InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, the New Night Dragon ❯ The Miko and the Dragon ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone. I got this great idea for a new fic. Hope you guys like it.
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Chapter 1: The Miko and The Dragon
The ambers of the fire just went out when Kagome heard a mental cry. She got up slowly without waking the youkai of the group and started for the cry.
`I wonder what made that plea and why am I the only one who heard it?' Kagome thought as she came to a clearing. In the clearing was a black dragon.
`Hello Kagome.' the dragon tried to get up but could not.
“Are you hurt?” asked Kagome, not at all surprised that the dragon knew her name, as she rush to the dragon's side. Kagome knew a lot about dragons but did not meet one herself.
`Yes. I was caught off guard by a wolf youkai. He attacked me before I knew his was there.' the dragon looked Kagome in the eyes and allowed her moon yellow eyes see into her heart. `You are very pure, Kagome. That must be why a ningen miko could have heard me.'
Kagome was confused and did her best to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds. The sun was starting to rise and Kagome was tired. “I did my best but the bleeding hasn't stopped.” Kagome informed the dragon as she sat down near the her head.
`You did your best and I honor that. Kagome, would you be ever so kind as to take the jewel from my forehead and keep it with you at all times?' the dragon smiled as Kagome did as she was asked.
“I don't understand. Why would you give me your jewel?” Kagome asked looking at the black jewel in her hand.
`I respect you for trying to help me. My time is up. Good luck, Kagome, for the path ahead will be long and hard but you will have the power to survive anything that cross your path.' the dragon's body started to glow then went into the jewel's sphere. Inuyasha and the others arrived minutes later to see Kagome staring at the jewel.
“Kagome, you had us worried. Are you okay?” Sango asked kneeling beside her.
“I'm fine just a little tired.” Kagome yawned to make her point.
“Well, you shouldn't have stayed up all night.” Inuyasha said with his nose in the air to make sure that there were not any youkai around to catch them off guard.
“I received a mental cry for help and I went searching for the one who called. It was a dragon and she was hurt badly.” Kagome said as she got to her feet.
“Perhaps you should tell us when you're going to help someone next time. That way we can protect you.” Miroku smiled lightly at her.
Kagome nodded her agreement and they headed back to camp to have breakfast.
~*~In the Eastern Lands~*~
A young humanoid dragon youkai was on his way to the castle when he felt the lost of a dragon, his mother, and turned in the direction the feeling was coming from. His moon yellow eyes closed in a silent farewell. The wind blowing his red streaked, black hair. He had to make it to the castle to tell the Lady of the Eastern Lands. His black and red sunburst jewel glowed, as did his body. When the light cleared, there stood a red with black spikes. His hair and eyes stayed the same. He took flight with his mighty black tipped wings.
He soon came to the castle and landed in the courtyard where the Lady of the East waited for him. He transformed back and bowed. His wings unfurled a bit as he did so.
“I am sorry for your lost, Tsuku. Your mother was a very good friend. She will be missed dearly.” the silver haired, sky blue eyed, silver dragon said as she approached him.
“Thank you, Lady Kaela.” Tsuku said as he stood.
“Kona, will you please show Tsuku to his room?” Kaela said as she turned to one of her servants.
“Of course, Milady.” the brown haired dragon youkai said as she bowed to Kaela. “Please follow me.”
“Lady Kaela? What of my mother's jewel?” Tsuku asked before he entered the castle.
“We will find it tomorrow once you have rested and had something to eat.” Kaela smiled as he nodded then went into the castle. `Let's just hope a evil being does not have it.'
~*~Inu's group~*~
“Inuyasha, why don't we take a break day and let Kagome rest? I mean it would be unwise to travel with her in a weaken state.” Miroku said, knowing just what to say for the inu-hanyou to agree.
“Fine but just for today but tomorrow we head out.” Inuyasha said as he went to gather more wood.
“Very well, Inuyasha. So Kagome, what exactly happened last night?” Sango asked the question everyone was wondering.
“Well, sometime last night I received a plea for help. I went to see what happened and found that dragon.” Kagome explained pulling out the black jewel.
“What did the dragon look like?” Sango asked looking at the jewel like she knew it from somewhere.
“It was a black dragon with moon yellow eyes and light silver streaks in her hair.
“That sounds like the night dragon, Midnight. She came to our village often with news of a village in need of a taiji-ya. She was one of the Searchers of the East.”
“Searcher of the East? What is that?” Kagome asked looking slightly confused.
“If my memory serves right then the Searchers of the East journey around Japan looking for anything that may be dangerous to the people of Japan. The Eastern Lords and Ladies were once said to be kamis placed on earth to protect every living thing but that is only legend.” Miroku explained as much as he could remember. “Inuyasha may know something about it.”
“I may know what?” speak of the devil and he shall appear, and he's carrying wood for the fire to boot.
“Do you know anything about the Eastern Lords and Ladies and the Searchers of the East?” Kagome asked, rolling the black jewel around in her hand.
“The only thing I know about the lords and ladies is that they're all silver dragon youkai and their searchers are suppose to be the best knights around.”
“What about this jewel? Why did she give it to me?” Kagome thought to herself out loud.
“We'll find out in time, I suppose.” Shippo smiled at his mother-like friend.