InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Love is an Alias ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): hnm, the last chapter wasn't nearly as long as I though it'd be, ah well. Yay red-heads! We'll still be seeing more of Kouga and Kagome though. Reminder: [words] = telepathy of one without control of the body(Youko/Shuichi)
--Hirumakage - Can't forget about Kouga! Heh, I'm a sucker for happy characters and Kagome makes wolfy happy(if also sad :-[ double-edged). He's here next chapter for a bit also and our foxes are back.
--Fox Vixen - We'll see what happens, maybe you'll get your wish.
Setting himself down on the soft grass Kurama lays back, staring up up the canopy, formed by what was left of the trees in the park. Hiei's face appears above his own, booted feet flattening the grass beside his shoulder. The red-head blinks owlishly up at him, getting a raised eyebrow in responce.
"What exactly are you doing, fox?"
"I felt the urge to be here" he flicks the edge of the hybrid's cloak distractedly "I'm becoming more and more of a slave to my urges these days"
Hiei snorts lightly "or Youko's rather"
[And hello to you too Hiei, my love *grin*] Kurama watches his companion's eyes twitch slightly
[Keep calling me that and you're tails will become in danger, fox]
[I love you too Hiei]
"You're aware your eyes are completely gold now?" Kurama nods
"I figured as much. Mother is worried that I won't look at her, and Youko refuses to tell me a glamour so that, I have to find one myself or convince people I have some strange disease that makes me this way" Hiei nods in understanding "It''s lucky they changed while I was out of school, though, at this rate I may have silver hair by the end of the month. "
'Maybe not so soon, it'd look nice though, I'm sure'
"and if that happens" Kurama watches Hiei study his face, which was at the moment blissfully blank
"I won't be able to go to school, or leave my room" the fox runs his fingers through the patch of grass nearest to them "unless I find a glamour"
"Have you asked Genkai-baba*?"
"Don't call her that Hiei" the hybrid scoffs "and no I didn't think of that"
'For a supposed prodigy you sure are dense sometimes'
'You make me feel so good about myself Youko, you really do'
[Hiei, love, would you like to hear a secret?]
[Don't most foxes value their tails?]
"So when will you make the trip?"darkly red eyes glance off into the trees distractedly
[Our little Shuichi has a crush]
[Why is this my concern?]
"When I feel like climbing all of those stairs" Kurama sighs
"You're getting lazy" Hiei reprimands distractedly, the fox simply shakes his head
[The boy had no aura, that we could detect at least, but he was no nihility]
[You have my attention.]
"I'll go tomorrow morning, first thing, that's a better time"
"and if Koenma-baka decides he wants to send us on a mission?"
"I'll be strangely absent at the time"
[A real looker-- Shippo. Despite such a silly name*, nice face, nice build, tan, tall, long legs] Youko laughs, and Hiei suppresses the urge to roll his eyes
[I don't care about those things]
[He knows Yusuke-kun, he's in Kuwabara-kun's home room, and he charmed the red of Shuichi's hair right into his cheeks. He's worked his way in. Kuwabara says he's "a pretty nice guy, actually". He a bit too good I think, makes my want to play fun fun games with him, but . . . he may be a threat] Youko smiles broadly [Check him out for me will you, love?]
[Watch yourself fox. I'll check him out, but for my own reasons]
[Of course, but play nice hnm? If his intentions aren't harm, even if he is a youkai . . . I want something left of him to play with]
[Hn, If I have to kill him, I'll bring back a hole to fuck-- just for you]
[Hiei! That's not what I meant!] Youko's voice is both shocked and amused
[If you say so, fox] Hiei grunts dismissively
Leaping the last flight of steps, leading up to Genkai's courtyard Kurama makes his way towards the main entrance of the shrine building, resisting the nagging urge to play in the woman's forest first. Youko was not nearly as eager to hide his eyes as Shuichi was. Stopping at the entrance Kurama waits only a few seconds before the screen slides open to reveal a smiling girl, with familiar crimson eyes and aquamarine hair
"Kurama-san! What a pleasant surprise, it's nice to see you" Kurama smiles down at the koorime*
"You as well Yukina, is Genkai home?" Yukina nods
"Of course, come in, would you like some tea?" "Yes, please, thank-you" the kimono clad youkai moves from the door to let him in, leading him to a sitting area where he takes a seat on the floor cushion opposite Genkai's usual. Kurama smiles politely as she excuses herself to retrieve the tea and Genkai. The older woman enters not a minute after, a steaming cup in hand.
