InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Lost the Real Dream ❯ Shattered Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of Sengoku Otogizoushi - InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. InuYasha belongs to Takahashi Rumiko, Shogakukan, Viz Media, ShoPro Entertainment, and Shounen; while Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Togashi Yoshihiro, Shueisha, Viz Media, and Shounen. No profit or money of any kind is made from this fan-created crossover.

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Title: Lost the Real Dream
Chapter One: Shattered Memories

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Such darkness... Why doesn't it fade? How long have I been lost in this? InuYasha, how come I don't feel you near? Shippou, where did you disappear to? Miroku, why can't I touch you? Sango, why can't I see you now? What happened to everything? Why is there no one answering! Can't anyone hear me? Or is it me that isn't saying anything?

I can't take this anymore! I can't stand this darkness!


Mama... Souta... Jii-chan...

What happened to you? Where did you go off to? I also can't see your faces... Just this darkness, yet... In this moment, I can feel you close to me.. I can't even see anything, but I know you're touching my face Mama. I can even feel your tears, yet I can't see them. What has happened to me to make you cry on me? My voice still musn't work. I wish I could tell you it's alright... But somehow, I know that isn't true. It won't be true for a while.

"Kagome! Stay with us!"

I'm still here! Please... Hear me... Please, Mama, Souta, Jiichan... I'm still here! I'll always be here! I won't leave you alone! I promise. I won't. But, why can't you hear me? Why can't I see you? Your figures are outlined in darkness in the darkness... Why is there no light!? I want... I need to see you all again.

InuYasha! Where are you? Why aren't you... you here next to me? Where is everyone at? Are you all alright? My voice can't reach you... and neither can my heart it seems.

'You resemble... Kikyou-onee-sama...'

...Kaede-obaa-san? Why do your words echo through my mind?

'That arrow is InuYasha's seal...'

I see you so clearly now...

'Anything's okay. A word that'll quieten InuYasha!'

Am I out of the darkness?

'As the Shikon no Tama has come out yet again in this age.'

No... Our first meeting took place a year ago, right? It did, didn't it? Then why...? To remind myself? Or to forget?

"Kagome-chan. Please, wake up."

Eri-chan? Is that you? Is something wrong with your eyes? I'm awake! I'm awake... Don't you know this? I'm right here! I'm awake!

Or, am I awake? I can't see... Is it morning, or is it night? Is school out already? Can you tell me why I can't see you?

"Get up Kagome-chan! You have to... Tell them they're wrong! Tell them that you're not... you're not..."

I'm not what, Yuka-chan? Why are you crying on my hand? Your hands are so warm, or are mine just cold? I'm awake Yuka-chan...

Maybe tomorrow, we can go to WacDonald's and talk about boys, could we? Please, I want things to be normal now... I just want to hear your carefree voice again. I can't stand this sad voice of yours.

Wait... Don't go. Keep my hands warm, please?

'I wanted venegence on Otou's enemy.'

Shippou... I can almost see your teal eyes and red hair. But your image is fuzzy.

I miss your voice, your laughter and smiles. I can see the day we met so clearly, the battlefield where the Thunder Brothers died.

Yet, you are fuzzy... Are you leaving me? Please don't... Stay with me, Shippou-chan. Please, stay in my mind just a moment longer... I don't want to lose you here...

No.. Please, stay! Don't...! Why are you leaving me with this darkness?

"Nee-chan... I just wanted to tell you that I'm no longer afraid of the well house or the dark... I help out a lot more too, and I've even had jii-san start training me to become a monk. See? I'm doing so much for you, so please wake up and tell me something... Anything! Please nee-chan!"

Oh, Souta... I can feel you so close to me. If I could only touch your face... Maybe then, I'll be able to see you. I can barely remember your eyes, but your voice is more than welcome.

I'm so proud of you. You'll become a great monk, I know... Just don't become a lech, like Miroku-sama.

'You're a Buddha in Hell, and a sight for sore eyes.'

Houshi-sama... Hmm...

And if you get any piercings before I do, I'll always tease you about it.

'The air rip in my right hand, is a curse by Naraku, bored into my right hand...'

So, don't... Can you hear what I'm saying? Does my mouth move as I speak to you? I wish I could tell you how proud I am.

"Kagome-chan, I just thought you might want to know that Houjou isn't interested in you anymore. Does that make you happy? I think it will. At least now Yuka and Eri won't be on your case about your cute mystery guy... He hasn't come for a visit, thought you might've wanted to know."

Houjou isn't interested in me anymore? But I like him, don't I?

