InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ everything and the heart ❯ the begining ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: tiger_mistress 
Disclaimer:Hola readers I jst want to say I don't own Inuyasha or Yu yu hakaso okay i jst borrowed them so plz don't hate.
The castle was quiet everything except the screaming of a demoness giving birth to a newborn pup.
"Come on milady a few more pushes and your pup is coming out."replied the demon nurse.
Isis has been pushing for three hours and she was tired but she wanted this newborn out of her so she could hold her little pup.Her husband was outside waiting for this to be over.
YokoKurama was outisde of the room waiting.'Come on Isis you can do this i know please juts don't die on me please.'thought YokoKurama.
"Milady,you can stop pushing now your pup is out and she is the most beautiful thing ever."replied the nurse.
Isis just nodded her head and was carrying her newborn pup in her arms and was glad this was over but most of all she was happy about this prize she got at the end.
"Milord,you can come in now Milady Isis is finish and you can go see your beautiful daughter."said the Nurse.
YokoKurama nodded and walked into the room he saw his wife cradling their neewborn pup.Isis smiled at her husband Yoko look down at there little prize and he smiled.
"Want to hold her?"asked Isis.
YokoKurama nodded his head while Isis was putting the pup into his arms thier pup looked at her daddy and she open her mouth looking like she was laughing kinda.
"Isis she is beautiful just like you so what shall we call her?"asked Yoko.
Isis put her fingetr to her mouth and said,"I was thinking about Faith what do you think."
Yoko smiled and bring his finger to his daughter face and said,"Faith princess of the eastern lands and the heir to my throne."
Faith grab her father's finger and ut it into her mouth and started to suck on it.
Isis laughed at the scene before her and took hold of her daughter so she can feed.She look at Yoko and smiled the smiled back.They looked like a perfect family.
"They look very happy don't you agree?"asked a demon.
"Yes they do but i think we should watch ova their little pup i don't want her to get into our plans to destroy YokoKurama lands."replied the other demon.
well dats my 1st chapter what did yall think?
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 06.01.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 522 | Status: Work In Progress

Disclaimer:Hola readers I jst want to say I don't own Inuyasha or Yu yu hakaso okay i jst borrowed them so plz don't hate.
The castle was quiet everything except the screaming of a demoness giving birth to a newborn pup.
"Come on milady a few more pushes and your pup is coming out."replied the demon nurse.
Isis has been pushing for three hours and she was tired but she wanted this newborn out of her so she could hold her little pup.Her husband was outside waiting for this to be over.
YokoKurama was outisde of the room waiting.'Come on Isis you can do this i know please juts don't die on me please.'thought YokoKurama.
"Milady,you can stop pushing now your pup is out and she is the most beautiful thing ever."replied the nurse.
Isis just nodded her head and was carrying her newborn pup in her arms and was glad this was over but most of all she was happy about this prize she got at the end.
"Milord,you can come in now Milady Isis is finish and you can go see your beautiful daughter."said the Nurse.
YokoKurama nodded and walked into the room he saw his wife cradling their neewborn pup.Isis smiled at her husband Yoko look down at there little prize and he smiled.
"Want to hold her?"asked Isis.
YokoKurama nodded his head while Isis was putting the pup into his arms thier pup looked at her daddy and she open her mouth looking like she was laughing kinda.
"Isis she is beautiful just like you so what shall we call her?"asked Yoko.
Isis put her fingetr to her mouth and said,"I was thinking about Faith what do you think."
Yoko smiled and bring his finger to his daughter face and said,"Faith princess of the eastern lands and the heir to my throne."
Faith grab her father's finger and ut it into her mouth and started to suck on it.
Isis laughed at the scene before her and took hold of her daughter so she can feed.She look at Yoko and smiled the smiled back.They looked like a perfect family.
"They look very happy don't you agree?"asked a demon.
"Yes they do but i think we should watch ova their little pup i don't want her to get into our plans to destroy YokoKurama lands."replied the other demon.
well dats my 1st chapter what did yall think?
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 06.01.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 522 | Status: Work In Progress