InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Perspective ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): *GuiltyGuilty* I disappeared . . . and I'm quiet sorry about that, but with no way to get this story to another computer where I could post and with no internetz access I couldn't do much. But I'm back, yay? And I've been busy continuing this story and art for it, so hopefully that's a halfway decent apology :`]
-My Fanart’s even improves X]
Warnings: Crude suggestive language. Implied m/m sexual situation
Shippo smiles down at the dark haired human woman, nodding to her in the lieu of a bow
"Good afternoon, ma'am, My name Takeda Taishi-- I'm a friend of Shuichi's" his smile broadens for effect "Is he home?" The woman nods to herself, seemingly impressed by his polite mannerisms and attitude. Stepping aside she smiles back happily.
"Yes! he's up in his room, come in won't you? Call me Minamino-san" He nods, heeling off his shoes and following her into a cozy looking den. She dismisses herself for a moment, to retrieve her son after he politely refusing her offer of tea. Free for a moment he makes his way over to a small wall display of family pictures. He takes in the pictures on the wall and the few on the small table below, the majority of them of Shuichi or the woman or both, one containing the woman and a man holding a small red-headed baby. Shippo smirks slightly, as he'd figured, the man didn't have red hair. He chuckles softly shaking his head.
'Couldn't be one of the crowd, eh Youko, even when hiding?'
"Shippo-kun?" Shippo smiles to himself, minus the conspicuous yellow feathers sticking from his mouth, before turning towards the stairs. He smiles charmingly up the stairs, where Kurama stands a few steps down, face showing open surprise. He notes the -kun unconsciously tagged to the end of his name, with some satisfaction. He steps away from the wall towards the bottom of the stairs
"Shuichi-kun, how are you?" the question only wavers at his name. Shippo tilts his head slightly, pleased when Kurama eyes flash behind the glamour. His mother makes her way down the stairs around him
"There are snacks in the kitchen if you two get hungry-- I think I'll work in my garden some" with a small nod to herself, and the obvious intent to give them some privacy, the woman disappears into the kitchen. Two pairs of eyes following after her for a moment. Shippo turns his attention back to his reason for being there as soon as she is out of range, making a show of giving the interim vessel a once over. Casual jeans and T-shirt, loose, to his disappointment. He steps forward again when Kurama moves to descend the rest of the stairs, placing a hand on the banister
"Why don't we go up to your room, Shuichi-kun?" Kurama's eyebrow shoot up, his expression suddenly innocent and virginal, Shippo notes this with amusement.
"What's wrong with the livingroom? That's as good a place as any?" smirking Shippo climbs the few steps separating them, leaving only a step between them
"How about this?” He leans forward, head rilting as if to whisper in his ear “We are going up to your room-- that is of course unless you want to risk your sweet mother walking in on us while I take you, because I have every intention of doing just that" golden yellow eyes suddenly darken to amber with arousal. Satisfied, Shippo leans back "rather it be on these steps or that bed . . ." Shippo's smirk widens as Shuichi turns on the stairs, throwing a beaconing glance over his shoulder
"Call me Kurama from now on" he asserts
"Of course" hooking his finger in the back loop of Kurama's jeans Shippo follows him up.
Looking down at the map and direction on the paper she held in her hands Kagome takes a deep breath. She had gone ahead and changed out of her casual clothes into the priestess garbs her grandfather had been ecstatic to see her in. Though they still looked a bit too much like Kikyo's for her taste, she didn't want to seem uneager to receive this 'Genkai's' training by just strolling in casual clothes. She starts up the stairs her eyes carefully avoiding the forest behind the sutra papers on either side of the stairs. She got a bad vibe from it, and the placement of the sutra papers pretty much confirmed that it was bad news. She silently thanks her experiences with the stairs at her own shrine and all her travels in the Sengoku Jidai when she starts up the fifth flight.
'What is this temple on a mountain?' She shakes her head
'Kouga-kun.' How had she managed that again. Since meeting up with him the other day he'd been on her mind constantly. She didn't know what it meant but it was a bit . . . unsettling. What if it was a crush? What if it grew into something more? After she'd turned him down all those years ago-- hundreds for him. She was sure he was over her, maybe even . . . taken, how horrible would it be for her to start falling in love with him now? It would serve her right she supposed. To experience what he had with her.
