InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Against All Odds ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome quickly turned her gaze from the shackles to the sound of the voice. It was indeed the same one that had awoken her and now that she was next to the fox, she realized that her soul seemed more calm and serene then it had in ages. It was an odd, but not unpleasant, feeling that made her wonder if there was more to the situation then she knew.
As her focus formed on the youkai in front of her, her eyes locked on his and she was almost startled to see the burning golden orbs looking at her with a mix of suspicion and confusion. Tearing her eyes from his, she once more turned her attention to the softly glowing metal that bound the fox to the wall. `First things first. These things have to come off before I can do anything with him.' She thought eyeing the shackles and determining that they had been spelled to bind his youkai blood. `He must be powerful if they had to bind him like this.'
Reaching her hand forward once more, Kagome let her small fingers touch the cold metal and felt the spell strike against her in retaliation, causing her to jerk away suddenly. Looking down at the pads of her fingers, she frowned at the burns. Shaking her head and squaring her shoulders, her arm shot out and one hand tightly grasped the metal anchored to the wall.
Her power flared an angry pink against the magic and she hissed as she felt the skin of her hand burning. Wanting to get this done with quickly, knowing she had a lot more chains to get rid of, she forced her ki harder into the metal and watched as the metal shattered under the onslaught. Before she could focus on the pain of her nearly melted flesh, she maneuvered around the poor fox and took a hold of the next shackle. It too shattered under the force of her holy energy.
As the chains fell away from the wall, Kagome realized that they had been the one thing keeping the fox in an upright position as he crumpled to the floor. Moving quickly, she dropped to her knees, tearing the tender flesh in the process, and caught him before his body crashed against the stone. She stayed that way for a moment, her arms wrapped underneath of his, forgetting the pain of her burned hands and skinned knees, when she noticed he was trembling.
Only a minute had passed before the tremors subsided and Kagome moved away from him, lingering closely in case his strength was too depleted to remain the way he was. Once she was satisfied he wouldn't topple over and further injure himself, she stood and walked around him, kneeling to the ground once more as she reached his feet. Her mouth creased into a frown when she noticed his ankles were in much the same state as his wrists. Sighing heavily, her heart hurting for the fox that had yet to move, she grasped a manacle in each hand.
She flinched slightly as her burned skin met once more with the same insufferable spell, but simply ground her teeth against the pain and forced her power into the metal, successfully shattering the bonds. As she sat back to take a breath against the pain she was in and clear her mind of the fatigue that came with using so much power so fast, she noticed the severity of the gashes across the kitsune's pale flesh and bit down on her tongue to stifle a gasp.
Her eyes followed the lines of torn skin and blood that painted his back from his shoulders down. It was only then that she realized his state of undress. `How the hell did I miss the fact that he is as naked as the day he was born?!' Swearing under her breath, vaguely aware he could most likely here her anyway, she fought down the blush on her cheeks and stood once more, walking around to face him.
Kneeling down yet again, noticing that her own blood was now trailing down her legs as a result of the abuse, Kagome lifted her eyes to the youkai's face. “Do you think you can walk with my help?” At his nod, she stood and stretched her back before bending over next to him and draping his arm across her shoulders to help him up.
Once he was in a standing position, Kagome noticed how much taller he was than her and flushed in embarrassment as she realized she probably couldn't offer him much help. He stood well over six feet tall, closer to seven she guessed, and although obviously malnourished, his body seemed to dwarf her own. Holding to her resolve, she began walking towards the door, keeping the pace slow so as not to jar him.
The stairs had been much harder to navigate than the flat stone floor, but they had managed to ascend them in decent time and were now standing on the main floor. Kagome looked around briefly and found a bench across the hall from them. She walked towards it, kitsune in tow, and gestured for him to sit. “I will be back shortly. Just rest here.” And she was off down the nearest hallway.
After coming to the realization that he was completely without clothes, Kagome had decided to plunder the house in search of supplies. Around ten minutes and at least twenty doors on both floors later, Kagome had found bandages and herbs enough for his wounds, a black haori and matching hakama that looked like they would fit his lean frame, and had deposited her findings in the bath house on the main floor.
As she rounded the corner, she heard him growl low in his throat and instantly tensed. Now that the bonds holding his youki had been done away with, she was acutely aware of exactly how strong he was and she shivered. `He feels almost as strong as Sesshoumaru. Hopefully, he doesn't have the same cold attitude.' Her tension faded, almost as soon as it had come, when the growling stopped. Either he had recognized her aura or passed out.
Kagome walked slowly up to the unpredictable youkai and watched as he lifted his head to regard her. He looked lost and confused and her heart twisted in her chest with sympathy. Ignoring his lack of clothing, she closed the gap between them and, without a word, slipped her arm around his waist, forcing his own across her shoulders, and helped him stand.
Moving back the way she came, she was so lost in her thoughts and the task at hand that she nearly tripped on her own feet when she heard his voice close to her ear. “You still haven't answered me…who are you? Why are you here? Helping me? Unless my senses have dulled in the time I have been captive here, you are a miko. Are you not supposed to destroy me?”
