brushed her mind against the miko’s to see what she was thinking.

‘Inuyasha... you’re being taken away from me again, by someone else this time... right in front of my eyes. And there’s nothing I can do to convince you that I’m the one you belong with... is there, Inuyasha, my love?’ Kagome questioned the hanyou in her heart and soul. Yume tensed a bit after reading Kagome’s thoughts and it was all she could do to not to beat the kuso out of the hanyou.

‘When will he fucking learn that him and Kagome are meant to be together, NOT US!?!’ A growl slipped out of her throat, but she instantly cut it off because she didn’t want the hanyou to wonder what she was thinking.

‘Grown ups and their situations. I don’t understand them and I don’t think I ever will...’ Shippo thought to himself. The youkai mesuinu began to sense a solemn state in her hanyou friend and brushed her mind against his. The hanyou felt her essence wash over him and smiled.

Yume, aishiteru...’ He whispered to her with everything in him. She clutched onto one of his haori sleeves as a few tears went down her cheeks. Now she would have to tell him how she felt.

Inuyasha...’ “I do have feelings for him, and I do want to be his haigusha... I’m sorry,” She whispered to him so the rest of the group couldn’t hear her. She felt him tense up and she turned around and hid her face in his chest as she let more tears escape her eyes, unhindered by the world around her.

The hanyou pushed her off of him after hearing her say that. His heart had instantly broke in his chest and all he wanted to do was run off into the distance, away from it all. And so he did. Mad at himself for falling in love with her, for giving into his ningen heart and his ningen feelings for her. With tears streaming down his face, the reason why he had ran off. In all actuality, he had never felt this way before. Never told someone he loved them. Never felt the pain of being denied like this.

‘If only I was in my hanyou form, I’d make her understand that she’s everything to me! And those baka words wouldn’t hurt so fucking badly! As much as they do now! Damn! I can’t go back there tonight. I’ll go back in the fucking morning...’ He shook his head to stop the tears as he jumped over the tops of trees, getting further and further away from the camp. ‘They won’t care if I’m not with them for one night. After all, they have HER to protect them! KAMI! I’m such a fucking baka!!! Who in the seven hells would think that a full fledged inu youkai mesuinu, like herself, would fall in love with a hanyou, like me!?! A DUMB BAKA, THAT’S WHAT! She has Sesshoumaru, she doesn’t need me.’


‘Inuyasha, I’m sorry...’ After, Inuyasha’s little tantrum, everyone decided to go to bed except for Yume. Who decided to go take a dip in a near by hot spring. She slipped her clothes off her shoulders and dipped into the hot spring. Dipping down she let her senses roam. The water rippled over her tension and instantly eased it away. She stayed above the water with her breasts level with it. She closed her eyes, but kept her senses alert to make sure no one was watching her. Well, no one that shouldn’t be... ‘I knew he was there, I always know where he is... What does he want from me...?’

In truth, she had felt him not far off, the moment that Inuyasha had brought her out of her musings. She had always sensed him near by; wherever she went, he was always by her side. Somehow, knowing that he was there, watching over her, made her feel protected. She almost couldn’t believe that her dreams had come true. That she was in the feudal era with him by her side. Now she would never be alone again. That thought made a smile grace her features. ‘I honestly do love him with all of my heart and soul...’ “Sesshoumaru, you can come out of your hiding spot. I’m not going to hurt you.” The said youkai slipped out from behind the trees. His eyes began to glow with and unnatural color, at the sight of her, which caused Yume to blush ever so slightly. He sniffed the air around them and her scent mixed with the smell of her tears, which had fallen not moments ago, were brought to his sensitive nose.

‘Why was she crying?’ He asked himself as his golden orbs met those of Yume’s. “Hn, I was not hiding,” Sesshoumaru replied to her, annoyed that she would accuse him of hiding. HIM, the Lord of the Western Lands! ‘Hiding? Hn, more like spying on her. Of course I would never tell her that.’ The youkai mesuinu giggled to herself after just reading his thoughts. The youkai lord starred at her as the invisible moonlight cast a mystic glow on her form, making her more breathtaking than she already was. His eyes were intense.

‘Why is he starring at me like that?’ Even though she asked herself that, she didn’t mind it one bit. “You can come in here with me, if you want... I wouldn’t mind,” she whispered to him as a blush appeared on her face.

‘Course you wouldn’t mind! He’s the man of your dreams, remember?’ Her conscience beamed at her.


‘Okay, but you just told yourself to shut up.’

