InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Target Confirmed ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): I . . . got new glasses, they . . are awsome! I am truley a dork, and I love me so that's ok. Even better, they're bold a stylish--like me(not really)
I weird myself out sometimes with the things I write . . .case in point:
"Tell me what's bothering you, Sesshoumaru" The silver-haired taiyoukai glances up when the bed dips slightly under a familiar weight and his mate wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind "You've been tense since you talked with Kouga-kun" a clawed hand reaches up to cover her own
"It made me think" she makes a small sound in her throat, to let him know she was listening, nuzzling his neck lightly "About what then? The miko?"
"No, the miko is Shippo's consern" he allows himself to be lowered down onto his mate's lap, her fingers lacing themselves in his hair, raking through it in a soothing gesture.
"Hm, why is it you mention Shippo-chan?" Sesshoumaru lets his eyes fall closed
"When I spoke with the wolf, he mentioned his heir briefly" the calming motions continue
"I see, and do you not think Shippo will make a worthy lord?"
"Shippo is my son" he states in a carefully subdued tone
"Our son, yes" She conceeds, he nods shortly.
"--however, it concerns me when I think of the West's citizens rejecting him because he is not of taiyoukai blood, or because he is a kitsune"
"Your subjects trust and respect you, my mate, you would not put someone unworthy into power as your successor" She leans down so that that their noses are practically touching "and though Shippo-chan is a bit of a trouble-maker he knows how to turn it off and get down to business. He's endured every training session you've thrown at him, and absorbed all of the things your tutors have taught him" She smiles slightly "he'll make an excellent leader, and put some fun back into the council. The other Lords and Ladies all so stuffy these days"
"Thank you" Sesshoumaru pulls her down, licking wetly across her chin. She laughs, returning the gesture across his cheek
'Why is it you go to school again?' placing the thing he wouldn't need for homework into his locker Kurama sighs, closing the locker door and spinning the lock to zero
'I go to school so that I can have choices in life aft-- . . .' his responce fades slightly at the end
'So you remembered halfway through your explaination?'
'Shut up!' he starts towards the front exit 'Can't I not be reminded? I like forgetting . . .'
'Acceptance is the first step--'
'This isn't rehab damnit!'
'Such language!'
'--My life is being slowly taken away!' he pushes roughly through the door at the bottom of the stairs, school bag clenched tightly in his fist, the few lingering student in his way clear a path in fear
'So is everyone's around you, human life is short and fragile'
'Even so . . .' he slows down as he pushes through the front doors, making his way down the few front steps into the courtyard 'I'm not sick . . . or old, it's hardly fair' Kurama looks up at the greying sky running a hand through his hair. Brow creasing, his finger fall free from the locks. He pulls his hand back, looking at his fingers. His eyes widen as the red stand wraping around his fingers starts to slowly turn silver
'Won't you look at that! Nothing goes acording to plan with you does it?'
'No, not now!' Shuichi panics mentally
"Shuichi-kun!" Kurama looks up half in panic at the familiar voice, unprepared when Shippo pulls him to his chest. A hand coming to rest atop his head "How many times am I going to save you like this?" He shivers at the whispered voice as a wave of earthy youki flows over him. His cheeks tint
"What are you doing . . .?" his voice is surprisingly soft
'He did it again, damnit Shuichi, making us look weak every time we see him'
'This is your fault not mine! The nerve--!'
"I gave you an illusion spell, no tricks, underneath it you're hair is completly silver. Say my name thrice to deactivate it, and to activate it again" there is a small chuckle "will it and it will be removed"
"Illusion spell, pervert . . . so Hiei wasn't kidding"
"Hiei? I guess he wasn't-- and it will work in quick succession, not a breathy chant" from his position Kurama can't see his face, but his voice sounds extremely amused
'He's a youkai and a fox' Youko grins broadly 'you have no idea how happy that makes me'
'I know too well--now stop it before this gets even more embarrassing!'
"Hiei" the taller boy murmurs "it fits him" Shippo shifts his hand from the top of Kurama's head to his lower back "Oh, and just in case it bothers you-- people are staring" Shuichi makes a small strangled noise, before jerkinging backwards out of his embrace, Shippo lets go easily. "I'll see you, yes?" with a small bow, a wave thrown over his shoulder, he strolls casually out of the front gates.
