InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With A Rose ❯ The Question Or He Did What ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It All Started With A Rose
Chapter Seven: The Question Or He Did What
I do not own Inu or YYH
SNAP: After eating, a dinner of rare dishes Kagome finally had gathered the will to ask about the one thing that had been bothering her since she had arrived.
“I was wondering if I could see your gardens.” Kagome asked.
Kurama looked at her for a moment before he stood and walked over to Kagome's chair to help her up. He slowly led her out side where she saw some of the most beautiful flowers from all parts of the world.
In Side the Castle
“Oh she is absolutely perfect!” Botan squealed.
“So I guess Kurama won't be killing her family?” Yusuke asked making Genkai pop him on the back of the head.
“WHAT?!” Yusuke asked.
“He was only going to kill her family if one of the family members did not return.” Sango explained. “Alright time to finish our chores. Yusuke you will help Keiko feed the livestock. Botan and Yukina clear the tables. Miroku you and Kuwabara are to wash the dishes.” Sango was getting ready to leave the room when she stopped and smiled. “Oh and Hiei you have the best job you get to put bedding down for all of the animals.” The rest almost fell over laughing at the look of disgust on Hiei's face.
As the two walked, Kagome told Kurama about her self.
“Why did you come instead of your father? Surly he cares for you?” Kurama asked.
“He didn't make me. I left during the night. It was my fault that he took the rose after all.” Kagome smiled a sad smile.
`She would give her freedom for her father!' Kurama was amazed. The two continued threw the gardens just enjoying the perfect scenery.
When they reached the end of the garden, Kurama stopped.
“Is something wrong?” Kagome asked.
“I have met many women but none have ever been as pure and giving as you. I know this is sudden and that we just met but would you marry me?” Kurama ask, Kagome gasped she would have never expected him to ask her that simple question.
“I-I-I can't.” Kagome said. When she saw the look in Kurama's eyes, she broke into tears before running into the palace.
“Hn. The idiot could have done a better job.” Hiei said causing Kurama to growl.
“That is not the easiest question to ask. I doubt you could ask that question to a woman any easier.”
“Sango will you marry me?” Hiei asked. Sango had just walked up totally missing the conversation and was extremely surprised when the short demon turned and asked her that question.
SNAP(AHHHH! HE LIVES!): Kagome had quickly run to her room not knowing that many of the servants had seen her. She slammed the door, curled up onto her bed, and began to cry. Several of the female servants took it upon themselves to make sure Kagome was ok.
“He screwed up didn't he?” Kagome looked around franticly before she heard what sounded like several girls laughing.
“Sorry about that we tend to forget we can't be seen.” Another voice answered.
“What do you mean you can't be seen?” Kagome asked sitting up. The bed began to sink in a few places like several people had set down. “Ar-are you ghosts?” Kagome asked.
“Oh no, no, no. We are just cursed to be invisible.” One of the voices from earlier said. “I'm Botan.”
“I don't see why you are even telling her who you are she can't even see us.” Another voice said sounding annoyed.
“Don't mind Shizuru. She is kind of a pessimist.” Botan said with a big smile.
The door suddenly flew open causing the girls to jump. All of the servant girls breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it was just a very angry Sango.
“No worries it's just Sango and by the looks of her face she had a run in with Miroku.” Botan said.
“No it wasn't Miroku it was that short… little… oh I can't stand him.” Sango said stomping around waving her arms.
“Hiei.” Almost all the girls said dully like this was an everyday thing.
“What did he do this time?” Botan asked.
“He asked me to marry him!” Sango growled angrily.
“HE DID WHAT?!” All the girls except Kagome screamed.
Kurama was slowly walking back to the house an angry Hiei beside him.
“HE DID WHAT?!” Kurama cringed. He could just imagine the hell that the females of the household would put him through now.
“Don't tell me you're scared of a bunch of female.” Hiei asked.
“HIEI! If I were you I would run!” Yusuke yelled running towards them. Kurama turned his head in the direction of Yusuke's voice.
“Why should he run?” Kurama asked.
“Didn't you hear the girls' scream? Me, Miroku, Kuwabara, and Jin were listening in. Oh and why did you ask Sango to marry you?” Yusuke asked.
“None of your business.” Hiei said walking off.
In Kagome's room
“What did you tell him?” Keiko asked.
“I picked up a tree branch and hit him with it.” Sango said.
“So you didn't answer him.” Kagome asked.
“Can she see us?” Sango asked.
“Sango quit acting stupid.” Shizuru said earning a glare from Sango.
“Will you two please quit the rivalry already.” All the girls turned towards the door to see well Kagome couldn't but that's beside the point. There in the door way was a pinkish-grey haired woman.
“Hello Genkai!” Three of the girls said.
“Now we have a busy day tomorrow so everyone off to bed.” No one moved. “NOW!” The girls quickly ran out of the room leaving Kagome by herself.
Snap: Miles away a worried father prayed for the safety of his youngest daughter.
End Chapter
Three chapters in two days! Off to take care of my livestock(babies). OH! Two more things, Thanks to all of my wonderful reviewers and thank you May for returning my horse's bridal.