InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ An Inseparable Bond ❯ Rules and Regulations ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

An Inseparable Bond
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.
Summary: What is a miko to do when fate thrusts two troubled demons directly in her path? With her responsibility of reforming the jewel looming over her head, Kagome takes on the nearly impossible challenge that appear in the forms of a silver kitsune and forbidden child. Will the miko be enough to melt the ice around these demons' hearts or will their darkness over cloud her purity?
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Chapter 8: Rules and Regulations
Hiei sighed as he tried to pull his thoughts together. So much had occurred since her absence… where was he to start? “After you disappeared, the slayer's brother appeared. We realized that you wished on the jewel. Those of us that didn't understand the entire situation demanded answers and before a fight could break out between Inuyasha and Youko, Sango explained everything. She informed us of the well and that you came from the future. From then on, we were all determined to live until we were able to find you again.”
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys… I just… I didn't know how to explain everything. I don't think I could come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be able to see you guys ever again, so I didn't tell you.” Kagome murmured, her gaze falling to the ground.
Kurama felt Youko trying to push forward for control but he held strong. Youko pouted at the back of their mind; he wanted so badly to hold the miko in his arms and never let go. He hadn't seen her for 500 years… why exactly did he give Kurama control of their body? What a ridiculously unintelligent maneuver that was.
“Don't fret over it onna, we're here aren't we?” Hiei said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Yes but for me it hasn't even been a day, but for you guys… it's been 500 years.” she said quietly, still staring at the ground. Her gaze quickly returned to Hiei when she heard his angry growl.
“Knock it off onna. I did not wait all these years just to watch you drown away in sorrow over something you possessed no control of.” the hybrid demanded, glaring at her half heartedly.
Kagome smiled softly as tears welled in her eyes once more. “I'm sorry. So what else happened?”
“Youko trained your irritating kit for several years until he and Inuyasha disappeared. We are unaware of their location but I'm certain they are somewhere in Makai. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the hanyou got himself killed.” Hiei scoffed.
Kagome rolled her eyes and smiled. Well at least it seemed like all of her demon friends were still around… “Ok that's a relief to hear. Anything else?”
“Several hundred years after the monk and slayer died, Kuronue was killed on a raid with Youko.” Hiei informed her slowly, knowing her unshed tears would begin to fall.
The hybrid was indeed correct in his assumption because now her tears flowed freely. “Kuronue…? What happened to Youko?” she asked quietly, not sure she wanted to hear his answer. It couldn't be all that bad since she'd just seen the silver kitsune several minutes ago. So at least he was still alive.
“Youko was killed by a bounty hunter several years after Kuronue's death. In order to save his own life, he placed his soul within the body of an unborn child.” Kurama explained, gaining the miko's attention.
Kagome stared at the handsome red head in confusion. “How… do you know that?”
“Because I am the individual that Youko placed his soul into. Youko and I share this body.” he said calmly, staring at her with his serious green eyes.
Kagome stared at him in surprise, lost in his gaze until his green eyes flashed golden for just a moment. She gasped and surprised everyone in the room when she abruptly placed her hands against his cheeks and held his face closer to hers. She stared deep into his once again green eyes. “Youko's in there somewhere? And I'm guessing you guys can like… switch since I saw him earlier?”
Kurama blushed and nodded, unable to formulate words with the beautiful miko so close in proximity.
`Is there something about your relationship that you failed to inform me of?' Kurama questioned nervously. Although he didn't mind the gorgeous female so close to him, he didn't want to jump to conclusions.
`Unfortunately, I never acquired the opportunity to further our relationship.' Youko sighed.
`So is she always this… open with people she just met?' he asked as the miko smiled at him and pulled away before turning her gaze back to Hiei.
`I believe so. She only knew Hiei and me for two weeks and you witnessed how she reacted to seeing us again. She grows attached to people more quickly than most others would. In my opinion, she is far too trusting. It will be the end of her someday.' Youko explained, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face.
Kurama gazed at the miko who was listening to Hiei explain the three realms and how the spirit detectives came to be. There was no doubt she was beautiful and possessed a large warm heart. Kurama could see himself falling for her as well if they continued to spend time together but Youko was a different story. For as long as Kurama had known the kitsune, Youko was always a sex crazed demon. He would bed a female and never see her again; Youko Kurama was not someone that grew attached to one individual. But from the way Youko spoke to and of her, it was obvious this miko meant quite a bit to him. If he seemed to care about her so much then why hadn't he said anything about her before? `Why haven't you mentioned her before?'
