InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Interesting Encounters ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): *Listening to 'Welcome to Detroit - Tricky ft Eminem'* Man, people curse so unnecessarily in songs sometimes. Tricky: "Welcome to muthafuckin' Detroit goddamnit" <-- totally unnecessary *shakes head then starts nodding to music again*

Stuffing his hands into the volumous sleeves of his insanely white haori, of the same design he'd worn in the Sengoku Jidai, along with the armor-- newly crafted in the same style, Sesshoumaru steps forward into Enma's throne room. As someone who had an obvious appreciation of tradition, the taiyoukai found Enma's display 'tacky' at best. The room decorated in such color patterns as blues, yellows and pinks. The diety himself sat upon a gold throne with plush blue cushions, a ridiculous hat on his head and a condescending look in his eyes. Stopping just before where the floor elevates to the platform for Enma's throne, Sesshoumaru nods slightly, getting a similar gesture in response.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, I give you my greetings"
"Lord Sesshoumaru" Koenma, who was standing at the side of his father's throne, bows
"King Enma, Prince Koenma" Sesshoumaru return the painfully obvious dismissal of his status by the deity, in calling him Lord Sesshoumaru instead of adding the respectful suffix to his name as was customary. Enma's eyes narrow slightly at this. His condescending look continuing, as he continued to stare down at the taiyoukai as if he were a child.
"My time is valuable" Sesshoumaru pulls a scroll from his sleeves holding it up slightly "I have written here the specifications that would suit the Western Lands, in response to your recent breach of the current treaty" handing it over when Enma sends his son forward to retrieve it. 'His son stands at the side of his throne with his head bowed like his favorite whore, and he sends him forward on such tasks like a common servant' Sesshoumaru watches as the deity reads over the scroll after failing to resize the magiks repellant parchment, looking utterly ridiculous in doing so. His brow creases in an unreadable emotion. His gaze moves from the scroll once again to the taiyoukai
"This is unreasonable! To remove all of Reikai's intelligence from the West! That intelligence is used to monitor spirit's goings about!" Sesshoumaru raises an eyebrow, still unmoving otherwise, his hands tucked back into his sleeves.
"That intelligence is also used to spy on the inhabitants of the Western Lands. Once again you venture outside of your jurisdiction. Your intelligence is what tipped you off to the youkai you killed's 'goings abouts' something that would have been handles by the Western Lands" Sesshoumaru's face is again stoic "your tentai killed an innocent youkai"
"A youkai who kidnaps human children is not innocent!"
"But a man who wins a bet is" Sesshoumaru pulls another scroll from his sleeve, this one smaller, he tossed it to Koenma before he can come and retrieve it "that document contains statements of the three human males involved. The youkai Sai won three bets" his hands return to his sleeves. "The first two, both men-- human, had habits as severe as to bet their own children for another chance at a win" Koenma looks as if he wants to say something "There is no law regulating what is bet in the Western Lands nor is there one against gambling in the district the bets too place, neither male broke a law." He continues in the same tone watching as Enma's condescending look turns resentful "The third man who bet his daughter, decided his sister's daughter smelled close enough to his own to pass. He kept his daughter, and payed off the youkai. The human male, committed the crime of kidnaping, not Sai-san, who was simply collecting on a won bet" By the end of the explaination Enma is red in the face. Taking the quill from the stand next to his throne Enma signs the new treaty as it's handed to him, Sesshoumaru's seal already stamped. As soon as he lifts his pen, his signature complete the scroll splits into two copies one flying to the Taiyoukai's hand. He tucks it away nodding slightly
"A pleasure doing business with you King Enma" and with that Sesshoumaru exits the room, Enma's copy of the treaty hitting the door as it closes behind him


Half jogging half walking through the halls of the school's first floor Kurama makes his way towards the stairwell. He was a whole period late
'I have never been this late for anything! Why did I believe him when he said it wouldn't take long!?'
'Maybe, because you're gullible?' a familiar presence makes itself known
'Ah Youko, last person I wanted to hear from' he makes it to the stairs, opening the heavy door easily and sprinting up the flight 'what is it you want?'
'Well, you were talking to the voice in your head--that's me, and so I answered'
'You're hilarious, really y--' the through is stopped as the tentai propels himself through the stairwell door, and right into another body. Shock and confusion register in his mind
'Klutz, how did you not sense them!?'
'There's nothing to sense!' he hits the floor with a jolt
"Are you alright?" Kurama looks up at the voice-- a smooth tenor, eyes moving up from the arm holding the door, which would have closed very painfully on him, open. Slightly tanned skin, blue school uniform--required for this school. Kurama's eyes widen, A very handsome face and a shock of auburn hair. Green eyes unlike his own, a forest green and not as wide. He looked . . .familiar.
"I'm fine . . .thank-you" 'He . . . has no aura'
'That or he's hiding it' Youko's voice is suspicious 'the only beings known to have no aura are nihility*, I doubt he's one' The boy smiles slightly, perfectly straight white teeth with canines a bit sharper than normal, extending a hand. Without thinking twice Kurama excepts the hand, eyes widening as he's pulled up in one smooth motion, putting himself almost nose to nose with the other male.
'Curious . . .' when he makes no move to eliminate their closeness, but simply broadens his charming smile, Kurama goes red. 'Oh . . .he's good' The tentai steps back, a dark blush staining his cheeks.
"I'd better be going, you as well?" The boy steps forward, pushing the door all the way open "you looked like you were in a hurry" he nods in excuse as he brushes lightly past, passing the weight of the door off to the tentai. He stops suddenly before the stairs "Oh, right" he turns halfway "You're Shuichi Minamino right? Tell Yusuke-kun Shippo said 'hey' would you?". Kurama nods almost numbly, and with a thankful smile Shippo makes his way down and out of the stairwell, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.
At the top of the stairs Kurama sighs suddenly exhausted, leaning his weight against the stairwell door. Youko's amused chuckle echoes in his head
'You absolutely melted in his hands! He is truly something else, worthy of my time!' Youko's voice smirks slightly 'He knows what he's doing--' the fox's presence strokes his psyche 'wouldn't you like him to do it, to you?' Shuichi shudders, blinking rapidly, his eyes gaining a distinctly gold tint.
'I don't want anyone doing anything to me, and he might be a youkai' Youko doesn't respond, the boy pushing off of his perch and making his way towards class, as dignified as possible.
'Why should that matter?' he stumbles.


Nihility - a nothingness being, derived from the Latin 'nihil', meaning "nothing". Kanna is a nihility.

tbc . . .

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