‘I know! And I’ll say it again. SHUDDUP!!’
She retorted back. Sesshoumaru looked at her suggestively, wondering if he should really take her up on the offer she presented to him. Here she was, the onna of his desires, sitting naked in a hot spring no less, asking him if he wanted to come in.

‘I want her.’ He thought as he slowly removed his outer clothing. “Should you not be telling my little brother that?” A growl escaped her lip after he said that. She was on to his game. For some reason, unknown to her, Sesshoumaru was acting stupid. A cold glare, a defiant glare sparkled in her eyes as they met his.

“Inuyasha is not the one I’m in love with, you are.” ‘Always had and always will. Always...’ In truth, she had always loved him, since the moment she began her destiny. And she wasn’t about to let him slip out of her reach now, not when they were so close, so close to becoming one. That was something he hadn’t expected her to say. He knew her to be bold but not that bold. He had to admit that he admired her courage. He slowly untied his obi and watched her eyes sparkle as his hakama fell to his feet, allowing her to see what she only dreamed to see. He was smirking at her. ‘It’s huge!!!’

‘Course it is!!! What, you expected it to be small?’


‘She’s even has enough courage to look at my member without looking away. She is defiantly the one.'
“You are only saying that because you are confused on who you want to be your haigusha,” he replied as he dipped into the water, taking a few steps toward her. In truth, the reason why Sesshoumaru never made his move on her before, was because he wasn’t sure that she had made up her mind. But in the actuality of it all, she had made up her mind long ago, and he was just now making up his. Since he was playing a game, the mesuinu decided to play one of her own, one that would get him to admit that he wanted her. She starred back into his golden orbs as she replied to him with her heart racing.

“You wouldn’t know that,” she began, “because you are the confused one. Am I not right about that?” Yume asked him as she took a few steps closer to him, placing her hands on his bare chest. As she looked up into his eyes, she noticed for the very first time, all the conflicting emotions that he felt. Conflicting emotions that wanted to take her like the mesuinu she was, verses, savoring her beauty. Yume had to admire he was acting so gentlemanly to her, because if it was any other male, they would not of waited this long.

“You are wrong. I have decided who I want as my haigusha,” Sesshoumaru replied to her as he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her close, their arousals instantly touching. Yume let out a small whine when she felt his hard member pressing against her. Her whine exciting the lord even more with his blood screaming in his ear to take her. ‘TAKE HER!’ “I want you.”

“Sesshoumaru,” she whispered almost breathlessly as her eyes began to glaze over with her want of him. ‘Please take me now...’ A territorial growl escaped his mouth instantly after she said his name without hiding the passion she felt for him. Their bodies were pulsing under the other’s touch as they smelt the other’s arousal, aching to go further than just one simple touch or just one simple kiss. But the Daiyoukai also wanted to claim her mouth as his, to savor the taste that was the Himemiya of the Eastern Lands. His lips slowly descended to hers as her knees began to buckle. The closeness of their bodies was making her resolve waver.

The Daiyoukai nibbled on her bottom lip with his front fangs, waiting for her to allow him entrance into the warm caverns of her mouth. She opened for him and they both fought for dominance over the other. How long had he waited to taste her, to savor her? And now he had her in his grasp and he wasn’t ever going to let her go. Uncontrolled pleasure coursed through both of their veins as they kissed each other. Sesshoumaru pulled away after deepening the kiss. His eyes asking what his heart was asking. “Yume, will you let me take you? Do you want me?” He whispered in her ear. Yume lightly brushed her lips against his and then pulled away as a tear slipped down her cheek. Here he was the man who many thought had no heart, asking her if she wanted him. ‘How could he ask such a baka question?’

“Sesshoumaru, I have always wanted you,” she kissed him again and then she whispered, ‘always’ to his soul. He felt her complete essence wash over him like the sun washes over the flowers in the morning. He kissed her again as he pushed her against the edge of the spring. Their bodies began rubbing against each other. Yume clawed his chest, upwards, to his shoulders, and then wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His hand traveled down her side, causing her to shiver in pleasure. His tongue snaked its way out of his mouth and began licking her lips.

Yume moaned into the kiss and opened her mouth for him. Instantly her tongue was met by his and both began messaging against each other. Sesshoumaru slid his hand from her waist down to her hip and dug his claws into it. Then he dragged them, causing Yume to moan again, as she began sucking on his tongue. Sesshoumaru growled and pushed her harder against the edge. Then he slipped his hand between her thighs and began rubbing her sensitive area, as his tongue retreated back into his mouth, allowing him to bite down on her bottom lip, sucking on the blood that had escaped.