"So fox, to what is it I owe this visit?" she takes a seat across the low-set round table "none of you ever visit for anything but handouts anyway, right?" Kurama chuckles sheepishly
"But it's always a pleasure to see you as well Genkai-sama" the old woman gives a raspy grunt
"Of course" She looks over her cup as Yukina enters setting a cup infront of the fox, Kurama nods to her and she takes her leave, excusing herself to complete her chores. "So why are you really here?"
"It's quiet obvious really, surely you've notice?" Kurama leans forward slightly
"Yes, your eyes are gold; is a glamour what you want?"
"Yes, I . . . can't exactly let mother see me like this"
"Tell me though fox, how is 'like this'? Eyes don't just go changing color for no reason, and your aura seems unbalanced" Kurama flinches slightly, eyes turning down
"I'd hoped you wouldn't ask questions" Genkai shrugs in a noncommittal manner
"You don't have to answer me, however I'd like a favor in return for your glamour spell" Kurama looks up relief turning to apprehension. A condition to the spell.
"A favor? Of what kind exactly?" the old woman was unpredictable, of course one should be weary in making deals with her, if they were wise. Genkai waves off his reaction
"Nothing terribly deady or such, I simply want you to send someone my way"
"Someone?" Kurama's brow creases, who would interest Genkai enough for her to ask for them personally? Even her candidate apprentices came to her.
"I've been sensing a quickly elevating power as of late"
"Someone like, Yusuke perhaps?" Genkai shakes her head slowly
"A miko" Kurama's eyes widen slightly "the energy starting out was more powerful than any in the area, and now it's growing" she sips her cooling tea, Kurama's own getting cold, untouched on the table before him "You're the only one who's human enough and that has enough sense not to try and force the miko here" she sets down the empty cup "well?"
" . . .I'll do it" 'let's just try and stay in one piece, yes?'
"Good" she nods "drink your tea"
Kurama cringed "ah . . . it's cold"
(A/N): xD Hiei has no tact.
-Baba - (rude)"old woman"
'Despite such a silly name' - Shippo name translates literaly to mean "tail"(Rumiko Takahashi was feeling uncreative?)
Koorime - Yukina's race of ice maidens, they reside on a floating island of ice in Makai, Hiei is half koorime
tbc . . .
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(A/N): hnm, the last chapter wasn't nearly as long as I though it'd be, ah well. Yay red-heads! We'll still be seeing more of Kouga and Kagome though. Reminder: [words] = telepathy of one without control of the body(Youko/Shuichi)
--Hirumakage - Can't forget about Kouga! Heh, I'm a sucker for happy characters and Kagome makes wolfy happy(if also sad :-[ double-edged). He's here next chapter for a bit also and our foxes are back.
--Fox Vixen - We'll see what happens, maybe you'll get your wish.
Setting himself down on the soft grass Kurama lays back, staring up up the canopy, formed by what was left of the trees in the park. Hiei's face appears above his own, booted feet flattening the grass beside his shoulder. The red-head blinks owlishly up at him, getting a raised eyebrow in responce.
"What exactly are you doing, fox?"
"I felt the urge to be here" he flicks the edge of the hybrid's cloak distractedly "I'm becoming more and more of a slave to my urges these days"
Hiei snorts lightly "or Youko's rather"
[And hello to you too Hiei, my love *grin*] Kurama watches his companion's eyes twitch slightly
[Keep calling me that and you're tails will become in danger, fox]
[I love you too Hiei]
"You're aware your eyes are completely gold now?" Kurama nods
"I figured as much. Mother is worried that I won't look at her, and Youko refuses to tell me a glamour so that, I have to find one myself or convince people I have some strange disease that makes me this way" Hiei nods in understanding "It''s lucky they changed while I was out of school, though, at this rate I may have silver hair by the end of the month. "
'Maybe not so soon, it'd look nice though, I'm sure'
"and if that happens" Kurama watches Hiei study his face, which was at the moment blissfully blank
"I won't be able to go to school, or leave my room" the fox runs his fingers through the patch of grass nearest to them "unless I find a glamour"
"Have you asked Genkai-baba*?"
"Don't call her that Hiei" the hybrid scoffs "and no I didn't think of that"
'For a supposed prodigy you sure are dense sometimes'
'You make me feel so good about myself Youko, you really do'
[Hiei, love, would you like to hear a secret?]
[Don't most foxes value their tails?]
"So when will you make the trip?"darkly red eyes glance off into the trees distractedly
[Our little Shuichi has a crush]
[Why is this my concern?]
