InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Prison: How Soon is Now ❯ Innocense Tainted ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“You scared yourself away
Now hate's what you appreciate”
Eyes-Radio-Lies (Orgy)
Innocence Tainted
She had seen this same scene happen before. A loved one holding their wounds while the beloved slowly kills them. Kagome wondered why love could never be simple. Surely, everyone else had a normal love life without evil constantly attacking them. Nobody moved from their spots, they all helplessly watched the scene. Kuronue held her wrist, Souta stood frozen in the kitchen doorway, Kurama silently watching with confusion, and Kuwabara looking like he had died. Yusuke fell to his knees and they saw the person at the door. They already knew who it was by the painful whisper Yusuke uttered as he fell to his knees.
Her beautiful brown eyes were dull and uncaring as she pulled her weapon back. Kagome could see the weapon she held and knew that such a small woman shouldn't have the skill to wield it. Her chigiriki's ball was coated in a thin layer of blood and cloth. She stared down at Yusuke and he simply stared up at her with pain filled eyes.
“Keiko…why?” Yusuke softly asked.
“There's an aura overlying her aura,” Kuwabara spoke. Kagome nodded to agree with him, she could sense something with her.
She looked down at him and raised her chigiriki above her head. Yusuke moved his hand from his bloodied stomach and reached for her. His bloodied hand stained the white hakama she wore. Her long chestnut hair was pulled back into a bun with hair sticks. She brought the chigiriki down and Yusuke was pulled out of the way. Her eyes blinked and anger passed through for a moment. They went blank and she snapped her head to the person that grabbed her victim.
“Let me go Kuwabara!” Yusuke shouted.
Kagome pulled away from Kuronue and charged Keiko. She tackled her out of the shrine and they went flying. They both pushed away from each other and landed on their feet. Kagome glared at the girl with something akin to pity.
“Who's your master?” Kagome asked.
Keiko remained silent and grasped the staff of her chigiriki tightly. She brought her arm up and over shoulder. She held onto the weapon as she brought her arm forward. The ball atop of the weapon was sent flying towards Kagome. Kagome jumped out of the way and watched as she pulled it back. She saw that it was attached to a chain that was hidden in the staff. Footsteps came out of the shrine and she didn't bother looking over to see the others.
“Who's controlling you Keiko?” Kagome asked.
Keiko's brown eyes darted off behind Kagome. She jumped into the air and landed behind Kagome. Kagome jumped back and cursed again. She was going after Yusuke. Yusuke dodged the weapon she wielded, while ignoring the wound on his stomach. Kuwabara snuck up behind the girl and held her arms to her side. Keiko silently tensed before she threw her head back and hit Kuwabara in the nose. His grip loosened and she stepped on his foot. He released her and she spun around and hit him in the temple with the chigiriki. He silently flew underneath the Goshinboku where he remained unconscious.
“Kuwabara!” Yusuke called out as he watched his friend lay still. His brown eyes turned to Keiko and he glared at her.
`Why can't I be angry with her?' Yusuke questioned.
“Why are you doing this?” Yusuke called out to her. Her eyebrows furrowed and she ignored his voice.
A rough laughter filled the air and Kagome turned her attention to the Goshinboku. Inuyasha jumped down from the branches and stood behind Keiko. He let his claws run through her hair as he grinned. His amber eyes locked onto to Kagome's gray eyes as she glared at him.
“Bastard! What did you do to her?” Yusuke demanded.
“She is my master's puppet,” Inuyasha answered while keeping eye contact with Kagome.
“I'll kill you!” Yusuke shouted as he charged Inuyasha.
Inuyasha remained as he watched the boy charge at him. Yusuke skidded to a halt when the Keiko slammed her chigiriki in front of him. Gray stone went flying in the air as he watched her through the dust. She jerked around and brought the weapon upward in an attempt to hit him in the chin. He twisted out of her way and backed up. He didn't want to hurt her.
“She protects those who are loyal to the master…isn't she wonderful?” Inuyasha taunted with a sneer.