Hm. That sounds so foreign to me... No, I don't like him as anything beyond a friend. Didn't I always stand him up, too? I know the reason why I always did, however I just can't seem to fully remember it. Is this normal? To forget, I mean? Everything seems to be slipping past me and only certain things stay before disappearing... Ayumi-chan, please don't leave me alone with the darkness like everyone else...


'Put me down! What are you intending to do to me?'

A girl. Seems a little older than me, and so familiar... But from where? The place looks something out of a fairy tale and with that taiji get-up and giant boomerang.


...She called her boomerang that, didn't she? And she had a nekomata, right?

'Kohaku! I'll kill you, then die myself!'

That was her dead brother... I remember... But, why do the dead walk? Shouldn't they be resting in peace? The woman's body is so faint, but her eyes... They're so full of sadness and pain.

All I remember is that her name started with an R, or perhaps it was a K?

"Kagome-san, I know you might not remember me, but, I was your father's second wife. Maybe when you wake up, we'll be able to get to know each other again."

...My father's... second wife?

Oh, I remember now. The woman with the red-headed son, my half-brother.

'Are you okay...?'
'Yeah... But... For just a bit longer... please support me...'

I can see myself holding onto someone dressed in red... Who were they?


Were they someone important...?

I can see into the person's face, but...


...There is no face, just static...

"You're going to be fine, Higurashi-san."

I want to see their face!

"Kagome-chan, hold on for just a day or two more."

I want to know who they are!

Wait... No... Leave me here. I need to remember what I've forgotten.

No, I don't want the light. Leave me in the darkness. I need to remember... I need the darkness. I need to know who those people were! Don't make me wake up yet... Leave me, please.

My eyes opened slowly, as if they hadn't been used for so long. I quickly shut my eyes again. The light is much too bright right now. My eyes opened again, and the light is bearable. There's some weight in my hand. What's it?

...Just a clear jewel? Then why do I hold it so tightly and dearly? Why should I care, it's just a bauble... maybe from one of my friends?

That's right, my friends... I looked up and saw the faces of Yuka, Eri and Ayumi smiling at me. I try to greet them, but my voice doesn't work. How long have I been asleep? And why am I here? In a hospital of all places? What happened to me? Why would I be here on my fifteenth birthday?

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"Oh! Kagome-chan! I'm so glad... That you're finally awake!" Ayumi shouted in joy as she tried to hold back her tears.

"A, Ayumi-chan?" Kagome's voice came out as a raspy whisper.

"Kagome-chan, here," Eri calmly handed Kagome a glass of water and helped her drink.

Kagome drink the water greedily, before she allowed herself to take in her surroundings. "Wh, what am I doing here? And on my fifteenth birthday, too?"

All three of them looked away from her. "We were hoping you could tell us what happened. Since you were found inside the well on the shrine grounds all beaten and bloody," Yuka answered her, rather bluntly, since no one else seemed like they could say anything.

Kagome gazed at them with confusion evident in her eyes. "Then... then... Why can't I remember anything?" Kagome's teary question had them all looking away in shame.

"The doctor said that you had a head injury and might not remember when you wake up... I guess you don't remember the last year of your life, but your sixteenth birthday was just three days ago," Ayumi couldn't look her in the eye when she answered her.

'I'm already sixteen...? Why can't I remember anything? What happened to a year of my life? Was I...' The rest of her question was voiced outloud to her friends, "Was I in a coma for the last year of my life?"

Eri laughed slightly, "No, silly... You've only been in a coma for three weeks."

"Oh.. Does my family know I'm awake?" Kagome's innocent question had them all looking to Ayumi, who looked away in sadness.

"...They... They're... dead, Kagome-chan. They were in a car accident three days ago when they were coming here for your birthday. But Souta is still alive.. kind of," Ayumi told Kagome who was lost in shock at the news. It was too much to take in in a matter of moments..

"What do you mean by 'kind of', Ayumi-chan?" Kagome asked.

"He, he's in a coma... Though he's still in ICU," Yuka spoke up this time as she blinked away tears.

"And that same day, this woman came by and said she was your father's second wife and she took care of you for a year when you were much younger... She said that since you don't have a family to go home to now, she'd be happy to have you live with her," Eri told Kagome as she looked through her purse for something. She pulled out a small slip of paper. "She said to call this number once the doctors cleared you," Eri placed the number on the table beside her bed.

Kagome looked thoughtful, though still in shock from all the news she had heard. "I think I will..." In her head, she hoped that the woman would be willing to take in Souta too, he was her only connection to her missing year now, it seemed.

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Originally written in the summer/fall of 2004. Edited to fix typos, tense changes, and bad wording. The pairings still remain Yuusuke/Kagome, Kurama/Keiko, though they will be subtle.