'Grr, he's so--!' Kurama throws a glare in the direction of the students staring. They quickly turn the other way, freigning disinterest
'He's so what? Irresistable, yes I agree' Youko chuckles
"Kurama what the hell!?" once again Kurama's eyes widen in panic
'Oh no, not that voice' he puts on his best innocent look as Yusuke and Kuwabara move quickly to flank him on either side
"Ah, Yusuke-kun, Kuwabara-kun how are you today?"
'Smooth, really' His conposure is together outwardly
'Shut-up!' He smiles a friendly smile
"We should be asking you that!" Kuwabara sounds scandalizes, his voice a few pitches higher than normal, Kurama winces subtly.
"What's with you and Shippo-kun?" He relaxes slightly at Yusuke's calmer voice
"Can we walk?" he starts towards the gate without an answer, they follow "you see, it wasn't what it looked like" it sounded weak even to his ears, but it really wasn't!
"That was pretty obviously a more than 'hey what's up' hug" Yusuke sounds more than skeptical
"With another guy!" Kurama winces again as Kuwabara adds his two cents
"Kuwabara, really now, why does it matter if it was a guy or a girl" Kurama gives him a pointed look. Kazuma mouth clicks shut, and he diverts his eyes
"It's just not right" he mumbles his answer
'You can't blame the boy for what he was taught, but he should get used to the idea since he's supposedly in love with Yukina, an ice maiden from a society of all females'
'I'm not . . . I'm just stressed out'
"Look, right or not there is nothing going on between Shippo-san and I" 'yet' "something got into my eye and he thought I was crying, he was trying to comfort me"
"And you didn't pull back because~?"
"I was shocked for a minute is all" he shakes his head dismissing it
"Hn, ok whatever" Yusuke accepts his explaination, Kuwabara remaining silent
'You're lying with more ease now, you know?'
'That's not something to celebrate'
'You say that now'
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): I . . . got new glasses, they . . are awsome! I am truley a dork, and I love me so that's ok. Even better, they're bold a stylish--like me(not really)
I weird myself out sometimes with the things I write . . .case in point:
"Tell me what's bothering you, Sesshoumaru" The silver-haired taiyoukai glances up when the bed dips slightly under a familiar weight and his mate wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind "You've been tense since you talked with Kouga-kun" a clawed hand reaches up to cover her own
"It made me think" she makes a small sound in her throat, to let him know she was listening, nuzzling his neck lightly "About what then? The miko?"
"No, the miko is Shippo's consern" he allows himself to be lowered down onto his mate's lap, her fingers lacing themselves in his hair, raking through it in a soothing gesture.
"Hm, why is it you mention Shippo-chan?" Sesshoumaru lets his eyes fall closed
"When I spoke with the wolf, he mentioned his heir briefly" the calming motions continue
"I see, and do you not think Shippo will make a worthy lord?"
"Shippo is my son" he states in a carefully subdued tone
"Our son, yes" She conceeds, he nods shortly.
"--however, it concerns me when I think of the West's citizens rejecting him because he is not of taiyoukai blood, or because he is a kitsune"
"Your subjects trust and respect you, my mate, you would not put someone unworthy into power as your successor" She leans down so that that their noses are practically touching "and though Shippo-chan is a bit of a trouble-maker he knows how to turn it off and get down to business. He's endured every training session you've thrown at him, and absorbed all of the things your tutors have taught him" She smiles slightly "he'll make an excellent leader, and put some fun back into the council. The other Lords and Ladies all so stuffy these days"
"Thank you" Sesshoumaru pulls her down, licking wetly across her chin. She laughs, returning the gesture across his cheek
'Why is it you go to school again?' placing the thing he wouldn't need for homework into his locker Kurama sighs, closing the locker door and spinning the lock to zero
'I go to school so that I can have choices in life aft-- . . .' his responce fades slightly at the end
'So you remembered halfway through your explaination?'
