InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Chaotic Mind ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): We haven't seen nearly enough Yusuke have we? This will help a bit. Also Keiko makes an appearance . . . though I've been avoiding that and am reluctant to have then do the horrible Keiko!Bash fic move and have them end in a blaze of non-glory.
--So very unsure about this chapter, which is why it's a week late. Still unsure.
--madmiko - Once again thanks for taking the time to review and heres hoping that you'll stay.
'Shit what was I thinking?' the wolf youkai suppresses his sudden feelings of regret. He agreed with Sesshoumaru that it probably wouldn't turn out well if he started hanging around Kagome again, but he also couldn't not respond to her invitation. He figured if he still did have feelings for her, he was over 600 years old, that he could keep it in his pants. He had a wife and any willing youkai he could want at his disposal if need be. He'd woken up long ago to the fact that Kagome didn't want him.
"Kagome-chan!" he turns in her direction smiling, everything aside, he was still happy to see her here. The two wolves flanking him on either side whine noisily as she approaches
"She's a friend, calm yourselves" he assures them subvocally, they quiet almost immediately, but press themselves closer to his legs, ears turned up curiously. He returns the hug she pulls him into
"It's good to see you" She informs him and steps back smiling, his heart melts in his chest
'Damnit, I'm not this strong' She kneels in front of his wolves petting them each in turn, Rui and Sayo nuzzle her hands affectionately taking to her immediately 'he was right'.
Yusuke scowls up at the school building in front of him
"Damn it" he curses under his breath, frustrated and feeling that weariness only old men should have in his bones at the thought of the place. This school, Koenma making sure he was here everyday since he decided they needed to stick together, the sudden tension and secrets amongst the tentai team. He doesn't move from his place just inside the school courtyard for a long moment, his scowl still present and just as deep when he does. The student crowd bends around him, his disposition combined with his well backed rep averting any immediate danger to some helpless sob who might get knocked into him and end up at the receiving end of his bad mood. This brings him little satisfaction for once, his scowl softens slightly, though Kurama's developing reputation brought him a bit of amusement. He starts forward with an idle stroll finally, hands stuffed into his pockets and his destination not his homeroom but the big oak out behind the school's fields. Walking around the side of the building hee glares hard at a boy who dares throw him a dirty look. The boy flinches unintentionally and his friends call him on it, he couldn't even hold his eyes straight at Urameshi one taunts, almost good-naturedly. Yusuke moves forward without stopping. Despite not being interested in talking to most of the people at Sarayashiki he definitely heard a lot from them, usually more than he wanted. His thoughts flit back to the 'Kurama' subject. He'd been hearing a lot more gossip talk since Kurama arrived.
Yusuke reaches his destination, plopping down ungracefully at it's roots and folding his arms behind his head. Yeah, the usual flock of girls and the select group of boys who dared still whispered about what a fox he was, something Yusuke only found amusing once and didn't bother to mention to the redhead more than the same, but they also talked about other things. Besides Keiko's type gushing over his brains-- and he sneers at nothing in particular, it seems the fear and respect put into the student body on the first day Yusuke'd showed him to class had bloomed brilliantly. Kurama's most recent personality glitches . . . jumping rather, zoning out and the like only added to this. Yusuke laughs inwardly, they thought he was crazy plus dangerous and after the whole Shippo incident, a bit gay too. The corner of Yusuke's lips quirk upward, the fanboys were pretty happy about that. He frowns as his thoughts wander again
Shippo. Two redheads now, something that irked Yusuke a bit since he couldn't think or say 'the redhead' with specifying even to his own inner voices, most of the time. The were alike in few ways but at the same time many. Shippo or 'Taishi' rather, had a following that rivaled Kurama's. Maybe his was bigger, since Shippo seemed atleast sane at most times and had that 'foreign apeal' Yusuke didn't quite understand. Well . . . he allows a moment to conjure a mental image, there was something hot about the blond secretary types he sometimes saw trailing after American business men. He mentally shakes his head to clear it. Back to Shippo. He attempts focus, despite the name-- because really what kind of name was that, he was pretty cool by Yusuke's standard. He kind of reminded Yusuke of himself in ways and apparently attended school as much, though he had official excuses as it seemed he was taking separate classes elsewhere. Classes like Japanese, Government and Sciences as he's grown up in the US and would benefit much more if he could actually understand most of what the teacher was saying. Yusuke wasn't stupid though, Shippo spoke like a native, though at times he seemed to slip up and use some obscure slang Yusuke'd never heard of or insert words Yusuke had toned out when learning ancient Japanese literature. The other boy, when Yusuke commented about it, simply attributed it to some of the strange books he read while trying to learn the language. He'd handed off an English book 'Making Out in Japanese' the next day, that Yusuke and Kuwabara has laughed at later. All that aside though, Yusuke figured that Shippo had someone writing his notes and that maybe if he asked nice he could get the same. He probably had an uncle who was in the right position and liked him enough. Yusuke could see the benefits of those kinds of connections.