“Keiko, break away from him!” Yusuke shouted her. Keiko remained silent as she stared at him. “Answer me!”
“Go ahead, tell him what you want,” Inuyasha encouraged.
“Yusuke,” Keiko softly began, “I hate you.”
Kagome closed her eyes and looked away, she didn't want to see this. She wanted everything to go away. Her eyes opened again and she turned toward the scene. Kuronue grasped her hand in his and they both watched. Kurama came up and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“…” Yusuke was stunned into silence as he watched her emotionless mask become twisted with hate.
“You were never around! I watched you gallivanting with demons and I knew what you were really doing,” Keiko sneered as she glared at him.
“I don't understand,” Yusuke whispered.
“I knew you wouldn't understand, you never were that smart. Don't deny that you were looking for an excuse to get rid of me!” Keiko growled.
“I never wanted to get rid of you! I…uh,” Yusuke seriously mumbled.
“I was to weak for you, I should have seen it. It was my fault for being to weak…to human,” Keiko spat.
“But I always cared for you!” Yusuke shouted. Kagome winced and Inuyasha grinned in triumph.
“He never really had feelings for you,” the voice whispered to her.
Keiko dryly laughed as she radiated pure hate. She tossed her weapon to the ground and approached Yusuke. His shirt twisted in her small hands as she pulled him down to her level. Keiko glared at him and brought their faces close together.
“You never could love me! I loved you but you never loved me! I almost died for you and you still couldn't…no wouldn't love me!” Keiko screamed in his face. She let go of his shirt and balled up her fist. Yusuke backed up and grasped the cheek she hit. Blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.
“I hate you!” Keiko shouted.
“Hate is a twisted form of love,” Yusuke whispered as he spit the blood to the ground. She screamed in rage and tackled him to the ground. His stomach wound coated her white clothing in blood as they crashed to the ground. She punched him on the other cheek.
“I hate you!” She shouted as she continued to punch him.
“Enough!” Kagome stepped forward.
“Stop there, my beloved Kagome,” Inuyasha scolded in a child's tone.
“I'm not yours,” Kagome growled.
“I can see that,” Inuyasha said as he stared at Kuronue. “You betrayed me again…this time with trash.”
“Inuyasha…you told me to move on,” Kagome painfully said as her grip on Kuronue loosened.
“I thought you would wait for me…I thought you would always love me,” Inuyasha whispered to her.
“Is he more important to you then me?” Inuyasha questioned.
Kagome tensed and looked away. Her eyes were watering as she heard him scoff. She didn't want to hurt Kuronue, and yet she didn't want to leave Inuyasha alone.
“Isn't it fun Kagome…isn't it fun to be the one that suffers?” Inuyasha questioned.
“Silence,” Kurama hissed as he attacked the hanyou.
Inuyasha growled as he dodged the rose whip. Kurama brought the whip around and managed to slice Inuyasha the chest. Inuyasha jumped a distance away and grinned
“Thanks,” Inuyasha said as he dipped his claws into the blood. “Blades of Blood.”
Kurama jumped above the attack and Inuyasha laughed. His emerald eyes turned to find the attack closing upon Yusuke and Keiko. Before anyone could shout a black blur jumped in front of the attack and it vanished. Hiei stood there with his sword to the side gazing at Inuyasha.
“That was careless,” Hiei simply said to Kurama.
“Thanks Hiei,” Kurama dryly said.
Hiei turned away from Inuyasha and went focused on Keiko. She glared at him before she jumped away from the beaten Yusuke and joined Inuyasha. Inuyasha stared at the group in amusement before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black gem. Kagome ran over to Yusuke and grimaced before she took off again. She stood in front of Hiei and Kurama and gazed at Inuyasha.
“Decided to leave that trash?” Inuyasha questioned with a smirk.
“No!” Kagome shouted before she added, “He's not trash!”
“Do feel it Kagome? Focus on that anger that you feel and embrace it,” Inuyasha menacingly whispered.