"When I feel like climbing all of those stairs" Kurama sighs
"You're getting lazy" Hiei reprimands distractedly, the fox simply shakes his head
[The boy had no aura, that we could detect at least, but he was no nihility]
[You have my attention.]
"I'll go tomorrow morning, first thing, that's a better time"
"and if Koenma-baka decides he wants to send us on a mission?"
"I'll be strangely absent at the time"
[A real looker-- Shippo. Despite such a silly name*, nice face, nice build, tan, tall, long legs] Youko laughs, and Hiei suppresses the urge to roll his eyes
[I don't care about those things]
[He knows Yusuke-kun, he's in Kuwabara-kun's home room, and he charmed the red of Shuichi's hair right into his cheeks. He's worked his way in. Kuwabara says he's "a pretty nice guy, actually". He a bit too good I think, makes my want to play fun fun games with him, but . . . he may be a threat] Youko smiles broadly [Check him out for me will you, love?]
[Watch yourself fox. I'll check him out, but for my own reasons]
[Of course, but play nice hnm? If his intentions aren't harm, even if he is a youkai . . . I want something left of him to play with]
[Hn, If I have to kill him, I'll bring back a hole to fuck-- just for you]
[Hiei! That's not what I meant!] Youko's voice is both shocked and amused
[If you say so, fox] Hiei grunts dismissively
Leaping the last flight of steps, leading up to Genkai's courtyard Kurama makes his way towards the main entrance of the shrine building, resisting the nagging urge to play in the woman's forest first. Youko was not nearly as eager to hide his eyes as Shuichi was. Stopping at the entrance Kurama waits only a few seconds before the screen slides open to reveal a smiling girl, with familiar crimson eyes and aquamarine hair
"Kurama-san! What a pleasant surprise, it's nice to see you" Kurama smiles down at the koorime*
"You as well Yukina, is Genkai home?" Yukina nods
"Of course, come in, would you like some tea?" "Yes, please, thank-you" the kimono clad youkai moves from the door to let him in, leading him to a sitting area where he takes a seat on the floor cushion opposite Genkai's usual. Kurama smiles politely as she excuses herself to retrieve the tea and Genkai. The older woman enters not a minute after, a steaming cup in hand.
"So fox, to what is it I owe this visit?" she takes a seat across the low-set round table "none of you ever visit for anything but handouts anyway, right?" Kurama chuckles sheepishly
"But it's always a pleasure to see you as well Genkai-sama" the old woman gives a raspy grunt
"Of course" She looks over her cup as Yukina enters setting a cup infront of the fox, Kurama nods to her and she takes her leave, excusing herself to complete her chores. "So why are you really here?"
"It's quiet obvious really, surely you've notice?" Kurama leans forward slightly
"Yes, your eyes are gold; is a glamour what you want?"
"Yes, I . . . can't exactly let mother see me like this"
"Tell me though fox, how is 'like this'? Eyes don't just go changing color for no reason, and your aura seems unbalanced" Kurama flinches slightly, eyes turning down
"I'd hoped you wouldn't ask questions" Genkai shrugs in a noncommittal manner
"You don't have to answer me, however I'd like a favor in return for your glamour spell" Kurama looks up relief turning to apprehension. A condition to the spell.
"A favor? Of what kind exactly?" the old woman was unpredictable, of course one should be weary in making deals with her, if they were wise. Genkai waves off his reaction
"Nothing terribly deady or such, I simply want you to send someone my way"
"Someone?" Kurama's brow creases, who would interest Genkai enough for her to ask for them personally? Even her candidate apprentices came to her.
"I've been sensing a quickly elevating power as of late"
"Someone like, Yusuke perhaps?" Genkai shakes her head slowly
"A miko" Kurama's eyes widen slightly "the energy starting out was more powerful than any in the area, and now it's growing" she sips her cooling tea, Kurama's own getting cold, untouched on the table before him "You're the only one who's human enough and that has enough sense not to try and force the miko here" she sets down the empty cup "well?"
" . . .I'll do it" 'let's just try and stay in one piece, yes?'
"Good" she nods "drink your tea"
Kurama cringed "ah . . . it's cold"
(A/N): xD Hiei has no tact.
-Baba - (rude)"old woman"
'Despite such a silly name' - Shippo name translates literaly to mean "tail"(Rumiko Takahashi was feeling uncreative?)
Koorime - Yukina's race of ice maidens, they reside on a floating island of ice in Makai, Hiei is half koorime
tbc . . .
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