InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Story ❯ Information of Sequel! ( EndNotes )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Information on the Sequel
It called `Blissfully Unprepared' and I should have the first chapter out really soon. This time around, there's going to be more Yukina, Souta, Kuhaku, Naraku, Dachi and Sasuke. Yes, I'm also going to work on Hiei's and Kagome's relationship. I don't really know how I'm going to go about in increasing there relationship without making it too mushy or getting off the plot, but I have a few ideas, so if you want to give me some ideas, I'd be very gratified. Anyway, if want to read the full summary, head over to my profile!
See ya soon!!!!