'I remember why I ran off from Sesshoumaru's tutors . . . what a bore' Shippo turns his face up to the warmth of the sun 'At least the ningenkai has a sun, but the air is stale today.'
Shippo kicks his feet out from the side of the building, hands bracing himself on the roofs edge. He returns his attention back towards the field. He rocks slightly as he watches Yusuke. The dark haired boy set beneath a wizened oak tree with his arms pillowing his head and eyes closed almost peacefully. He wondered idly, the heels of his shoes clacking against the faux brick with an oddly pleasing echo, how the boy'd survived so long with his spiritual senses dialed down so low. From the information he's read on Yusuke Urameshi's past, the boy was rather proficient at learning new skills and doing things not expected in terms of his spiritual powers and intellect. However even without that, those skills would be useless in a deadly blow from behind by a vengeful or hungry youkai that the tentai couldn't sense. Green eyes brighten noticeably, flicking off downwind for a split second.
"Will you try to turn him against his friends Enma?" Shippo trails his eyes over Yusuke's sprawled form "You should know that he would not if you were honost with him . . . would you lie through your son? Place the blame neatly in case things go wrong. Maybe you'll hire one of the youkai you hate so much, can't have your . . . employees fraternizing with the enemy after all. They might get grey ideas" A nasty smile twists his features as the dead presence of a ferry girl disappears from his range after the familiar feel of a portal masking spell tingles along his spine. The reikai servant had apparently misjudged just how far it extended, she was most likely on her way to tattle on him. Shippo chuckles aloud to himself
"Maybe I'll take an interest in you myself Yusuke" He runs a hand through his hair, claws snapping the tie holding it in order, he repeats the motion, sighing softly "after Enma's self-serving nature drives you away" he smiles 'Perhaps Jun will take a liking . . . I think it's time I made my move elsewhere'.
"No more games for now, Kurama" He murmurs into the wind.
"UGH! Urameshi Yusuke!" A familiar voice, set in a barely restrained screech, cuts through Yusuke's peace and quiet. Recognizing it immediately he looses a mental sigh, body slumping further down the tree. He cracks an eye open, finding Keiko perched over him with her hands fisted into her hips, a scowl on her lips and her feet braced apart threateningly. He notes idly that she's far enough this time that from his low position he can't see up her skirt. He snorts softly, she learned after all.
"Not here, leave a message" and he closes his eye again, not wanting to bother today or lately. He'd been able to dodge her thus far, with a few manuvers and with the help of her friends who were convinced Kurama was an evil mastermind by word math. Smart+ attractive+ apparent multiple personalities+ Yusuke’s friend = evil master mind apparently, but it was only a matter of time before they ran into each other for more than a few seconds. Seeing as the bell had rung and she was probably out with an excuse like having to use the restroom, there was only a matter of time before she left again too.
"Don't you ignore me Yusuke!" he demands "Why aren't you in class!?"
"I'm at school ain't I?" he mumbles noncommitedly, his ever wandering mind toying with the blissful idea of a beautiful mute girlfriend" A lecherous smile tugs at his features. Apparently she recognized it, his arms fly up to cover his aching head, scalp smarting after her enthusiastic swat
"Watch the head, girl!" he jumps up, pointing an angry finger under her nose, She looks like she wants to bite him "don't you have a class to be getting back to?" He slinks back against the tree
She looks like she wants to panic for a minute before her glare heats up further
"Not without YOU!" She makes a grab for his ear, he's stuck between dancing out of the way and just going along with it since really it's a lose-lose situation, when brown eyes widen and Keiko's hand flinches up to the back of her head. She swings around, searching the empty field "Something just hit me!" Yusuke quickly hides his amusement when she swings back towards him, glancing up into the tree no doubt searching for a certain hybrid with a bad habit of lurking about. She narrows her eyes at Yusuke and in a dramatic flounce, leaves back into the school.
