InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in Motion


DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.






“Sir, sir!” the sound of his own pounding footfalls faded from his mind as he rushed to reach the Prince of Reikai’s office. The loud ‘bang’ from the door crashing into the wall as he threw it open – with more force than was necessary – served to startle not only his boss but himself as well. “Koenma, sir, I think we might have a big problem on our hands!” He clutched the dingy tan folder tightly in his hand, hoping he was over-exaggerating, but doubting he was.



Koenma looked at George as if he had grown two heads. It was not often that the ogre would burst into his office without knocking first, but that was not the reason he was looking at him as if he was a bug under a microscope. “What is that?” The demigod asked, pointing at the cloth covering the ogres head.



“It’s a dust rag, sir.” George fidgeted under the godling’s heavy stare. Why was he looking at him like that, instead of asking what the problem might be? Didn’t he hear what he had just said? He was just about to tell him again that they might have a serious problem, when the diminutive ruler asked another question.



“Why is it on your head?” Koenma asked with a raised eyebrow at the ogre that was bouncing from one foot to the other in obvious anxiety.



George then looked at his boss as if he had grown an extra head – or two - of his own. “To keep the dust off my head sir.” He stated flatly before his voice turned more incredulous “Sir, didn’t you hear what I said? We may have a big problem and you’re worried about what I’m wearing on my head?”



Koenma sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping with the action. “I heard you just fine.” He pinched the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb, before shaking his head, as if to rid himself of a thought. “I was just hoping that if I ignored what you said it would go away. But I guess not, so, what is the big problem this time?” his voice sounded weary even to his own ears.



“Well, sir.” George straightened his shoulders, preparing himself for the yelling he knew was coming. “You see, I was cleaning out the old filing room, you know the one your father destroyed fifteen years ago when he lost his temper? Well anyway, I think that when the files were switched out to the other room, this one was left behind.” He held up the folder with a trembling hand. Dust from the folder hung lightly in the air, hovering for a few seconds before slowly drifting to the floor.



His boss’s swallow was audible, but he remained quiet which was more frightening a thing than if he’d thrown a temper tantrum befitting a three year old. He had been expecting yelling, not the silence that was permeating the air. Surely his boss’s silence was not a good thing.



The demigod had gone pale, his eyes were wide in disbelief, and his mouth hung open in shock. George’s hand trembled a little harder. Koenma’s mouth snapped shut like a vice, his teeth clicking together as he did so.



“This cannot be good.” Koenma choked out, his voice holding a note of dread that made the ogre’s skin crawl. He held his hand out expectantly and when the ogre placed the folder in his hand, he finally took notice of how grimy it was. “Have you looked inside it?”



George shook his head vigorously, a small frown marring his face. “No, I didn’t think it was my place to do so sir.”



Another sigh left Koenma, this one even heavier than the last. He flopped into his chair and dropped the folder on the top of his desk. “Well what are we so worried for then? It could be nothing, or easily fixable in any case.” He new he was lying, even to himself, and by the look on George’s face, he knew it too. On the other hand, maybe it was wishful thinking on his part; either way, he still had to look inside the folder, something he was very much dreading having to do.



He wiped the sweat and dust from the palms of his hands onto his pant legs, before reaching up and opening the folder. Then he started to read, and read, and read. The sheer amount of information in the folder was staggering.



It spoke of an ancient jewel and the history behind it, of the numerous lives that the jewel affected. However, it mostly spoke of a young girl, the last guardian of the accursed jewel. In fact, the last part of the folder was about the girl, a final battle, and the jewel itself.



After turning what he presumed was the last page of the documentation, Koenma realized there was one more page to go; he had assumed that the story was over with the last page of the final battle.



Oh how wrong he was.



The last page in the folder was different then the rest. Whereas the rest of the folder had been written in a story like fashion, this was not. The more Koenma read of the page, the paler he became. When he was finally done with the whole folder, his face was bone white and his eyes impossibly wide. “Oh shit!” He murmured before looking up at George in shock, “What has my father done?”