'Urk!' Almost falling, Kagome stumbles forward onto the flat surface, she clutches the cloth over her heart, she'd stepped when there was no step almost breaking her neck in the process
'No more stairs-- oh man' the nerves she'd left at the bottom of the stairs hit her once again.
Eyes searching, she crosses the courtyard towards the temple, more stone and less wood than their shrine. Slipping off her shoes she steps up onto the deck making her way up the the shoji* screen with the wooden name plate hanging next to it.
'Ok, nothing to be nervous about . . .' raising her hand to knock, she jumps when the door slides open.'Youkai!' her mind registers a second before the blue haired female smiles up at her.
"Shippo--kun!" Kurama's eyes widen almost comically as he spots the youkai Youko was determined to have standing in his livingroom. He smiles charmingly as he steps away from the picture wall towards him. His own feet stop on the stairs.
'You know what Shuichi? I think my day is beginning to look up'
'Damnit, there's not a 'no' option here is there?'
'You want this just as . . .well maybe not as bad as I do . . . but well enough'
"Shuichi-kun, how are you?" He tilts his head slightly, Kurama suppresses a shudder as Youko supplies a few creative visual aids from his imagination
'Look at him, his body's telling you just what he wants to do to us--' His mother makes her way down the stairs around him 'He wants to have us . . . and we want it' Gold eyes take in the kitsune's slender form, he'd worn a pair of army green cargo pants and a white sleeveless shirt, turleneck and fitted. His weight is shifted to the right, thumbs hooked into his two top pockets one eyebrow raised
"There are snacks in the kitchen if you two get hungry-- I think I'll work in my garden some" Shippo watches as Shiori disappears into the kitchen.
'Did you know canine youkai have hereditarily strong legs?' Youko's voice is amused, as green eyes roam leisurely down his form, then back up again.
'No I didn't Youko, thank you for that little piece of trivia' again a visual of just what strong legs were good for. Making an effort to ignore them, Shuichi makes a move to descend the rest of the stairs, stopping himself when the youkai again moves forward, his hand wrapping around the sphere at the base of the banister as he ascends, Kurama quickly turns his gaze back to his face
'Nice big hands, long fingers-- would look nice wrapped around our co--'
'Stop that!' Youko chuckles deeply
'--would leave pretty fingermark across our hips' Youko sing-songs as Shuichi fumes
"Why don't we go up to your room, Shuichi?" Kurama's eyebrows shoot up
'Yes let's-- we'll show him the bedroom, ne Shuichi? Homework desk perhaps?'
'We know nothing about him! It’s . . . whorish!'
'We know enough! Stubborn brat!' Kurama quickly puts on a an innocent expression
"What's wrong with the livingroom? That's as good a place as any" Shuichi suggest
'Do you have any idea what I can do to you, boy? Don't you dare send him away just because you want to hang onto your virginity for a bit longer-- I know what you want Shuichi, I'm in your head afterall' Shuichi can feel Youko's satisfaction as the youkai climbs the stairs separating them, putting them one step apart and close enough for him to feel the heat of the youkai's gaze full force
"How about this?" 'Listen.' Youko provides "We are going up to your room--" 'no question Shuichi' "that is of course unless you want to risk your sweet mother walking in on us while I take you" 'he already knows what he's going to do to us-- he'll make it memorable for you Shuichi, play you like a well practiced instrument' "--because I have every intention of doing just that" Kurama breathes deeply, putting some effort into not looking too effected by Shippo's words and Youko's commentary "rather it be on these steps or that bed . . ."
'Maybe you're right . . .'
'Nothing new, Shuichi' turning on the steps Kurama starts up, throwing a glance over his shoulder, Youko pushing his influence a bit.
"Call me Kurama from now on" a small smirk plays on his lips, another relected back at him
"of course" hooking his finger in the back loop of Kurama's jeans Shippo follows him up
Pushing open the door, Kurama flips the light on, pressing his back against the wall beside the switch. The auburn-haired youkai moves into the room, giving it a quick sweep, Kurama pushes the door closed behind him, the mechanism clicking into place
"You'll stay a while . . .?"
