InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama In The Tree ❯ Chapter 1The Boy In The Tree ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1 the boy in the tree
Kurama watched as a young lady came out of the house. He could tell she was around his age, she followed the blood to the tree he was in and sat down after she sat down he passed out.
After Kagome sat down she finished her cookies then felt something drip down on her when she looked up she saw something falling towards her. Before she could scream the weight of a young man was weighing her down. Kagome then rolled him off her and took a good look at him. He had long red hair and he looked pretty hot to her. She put his arm around her shoulders and pulled him off the ground and pulled him into the kitchen.
“Mom! This guy is hurt really bad we have to help him. Help me get him up to my room and Souta get me hot water, cold water, wash rags and bandages.” Kagome said as they were taking him up to her room.
As soon as they got up to her room Kagome was left holding the guy while her mom ran and got a large towel and laid it on the floor and helped Kagome put the boy down. They took off his shredded shirt to see how bad the wound was. They seen he had cuts and scrapes on his left side and arm and a big gapping hole in his stomach that went all the way through. Kun-Loon could not believe her eyes at how this boy was still alive after the wounds that were on him. Souta brought all the things Kagome asked for into her room and when he seen the wounds he put the stuff down and ran to the bathroom. Kagome could tell something wasn't normal about this boy but couldn't put her finger on it just yet. They washed the wounds and put herbs from her bag on him then bandaged him up. They then put him on her bed and covered him up.
“Kagome remember that your cousins Shizuru and Kazuma is coming over in a few days to stay for a couple of days. And keep an eye on his wounds through the night dear.” Kun-Loon said softly.
“Mom where am I going to sleep?” Kagome asked.
“In here. Keep an eye on him threw the night okay.” Kun-Loon said. And left the room. `Oh that poor boy wonder what on earth happened to him. Hopefully he will get better soon.'
In the middle of the night Kagome woke up to the sounds of the guy thrashing around on her bed. She got up and walked over to him.
“Shh…it's alright your okay.” Kagome said in a soft sweet voice calming him down a little.
She went to get up to go lay back when she noticed that he had his arms wrapped around her waist pinning her to the bad. She thought that this couldn't get any worse but it turned out he started rolling over till he was on his side facing her and she couldn't move out of his embrace. She then started falling back asleep in his arms.
When morning came Kagome woke up to see he let go of her and was facing the other way so she got out of bed and laid down in her sleeping bag and was very embarrassed about what had happened. Then Kun-Loon came into the room to wake Kagome up.
Hiei just came back from getting info on Kurama from Koenma.
“They have no fucking idea where he is but he ain't dead.” Hiei pissed that Kurama was missing.
“No news is good news. Right?” Yusuke said/asked.
“Hey little brother lets go.” Shizuru said.
“What do you mean Shizuru?” Kuwabara asked stupidly.
“We are going over our cousins house baka. I told you last week to get your stuff together we are leaving a day early because something has caused Kagome to be very depressed.” Shizuru said broadly.
“What? What happened to little Kagome, Shiz what happened?” baka yelled.
“Don't know that's why we're going early.” She said.
“Hey you two you wanna come and meet my two cousins with us?” baka said.
“Sure I'll go nothing better to do.” Yusuke said.
“Hn.” Hiei huffed in his usual manner.
They all got their things together and got to the train station and went across town to go to go to the Shrine. When they got off the train the got a taxi and had it go to the Sunset Shrine. When they got there the boys realized they were in the area yesterday.
“Your cousin lives here. We fought that demon over in the park yesterday.” Yusuke yelled.
They all walked up the stairs far too many for Yusuke's taste. And as soon as they got up to a bunch of flying sutras attacked Yusuke. They were thrown courtesy of an old man looking at Yusuke.
“What the hell, are you doing old man?” Yusuke shouted at him pissed.
“Demon be gone!” The old man called throwing sutras at Yusuke.
“Gramps stop that!” Kagome called from the door of the well house as she slid it open and walking over to the visitors her left hand holding a bunch of sutras.
Yusuke noticed the sutras and felt her power fading, from just using it a little while ago, but it was strong. He thought she was gonna use them on him so he hid behind Kuwabara peeking out at her.
“Oh don't worry these sutras are for sealing objects not people, and besides I wouldn't use sealing or purifying sutras on just any one.” Kagome nervously giggled.
