InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Explainations ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Some clarification before we start - this is not a (Youko)Kurama/Hiei fic in any way shape or form. The relationship does not go past friendship(though not from Kurama's lack of trying . . .). Sorry ^^u I love a good K/H fic as much as the next guy . . . er girl.
-Hirumakage, thanks for the correction. I'm happy you're continuing to follow the series!
Hiei watches as the fox flops down on the bed of his human home, looking much better than he did a few moments before. Kurama looks up at him, a soft smile touching his lips when their eyes meet. He had managed to ward off Boton with a similar smile when she began to worry over him. Hiei of course wasn't so easy fooled, something was up.
"Fox" the smile falters slightly at his tone "tell me this, and I'll know if you're lying;" his gaze is cast down, the smile gone "what happened back there?"
"Hiei . . . " he doesn't look up from the carpeting
"look at me" the red-head refuses to comply with the request "Kurama, damnit! Look at me!" Hiei steps forward, tilting the boy's chin up forcibly. Kurama glares defiantly back, but doesn't force the hold, Hiei returns the glare
"Tell me" green eyes tilt downward in apprehension
"Hiei . . . please"
"Don't--!" Hiei pulls his hand back, fingers curling into a fist, the situation was not one he desired to be in. He was out of control in this situation, something he never wanted to be, though he was increasingly out of control since joining the 'Spirit Realm Detectives' team. He felt things he'd never felt for anyone but Yukina, and those feelings in themselves, for anyone but Yukina didn't make sense. She was his flesh and blood, and they were . . . what?
"I don't know Hiei" Kurama's voice breaks his train of thought, as he pushes shaky hands through his hair, carefully avoiding the seeds laced within "--something, something to do with the Fruit of Past Life" Hiei's brow creases
"What about it?" as far as he knew there had been no problems concerning the fruit throughout the tournament, how could it be having effects now? Shouldn't it be out of his system? Kurama shakes his head "Suzuku* warned me . . . he told me there might be side-effects"
"what is it?" Hiei stares at the back on the boy's head as he in turn stares at the floor
"The balance isn't there . . . it isn't there anymore"
"the balance?"
"Youko's influence is strengthening and Shuichi's . . . mine" the 'mine' is an uncertain question "--is weakening" Kurama looks back up, his face drawn, clearly displaying the inner turmoil he was feeling "I . . .what if, what if this is it Hiei?" Green eyes stare questioningly up at him and he can't help but divert his own
"I don't know"
"if it keeps up, roles will be reversed" folding his head in his arms, Kurama releases a shaky sigh. Hiei gazes back down at the red-head
"You knew from the start, that this was the purpose of obtaining your body" shoulders visibly tense "it would have happened eventually"
'Yes, in fact I explained to you in detail' Youko voice sounds in the boy's head 'also, please don't speak as if I'm not here'
"Hiei . . ." Kurama looks up, eyes showing hurt
"It is not as if I wish to hurt your feelings" ' . . .because for some reason I don't understand, I care if that happens or doesn't' Hiei watches his face "I'm simply being realistic"
Kurama nods reluctantly "I understand, Hiei"
"Hn" 'but you're still hurt' Hiei's eyes stray to the door "your mother is home" Kurama nods again
"I noticed" Hiei gives the fox a final once over before making his towards the open window
"Shuichi, I'm home!" the human woman's voice floats up the stairs as Hiei places his hand on the window sill. Kurama's eyes catch his as he looks back.
"I'll let you know if--"
"I know" Hiei looks back outside the window, before disappearing from sight.
Lounging in one of the conference room chairs Shippo flips through the file Sesshoumaru had tossed down in front of him, when he'd reported his findings. Apparently he already knew, figures really, but he was kind of excited at the aspect of being the first to know. He turns another page, a pout set on his lips. Not only did Sesshoumaru already have a file on the guy, he was leaving on a supposed business trip to America with Yamada-baka*, the face of 'Yuuhi Software', appointed so Sesshoumaru's looks and habit of not aging wouldn't raise questions. Shippo was upset, he wanted to go to America, the place only had barriers between the living and spirits! Humans and non-humans existed in the same realm, granted the non-humans had to be subtle. He wanted to go!
"Stupid, dog-man"
"Hey now, that's my mate you're talking about"
"Gah!" Shippo jumps, practically falling out of the chair as Reika's grinning face pops into view with no warning. She laughs catching the file before it hits the ground, and the paper that slips out
"how do you freaking do that!?" Shippo jumps up pointing an accusing finger at the khaki-clad youkai. She tilts her head, wide eyed and blinking innocently
"That's not important" she folds his finger back into his fist and hands him the file "but, I have some news" her smiles doesn't disappear, which makes Shippo weary. When she was serious here was no doubt about it, however when she was smiling, you never really knew what to expect.
