InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hogosha Tantei ❯ The guardian needs a guardian? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hogosha Tantei
The threat of school is coming closer and closer. As such I decided that it would be beneficial to my grades to type the second chapter and work out all of the kinks. If I mess up on something or get one of my facts wrong, please let me know. Also, I would like to thank the people, who reviewed, your reviews made me so happy. Either way, enjoy, and of course R/R.
Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho I would have more than just plushies to keep me company. I would have others to help me plot my revenge on the teachers…
# Suuichi #
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Recap from Chapter 1:
Sprinting to the well house he nearly broke the door in his haste to enter. Jumping down into the well he kneeled next to the unconscious woman. Clenching his fists tightly at his side as he was hit with the overwhelming scent of her blood, he gently shook her awake. Lightly rubbing her eyes she took in her surroundings blearily. Blinking several times she managed to focus her vision, and turned to the person beside her. Grinning at the young man beside her, she whispered, “Hey Onii-san.”
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Chapter 2: The guardian needs a guardian?
Shifting her slightly he gently removed the weapons that she carried and set them off to the side.
“Ya know Kags, when I said to be careful, I didn't mean get yourself torn up.”
“Yusuke, can you hold the lecture until I'm feeling better?” Kagome snapped exhaustedly.
“Yeah, yeah. You know you're gonna get it later when he shows up right?” Yusuke questioned as he carefully lifted her into his arms and stood. When he got no response he looked down to see that she had fallen asleep. Shaking his head he tightened his grip on her sleeping form before jumping out of the well.
Walking back to the others swiftly he yelled out, “Oi Boton, open up a portal.”
“Oji-san! How's `kaa-san? Is she gonna be okay? Where are we going? She's gonna be okay right? Do you know who this guy is? He's really co-mmph!”
Handing Kagome to the red head, Yusuke swiftly placed a hand over Shippo's mouth. Crouching down so that he was eye to eye with Shippo, he began to respond.
“One question at a time kid. Yeah she's gonna be fine, we're going to visit the toddler, and yes I know who he is.”
Straightening he turned to Kurama and gathered Kagome into his arms once more. “Later”, was all he said in response to the raised eyebrow. Motioning to Shippo to enter the portal, he stepped through as well, trailed closely by Botan and Kurama.
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“Oi toddler, where the hell's the healer?”
Looking up from his conversation will a silver haired demon, Koenma began to yell. “Don't call me toddler Yusuke! Ogre, take Kagome-sama to the healers. Once she awakens escort her back to my office.” Handing Kagome to the ogre, he watched them leave before turning back to face Koenma and his guest. A tall demon with beautiful knee length silver hair, piercing golden eyes, and prominent facial markings, stood there glaring disapprovingly at Yusuke. Inclining his head in greeting to Botan and Kurama, he picked Shippo up allowed him to sit on his shoulders. Turning to glare at Yusuke once more he spoke in a scathing tone.
“It is pathetically apparent that our imouto did not gain her manners or respect from you. So how go things in your lands otouto?”
“They're just fine Fluffy-chan, so cut the shit and get to the point.”
Raising an elegantly sculpted eyebrow he seemed on the verge of making a retort, but seemed to reconsider, as he took into consideration his nephew. Eyes narrowing slightly he responded in a tone so cold, it would have made the Arctic seem tropical.
“We need to discuss Kagome.” Pausing he glanced at Kurama before asking, “Who is he? Can he trusted with our imouto?”
“That's Kurama, and yeah you can trust him.”
Staring shrewdly at Kurama, Sesshomaru listened attentively as Shippo whispered in his ear. Allowing a small smirk to grace his lips he turned his attention once more to the red haired bishonen.
“You are an avatar?”
Meeting Sesshomaru's gaze steadily, Kurama answered in an unwavering tone of voice.
“Yes, I am a kitsune avatar.”
“What is the name of the kitsune you share your body with?”
“His name is Youko Kurama.”
“Are you able to transform into a demon form?”
“If the situation requires it then I am able to transform into Youko's form.”
“Damn it Sesshomaru, we need to talk about Kags!” Yusuke cut in yelling.
“Indeed, we need to discuss her living arrangements in the Ningenkai. There is also the matter of her schooling and security.”
“Why security? Is something wrong with Ryu? I thought that he was her bodyguard.”
Raising his hand to pause the conversation, Sesshomaru removed Shippo from his shoulders, and turned to face Boton.
“Reaper, take the kit outside. Return only when my sister has awakened and returned to this room. Am I understood?”
Nodding her head vigorously Botan grasped Shippo's hand and quickly led him outside. Watching until they had left the room, Yusuke quickly turned his attention back to Sessho.
“Alright the kit's gone, let's hurry up and get this over with. I don't wanna be here when Kags finds out.”
“Indeed, our imouto does not need to learn of this conversation.”
“Yusuke, how is it that she is related to both you and Sesshomaru-sama?” Kurama asked quietly.
“Turns out that my old man had another kid.”
“Why did you never tell us about her?”