Shoji - sliding partitions made of a latticework wooden frame and covered with a tough, translucent white paper.(Britannica)
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): *GuiltyGuilty* I disappeared . . . and I'm quiet sorry about that, but with no way to get this story to another computer where I could post and with no internetz access I couldn't do much. But I'm back, yay? And I've been busy continuing this story and art for it, so hopefully that's a halfway decent apology :`]
-My Fanart’s even improves X]
Warnings: Crude suggestive language. Implied m/m sexual situation
Shippo smiles down at the dark haired human woman, nodding to her in the lieu of a bow
"Good afternoon, ma'am, My name Takeda Taishi-- I'm a friend of Shuichi's" his smile broadens for effect "Is he home?" The woman nods to herself, seemingly impressed by his polite mannerisms and attitude. Stepping aside she smiles back happily.
"Yes! he's up in his room, come in won't you? Call me Minamino-san" He nods, heeling off his shoes and following her into a cozy looking den. She dismisses herself for a moment, to retrieve her son after he politely refusing her offer of tea. Free for a moment he makes his way over to a small wall display of family pictures. He takes in the pictures on the wall and the few on the small table below, the majority of them of Shuichi or the woman or both, one containing the woman and a man holding a small red-headed baby. Shippo smirks slightly, as he'd figured, the man didn't have red hair. He chuckles softly shaking his head.
'Couldn't be one of the crowd, eh Youko, even when hiding?'
"Shippo-kun?" Shippo smiles to himself, minus the conspicuous yellow feathers sticking from his mouth, before turning towards the stairs. He smiles charmingly up the stairs, where Kurama stands a few steps down, face showing open surprise. He notes the -kun unconsciously tagged to the end of his name, with some satisfaction. He steps away from the wall towards the bottom of the stairs
"Shuichi-kun, how are you?" the question only wavers at his name. Shippo tilts his head slightly, pleased when Kurama eyes flash behind the glamour. His mother makes her way down the stairs around him
"There are snacks in the kitchen if you two get hungry-- I think I'll work in my garden some" with a small nod to herself, and the obvious intent to give them some privacy, the woman disappears into the kitchen. Two pairs of eyes following after her for a moment. Shippo turns his attention back to his reason for being there as soon as she is out of range, making a show of giving the interim vessel a once over. Casual jeans and T-shirt, loose, to his disappointment. He steps forward again when Kurama moves to descend the rest of the stairs, placing a hand on the banister
"Why don't we go up to your room, Shuichi-kun?" Kurama's eyebrow shoot up, his expression suddenly innocent and virginal, Shippo notes this with amusement.
"What's wrong with the livingroom? That's as good a place as any?" smirking Shippo climbs the few steps separating them, leaving only a step between them
"How about this?” He leans forward, head rilting as if to whisper in his ear “We are going up to your room-- that is of course unless you want to risk your sweet mother walking in on us while I take you, because I have every intention of doing just that" golden yellow eyes suddenly darken to amber with arousal. Satisfied, Shippo leans back "rather it be on these steps or that bed . . ." Shippo's smirk widens as Shuichi turns on the stairs, throwing a beaconing glance over his shoulder
"Call me Kurama from now on" he asserts
"Of course" hooking his finger in the back loop of Kurama's jeans Shippo follows him up.
Looking down at the map and direction on the paper she held in her hands Kagome takes a deep breath. She had gone ahead and changed out of her casual clothes into the priestess garbs her grandfather had been ecstatic to see her in. Though they still looked a bit too much like Kikyo's for her taste, she didn't want to seem uneager to receive this 'Genkai's' training by just strolling in casual clothes. She starts up the stairs her eyes carefully avoiding the forest behind the sutra papers on either side of the stairs. She got a bad vibe from it, and the placement of the sutra papers pretty much confirmed that it was bad news. She silently thanks her experiences with the stairs at her own shrine and all her travels in the Sengoku Jidai when she starts up the fifth flight.
'What is this temple on a mountain?' She shakes her head
'Kouga-kun.' How had she managed that again. Since meeting up with him the other day he'd been on her mind constantly. She didn't know what it meant but it was a bit . . . unsettling. What if it was a crush? What if it grew into something more? After she'd turned him down all those years ago-- hundreds for him. She was sure he was over her, maybe even . . . taken, how horrible would it be for her to start falling in love with him now? It would serve her right she supposed. To experience what he had with her.