"What news is that?" her smile broadens
"Souta-chan's got a new friend he met at the arcade, by the name of Urameshi Yusuke*" her eyes shift to the ceiling "and he's a Reikai Tentai*" Shippo's eyes widen
"What!?" lavender eyes land back on him
"I just thought you'd want to know, oh! Also" she pats his shoulder "-- Sesshou-kun has left me in charge!" She shoves the 'victory' sign* under his nose
"Uh, yay?" Shippo raises an eyebrow
"I'm giving you the job of checking this guy out" she leans forward making a show of nudging and winking at him "huh?" she grins
"Right" he shakes his head "thanks"
"You're welcome!" with that and a kiss to his forehead she bounces out of the room, leaving only a lipstick mark in her wake.
'She's playing match-maker, great' he sighs, the hint of a fond smile on his lips 'don't want to disappoint, guess I'll go.' Honestly, he was a bit excited. According to the file, the red-head hosted Youko Kurama's spirit. He grin a bit to himself, a the height of Youko's 'popularity' he'd wanted to be just like him. He laughs outloud, or at least be one of his many 'conquests'. He shakes his head, sexual curiosity phase.
"Ha! Yes, who rules!?" Souta pumps his fists in the air as the older boy, dressed in a green school uniform curses his luck
"Man, you're good" Yusuke grins down at the smaller boy who grins back sheepishly. He really was a cute kid, and was bringing the 'big bro' instincts to the surface.
"What do you expect" Souta laughs "most of what I do is play video games"
"That's hardly fair then" Yusuke raises an eyebrow
"Hey, not my fault" Souta smirks "now, I think you owe me a box of that fancy pocky"
"No way!"
Suzuku - Youkai from the Dark Tournament that gave Kurama the Fruit of Past Life potion.Think 'clown'.
Victory Sign - the 'peace sign', making a 'V' with the index and middle fingers; all other fingers curled in.
Yamada-baka - 'Yamada' is a common Japanese surname(family name) 'baka' is of course 'stupid' or 'idiot', etc. Shippo is simply showing his dislike for the guy by adding 'baka' as a suffix to his name.
Urameshi Yusuke - Japanese names are stated last name/surname first, then first name.
Reikai Tentai - Reikai = Spirit World/Realm. Tentai = Detectives/Investigators
tbc . . .
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(A/N): Some clarification before we start - this is not a (Youko)Kurama/Hiei fic in any way shape or form. The relationship does not go past friendship(though not from Kurama's lack of trying . . .). Sorry ^^u I love a good K/H fic as much as the next guy . . . er girl.
-Hirumakage, thanks for the correction. I'm happy you're continuing to follow the series!
Hiei watches as the fox flops down on the bed of his human home, looking much better than he did a few moments before. Kurama looks up at him, a soft smile touching his lips when their eyes meet. He had managed to ward off Boton with a similar smile when she began to worry over him. Hiei of course wasn't so easy fooled, something was up.
"Fox" the smile falters slightly at his tone "tell me this, and I'll know if you're lying;" his gaze is cast down, the smile gone "what happened back there?"
"Hiei . . . " he doesn't look up from the carpeting
"look at me" the red-head refuses to comply with the request "Kurama, damnit! Look at me!" Hiei steps forward, tilting the boy's chin up forcibly. Kurama glares defiantly back, but doesn't force the hold, Hiei returns the glare
"Tell me" green eyes tilt downward in apprehension
"Hiei . . . please"
"Don't--!" Hiei pulls his hand back, fingers curling into a fist, the situation was not one he desired to be in. He was out of control in this situation, something he never wanted to be, though he was increasingly out of control since joining the 'Spirit Realm Detectives' team. He felt things he'd never felt for anyone but Yukina, and those feelings in themselves, for anyone but Yukina didn't make sense. She was his flesh and blood, and they were . . . what?
"I don't know Hiei" Kurama's voice breaks his train of thought, as he pushes shaky hands through his hair, carefully avoiding the seeds laced within "--something, something to do with the Fruit of Past Life" Hiei's brow creases
"What about it?" as far as he knew there had been no problems concerning the fruit throughout the tournament, how could it be having effects now? Shouldn't it be out of his system? Kurama shakes his head "Suzuku* warned me . . . he told me there might be side-effects"
"what is it?" Hiei stares at the back on the boy's head as he in turn stares at the floor
"The balance isn't there . . . it isn't there anymore"
"the balance?"