"Hiei?" Yusuke calls, confused when he gets no answer. He sits back down wearily, somewhat angry he wouldn't be able to relax as he was now, and suppresses a shudder at a soft chuckle floating past on a curl of air that Yusuke is sure he hears.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): We haven't seen nearly enough Yusuke have we? This will help a bit. Also Keiko makes an appearance . . . though I've been avoiding that and am reluctant to have then do the horrible Keiko!Bash fic move and have them end in a blaze of non-glory.
--So very unsure about this chapter, which is why it's a week late. Still unsure.
--madmiko - Once again thanks for taking the time to review and heres hoping that you'll stay.
'Shit what was I thinking?' the wolf youkai suppresses his sudden feelings of regret. He agreed with Sesshoumaru that it probably wouldn't turn out well if he started hanging around Kagome again, but he also couldn't not respond to her invitation. He figured if he still did have feelings for her, he was over 600 years old, that he could keep it in his pants. He had a wife and any willing youkai he could want at his disposal if need be. He'd woken up long ago to the fact that Kagome didn't want him.
"Kagome-chan!" he turns in her direction smiling, everything aside, he was still happy to see her here. The two wolves flanking him on either side whine noisily as she approaches
"She's a friend, calm yourselves" he assures them subvocally, they quiet almost immediately, but press themselves closer to his legs, ears turned up curiously. He returns the hug she pulls him into
"It's good to see you" She informs him and steps back smiling, his heart melts in his chest
'Damnit, I'm not this strong' She kneels in front of his wolves petting them each in turn, Rui and Sayo nuzzle her hands affectionately taking to her immediately 'he was right'.
Yusuke scowls up at the school building in front of him
"Damn it" he curses under his breath, frustrated and feeling that weariness only old men should have in his bones at the thought of the place. This school, Koenma making sure he was here everyday since he decided they needed to stick together, the sudden tension and secrets amongst the tentai team. He doesn't move from his place just inside the school courtyard for a long moment, his scowl still present and just as deep when he does. The student crowd bends around him, his disposition combined with his well backed rep averting any immediate danger to some helpless sob who might get knocked into him and end up at the receiving end of his bad mood. This brings him little satisfaction for once, his scowl softens slightly, though Kurama's developing reputation brought him a bit of amusement. He starts forward with an idle stroll finally, hands stuffed into his pockets and his destination not his homeroom but the big oak out behind the school's fields. Walking around the side of the building hee glares hard at a boy who dares throw him a dirty look. The boy flinches unintentionally and his friends call him on it, he couldn't even hold his eyes straight at Urameshi one taunts, almost good-naturedly. Yusuke moves forward without stopping. Despite not being interested in talking to most of the people at Sarayashiki he definitely heard a lot from them, usually more than he wanted. His thoughts flit back to the 'Kurama' subject. He'd been hearing a lot more gossip talk since Kurama arrived.
Yusuke reaches his destination, plopping down ungracefully at it's roots and folding his arms behind his head. Yeah, the usual flock of girls and the select group of boys who dared still whispered about what a fox he was, something Yusuke only found amusing once and didn't bother to mention to the redhead more than the same, but they also talked about other things. Besides Keiko's type gushing over his brains-- and he sneers at nothing in particular, it seems the fear and respect put into the student body on the first day Yusuke'd showed him to class had bloomed brilliantly. Kurama's most recent personality glitches . . . jumping rather, zoning out and the like only added to this. Yusuke laughs inwardly, they thought he was crazy plus dangerous and after the whole Shippo incident, a bit gay too. The corner of Yusuke's lips quirk upward, the fanboys were pretty happy about that. He frowns as his thoughts wander again
Shippo. Two redheads now, something that irked Yusuke a bit since he couldn't think or say 'the redhead' with specifying even to his own inner voices, most of the time. The were alike in few ways but at the same time many. Shippo or 'Taishi' rather, had a following that rivaled Kurama's. Maybe his was bigger, since Shippo seemed atleast sane at most times and had that 'foreign apeal' Yusuke didn't quite understand. Well . . . he allows a moment to conjure a mental image, there was something hot about the blond secretary types he sometimes saw trailing after American business men. He mentally shakes his head to clear it. Back to Shippo. He attempts focus, despite the name-- because really what kind of name was that, he was pretty cool by Yusuke's standard. He kind of reminded Yusuke of himself in ways and apparently attended school as much, though he had official excuses as it seemed he was taking separate classes elsewhere. Classes like Japanese, Government and Sciences as he's grown up in the US and would benefit much more if he could actually understand most of what the teacher was saying. Yusuke wasn't stupid though, Shippo spoke like a native, though at times he seemed to slip up and use some obscure slang Yusuke'd never heard of or insert words Yusuke had toned out when learning ancient Japanese literature. The other boy, when Yusuke commented about it, simply attributed it to some of the strange books he read while trying to learn the language. He'd handed off an English book 'Making Out in Japanese' the next day, that Yusuke and Kuwabara has laughed at later. All that aside though, Yusuke figured that Shippo had someone writing his notes and that maybe if he asked nice he could get the same. He probably had an uncle who was in the right position and liked him enough. Yusuke could see the benefits of those kinds of connections.