Yume clawed his back, deeply, moaning loudly and freely, as his mouth left hers and began sucking on her left ear. “Kamigami, Sesshoumaru…” His tongue outlined the inside and outside of her earlobe as his hand, rubbed against her walls, allowing him to slip a clawed digit into her core, pumping into her. Yume moaned loudly and threw her head back as another digit slipped past her walls and into her, stretching her and pumping faster, pushing deeper.

“Oh, KAMI!!” She screamed again, as another digit slipped in her, all three swirling around, stretching her walls, more each time for his entry. ‘This is torture!!’ She screamed in her head as she dragged her claws, fast and hard, down his back, drawing his blood.

“Ugh, Yume…” Sesshoumaru moaned as he lunged his mouth at her neck and bit down hard. The fingers inside her pumped faster and faster, pushed deeper and deeper.

“Ahhhh…” Yume moaned as she to lunged for his neck, biting down and drawing his blood, while a hand slipped to his front and grabbed his hard member. Sesshoumaru pulled back and Yume followed. Their eyes met and locked. Yume’s chest heaved and she looked at his left arm. “I… could… heal that…” She looked him in the eyes and he nodded.

She let go of his member and grabbed the stub of his left arm with both hands. Sesshoumaru pulled is digits out of her, before he grabbed her hips and pressed harder against her. She moaned and focused on his arm as a purple-ish-blue light, formed at her fingertips and surrounded itself around his arm, the both of them watching, as bit by bit, the arm of the Lord of the West, returned to its former glory.

“Wow…” Yume whispered as she let go of his arm and admired her finished work. Sesshoumaru lifted up his new arm and smirked. His fingers flexed and his knuckles cracked. His eyes looked into Yume’s with a thank you. Then with his new hand, he, the Lord of the West stroked the Himemiya of the East face. Yume leaned into his touch and he kissed her again, sliding his new hand down her side and grabbing her hips with both.

Then he lifted her out of the water and brought her to the edge of the spring. Laying her down on the ground. He stood over her and watched her. Watched her chest rise and fall as she breathed.

‘Truly a megami. My megami.’ Her silvery-white hair was cascaded all around her like a halo, still shimmering in the mystic glow of the invisible tsuki. Her lush pink lips were calling to his. Her breasts, so soft, that hadn’t ever been touched by another man, were waiting for him to touch them. ‘I’ll make her scream.’

The youkai mesuinu gazed up at him, watched his every move. Her eyes saw the way he was looking at her with that look of lust. Deep down she wondering why he was only looking at her when he could be touching her. ‘He’s admiring your beauty, Yume. Most guys wouldn’t do that. And we both know that, Sesshoumaru isn’t most guys.’

‘I know that... but still, I want him to touch me.’
As if hearing her inner plea, the Daiyoukai slowly positioned himself over her, his eyes never leaving their hold on hers. Yume felt her heart beat at a maddened rate, like it was going to pop out of her chest any minute, when he lowered himself to her. Then the heat pooled in her abdomen when he slowly, agonizingly traced her form with his hand, scorching her wherever he touched. A paradox in motion that was exactly what he was. So evil and yet so caring to certain people. He was hard yet soft to the touch. He was cunning and graceful. So blood thirsty and yet he had a heart, and he did care. He was truly everything she had ever wanted.

He lowered his head and captured her right ear with his mouth, again letting his tongue outline the inside and outside of her earlobe. His left hand cupped her left breast and his thumb flicked her nipple. Yume moaned his name and arched her back. Her hands slid from his shoulder blades and down his back to his hips, pulling him down to her. Sesshoumaru slid his left hand down to her left hip and his right hand slipped from between her thighs and up to her right hip, both hands digging their claws in.

His lips descended to hers again as they claimed her with the blazing passion he held for her. She tangled herself around him as she melted into him and his touch. The youkai mesuinu was truly a paradox in motion. So innocent and yet so alluring that he was drawn to her just by looking at her. She was a tenshi with a demonic streak running through her that the people who knew her well enough, could see. She was tough and gentle at the same time. Calm and yet the most dangerous person he had ever met. Caring one second and uncaring the next. She was truly everything he had ever wanted. His lips pulled away from hers again as his eyes that were filled with his burning passion for her, met hers. Asking her that same question he had voiced not moments ago.

Another tear slipped and then his eyes questioned why she was crying. Yume saw the worry in his eyes and her voice got caught in her throat. So she answered him the only way she knew how. She took her hands and pulled down on his silvery-white hair that had cascaded over her breasts, pulling his lips to hers with her answer. An answer she knew he would figure out, right when their lips met. And he did.

