InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Rin Interview (Inu) ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Host: Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime charactersfrom all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do itwith a smile! My first guest here is Rin! Please welcome, Rin to the studio!

Rin: Hello.

Kisa: Hey it's me.

Rin: Kisa?

Kisa: Yea, it's me Kisa.

Rin: Oh hey. What's goin' on?

Kisa: Uh, nuthin' much. I'm doin' and interview.

Rin: Oh, hows it going?

Kisa: Eh, you know, you know what they say, it is what it is.

Rin: Yeah, I hear that.

Kisa: Yea, and they also say... don't lick a- don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Rin: A gift horse?

Kisa: Yea.

Rin: Weird.

Kisa: Yea, I guess... you know... whatever.

Rin: Yea, so... what are you up to?

Kisa: Still doing the interview with you.

Rin: Still?

Kisa: Yea.

Rin: ...

Kisa: You know what they say, two in the better than three boys in a bush... or something.

Rin: That's weird Kisa.You are so funny!

Kisa: Yea I know..-hey

Rin: ...

Kisa: ...hey

Rin: Hey what?

Kisa: I don't know.

Rin: Kisa...

Kisa: What?

Rin: I don't know!

Kisa: *makes a face*

Rin: *laughs* Your funny. I like this interview!

Kisa: I'm gunna go take a beak from this interview, do you want to my house and

Rin: *smiles*

Kisa: punch me in the butthole?

Rin: *screams loudly* Ahhh!

Kisa: ^_^ Ah well. Thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing animecharacters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!