InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Unforseen Side Effects ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N):This may start a little slow(this fic) but once we get into it, it'll be worth it. A little note:
[words] = telepathy
'words' = thoughts of Shuichi
'words' = thoughts of Youko
Tearing his gaze away from the all too familiar red of Makai's sky, Kurama pulls a single red rose seed from his hair, feeding enough of his energy into it to sped it's growth to the point of flowering. He did not want to be here, as much as he longed to be free of Koenma and return here, he was not here for his pleasure. He was a criminal, and this was his community service, it was this or Reikai prison. The options were not great, working for Reikai the lesser or two evils, however he wasn't sure he could even do this job successfully.
[Hiei, how much longer?] He was a decoy for a youkai fugitive with a weak spot for human flesh. He'd have to face him down alone, or the youkai might run again
[he's almost there, one minute at most] He was supposed to play the lost human, he falls into role as he picks up the youkai's noisy steps approaching.
'Oh no' his entire body shudders as his form looses stability for a second 'bad timing . . . not now' he releases a shakey breath, his whole body aching sharply and ungrounded for those scary few moments. The youkai burst forward from the trees, leering down at him. 'I shouldn't have risked it . . .no I would have lost . . .died. But since the Dark Tournament . . . the Fruit of Past Life*, my body. It feels as if I'm falling apart slowly' the youkai lurches forwards and he turns to run ' and Youko's getting stronger!'
[He's here Hiei]
Shippo grins widely as he runs, no distinct path in sight as he weaves through the never-ending forests, the pulse of life strong around him, his hair and tail whipping wildly behind him 'Ah, this is great, if only I had prey to chase' his hair was tied up in a high ponytail that would have been brushing his shoulders had he been standing still, his skin tanned in a way models dreamed of, his form all lean muscle. He'd grown up nicely, meeting and exceeding his expectaions, with the confidence to push himself further. Yes if the rest of the pack could see him now, he chuckles 'Yuji-sensei might have a run for his money'. He quiets his thoughs to takes in the scenery, a slight smile still on his lips, Makai's forests were more like jungles, or dryer rainforests. There was so much life, all of it wild and full of bite, sometimes litarally. He smirks as he propells himself forwards off of a large scavenger tree. The things were like vultures with roots and one of the tamer plants of the realm, of course with his skill he hardly had to worry. His thoughts again go to his sensei, the youkai who'd taught him everything he knew and pushed him to learn more. The youkai who had convinced Sango to become his mate, and followed her into the afterlife. He shakes off the feelings of sadness, having failed at keeping a clear head.
'the worst part of remembering, remembering the bad things' The forest starts to thin out a bit and he slows down dropping to the ground, his footsteps silent
"Damnit, not now" pointed ears twitch in response to the voice, eyes widen as the scent hits his nose. The sound of large feet pounding the ground reaches him as he slows to a stop
'What, a human in Makai!? How--?' before he can persue the thought further, a figure rushes past him in a blur of red and pink. Green meets green for a split second
'what the hell!?' there is a rumbling laugh that makes the forest tremble
"come back here, meat!" Shippo jumps back just in time to avoid being trampled as a large ogre-like youkai rushes past after the human, without a second thought he goes after them.
"ha! humans are so fragile!" Shippo pushes asside a cluster of plants, careful of thorns, to look into the tiny clearing the red-headed human had entered. He'd apparently fallen and sprained an ankle, but there was nothing besides his position to suggest it. The youkai didn't seem to notice and was advancing, a hungry smrks forming around potruding fangs.
"you'll be delicious" Shippo hangs back, positioning himself to attack as the human's eyes narrow
"I'm afraid you will never know if that's the case" Shippo notes the rose in his hand with suspicion
"What!?" the ogre-like youkai gurgles in outrage. The human, with a flick of his wrist, transformes the rose into a whip, which wraps itself around the youkai's neck, the youkai yells again in outrage as he's pulled face-first into the ground. Shippo's eyes widen noticably, his stance unsteady for a second. He quickly regains his baring.
'That's not possible' he watches in disbelief as vines burst up from around the youkai, securing him to the forest as he tries to struggle away, his form vibrating with the speed his species possessed despite their hulking forms. 'What the hell is this . . . a human can't'
"Hiei . . ." a name falls from the young man's lips as he struggles to his feet, falling to one knee not a moment later. Who was this human? Why was the scent of his pain so strong now, when he wasn't hurt before? Did it have something to do with him using that power?
'what do I do here?' part of him wanted to go to the man, pretty for a human and a male, but the other side kept him away. He didn't know what he could do, and right now he was like a wounded animal, potentially dangerous. He kept his energy signature masked.
"Fox, what the hell!?" The scene plays out further as a short figure garbed in black appears next to the human. This one was a youkai, a hybrid of fire and something he couldn't distinguish
'What does he mean fox?" The kitsune frowns "this doen't add up, surely the boy isn't that pretty. Who is this guy?" "Hiei, you're here" a weak smile touches the human's lips causing the small youkai to jerk slighty in surprise, his brow creasing in consern.
'Hiei . . .' Kurama watches as the hybrid's brow creases in consern
"What the hell happened to you?" the question is murmered as Hiei pushes him onto his bottom to examine him "I don't smell blood anywhere on you" clawed hands wander medical platonicy
"it's not . . .an injury" Hiei's brow creases further, eyes searching the redheads face for a long moment
"I'm calling the ferry-wench" Kurama's eyes follow the youkai's movements as he pulls the small communicator from the pocket of his school uniform, flipping it open.
"Hiei, I just need to re--" a glare in sent in his direction as a bubbly voice comes through on the communicator
"Don't be an idiot, fox" the hybrid's attention is again turned to the device as he sends a similar glare into it "wench, we've completed the mission, get here now. The fox is hurt" He catches the beginning of the Ferry-girl's worries over the link before they are cut off by Hiei clicking the communicator closed. No more than five minutes later the two are picked up by the blue haired reaper via portal.
'They work for Reikai' Shippo's mind races as he makes his way back towards The Western Estate 'that woman was a ferry-girl for the River Stix*, but it doesn't exsplain anything, there's no way that boy was human' he picks up his pace.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
The Fruit of Past Life - During the Dark Tournament Kurama used a potion containing this fruit in order to take his Youko form. It was successful, however he was warned that there may be 'side-effects' as the potion hadn't been tested beforehand.
River Stix - The river the dead must cross to move on to the afterlife. Back-when, Fare(two coins/mon?) was ritually placed over the eyes of the dead, so that they could cross.
(A/N):This may start a little slow(this fic) but once we get into it, it'll be worth it. A little note:
[words] = telepathy
'words' = thoughts of Shuichi
'words' = thoughts of Youko
Tearing his gaze away from the all too familiar red of Makai's sky, Kurama pulls a single red rose seed from his hair, feeding enough of his energy into it to sped it's growth to the point of flowering. He did not want to be here, as much as he longed to be free of Koenma and return here, he was not here for his pleasure. He was a criminal, and this was his community service, it was this or Reikai prison. The options were not great, working for Reikai the lesser or two evils, however he wasn't sure he could even do this job successfully.
[Hiei, how much longer?] He was a decoy for a youkai fugitive with a weak spot for human flesh. He'd have to face him down alone, or the youkai might run again
[he's almost there, one minute at most] He was supposed to play the lost human, he falls into role as he picks up the youkai's noisy steps approaching.
'Oh no' his entire body shudders as his form looses stability for a second 'bad timing . . . not now' he releases a shakey breath, his whole body aching sharply and ungrounded for those scary few moments. The youkai burst forward from the trees, leering down at him. 'I shouldn't have risked it . . .no I would have lost . . .died. But since the Dark Tournament . . . the Fruit of Past Life*, my body. It feels as if I'm falling apart slowly' the youkai lurches forwards and he turns to run ' and Youko's getting stronger!'
[He's here Hiei]
Shippo grins widely as he runs, no distinct path in sight as he weaves through the never-ending forests, the pulse of life strong around him, his hair and tail whipping wildly behind him 'Ah, this is great, if only I had prey to chase' his hair was tied up in a high ponytail that would have been brushing his shoulders had he been standing still, his skin tanned in a way models dreamed of, his form all lean muscle. He'd grown up nicely, meeting and exceeding his expectaions, with the confidence to push himself further. Yes if the rest of the pack could see him now, he chuckles 'Yuji-sensei might have a run for his money'. He quiets his thoughs to takes in the scenery, a slight smile still on his lips, Makai's forests were more like jungles, or dryer rainforests. There was so much life, all of it wild and full of bite, sometimes litarally. He smirks as he propells himself forwards off of a large scavenger tree. The things were like vultures with roots and one of the tamer plants of the realm, of course with his skill he hardly had to worry. His thoughts again go to his sensei, the youkai who'd taught him everything he knew and pushed him to learn more. The youkai who had convinced Sango to become his mate, and followed her into the afterlife. He shakes off the feelings of sadness, having failed at keeping a clear head.
'the worst part of remembering, remembering the bad things' The forest starts to thin out a bit and he slows down dropping to the ground, his footsteps silent
"Damnit, not now" pointed ears twitch in response to the voice, eyes widen as the scent hits his nose. The sound of large feet pounding the ground reaches him as he slows to a stop
'What, a human in Makai!? How--?' before he can persue the thought further, a figure rushes past him in a blur of red and pink. Green meets green for a split second
'what the hell!?' there is a rumbling laugh that makes the forest tremble
"come back here, meat!" Shippo jumps back just in time to avoid being trampled as a large ogre-like youkai rushes past after the human, without a second thought he goes after them.
"ha! humans are so fragile!" Shippo pushes asside a cluster of plants, careful of thorns, to look into the tiny clearing the red-headed human had entered. He'd apparently fallen and sprained an ankle, but there was nothing besides his position to suggest it. The youkai didn't seem to notice and was advancing, a hungry smrks forming around potruding fangs.
"you'll be delicious" Shippo hangs back, positioning himself to attack as the human's eyes narrow
"I'm afraid you will never know if that's the case" Shippo notes the rose in his hand with suspicion
"What!?" the ogre-like youkai gurgles in outrage. The human, with a flick of his wrist, transformes the rose into a whip, which wraps itself around the youkai's neck, the youkai yells again in outrage as he's pulled face-first into the ground. Shippo's eyes widen noticably, his stance unsteady for a second. He quickly regains his baring.
'That's not possible' he watches in disbelief as vines burst up from around the youkai, securing him to the forest as he tries to struggle away, his form vibrating with the speed his species possessed despite their hulking forms. 'What the hell is this . . . a human can't'
"Hiei . . ." a name falls from the young man's lips as he struggles to his feet, falling to one knee not a moment later. Who was this human? Why was the scent of his pain so strong now, when he wasn't hurt before? Did it have something to do with him using that power?
'what do I do here?' part of him wanted to go to the man, pretty for a human and a male, but the other side kept him away. He didn't know what he could do, and right now he was like a wounded animal, potentially dangerous. He kept his energy signature masked.
"Fox, what the hell!?" The scene plays out further as a short figure garbed in black appears next to the human. This one was a youkai, a hybrid of fire and something he couldn't distinguish
'What does he mean fox?" The kitsune frowns "this doen't add up, surely the boy isn't that pretty. Who is this guy?" "Hiei, you're here" a weak smile touches the human's lips causing the small youkai to jerk slighty in surprise, his brow creasing in consern.
'Hiei . . .' Kurama watches as the hybrid's brow creases in consern
"What the hell happened to you?" the question is murmered as Hiei pushes him onto his bottom to examine him "I don't smell blood anywhere on you" clawed hands wander medical platonicy
"it's not . . .an injury" Hiei's brow creases further, eyes searching the redheads face for a long moment
"I'm calling the ferry-wench" Kurama's eyes follow the youkai's movements as he pulls the small communicator from the pocket of his school uniform, flipping it open.
"Hiei, I just need to re--" a glare in sent in his direction as a bubbly voice comes through on the communicator
"Don't be an idiot, fox" the hybrid's attention is again turned to the device as he sends a similar glare into it "wench, we've completed the mission, get here now. The fox is hurt" He catches the beginning of the Ferry-girl's worries over the link before they are cut off by Hiei clicking the communicator closed. No more than five minutes later the two are picked up by the blue haired reaper via portal.
'They work for Reikai' Shippo's mind races as he makes his way back towards The Western Estate 'that woman was a ferry-girl for the River Stix*, but it doesn't exsplain anything, there's no way that boy was human' he picks up his pace.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
The Fruit of Past Life - During the Dark Tournament Kurama used a potion containing this fruit in order to take his Youko form. It was successful, however he was warned that there may be 'side-effects' as the potion hadn't been tested beforehand.
River Stix - The river the dead must cross to move on to the afterlife. Back-when, Fare(two coins/mon?) was ritually placed over the eyes of the dead, so that they could cross.