`I thought I'd never see her again and as long as I loved her, I knew I couldn't bear to live without her. So in order to keep my mind, I convinced myself I didn't love her. I locked away my memories of her and planned to never look back on that part of my past ever again… until I saw her.' the kitsune elucidated quietly.
Kurama was surprised to say the least. He knew Youko liked the miko from his past but he wasn't aware that he'd actually fallen in love with her. The avatar focused his attention on the conversation between Hiei and Kagome once more and nearly fell off the couch when he realized exactly how Hiei was acting with the miko. His actions were very similar to Youko's. The way he looked at her, the tone he used when speaking to her, his relaxed posture, the fact that he hadn't tried to pull away when the miko hugged him. Kurama stared at Hiei with calculating eyes as he watched the hybrid for a bit more before said demon felt this gaze and turned to him.
`What fox.' Hiei asked, seeing the questions in the avatar's eyes as he stared at him curiously.
`You… fell in love with Kagome all those years ago didn't you? Just like Youko did…'
Hiei quickly turned his gaze away from Kurama and glared at the wall opposite the room. `Hn I would never allow myself to fall for a weak onna like her.' he growled.
A smile spread across Kurama's face. `You did fall for her.' he confirmed. The avatar knew only because he could sense Hiei didn't mean a word he said about Kagome. It was obvious because when Hiei insulted Kuwabara or Yusuke, the hybrid was insulted, irritated, or amused. Now, Hiei just sounded like he was either in denial or trying to hide something.
Hiei turned his glare toward Kurama. `Don't be ridiculous.'
At the sound of his name falling from her lips, he turned his attention to the miko, no trace of his recent glare once his eyes met with hers. Kurama held back his laughter. It was beyond obvious that Hiei had definitely fallen in love with this miko, just as Youko had.
“Am I missing something? You and Kurama were staring at each other as if you were having a conversation…” she asked observantly.
“She's pretty smart.” Yusuke laughed.
`I always did say she was quite intelligent for a mere human female.' Youko smirked, recalling her multiple attempts to escape his den. They had all been very creative but she couldn't escape Youko Kurama.
“Hiei has telepathy; the jagan gives him that ability and several others.” Kurama explained with a smile.
“So that's what I sense under your headband… you'll have to explain that to me later Hiei,” she stated, smiling at him warmly before turning her gaze to the detective that she had almost forgotten was there. “But right now I'm more curious about why you were chasing me.”
Hiei turned a hard glare directly at his comrade. “Yes detective, explain you actions.”
“Koenma sent us to get you, don't blame me, blame the toddler!” Yusuke complained, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring right back at Hiei.
“Apparently there is another Dark Tournament and Koenma has ordered that Kagome be the fifth member for our team since Genkai is unable to compete this year.” Kurama explained.
A deadly snarl escaped Hiei as he pushed away from the wall and glared at both Yusuke and Kurama. “She will NOT be entering that tournament.”
“What's the dark tournament?” Kagome asked, confused as to why Hiei was getting so angry over the matter.
“It's a huge tournament for fighting. Everyone gets a team of five and fights until your team either gets killed, disqualified, or beaten. The winning team of the tournament gets a wish or something like that.” Yusuke explained.
“It sounds kinda fun…” she mused.
Hiei turned his glare to Kagome and growled softly. “You will not be entering the tournament.”
“Why not?”
“It's too dangerous.” he growled before turning to Yusuke. “You tell Koenma that he will need to look for a different fighter.” he demanded, ignoring the miko that was arguing that she wasn't weak anymore and could take care of herself.
“That's the problem. Youko looked about ready to turn the toddler's office upside down when Koenma told us. But I guess we don't have a choice; there's a new threat that wants to bring Toguro back and finish what Sakyo started.” Yusuke explained.
“I don't care if the three worlds were about to implode, she is not entering.” Hiei stated, his anger rising.
“Actually you would care because Kagome happens to reside in one of those three realms…” Kurama pointed out, his eyes flashing golden.
Kagome rolled her eyes, easily realizing that was Youko's comment before standing from the couch and positioning herself directly in front of Hiei. She placed her hands on her hips and glared into his ruby colored eyes. “Will you calm down? I want to go to this tournament, it sounds fun.”
“I don't care, you are not going.”
“If you don't let me join your team then I'll make my own and enter against you.” Kagome stated stubbornly.
“Not if I keep you locked away and in a location you aren't familiar with.” Hiei retorted, a smirk barely touching his lips.
Kagome snorted. “Hiei, you of all the people in this room aside from Youko know just how creative I can get when it comes to escape. I would find a way out.”
The glare returned to his face. “Onna, you are not entering, end of conversation.” he declared.
“Well then I guess I should start searching for teammates. I need four right?” she asked, turning to Yusuke for her answer as she began making her way to the front door.
Hiei growled and appeared in front of her, blocking her way out. He glared at her intensely for what seemed like a lot longer than the actually few seconds it was before finally speaking. “If you get yourself killed, I will make the toddler bring you back just so I can send you back into the afterlife myself.” he threatened.
Grinning like mad, Kagome threw her arms around the hybrid and hugged him tightly, hiding her triumphant smirk. She knew she'd get him to cave; it was just a matter of using the correct approach. “Thank you Hiei!”
Both Kurama and Yusuke stared at the miko in surprise. She'd convince Hiei to let her go? She's gotten him to cave? How the hell did she accomplish that? Youko chuckled from the confines of Kurama's mind and shook his head. `I told you she was intelligent, did I not?'
`Indeed but to possess that type of power over Hiei? That's incredible.' Kurama mused, staring at Kagome hugging the irritated hybrid.
`Just wait until you experience the affection for her that Hiei and I do, you'll understand. It's nearly impossible to resist her. She practically had Miroku, Inuyasha, and Kouga wrapped around her finger.'
`It's unsafe for a single person to hold that much power…' Kurama shivered. He didn't want to be lovesick puppy.
`That's the relieving part of it; she isn't aware of her power over us and even if she was, she wouldn't abuse it. I think she likes her men stubborn and challenging.' Youko chuckled, thinking back to all the men she'd befriended. `Nearly everyone in her traveling group, including Hiei, Kuronue, and myself, attempted or desired to take her life when we first met her.'
`If that is true then she and Yusuke will be close soon.' Kurama said, turning his gaze to Yusuke. He was watching Hiei and Kagome interact with each other with a look of surprise on his face. It was obvious that Kagome impressed him as well. `Apparently Yusuke and Kagome fought for a bit when he was first assigned to bring her in.'
`What happened?' Youko asked, though there was already a smirk on his face. He was almost positive he knew the answer.
`She defeated him.'
`She may not look like it but she is an incredibly powerful fighter.'
“I'm going to call Botan, Koenma wanted to talk to us when she woke up.” Yusuke announced as he pulled his communicator out and flipped it open. Several minutes later, a portal appeared in the living room and Yusuke entered through, followed by Kurama. Kagome trailed behind the red head slowly before stopping in front of the portal. It didn't look very safe…
“You can fight Naraku without a problem but you fear a portal?” Hiei mocked from behind her.
Kagome turned a lighthearted glare toward him. “Shut up Hiei.” she grumbled before stepping into the black portal. Exiting out the other side, she found herself in a large office type of room and briefly noticed that Yusuke was fighting with the other tall boy with orange hair that had been chasing her earlier.
“Will you two stop fighting in my office?!”
Kagome turned her attention to the small child standing on the only piece of furniture in the room. He was glaring at Yusuke and the other boy that Hiei had called Kuwabara and sucking on his pacifier in irritation. The miko lightly nudged the person on her left. “Is that Koenma?”
“Yes, he is the Prince of Reikai.” Kurama confirmed with a smile as Yusuke and Kuwabara pulled away from each other. The toddler turned a welcoming smile to Kagome.
“It's nice to finally meet you Kagome. I assume the detectives have explained everything to you?”
“Yes, and I am happy to help with the tournament.” she stated, smiling back.
`She's so sweet… maybe I'll make her the new spirit detective and fire Yusuke…' Koenma mused, already liking the miko's personality. “That is good to hear, I would hate to have to force you into this situation.”
“Life was getting boring anyway. And this way, I get to spend time with Hiei and Youko.” she said, her smiled still intact.
“Yes, Youko informed me of you're travels. Do you still possess the Shikon?”
The miko shook her head slowly. She was in Reikai, the realm in charge of keeping order between the human and demon realms; she knew she could trust the prince. “I have no idea where it went. It disappeared after I made my wish so I'm guessing it's gone for good, otherwise I would have felt its presence.”
“Alright good, at least we don't have to worry about that troublesome jewel on top of everything else that's going on.” Koenma sighed in relief.
“So when's the damn tournament? Do we have time to train?” Yusuke questioned, changing the subject.
“The boat boards a week from now. I will give you more details of the time and location later but for now, I suggest you all spruce up you're abilities. We have no idea what we're dealing with this year.”
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Hope everyone enjoyed the reunion! Sooo it would seem that so far Kagome has Hiei and Youko wrapped around her finger and it probably won't be long before she holds Kurama and Yusuke's strings as well so exciting! Well, until next time… wonder who they're gunna end up seeing on Hang Neck Island…
Next Chapter - Chapter Nine: Severe Training for the Obstinate