"Youko's influence is strengthening and Shuichi's . . . mine" the 'mine' is an uncertain question "--is weakening" Kurama looks back up, his face drawn, clearly displaying the inner turmoil he was feeling "I . . .what if, what if this is it Hiei?" Green eyes stare questioningly up at him and he can't help but divert his own
"I don't know"
"if it keeps up, roles will be reversed" folding his head in his arms, Kurama releases a shaky sigh. Hiei gazes back down at the red-head
"You knew from the start, that this was the purpose of obtaining your body" shoulders visibly tense "it would have happened eventually"
'Yes, in fact I explained to you in detail' Youko voice sounds in the boy's head 'also, please don't speak as if I'm not here'
"Hiei . . ." Kurama looks up, eyes showing hurt
"It is not as if I wish to hurt your feelings" ' . . .because for some reason I don't understand, I care if that happens or doesn't' Hiei watches his face "I'm simply being realistic"
Kurama nods reluctantly "I understand, Hiei"
"Hn" 'but you're still hurt' Hiei's eyes stray to the door "your mother is home" Kurama nods again
"I noticed" Hiei gives the fox a final once over before making his towards the open window
"Shuichi, I'm home!" the human woman's voice floats up the stairs as Hiei places his hand on the window sill. Kurama's eyes catch his as he looks back.
"I'll let you know if--"
"I know" Hiei looks back outside the window, before disappearing from sight.
Lounging in one of the conference room chairs Shippo flips through the file Sesshoumaru had tossed down in front of him, when he'd reported his findings. Apparently he already knew, figures really, but he was kind of excited at the aspect of being the first to know. He turns another page, a pout set on his lips. Not only did Sesshoumaru already have a file on the guy, he was leaving on a supposed business trip to America with Yamada-baka*, the face of 'Yuuhi Software', appointed so Sesshoumaru's looks and habit of not aging wouldn't raise questions. Shippo was upset, he wanted to go to America, the place only had barriers between the living and spirits! Humans and non-humans existed in the same realm, granted the non-humans had to be subtle. He wanted to go!
"Stupid, dog-man"
"Hey now, that's my mate you're talking about"
"Gah!" Shippo jumps, practically falling out of the chair as Reika's grinning face pops into view with no warning. She laughs catching the file before it hits the ground, and the paper that slips out
"how do you freaking do that!?" Shippo jumps up pointing an accusing finger at the khaki-clad youkai. She tilts her head, wide eyed and blinking innocently
"That's not important" she folds his finger back into his fist and hands him the file "but, I have some news" her smiles doesn't disappear, which makes Shippo weary. When she was serious here was no doubt about it, however when she was smiling, you never really knew what to expect.
"What news is that?" her smile broadens
"Souta-chan's got a new friend he met at the arcade, by the name of Urameshi Yusuke*" her eyes shift to the ceiling "and he's a Reikai Tentai*" Shippo's eyes widen
"What!?" lavender eyes land back on him
"I just thought you'd want to know, oh! Also" she pats his shoulder "-- Sesshou-kun has left me in charge!" She shoves the 'victory' sign* under his nose
"Uh, yay?" Shippo raises an eyebrow
"I'm giving you the job of checking this guy out" she leans forward making a show of nudging and winking at him "huh?" she grins
"Right" he shakes his head "thanks"
"You're welcome!" with that and a kiss to his forehead she bounces out of the room, leaving only a lipstick mark in her wake.
'She's playing match-maker, great' he sighs, the hint of a fond smile on his lips 'don't want to disappoint, guess I'll go.' Honestly, he was a bit excited. According to the file, the red-head hosted Youko Kurama's spirit. He grin a bit to himself, a the height of Youko's 'popularity' he'd wanted to be just like him. He laughs outloud, or at least be one of his many 'conquests'. He shakes his head, sexual curiosity phase.
"Ha! Yes, who rules!?" Souta pumps his fists in the air as the older boy, dressed in a green school uniform curses his luck
"Man, you're good" Yusuke grins down at the smaller boy who grins back sheepishly. He really was a cute kid, and was bringing the 'big bro' instincts to the surface.
"What do you expect" Souta laughs "most of what I do is play video games"
"That's hardly fair then" Yusuke raises an eyebrow
"Hey, not my fault" Souta smirks "now, I think you owe me a box of that fancy pocky"
"No way!"
Suzuku - Youkai from the Dark Tournament that gave Kurama the Fruit of Past Life potion.Think 'clown'.
Victory Sign - the 'peace sign', making a 'V' with the index and middle fingers; all other fingers curled in.
Yamada-baka - 'Yamada' is a common Japanese surname(family name) 'baka' is of course 'stupid' or 'idiot', etc. Shippo is simply showing his dislike for the guy by adding 'baka' as a suffix to his name.
Urameshi Yusuke - Japanese names are stated last name/surname first, then first name.
Reikai Tentai - Reikai = Spirit World/Realm. Tentai = Detectives/Investigators
tbc . . .
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