“Never,” Kagome growled.
“It's so heartbreaking that I have to do this to you…well…not really,” Inuyasha gleefully said as he tossed the jewel to her.
Kagome stepped out of the jewel's way and grinned at him. He pointed behind and she glared. Turning around she found the jewel slamming into her. Her body crashed to the ground as the jewel sunk into her body. A scream tore through her body as she convulsed. A black light surrounded her and she reached out towards the sky. Her eyes were bottomless pits of black that sent chills throughout the air. Four black orbs shot out of her body and floated around her. The four orbs took form and surrounded Kagome; each one stared down at her.
“Who are they?” Kurama asked as he stared at them.
“Meet the four souls of the tainted Tama,” Inuyasha introduced with a smirk.
“Look at her…so frail,” one soul whispered.
“Don't you mean pathetic?” Another soul asked.
“She obliviously wasn't good enough, unlike us,” another soul stated.
“She looks tasty,” a silky voice purred.
The four souls scattered as a scythe came towards them. They each glared at the new comer for interrupting them. Kuronue held onto the scythe as he approached Kagome. He pulled her body into his arms and brushed a stray piece of hair from her face. One of the souls snorted in disgust as another grinned with delight.
“How pathetic, she actually trusts a youkai,” one soul hissed.
Kuronue turned his glare to that soul. She looked exactly like Kagome, save for a few features. Her eyes were a bit more narrow and their color were a dark crimson. Her hair came to her chin and her lips were thinned with hate. She glared at Kuronue as she watched the scene. She wore a simple black kimono similar to what Naraku wore. On her left breast, the symbol for hate was branded on.
“I find it sweet that two pathetic creatures find comfort in each other,” the next soul admitted. “Don't you agree Hate?”
“I find it disturbing Pride,” Hate responded.
Pride shrugged with her own grin. Her eyes were a metallic gold eyes and her hair was worn down to her ankles in a braid. Her lips were ruby red; and her stance was one of a person that was vain. Pride wore an elaborate kimono that was gold with red flowers on the shoulder. Another soul scoffed as she brought herself to attention.
“I wish I had someone like that,” another soul stated with envy dripping from her voice.
Her green eyes stared at the couple with disdain. Her hair held up in a bun with diamonds adorning it. She took a step closer and continued to glare at Kuronue and Kagome. She wore green skirt with a yellow fishnet over her bra. Her green eyes continued to watch them as another soul spoke.
“Don't glare them to death Envy,” another woman scolded, “There much to delicious to be glared at.”
The next woman stepped forward. Her hips held a gentle sway as her sapphire eyes sparked with admiration. Her hair was the same length as Kagome's and it was simply left down to the middle of her back. Her lips upturned in smile, the light shade of pink she wore brought out her lips. She winked at Kuronue and grinned. She wore a plain scarlet hakama with a white vest. The woman looked exactly like Kagome except she held more confidence.
“I am the Lust, yummy to meet you,” she purred.
Inuyasha laughed as he and Keiko vanished into a black portal. He had heard her scream and that was enough. The team was broken, quite literally. Kurama watched the four souls carefully and noticed that the one with red eyes turned to him.
“So you're the one that allowed me to become more prominent in her soul,” Hate said with a laugh.
“Explain,” Kurama growled.
“You were the one to remind her of hate and distrust. You helped her hate and it has always remained in her soul,” Hate explained. “You also hurt her pride.”
“So that's the bastard,” Pride mumbled with a bit of annoyance. “You damaged her pride, you were the one that took Kuronue to his death. It hurt knowing that she couldn't protect anyone.”
“Let's go…this is boring,” Envy whined with a yawn.
“See ya later cutie,” Lust smirked as they shot off in a streak of darkness.
Kurama ran a hand through his hair and walked over to Kagome. She looked like a corpse, her breathing was shallow, and her pulse was slow. Souta walked out of the shrine and groaned when he saw Yusuke and Kuwabara. His worry took over when he saw his defeated sister.
Author's Note: