InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Devil's Pride ❯ My Mistress ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The long wait is over. I present you with Chapter 4 of Devil's Pride...Enjoy ^_^

Chapter 4

"Hey isn't that the evil sword Hiei tried to steal?", asked Yusuke

They all stared at the sword and agreed that, that was indeed the sword.

"Is that why we have to capture her?" asked Kuwabara

"Actually, I didn't know about the sword being in her possession", Koenma

"What!?", yelled an outraged Yusuke "I'm going to..."

Kurama tuned them out and opened a mind link with Hiei.

'Hiei, what do you think about this?'

'Hn. Any idiot could have stolen that sword from Reikai's vault'

'I see, but I don't see why that female would need a sword like that?'

'Ask' said Hiei, ending the link

"Koenma", said Kurama


"What is the reason she has to be judged by Enma?", he asked

"Well, from what I heard, she's suppose to hold the legendary Shikon no tama. Nobody is sure how she got a hold of it but she has it. My father believe she is the demon that took it 500 years ago along with Naraku. You must find her before she finds the last shard", explained Koenma

"Where is the last shard?", asked Kurama

"It's a mystery, just like everything else surrounding the demoness and the jewel"

"Sounds like fun", Yusuke muttered sarcastically

"What are you talking about, fun?", asked Kuwabara

"I was being sarcastic, you idiot!", screamed Yusuke

Once again they were at it. Kurama started to rub his temple, a headache forming.

"Can you please control yourselves?", asked Kurama

"One second", said Yusuke

Once that was said, Yusuke punched Kuwabara unconscious.

"Koenma, where can we find this demoness?", asked Kurama

"She has been seen in Makai slaying demons for pleasure, we're not certain if she has been to the Ningenkai, so it is imperative that you find her as soon as possible. Boton!"

The happy deity of death popped in front of the detectives.

"Hi guys", said Boton

"Can we get going already, I have a life to continue", grumbled Yusuke, dragging Kuwabara

"What's got his panties in a bunch?", mumbled Boton

Yusuke threw Kuwabara's body into the portal and everyone else followed. Once through, Boton left, and the gang stared at their surroundings. They were in the middle of what looked like a forest, a lot of demon
being sensed off to the north. Instead of sticking around, they started to head towards a demon city, that Hiei knew about. Once there Yusuke picked up the nearest demon by his neck.

"What do you know about a demoness with the shikon jewel", asked Yusuke

"I know nothing!", screamed the demon

"He lies", stated Hiei

"I will not betray my mistress!", growled the demon

"Who is this mistress", asked Kurama

"You will find out when she brings Ningenkai and Spirit World to their knees", snarled the demon

"Then you are of no use", said Hiei as he beheaded the demon

After that all the demons in the city ran for their lives, not wanting the same fate. As they neared the other side of the city, the stench of death got stronger. What they saw was what they were not expecting. There in front of them was a line of female youkai in front of who they believed to be the leader. There were also
some very attractive males looking on as the first female walks towards the leader. They couldn't see any facial features or whether it was male or female. They didn't have to wait long to know this, because they
leader turned around and took her hood off. Long black hair cascaded down her shoulders as her blood red eyes opened to stare at the women in front of her.

"Hey, that's her!", whispered Yusuke

"Wow she's hot!", said Kuwabara

"Shut up, you insolent fool!", whispered Hiei

"Please stop and look", Kurama said

They all turned to see all the demons and humans in front of her bend on one knee and bow their heads.

"Mistress!", yelled the youkai

As this was going on the spirit detectives were wondering how the human women had gotten here

"They were probably kidnapped", said Kuwabara

"But why not have them in cages or tied up?", asked Kurama

"The demons must think that they wouldn't run off because they were in a foreign area or too scared", stated Yusuke

"I don't smell the scent of fear coming off them", said Hiei

"I'm baffled!", sighed Kuwabara

Instead of continuing they decided to pay attention to the demon and humans gathered.

"You may stand", ordered the mistress

A male demon took a step towards the mistress.

"These human women have come here willingly to be sacrifices for you, my mistress", explained the demon

The mistress nodded towards the demon, who stepped back. The mistress untied the lace that kept her cloak together. Once it was pooled around her feet, they all got a better look at what she wore. The red
dress was tight fitting extenuating her curves. It hung off her shoulders but showed two straps full of sharp spikes. The long sleeves got wider as they got closer to her hands. The mistress looked at the males only to
see eyes full of lust, turning to the females, she saw the same thing. Meanwhile the demons of the spirit detectives were hit with the scent of arousal. Kurama was trying to control Youko from coming out and Hiei
scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"What's wrong?", asked Kuwabara, watching the two demons

"Look at the mistress and you'll see why", said Kurama

Both teens turned to see what's the matter, only for their jaws to drop.

"Whoa, she's hotter than any of Victoria's secret models!", screamed Yusuke

"I agree with Urameshi...uh but why would shorty be disgusted ...unless...", Kuwabara drawled out

"He's not into women", Yusuke finished for him

"What are you implying?", asked Hiei

"Nothing...just that you're gay!", Yusuke screamed before laughing

"Do not question my sexual orientation human", growled Hiei

"Aw don't worry shorty we won't tell anybody", Kuwabara said laughing

"Sorry to ruin your fun, but Hiei is not gay", said Kurama

"Oh really?", asked Yusuke

"Yes, why Hiei just had sex with the lead singer of the band who when was it Hiei?", asked Kurama

"Just yesterday", Hiei said with a grin

"No way! Damn Hiei, you move fast", said Yusuke

"Hn. Unlike you humans", said Hiei

"I do too", sputtered Yusuke

"You are still a virgin", stated Hiei

"Keiko not giving you any love?", Kuwabara said while laughing

"What did you say!?", screamed a beat red Yusuke

"Keiko not givi-", Kuwabara was cut off before he could finish

Yusuke had jumped on top of Kuwabara and pummeled him into unconsciousness.

"Yusuke, stop and pay attention", said Kurama

They were once again on the task of looking at the mistress. Luckily not much had happened during their 'conversation'. The mistress looked at the first woman in line and beckoned her over to her with her finger.
As the woman walked towards her, she could smell her arousal growing. Grabbing the woman's chin lightly she guided her closer to her.

"You are willing?", asked the mistress

"Yes, I mistress", said the woman

The mistress brought the woman closer, their lips a breathe away.

"Then so be it", she whispered, sending chills down the human woman's spine

There before Yusuke was every man's dream, two women making out. Kurama's eyes glowed gold before residing to green once more. The mistress' kisses started ventures lower as she made her way from her lips to
her chin and finally her neck. While the woman was in pure ecstasy, the mistress had readied her fangs over her neck. With a final kiss, she dug her fangs in the woman's neck, where she proceeded to suck her blood.
They all watched as the women in front of them was sucked dry, and only dust remained.

Yay! Another chapter done! ^-^ No go review! :]