'Urk!' Almost falling, Kagome stumbles forward onto the flat surface, she clutches the cloth over her heart, she'd stepped when there was no step almost breaking her neck in the process
'No more stairs-- oh man' the nerves she'd left at the bottom of the stairs hit her once again.
Eyes searching, she crosses the courtyard towards the temple, more stone and less wood than their shrine. Slipping off her shoes she steps up onto the deck making her way up the the shoji* screen with the wooden name plate hanging next to it.
'Ok, nothing to be nervous about . . .' raising her hand to knock, she jumps when the door slides open.'Youkai!' her mind registers a second before the blue haired female smiles up at her.
"Shippo--kun!" Kurama's eyes widen almost comically as he spots the youkai Youko was determined to have standing in his livingroom. He smiles charmingly as he steps away from the picture wall towards him. His own feet stop on the stairs.
'You know what Shuichi? I think my day is beginning to look up'
'Damnit, there's not a 'no' option here is there?'
'You want this just as . . .well maybe not as bad as I do . . . but well enough'
"Shuichi-kun, how are you?" He tilts his head slightly, Kurama suppresses a shudder as Youko supplies a few creative visual aids from his imagination
'Look at him, his body's telling you just what he wants to do to us--' His mother makes her way down the stairs around him 'He wants to have us . . . and we want it' Gold eyes take in the kitsune's slender form, he'd worn a pair of army green cargo pants and a white sleeveless shirt, turleneck and fitted. His weight is shifted to the right, thumbs hooked into his two top pockets one eyebrow raised
"There are snacks in the kitchen if you two get hungry-- I think I'll work in my garden some" Shippo watches as Shiori disappears into the kitchen.
'Did you know canine youkai have hereditarily strong legs?' Youko's voice is amused, as green eyes roam leisurely down his form, then back up again.
'No I didn't Youko, thank you for that little piece of trivia' again a visual of just what strong legs were good for. Making an effort to ignore them, Shuichi makes a move to descend the rest of the stairs, stopping himself when the youkai again moves forward, his hand wrapping around the sphere at the base of the banister as he ascends, Kurama quickly turns his gaze back to his face
'Nice big hands, long fingers-- would look nice wrapped around our co--'
'Stop that!' Youko chuckles deeply
'--would leave pretty fingermark across our hips' Youko sing-songs as Shuichi fumes
"Why don't we go up to your room, Shuichi?" Kurama's eyebrows shoot up
'Yes let's-- we'll show him the bedroom, ne Shuichi? Homework desk perhaps?'
'We know nothing about him! It’s . . . whorish!'
'We know enough! Stubborn brat!' Kurama quickly puts on a an innocent expression
"What's wrong with the livingroom? That's as good a place as any" Shuichi suggest
'Do you have any idea what I can do to you, boy? Don't you dare send him away just because you want to hang onto your virginity for a bit longer-- I know what you want Shuichi, I'm in your head afterall' Shuichi can feel Youko's satisfaction as the youkai climbs the stairs separating them, putting them one step apart and close enough for him to feel the heat of the youkai's gaze full force
"How about this?" 'Listen.' Youko provides "We are going up to your room--" 'no question Shuichi' "that is of course unless you want to risk your sweet mother walking in on us while I take you" 'he already knows what he's going to do to us-- he'll make it memorable for you Shuichi, play you like a well practiced instrument' "--because I have every intention of doing just that" Kurama breathes deeply, putting some effort into not looking too effected by Shippo's words and Youko's commentary "rather it be on these steps or that bed . . ."
'Maybe you're right . . .'
'Nothing new, Shuichi' turning on the steps Kurama starts up, throwing a glance over his shoulder, Youko pushing his influence a bit.
"Call me Kurama from now on" a small smirk plays on his lips, another relected back at him
"of course" hooking his finger in the back loop of Kurama's jeans Shippo follows him up
Pushing open the door, Kurama flips the light on, pressing his back against the wall beside the switch. The auburn-haired youkai moves into the room, giving it a quick sweep, Kurama pushes the door closed behind him, the mechanism clicking into place
"You'll stay a while . . .?"
Shoji - sliding partitions made of a latticework wooden frame and covered with a tough, translucent white paper.(Britannica)
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review