'Shut up!' he starts towards the front exit 'Can't I not be reminded? I like forgetting . . .'
'Acceptance is the first step--'
'This isn't rehab damnit!'
'Such language!'
'--My life is being slowly taken away!' he pushes roughly through the door at the bottom of the stairs, school bag clenched tightly in his fist, the few lingering student in his way clear a path in fear
'So is everyone's around you, human life is short and fragile'
'Even so . . .' he slows down as he pushes through the front doors, making his way down the few front steps into the courtyard 'I'm not sick . . . or old, it's hardly fair' Kurama looks up at the greying sky running a hand through his hair. Brow creasing, his finger fall free from the locks. He pulls his hand back, looking at his fingers. His eyes widen as the red stand wraping around his fingers starts to slowly turn silver
'Won't you look at that! Nothing goes acording to plan with you does it?'
'No, not now!' Shuichi panics mentally
"Shuichi-kun!" Kurama looks up half in panic at the familiar voice, unprepared when Shippo pulls him to his chest. A hand coming to rest atop his head "How many times am I going to save you like this?" He shivers at the whispered voice as a wave of earthy youki flows over him. His cheeks tint
"What are you doing . . .?" his voice is surprisingly soft
'He did it again, damnit Shuichi, making us look weak every time we see him'
'This is your fault not mine! The nerve--!'
"I gave you an illusion spell, no tricks, underneath it you're hair is completly silver. Say my name thrice to deactivate it, and to activate it again" there is a small chuckle "will it and it will be removed"
"Illusion spell, pervert . . . so Hiei wasn't kidding"
"Hiei? I guess he wasn't-- and it will work in quick succession, not a breathy chant" from his position Kurama can't see his face, but his voice sounds extremely amused
'He's a youkai and a fox' Youko grins broadly 'you have no idea how happy that makes me'
'I know too well--now stop it before this gets even more embarrassing!'
"Hiei" the taller boy murmurs "it fits him" Shippo shifts his hand from the top of Kurama's head to his lower back "Oh, and just in case it bothers you-- people are staring" Shuichi makes a small strangled noise, before jerkinging backwards out of his embrace, Shippo lets go easily. "I'll see you, yes?" with a small bow, a wave thrown over his shoulder, he strolls casually out of the front gates.
'Grr, he's so--!' Kurama throws a glare in the direction of the students staring. They quickly turn the other way, freigning disinterest
'He's so what? Irresistable, yes I agree' Youko chuckles
"Kurama what the hell!?" once again Kurama's eyes widen in panic
'Oh no, not that voice' he puts on his best innocent look as Yusuke and Kuwabara move quickly to flank him on either side
"Ah, Yusuke-kun, Kuwabara-kun how are you today?"
'Smooth, really' His conposure is together outwardly
'Shut-up!' He smiles a friendly smile
"We should be asking you that!" Kuwabara sounds scandalizes, his voice a few pitches higher than normal, Kurama winces subtly.
"What's with you and Shippo-kun?" He relaxes slightly at Yusuke's calmer voice
"Can we walk?" he starts towards the gate without an answer, they follow "you see, it wasn't what it looked like" it sounded weak even to his ears, but it really wasn't!
"That was pretty obviously a more than 'hey what's up' hug" Yusuke sounds more than skeptical
"With another guy!" Kurama winces again as Kuwabara adds his two cents
"Kuwabara, really now, why does it matter if it was a guy or a girl" Kurama gives him a pointed look. Kazuma mouth clicks shut, and he diverts his eyes
"It's just not right" he mumbles his answer
'You can't blame the boy for what he was taught, but he should get used to the idea since he's supposedly in love with Yukina, an ice maiden from a society of all females'
'I'm not . . . I'm just stressed out'
"Look, right or not there is nothing going on between Shippo-san and I" 'yet' "something got into my eye and he thought I was crying, he was trying to comfort me"
"And you didn't pull back because~?"
"I was shocked for a minute is all" he shakes his head dismissing it
"Hn, ok whatever" Yusuke accepts his explaination, Kuwabara remaining silent
'You're lying with more ease now, you know?'
'That's not something to celebrate'
'You say that now'
tbc . . .
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