He instantly slipped his tongue in her mouth and massaged against hers. Then he thrust into her for the first time, past her walls. A tear slipped and he whispered sorry to her. He pushed deeper and began thrusting faster and soon Yume began pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts with ones of her own.

Sesshoumaru’s mouth left hers and began kissing down her neck, nipping and sucking along the way. Yume moaned. She clawed his back upwards, digging her claws in drawing his blood. He moaned lowly and nibbled at her neck. His mouth traveled lower and his tongue flicked out and swirled around her nipple. Yume opened her mouth and moaned loudly as Sesshoumaru’s mouth captured her left breast in its caverns. His right hand clawed up her sides and captured her right breast, clawed thumb flicking her hardened nipple.

Yume let out a long and loud moan as her legs wrapped themselves around his waist. Sesshoumaru growled and thrust harder and faster into her, each time 2 the hilt. Yume moaned and clawed down his back, across his sides and hips, leaving bloody claw marks in her wake.

Sesshoumaru growled again, bit down on her left breast and clawed her right, both drawing blood. Yume screamed and Sesshoumaru clawed down her stomach and sides, grabbing her hips and without missing a beat, flipped her over onto her hands and knees, pounding into her from behind.

Yume moaned loudly and dug her claws into the earth, screaming for him to go harder. “OMG, SESSHOUMARU!!” His eyes glowed red and he dug his claws into her hips as he pounded harder and faster into her. Yume screamed again and her eyes glowed red. She flipped herself around. Sesshoumaru’s claws dragged against her hips and legs, leaving bloody claw marks.

She forced him into a sitting position, wrapped her legs around his waist and began riding him. He lowly moaned and dug his claws into her hips and guided her. She licked his lips with her tongue and her body lifted itself up then pushed itself down, each time causing him to go deeper.

Sesshoumaru moaned and clawed her back, deeply and laid himself down, thrusting his hips up and meeting her downward thrusts with upward thrusts of his own. Yume clawed his chest and growled, forcing her tongue into his mouth and outlining his fangs. I HATE being the dominant one!!!’

‘Really? I thought you loved it.’
He chuckled as she growled. He dug his claws into her back and clawed her upwards then downwards, grabbing her hips and pushing her up, backing her into a tree. He began pounding into her relentlessly, lifting her legs up and wrapping them around his waist. Yume moaned loudly and dug her claws into his back and dragged them down and across his sides. Her tongue nicking itself among one of his fangs. Sesshoumaru growled and captured her tongue and began sucking on the blood from the wound she inflicted on herself.

They were both growling and they’re eyes were glowing a bright red, under closed eyelids. Yume’s muscles tightened and Sesshoumaru’s member enlarged inside her.

Sesshoumaru let go of her tongue and pulled back with an evil smirk on his face, his fangs peeking out and with them he lunged for the junction point between her neck and her shoulder. Yume followed suit and with their fangs they penetrated the other’s skin, licking and sucking on the blood that had escaped, marking the other as their own.

Sesshoumaru clawed her thighs and yanked her legs from around his waist, throwing her down onto the ground. Yume glared and growled at him, opening her mouth to yell at him. He pounced on her, forced her onto her hands and knees and began pounding relentlessly into her again. Yume screamed and Sesshoumaru’s claws dug into her and clawed up her back, dragging deeply into her already scarred flesh as he pounded harder and faster into her, each time to the hilt.

Yume’s muscles tightened more and she began clawing at the earth. Sesshoumaru quickened his pace and with all his strength, pounded harder and deeper into her. Yume moaned and her head rushed, her body quaked and she released.

Sesshoumaru pounded harder and faster, pushed deeper, clawed at her back, hips, stomach, and breasts, digging his claws deep, dragging them and drawing blood. Yume screamed and with one last ounce of strength, tightened her muscles as hard as she could around him. He moaned and growled, releasing gallons and gallons of hot liquid into her core.

He pulled out of her and rolled over her, laying down on his back and pulling her on top of him. “Wow…” Yume whispered as she leaned up and smiled at her now mate, “you were… that was… AMAZING!!” She gushed.

“Heh, sleep onna.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down onto him. Yume nuzzled into his neck, closed her eyes and soon fell asleep in the arms of the man she loved. Sesshoumaru smirked and tangled his hand in her hair, whispering into it. “You are mine…” as he closed his eyes. Their hearts began beating as one and hers whispered to his.