Taking a deep, steadying breath, Kagome answered him, trying hard to not falter in her steps. “My name is Kagome. I don't know exactly why I am here, to be honest. I was asleep at camp with my friends when someone screamed and woke me up. Once I was awake, however, I realized that the voice was only in my head.” She glanced up to his face and noticed he was looking at her critically, clearly not believing her.
She sighed.
“Yes I know it sounds crazy and I even told myself I had lost my mind before I tried going back to sleep. But the sound came again and it sounded so anguished…so broken…” She trailed off, reflecting on how much the desperation in his voice at that time had nearly mirrored her own despair.
She felt him stop next to her and she looked up at him questioningly. He merely arched an eyebrow before speaking. “You were saying?” He said in a harsh but not unfriendly voice.
The young miko blushed as it dawned on her that she had just stopped her explanation and had become lost in her own thoughts. Shaking her head, she managed a small smile, “I'm sorry. Anyway, I followed where I thought the voice was coming from and I ended up here. Oh, and yes I am a miko, but not a traditional one.” She finished, smirking slightly at the confused look in his eyes.
She was saved, for the meantime, from going into further detail when they came to their destination. Pushing the door open, Kagome helped the fox into the room. “What's your name? If you don't mind me asking that is. I could always just refer to you as `kitsune'.” She said in an almost teasing manner, trying to get him to open up to her. After all, she couldn't help him if he wouldn't confide in her, could she?
The young miko stared at him for a moment awaiting an answer, and when he didn't give one, she shrugged her shoulders and resumed their walk into the room. `Must be something with golden-eyed youkai. Not a one that I have met seems to be able to open up to anyone.'
They reached the indoor hot springs in silence and stood at the edge for a moment, before the kitsune broke it. “Youko” He watched in veiled amusement as the woman, Kagome, turned a quizzical gaze on him and blushed, obviously having forgotten her own question. “My name is Youko. Why are we here?”
Kagome smiled warmly at him before answering “We are here because it won't do any good to put clean clothes and bandages on a dirty body. I thought a bath might make you feel better.” She threw in the last part as a whispered afterthought, hoping she didn't offend him.
“Yes I suppose you are right. I honestly can't wait to get their stench off of me.” His voice replied, still harsh from screaming and accompanying a growl. He was still livid from the events that had happened over two months ago that led to his subsequent capture and torture.
~*~ Flashback: Two Months Prior ~*~
It had been six months sine Kuronue had been slain and he was forcing himself to continue doing jobs, in a futile attempt to keep his mind from replaying the image of his death against his eyelids. He still loved the thrill and danger associated with theft and the skill and stealth required to do so, but his heart wasn't in it anymore. His partner and best friend was now gone and he found himself almost wishing at times to fall into the same fate as the bat.
Youko was on his way to yet another job when he had been ambushed. Four strong tiger youkai had immediately surrounded him in a tight circle, thus rendering his whip virtually useless, while several lower level youkai had filled the space outside of said circle. Before he really had time enough to figure out what to do, he found himself pinned to the ground by the four while several other youkai swarmed around them, fastening the bindings to his wrists and ankles.
It was then that he realized he might have gotten his half-hearted wish to join his friend. As he lay prone on the ground, the weights of the tiger youkai grinding him against the foliage, he felt his power draining away. `Shit! They must have had these made just for me. I feel as weak as a kit already.' Further thoughts were cut short when he felt something connect solidly against his skull and white starbursts exploded behind his eyes, before he slipped into unconsciousness.
When he had awoken later, he had been shackled, manacled and chained against the wall of a dungeon.
And that was how he was when he had been found by this strangely dressed miko.
~*~ End Flashback ~*~
“Youko? Youko, can you hear me? Are you alright?” Kagome asked softly. She had just been conversing with the kitsune when a glazed look overshadowed his eyes. The young miko was certain he was caught up in a memory, floundering in the shadows of his mind. A flash of pain crossed his amber depths and her suspicions were confirmed. `He seems to lose himself…just like I do.' For some reason, that thought made her heart lighten a bit.
Maybe they could lose themselves together…
The silver kitsune had been shaken from painful memories when a soft, melodic voice wrapped around his mind and brought him back to the present. He blinked to refocus his eyes and found himself swimming in twin midnight pools laden with concern and understanding. `Blue eyes? How odd. I wonder why this woman is so different.' Pushing those thoughts aside for the time being, he answered her. “I am fine Kagome.”
Kagome couldn't help but smile at the fox. `Maybe he isn't anything like those baka inus, save for the similarity in hair and eye color. At least he remembered my name.' Gesturing to the warm pools of water, she spoke again “Well, here we are! Why don't you go ahead and get in while I look around for some soap.” Then she turned and wandered to the shelves on the far side of the room.
She spent some time poking around at the things on the shelves, having already found both soap and shampoo, of a sort, that Youko could use, so he would have plenty of time to situate himself in the springs. Upon hearing the water lightly slosh against the sides of the springs, she grabbed up her items and made her way back to his side.