'I remember why I ran off from Sesshoumaru's tutors . . . what a bore' Shippo turns his face up to the warmth of the sun 'At least the ningenkai has a sun, but the air is stale today.'
Shippo kicks his feet out from the side of the building, hands bracing himself on the roofs edge. He returns his attention back towards the field. He rocks slightly as he watches Yusuke. The dark haired boy set beneath a wizened oak tree with his arms pillowing his head and eyes closed almost peacefully. He wondered idly, the heels of his shoes clacking against the faux brick with an oddly pleasing echo, how the boy'd survived so long with his spiritual senses dialed down so low. From the information he's read on Yusuke Urameshi's past, the boy was rather proficient at learning new skills and doing things not expected in terms of his spiritual powers and intellect. However even without that, those skills would be useless in a deadly blow from behind by a vengeful or hungry youkai that the tentai couldn't sense. Green eyes brighten noticeably, flicking off downwind for a split second.
"Will you try to turn him against his friends Enma?" Shippo trails his eyes over Yusuke's sprawled form "You should know that he would not if you were honost with him . . . would you lie through your son? Place the blame neatly in case things go wrong. Maybe you'll hire one of the youkai you hate so much, can't have your . . . employees fraternizing with the enemy after all. They might get grey ideas" A nasty smile twists his features as the dead presence of a ferry girl disappears from his range after the familiar feel of a portal masking spell tingles along his spine. The reikai servant had apparently misjudged just how far it extended, she was most likely on her way to tattle on him. Shippo chuckles aloud to himself
"Maybe I'll take an interest in you myself Yusuke" He runs a hand through his hair, claws snapping the tie holding it in order, he repeats the motion, sighing softly "after Enma's self-serving nature drives you away" he smiles 'Perhaps Jun will take a liking . . . I think it's time I made my move elsewhere'.
"No more games for now, Kurama" He murmurs into the wind.
"UGH! Urameshi Yusuke!" A familiar voice, set in a barely restrained screech, cuts through Yusuke's peace and quiet. Recognizing it immediately he looses a mental sigh, body slumping further down the tree. He cracks an eye open, finding Keiko perched over him with her hands fisted into her hips, a scowl on her lips and her feet braced apart threateningly. He notes idly that she's far enough this time that from his low position he can't see up her skirt. He snorts softly, she learned after all.
"Not here, leave a message" and he closes his eye again, not wanting to bother today or lately. He'd been able to dodge her thus far, with a few manuvers and with the help of her friends who were convinced Kurama was an evil mastermind by word math. Smart+ attractive+ apparent multiple personalities+ Yusuke’s friend = evil master mind apparently, but it was only a matter of time before they ran into each other for more than a few seconds. Seeing as the bell had rung and she was probably out with an excuse like having to use the restroom, there was only a matter of time before she left again too.
"Don't you ignore me Yusuke!" he demands "Why aren't you in class!?"
"I'm at school ain't I?" he mumbles noncommitedly, his ever wandering mind toying with the blissful idea of a beautiful mute girlfriend" A lecherous smile tugs at his features. Apparently she recognized it, his arms fly up to cover his aching head, scalp smarting after her enthusiastic swat
"Watch the head, girl!" he jumps up, pointing an angry finger under her nose, She looks like she wants to bite him "don't you have a class to be getting back to?" He slinks back against the tree
She looks like she wants to panic for a minute before her glare heats up further
"Not without YOU!" She makes a grab for his ear, he's stuck between dancing out of the way and just going along with it since really it's a lose-lose situation, when brown eyes widen and Keiko's hand flinches up to the back of her head. She swings around, searching the empty field "Something just hit me!" Yusuke quickly hides his amusement when she swings back towards him, glancing up into the tree no doubt searching for a certain hybrid with a bad habit of lurking about. She narrows her eyes at Yusuke and in a dramatic flounce, leaves back into the school.
"Hiei?" Yusuke calls, confused when he gets no answer. He sits back down wearily, somewhat angry he wouldn't be able to relax as he was now, and suppresses a shudder at a soft chuckle floating past on a curl of air that Yusuke is sure he hears.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review