‘Hai, all yours, and always will be… my Sesshoumaru.’ And with that they both drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the other, promising the other to stay by their side, to cherish and take care for all eternity. But unknown to them a plan was being formed to separate one from the other, forever.


Red orbs glowed inside the shadows of his castle walls. “Kanna.” A young girl in ghostly white became visible behind a mirror and awaited her nushi’s command, “see to it that the plan is made ready to bring Yume to me.”


They ran threw the trees, during the morning light. Neither of them looking back with they’re hearts racing. They entered a clearing with an old wooden well in its center. They halted to a stop and he pulled her into his arms. ‘What’s wrong?’ She thought as she hugged him back. The wind blew the leaves and he backed her into the well, placed both hands on her shoulders and pushed her. She screamed, lost her balance and fell into the well, never to return again. ‘IIIIIEEEEE!!!’

Yume opened her eyes quickly and sighed. “It was just a dream…” She whispered and fell back to sleep.


“A dream that shall become your worst nightmare and soon become, your reality.” A soft voice whispered to the night and watched the dawn begin to form from his window.

“My nushi…” The girl in white reappeared and was accompanied by another figure clad in black and green. And soon they both bowed at their nushi’s feet.


“The preparations are complete, we wait for your orders, nushi.” The figure clad in black and green replied as he lifted his head and awaited their command to depart. There was a brief silence as the lord of the castle slid his fingers through his inky black hair.

“Bring her to me.” Void and the figure nodded, both disappearing into the shadows, leaving their nushi in his lust.


A/N; ::falls over:: Wow... I’m actually not sure which chapter is longer. Etou... I wonder who our villain is. Can u guess? LOL!! Etou.. srry for the wait… I already have some of the chapters written, I just have to write more. And I have a slight idea on what’s going to happen next. Please know that most of the chapters will not be this long so don’t get used to it. Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure this is going to be a good story. Hoped you liked it and PLEASE REVIEW!


Sess; ::enters Yume’s room and sees Inuyasha holding her and Yume struggling:: Let go of my haigusha, little brother, before I chop your head off.
Inu; Your haigusha? HA! ::laughs::
Sess; ::glares:: Hai, my haigusha.
Yume; ::growls:: OWUSARI!!
Inu; ::kisses dirt:: mesuinu!
Yume; ::jumps out of Inu’s arms and into Sess’:: I’ve missed you!
Sess; ::kisses her passionately:: As have I.
Inu; ::gags:: Go fuck a tree or something.
Inu; ::repeatedly kisses dirt::
Sess; ::smirks:: You are most defiantly my haigusha.


tRaNsLaTiOnS; :: Manga – Japanese comics :: Otousan – father :: Youkai - demon/demons :: Ningen - human :: Mikazuki – new moon :: Shisubeki – mortal :: Kamigami – gods :: Megami – goddesses :: Hanyou – half demon :: Oniisan – elder brother :: Hi – fire :: Tsuki – moon :: Kitsune kit - fox child :: Shippo – tail :: Sesshoumaru - (the)killing perfection :: Inuyasha/InuYasha – dog demon :: Sango - coral :: Taijiya - demon exterminator :: Iie-no :: Baria – barrier :: Yume-dream :: Haigusha – mate :: Baka – idiot/stupid/retard :: Ramen – noodles :: Himemiya – princess :: Kage – shadow :: Miko – priestess :: Mesuinu – bitch :: Daiyoukai – great lord/demon lord :: Dokugai Jisannin – poison bearer :: Engetsu – crescent moon :: No – of/the :: Okami – mistress :: Rin – companion :: Hai-yes :: Katanna – long sword :: Kaze – wind :: Nani? – what? :: Miroku - maitreya :: Kagome - woven-bamboo pattern :: Hisama – fuck :: Gomen - sorry :: Onegai - please :: Kami – god :: Houshi -priest/monk :: Okaasan – mother :: Haori – Japanese formal coat :: Domo? - but? :: Etou – well :: Ja NE – goodbye :: Owusari – sit :: Minna - everyone :: Kuso – shit :: Aishiteru – I love you :: Obi – kimono sash :: Hakama – man’s formal divided skirt/pants:: Nushi - master ::


nExT ChApTeR;
Chapter 3; ‘The Scream of Being Separated and the Pain that Follows Afterward’.
A danger awaits the new lovers of the story as they slumber in each other’s arms. A reality awaits to be made as our villain awaits for his bride. What was Yume’s dream about? And what will happen when Inuyasha finds out that his love can no longer be his? All shall be brought into the light on the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z!! hehe. ::giggles:: oops, I did it again.