The priestess found said kitsune standing waist deep towards the center of the water. Stepping up to the edge, she placed her spoils on the floor and sat down. She watched him dunk down under the water and when he arose, she had to stop her jaw from hitting the floor. Sure he was dirty, torn and bleeding, and his hair and tail were still of an undistinguishable color, but she found the way the droplets of water trailed down his chest simply entrancing.
Blushing furiously when she realized her train of thought was something along the lines of Miroku's way of thinking, she averted her gaze to her lap, staring down at her hands twisting in the fabric of her uniform shirt as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world. Her top was saved when she heard a slight intake of air and looked up to see Youko trying, and failing, to scrub at his hair. `His shoulders must be killing him from being held that way for Kami knows how long.'
Her eyes softened then, as she watched him attempt the same feat once more and failing yet again. With a low growl of frustration, he walked over to the edge of the springs near her and settled dejectedly against the side. Without thinking about the consequences of her actions, as was truly Kagome, she rose to her knees, grabbed the soap and shampoo and made her way towards him. Once she had established a position behind him, she took a generous amount of shampoo into her small hands and began to wash his hair. She stopped and tensed when she felt a shift in the fox's aura and felt the strong feeling of apprehension wash over her.
The feeling of soft hands running through his hair startled the kitsune and he nearly spun around in his spot to find the cause. Focusing his attention, he realized the hands belonged to Kagome and upon feeling her still and tense behind him, he relaxed. For some reason, he didn't want her to be afraid of him. She had risked her own life by walking into an unknown origin to save him. That, and she was being kind enough to wash his hair and her soft touch upon his head forced him to stifle a sound much akin to a purr.
He leaned his head into her hands, relishing in the feel of both her touch and the shampoo washing away the memories of his captivity. As he relaxed more and the scent of the tiger youkai was slowly cleansed away, he was able to finally take in her scent. Lightly testing the air with his delicate nose, he caught the essence that could only be Kagome. It was subtle and seemed almost as fragile as she appeared, even though he knew better than to think her weak. The aroma was a tantalizing blend of Jasmine and Chamomile.
All in all, she was the most delicious thing he had ever smelled and he relaxed his mind, along with his body, and let her smell wrap around him. He felt comforted by her presence even as her scent was beginning to cause a reaction in his body. The realization struck him as odd, that he had just been freed from a fate worse than death not even an hour prior, and his body was already reacting to a strange human female he had just met. `Well, maybe if I find out a bit more about her, it won't feel so strange. Besides that, she is a most puzzling creature.'
Kagome had been so lost in what she was doing, watching as the shampoo washed away the grime from his hair to leave shining silver locks in its wake that she nearly jumped when his voice sounded from in front of her. “Kagome, what exactly are you planning to do when I am done bathing? Surely you are not out in the wilderness of Japan on your own.”
All the color drained from her face at his statement. Inuyasha would be furious when he found her missing! Then again, he had left to go to Kikyou and had no right being angry with her. That fear calmed, she focused on his question “Do? I imagine I will return to my group. What about you?”
“I don't really have anywhere to be, honestly. I can always return to my home I suppose, but that idea isn't really all that appealing right now. I guess I will just wander around for awhile. Will you allow me to escort you back to your entourage? It is the least I can do to repay you.” `Why did I say that? She is a miko remember? Surely she would want nothing to do with the notion of traveling with a youkai.'
Being that he was facing away from Kagome, Youko missed the smile that lit up her features at his suggestion. “I would greatly appreciate it Youko, however I should tell you a little bit about my group, so you have fair warning. First off, I assume you know of the Shikon no Tama?” At his nod, she resumed “Well, as I am sure you also know it has been shattered. Unfortunately, I was the one who did it, unintentionally, but that is a story for another time.”
“Now, back to the group I travel with. The group consists of a miko, a taijiya, a monk, a fire neko, a kitsune kit and an inu hanyou. Sango and Miroku, the taijiya and monk, are human as am I; then there is Kirara, the fire neko and Sango's companion, Inuyasha, the inu hanyou with a bad attitude, and Shippou, the kitsune kit and my adopted son.”
Thankfully, Youko was facing away from the young miko and she couldn't see the look of astonishment that briefly flashed across his features. `A miko is willingly traveling with youkai and hanyou alike and she has adopted a kit? She wasn't kidding when she said she wasn't traditional. Now I definitely need to know more.' “Why are you explaining about them? If you travel with youkai, why would my presence cause an uproar?”
“Well,” Kagome started, sadness lapping at the edge of her awareness over Inuyasha, only to be replaced by anger “the entirety of my group of friends would most likely welcome you save for Inuyasha. He is such an insufferable jerk! He is always running off to meet with his dead girlfriend, even after I told him I loved him, and yet he becomes irate almost beyond repair whenever any other male is in the vicinity.” As the last of the words fell away from her lips, Kagome gasped at what she had just said. Sure it was all true, but surely Youko wouldn't care. Why would a full blooded youkai care about a human female and her personal affairs?
Her thoughts were shattered when he responded softly, the harshness of his voice having faded to leave a silky baritone “You love him? A hanyou? You truly are an amazing creature.”