“Kagome you didn't seal it did you?” Gramps questioned.
“Oh go see for you self gramps.” Kagome said and gramps took off to the well house.
“Kagome what have you be doing that you need to seal something?” Shizuru asked not intentionally making it sound the way it does.
“Oh nothing I can't seal anything anyway just a normal teenage girl no powers what so ever.” Kagome said with a nervous laugh crumbling the sutras she had in her hands and throwing them in the air.
“Hey little Kagome what's up?” Kuwabara asked his cousin with a big smile. He being the only one not to notice the spirit energy vaguely emitting from her.
Kagome spun around and pulled out her bow with an arrow notched and ready to fly. “Kazuma don't mess with me today I'm in no mood, and I've told you how many times not to call me little!” Kagome was pissed she hated Kazuma calling her little and she wasn't in a good mood today to start with being still pissed at InuYasha. She was ready to take her anger out on any one who pissed her off. Instead of pinning Kazuma to a tree she lowered her bow knowing he didn't deserve her wrath.
“Sorry Kagome.” Kuwabara gulped saying that when she still had the arrow pointed at him.
When she pointed the arrow both Yusuke and Hiei stepped back. Unsure what she was going to do and being it was none of their business.
“Well girl you've certainly been busy haven't you? Where did you learn to use a bow?” Shizuru asked changing the subject.
“Oh well um and old friend.” Kagome said. `Yeah an old friend who lives in feudal Japan.' Kagome's mind said sarcastically.
“Well that's a good hobby but no more aiming at my brother or anyone else ok?” Shizuru asked her with a smile stepping next to her.
“Ok Shiz.” Kagome said with a child like smile.
“Kagome it's time you should… Oh Shizuru, Kazuma you're here early.” Kun-Loon stated.
“Yes mom right on it.” Kagome ran into the house.
“Come on in don't just stand there.” Kun-Loon said with a motherly smile.
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Kagome got 2 things of water and almost ran up to her room she had left all the bandages in there. Setting the bowls on the floor next to a fresh towel she gently pulled the red haired guy off her bed so she could change his bandages. Laying him on the towel and against the side of her bed so it'd be easier to unwrap and wrap the wounds on his torso she started to remove his bandages being very careful.
Kurama slowly began to come back to consciousness his eyes fluttered open to see a head of dark hair and he felt something unwrapping from his body. He realized it must be bandages from the strong pain he was feeling in his stomach were he was struck from that demon. He raised his left hand and gripped her right hand stopping it from moving.
This startled Kagome she hadn't even sensed he was conscious looking up at his face his eyes were a beautiful emerald green.
He looked at her chocolate brown eyes that looked like liquid chocolate so smooth and rich. Though he was unable to stay conscious for long he slowly felt himself fall back in to unconsciousness as she watched.
After he passed out again his hand falling from hers she continued with that bandages unwrapping. She noticed his wound was not as bad as it should have been it looked like InuYasha's wound, well the similar one he had a while back, after only a day. With that she knew he wasn't human or not all human. Placing fresh new bandages on his wound she then gently moved him back to her bed.
She then gathered the bowls of dirty water from using it to clean the wound and went to clean them.
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Everyone was in the living room chatting Hiei sat on the window seat away from everyone while everyone sat on the furniture chatting about anything and everything. Kagome then walked in the room after cleaning the bowls Hiei noticed it then that she smelled faintly of Kurama. At this realization his eyes widened slightly and at that time Yusuke just happened to look over at him.
“Hey Hiei there's something I wanna asked you?” Yusuke stood and motioned for Hiei to follow.
Out side they walk over to the far end of the courtyard to speak.
“So Hiei what was up with the face in there you looked shocked about something?” Yusuke asked.
“The onna knows where Kurama is.” Hiei said he had done a quick mind dive before he left and noticed that she knew of Kurama in her recent thoughts.
“Who Kagome?” Yusuke asked think he was talking about her but wasn't sure.
“Yes she smelled faintly of Kurama and in her recent thoughts I saw Kurama.” Hiei explained in short detail.
“Oh well this is ironic.” Yusuke mused.
“Shut up.” Hiei said.
“So why don't we question her?” Yusuke asked.
“Hn.” Hiei agreed nodding his head.
They went back in the house and sat down in their previous seats.
“So Kagome what have you done the past few days?” Shizuru asked.
`Well I don't think the secret will last the way those two are.' Kagome thought. “ Well I was sitting outside in the courtyard under the sacred tree yesterday. After I finished eating a few cookies I felt something drip on me. I looked up and this boy fell out of the tree and landed on me. He had red hair and he was hurt a big whole was in his stomach.” Kagome explained.
“Ok well guess we didn't have to ask.” Yusuke mused.
“Huh? What are you talking about?” Kagome asked.
“Ok well yesterday while we were working we got into a fight and our one friend who is not with us, at the moment, got hurt and disappeared.” Yusuke explained.
“Oh well the boy that fell from the tree is here I've been taking care of him, maybe he's your friend.” Kagome said with a smile hoping that she could find out who he was. “Come with me.” Everyone followed Kagome upstairs and to her room.
Opening her door she revealed the red haired boy asleep on her bed.
“Well that's him alright.” Kuwabara stated.
“Ok well I specialize in healing so he's been in good hands.” Kagome said remembering all the bandaging she's done since her birthday.
“That's good to know.” Shizuru said putting an arm around Kagome's shoulders
Back at Keade's everyone was going about his or her usual daily activities, when Kagome wasn't around. But this time however everyone was pissed at InuYasha, excluding Kikyo. Shippou kept yelling at InuYasha asking him why he made Kagome go away. Keade kept lecturing him along with Miroku about going to get her but Sango just sat around and anytime InuYasha came near her, she gave him an evil look and if he talked to her, which he'd only done once, she'd taken out hirikotsu and chased him with it.
Kikyo walked up to the sacred tree she knew InuYasha was there hiding from everyone's wrath. She stood under the tree looking at the ground she felt bad like everyone was really mad at her. All she wanted to do was help and all she did was break up InuYasha and his real friends something she new he never had before. She also wanted to be part of their group she just wanted to have friends to. She thought if InuYasha could find true friends she could also.
“InuYasha?” Kikyo questioned still looking at the ground.
“Feh. You've come to lecture me to.” InuYasha assumed not moving a bit.
“No I just came to say that if you won't go get your friend I'm going to leave also. You know I just wanted to have friends like you, I never wanted to hurt anyone.” Kikyo stated not moving from her original spot looking at the ground.
InuYasha said nothing just started jumping from tree to tree as he thought to himself. `It's been three days maybe she calmed down.' He thought hoping that be the case.
Kikyo new he had gone right after the last words left her mouth and she turned to her audience she new was hiding in the brush of the clearing.
“Well he's going to get her.” Kikyo said turning to head for the well.
They all followed, they consisting of Sango, Shippou, Miroku, Kirara, and Keade.
Getting to the well InuYasha jumped in and jumped out thinking he was in Kagome's time but found he was still in the Feudal Era he tried again but got nothing. He kept trying and then Kikyo and everyone walked up to the well seeing InuYasha jumping up and down in and out of the well looking like and idiot.
“InuYasha what's wrong?” Shippou questioned.
“She didn't?” InuYasha said to himself but loud enough for everyone to hear.
“ I take that Kagome has sealed the well.” Keade stated.
“How could she, she never knew how or had enough power?” InuYasha questioned finally stopping his futile attempts.
“Lady Keade did you?” Miroku questioned standing next to her hoping InuYasha hadn't heard.
“KEADE!!!!!!” InuYasha yelled mad.
“Yes child?” Keade questioned calmly.
“Did you teach Kagome how to seal the well?” InuYasha growled.
“What ever do ye mean child?” Keade questioned again knowing full well that InuYasha did not buy it for a second.
“Yes you do now unseal the damn thing.” InuYasha growled beyond pissed right now.
“I can not child young Kagome must do it her self or someone just as strong must break it from this side but I can not because of my age.” Keade explained.
“Miroku you do it then.” InuYasha demanded.
“I'll try but it will probably take a week it could be sooner if I had help.” Miroku stated.
“I will help it's my fault Kagome left so I should do what I can to help bring her back.” Kikyo stated.
“Alright.” Miroku agreed and sat next to one side of the well.
Kikyo took a seat on the opposite side of the well and to him.