InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Intersecting Lives: Trying to find home ❯ Intersecting Lives: The Transport ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi people! Im here to bring you my first crossover! YaY! Its great to be back. This is a FanFic based loosely on me an my friends and what would happen if we all got hurled into the past/different universe, hooked up with Inu-Yasha's groupe, and were the YYH teams newest case! Mayham will ensue! Enjoy and /spazes/ REVIEW OR I SHALT SICK BoB MY CRAZY TOE EATING SQUIRRL ON Y0OU!!!!BWHAHAHAHA! /unspazes/ ummm…..ok like I said review please!


Disclamer: I don't in any way own YYH or IY but Alexis, Lexi, Sora, and Cassey are my own characters. P.S I don't own any stores or songs mentiond in this Fic.




.::Blah::.=Telapathic connectons

*Blah *=Flashback

{BlahBlah}=Da beautiful Authoress's notes

/school bell rings/

"Its ok Alexis." Comported Sora as her and her friends walked out of the school building. Alexis had just gotten word that her last remaning realitive had just died to a heart attack two days before her moved to this city to take care of her from now on. Alexis brushed Sora's hand off as they paused by one of the large trees that had been placed around randomly on the school grounds. The rest of their friends emerged from the building and raced over to them. All four of them made an odd group as they talked consoling Alexis on her loss. She told them to drop the subject and telling them that she felt perfectly fighn.Even though she hurt like crazy on the inside. Her still façade showed no sign of the pain as she grinned at her friends. Alexis was obviously the punk of the group. Short shoulder length black/brown hair that was tipped in a hir die so red some mistook it for blood. Stormy grey eyes dared someone to try and mock her. A black bucket hat was shoved on her head giving her a slightly lopsided appearance. Her black baggy jeans looked worn and torn from their constant use. Her black tee had the words "Misunderstood" emblazed on the front and "Or am i…." On the back. Black scuffed and worn black combat boots scuffed at the pavment. She was the quietest of the group and Lexi ,her best friend , clamed she only opend her mouth to eat or insult(this is mostly true but she occasonaly has something that could be taken for as a real conversation). Lexi , who was currently sugar high, was standing next to her. Lexi was taller than Alexis though they were best friends. Most wrote her off as the ditzy blonde (which she occasionally is -__-). She had the will of a bull and more than enough honor to discrase the bravest and most sincere knight of midevial times to think twice of how well he had done his duties. Her baby blue eyes have an intensity that few who even care to look into them can find. She was currently wearing a Happy Bunny© tee that said "Crazy dosent even begin to describe it!" and bellbottom jeans with ratty sneakers. She stared at a tree branch and exclaimed "OHHHH!!! A choclate coverd BERDIE!!" her outflung pointing finger accidently hit Sora in the ear. Sora glared at Lexi who was unaware of how much Sora despised her at that exsact moment. Sora was the tallest in the groupe with long black hair and startiling emrald green eyes. She wore a tee from the 2000 Olympics(Which she had attended) and a pair of strait legged jeans {Most likely from the boys section were she gets a lot of her cloths -__- /sigh/}.Sora was a great person to be around unless she had recently had some caffen. When she had had some she went nuts. She was even worse than Lexi {If that's possible!}. She had a lot of knowledge of herbs and medicines. Essentaly she was the healer of the group. Cassey was the tallest of the group. She had long brown hair (waist length) she brushed a strand out of her choclate colord eyes as she watched the other three. She wore a nice pair of sneakers and jeans with a regular tee. She grinned at the others. Cassey was the brains of the group. She also happened to be the only one of the four of them with any common sense. Alexis Sighed heavily as she slapped Lexi upside the head before pointing out "Idiot that's a brown squirrel not a choclate coverd BERDIE! For crimenys sake!" She avoided cussing most of the time. Lexi whined as she rubbed the side of her head. "OWWWW!!!! That's the hand with the dang spiked braclet!" She said fingering the braclet indent on the side of her head. Alexis smirked and lifted her arm to show the braclet that had enough spikes on it to almost be classified as a weapon. "All the better to beat you with." She said with a sharklike grin that made you think she was going to jump at you and rip your throat out. Lexi squeeked and dashed behind Sora "HELP! Sora Alexis is goanna go maniac on meeeee!" Sor shoved her out from behind her as she glared at Alexis who kept on grinning "Alexis not going to go maniac on you…I think." She said alittle shakily. Alexis lowerd her hand and looked at all of them "Now guys remember park gates at 9:30 sharp bring whatever youll need and don't show up late or else she said warningly she she walked off into the bright midaffternoon. They all nodded and headed their seprate ways back to their respective homes all but Alexis who wasn't to been found anywere.


Alexis looked at her digital watch again as she perrred at the glowing number to make sure they were right. //Man their late!// She thought to herself as she leand back against one of the pillars that held the gate. Suddenly Lexi and Sora rounded the corner at a dead run with Cassy coming after them in a slightly more sedate pace,though only slightly. Each girl had a back-pack slung on her back filled with whatever that particular person wanted to bring to this campout in the park. "Im SOOO sorry were late we got held up when we were sneaking away from Sora's house." Said Lexi All three of the other girls had pertended to be sleeping over at Sora's house when they were actual sneaking out of the house to come here. "That's ok."She said as the others both opoligized. "Hurry up before someone comes by!" She went over to the newly installed gates. They had been put up after the time some high schoolers had thought it would bee funny if they teepeed the park. They had never found out who did it but it had taken a week to get it all out of the trees and another to fish it out of the duck ponds. Sora walked over and took out a kit of some various lock picks and started on the lock. After a couple of munits of sweating it out they heard the lock click open and they dashed in Cassy closing and re-locking the gates behind them. They dashed into the park heading for a heavily wooded secton. As they passed beneath the trees the light seemed to change. The world was becoming more…real… things were just more alive and their than they had once been. This subtle change went unnoticed by the four girls running into the heart of the forest. She they reached the center they stood under the massive limbs of a giant and extremely old oak tree. "Wow!" Lexi , Sora and Cassey exclaimed. Though Alex had not said a word she was just as awed by the sheer size of the tree though that wasn't all she felt she felt an immense age hanging around the clearing with the oak as she and the others stepped forward as though in a trance. Each held out a hand and afraid of what might happen and hesitantly touched the trees rough yet somehow gental bark. Their was a blaze of light in the clearing. Each girl dissapperard their packs thudding to the ground only thin whisps of smoke remaned. As they traveld all Alexa rememberd was a blinding white hot pain filling her pains. It killed her yet somhow made her whole and as alive as she could ever and still bear mear mortality on herself. All she could assume was that the others were going through much of the same

Me: Wow that was cool! I hope you liked it

Cassy: They better of liked it*Waves evil frying pan of doom over head and threatens with it*

Sora: Yepers Threatins with rubber chicken

Lexi: Yesh /Wanders in circles/ lalalala