“I didn't find out about her until I was seven. We spent a lot of time together growing up. When I met you guys it took me a while to trust you to the point where I would tell you about her. But ya know we made a lot of enemies by that time, and I didn't want anyone to use her against me. I didn't even tell Keiko about her. The fact that she's the old man's other kid would have put her in danger from his enemies. She had enough to deal with without adding my old man and me. When Kag's family was attacked by a demon, her okaa-san, and jii-chan were killed and her kid brother Souta was hurt. I wasn't old enough to adopt them or anything in the Ningenkai, so Fluffy here did it for me. Not long after that we ended up doing the blood bond.”
“Are you finished? I would like to complete this conversation before Kagome arrives.” Sessho cut in abruptly.
“Huh? Oh yeah, so what's the deal with Ryu?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers, Sessho closed his eyes and counted to ten. Opening his eyes again he glared at Yusuke slightly before answering.
“Kagome is in her own right both a powerful miko and a demon. Added to that she is also the guardian of the Shikon no Tama and heir to both the Northern and Western lands. Youkai from all of Makai will seeking to make her their mate, whether it is willingly or forced. Kagome has also expressed a desire to attend college in the Ningenkai. Whoever assists Ryu in guarding her will need to have some familiarity with the Ningenkai.”
-`Hey Red, you should volunteer to be her escort. It would give us a chance to get to know her better.'- Youko said within the confines of Kurama's mind.
-`Youko, she's Yusuke's sister, that alone should be incentive to leave her alone.'- Retorted Kurama.
# I agree with Youko. We should get to know her better. # Suuichi added.
-`She.Is.Yusuke's. Sister. He trusts us, and I won't betray that trust.'-
# I just want to get to know her. I didn't mean that we grab her and find the nearest bed. # Suuichi stated reproachfully.
-`I am'-
# Youko you're not helping here. #
-`Am I the only logical one in here?'-
# Yes. #
-`What do you think?'-
-`Would it truly be so much to ask to be allowed some peace and quiet in my own head?'-
-`Stop complaining and pay attention Red.'-
Snapping his head up, Kurama turned his gaze to Yusuke, who was looking at him expectantly.
“Forgive me, but could you please repeat that?”
“I asked if you were going to Tokyo U. this year.”
“That's great.”
Masking his confusion quickly, Kurama managed to speak, “Pardon? What's great?”
“We are referring to the fact that you seem to be fairly strong as well as competent.” Said Sesshomaru
“Our imouto wishes to attend this Tokyo U. as well. In light of this, we would like you to assist Ryu in assuring her safety in the Ningenkai.”
-`Say yes! Say yes! If you refuse I swear I'll make your life miserable!'-
# I'll help him. #
Grimacing mentally at the actions of his two counterparts, Kurama turned his attention to Sessho.
“I would honored to assist you, but what may I ask, are the specifics of this?”
Grinning widely Yusuke was the one to answer.
“Simple, scare off any guys, and if they won't leave make them. Also, keep her out of trouble.”
Curiosity eating at him, Kurama's eyes took on a gold tint, as he asked.
“Why are you going to such lengths to protect her? She is capable of defending herself isn't she?”
“Kagome has a knack for getting herself into trouble. If she found a bunny, it would turn out to be a blood sucking bunny bent on world domination.” Replied Yusuke with a long-suffering sigh.
“Indeed, that is why this Sesshomaru is so concerned about her safety and welfare.”
Seeing Kurama nod in acceptance, Yusuke turned to Sesshomaru and asked nonchalantly,
“What else did ya wanna talk about?”
“We need to discuss living arrangements for Kagome.”
“Why? She can just stay at my apartment.”
“Idiot, I wouldn't allow Jaken to live in that hovel you call an apartment.”
“What the hell?! Are you saying that my apartment isn't good enough?”
“Idiot, what do you think it means?”
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Opening her eyes she blearily took in her surroundings as she sat up on the futon.
-`I guess this means that I made it to Reikai then.'-
Noticing that she had been cleaned up and her clothes changed, she swung her legs out of bed, setting them on the floor. Looking up when she heard the infirmary door open, she watched as an ogre entered and made his way to her. Bowing slightly he began to speak,
“Kagome-sama, would you like me to escort you back to Koenma's office?”
Nodding her head in acquiescence, she stood and followed the ogre back to Koenma's office. Standing outside of the door, she frowned, as the sounds of an argument became apparent. Shaking her head slightly she opened the door, and quietly entered the room.
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Okay, the second chapter is over and done with. It was hard to write when all I could think of was Sessho yelling Die Inuyasha…But oh well… Next chapter, Kagome meets Kurama, and we learn what happened in the battle with Naraku. Also Kurama has two voices in his head because I decided it would a lot more fun that way. Until then Adios! ~SilverCrescentMiko
Imouto: Little sister
Otouto: Little brother
Ningenkai: Human Realm
Makai: Demon Realm
Youkai: Demon
Miko: Priestess
Kitsune: Fox
Onii-san: Big brother