InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps In Motion

A/N: I don’t know if I’m at all happy about the direction this fiction has decided it want’s to go. Will someone please give me some feedback on the story, plot, and characterization?

Thank you to AnimeHuntress, for correcting this chapter of mishaps for me. You’re a doll.

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. I make no money from any of this.


“Hey! Don’t do that! You’re naked! Sit back down!” Kuwabara yelled, his blush darkening even more from the sight of the naked female.

The girl groaned and growled a little in return, startling Kuwabara.

“Kuwabara, I suggest keeping your voice down. The girl is clearly agitated enough. We don’t want to alarm her into defending herself if she feels threatened . . . At least not yet.” Kurama spoke in a clear, quiet voice.

The girl quickly pulled her eyes from Kuwabara to Kurama, narrowing them as she did so.

The human woman on the floor groaned aloud, bringing attention to the fact that she was waking. Her eyes opened slowly, hesitantly.

“Wha . . .” she stopped speaking, blinking heavily at all the people in the room with her. Her eyes flickered to the girl standing in front of her, then to her own body. She had the decency to blush at the state of her undress. She quickly covered herself as best as she could with her own hair and one of her hands.

“How? . . . Who? . . .” the woman was clearly flustered.

Koenma sympathized. He couldn’t imagine having been stuck in a cured jewel for over five-hundred years, then waking, only to find yourself in a room filled with strangers.

“Kagome, it’s good to meet you finally. We have much to talk about, but first, could you please explain . . . her?” he gestured vaguely to the girl in question.

The human woman raised her eyebrows, surprise written along the lines of her face. After a moment her face returned to a normal, almost stoic expression.

“You’re mistaken. I’m not Kagome.”

Koenma sputtered a little before speaking again, “but, if you’re not her . . . Where is she and who are you?”

“She’s Kagome.” she said, pointing to the girl standing guard over her “and I’m…”

Koenma interrupted her, “that’s not possible! Kagome is a young Human girl! this girl is . . . is. . . .”

“Completely human I assure you,” the human girl on the floor closed her eye’s, but not before the flicker of guilt and anger could be hidden completely.

Kagome glanced over her shoulder quickly, looking at the still prone figure of the girl on the floor with her eyes now closed. That action right there told the spirit detectives just how untrained in fighting the girl really was. A seasoned fighter would now better that to take their eyes off the ones they perceived as a treat. This was just one of those cases where looks really were that deceiving. The girl turned back to them.

Koenma’s eyebrows crunched together in obvious confusion. “I think we’re missing quite a bit of the story here,” Koenma let loose a heavy sigh. Why couldn’t things ever just be strait forward and simple? “If she is Kagome,” the goddling sounded just a little unsure still. “Who are you?”

“I am called Midoriko.”

“You’re the prestess who made the jewel?” Koenma had definitely missed parts of the story, but even then he knew her name for what it was.

“That’s right.” she nodded solemnly.

“Well, we still have a lot that needs to be discussed . . . But . . . Well, I’m sure you both would like to get dressed first. And maybe you can tell her we mean no harm to the two of you?” Koenma suggested.

“She’s not deaf. She can hear you.” Midoriko didn’t know if she liked this mans attitude towards her friend, and it showed in her speech pattern.

“I meant no disrespect, it’s just . . . I don’t think she’s in the listening mood right at the moment. . . ” Koenma trailed off, shivering slightly as those black eyes once again weighed heavily upon him.

Midoriko couldn’t see the younger girls face with the way she was turned away, yet she suspected she new what the problem was.

“Kagome?” no answer.

She reached out wrapping her hand lightly around the other girl’s ankle, “come Kagome, I believe we’re fine.”

Everyone in the room watched in stunned amazement as Midoriko’s hand, the same hand she had wrapped around the littler girl’s ankle, started to glow a gentle blue color. They also watched as the black in Kagome’s eyes slowly receded, white leaking in from the corners until the black was only in the middle, as a normal beings’ eyes should be. Though, they still reflected like wet metal.

“Mid?” Kagome blinked looking down at the hand around her bare ankle.

“Yes Kagome, I’m here.” Midoriko smiled at the familiar shortened version of her name, Kagome had deemed her with years ago.

“Mid, when did we get bodies?”

“I’m not sure. But might I suggest covering yours. Your giving everyone quite the show right now sweetie.”

Kagome looked up in slow motion. She brought the group standing before her under her very heavy stare once more; confusion lined her face in heavy strokes. She blinked in what could only be considered a sluggish movement.

“Who are they?”

Kuwabara almost chocked on his own saliva as the girl went about checking them out, moving her head this way then that way to do so. So far she had made no moves what so ever to cover herself up.

“I’m not . . .” Midoriko was in the middle of answering her dear friend when, she was once again rudely interrupted.

“Will you please cover your self up! For gods’ sake, have some modesty woman!” Kuwabara was very disturbed by the girl just standing there naked, he felt wrong looking at her while in such a state.

Kagome cocked her head to the side, making everyone in the room think of a confused puppy for a moment.

Kuwabara swallowed hard when her eyes settled on him. Was it just him or were her eyes kind of foggy looking?

“Why?” the girl asked in mild-confusion, but still, no embarrassment.

All but Midoriko, Kurama and Hiei about fell over from shock, their faces showing their surprise at the girl’s innocent sounding question. In that moment, she sounded so . . . So . . . Young!

“Well . . . Because it’s indecent! That’s why!” Kuwabara was very flustered, having the undivided attention of a strange, yet beautiful, human girl resting upon him. Especially with his girlfriend standing next to him, holding his hand, while staring back at said girl in something akin to worship. There was just something very wrong about the whole situation.

“Oh! . . . Alright.” Kagome’s eyes darted around the room, looking for something. Her eyes landed squarely on Hiei, before she spoke once again, seemingly asking him her question. “What shall I cover myself with?” her eyebrows were crunched slightly.

Hiei was surprised she had asked him. He wasn’t at all bothered by the fact that she was naked. But if it would help putt every ones silly notions to rest so they could get the information he and the rest of his group wanted, he would salve at least part of the problem right now.

Hiei was the next to surprise everyone, well except for the two women who didn’t know him in the least. Everyone stood flabbergasted as he removed his long black clock, and then tossed it to the girl looking at him.

He crossed his arms over his chest, just daring someone to say something about what he had just done. Still his whole group was looking at him, their mouths opening and closing in disbelief. Hiei raised one perfect eyebrow at the lot of them. Idiots.

Kurama blinked, his expression clearing rapidly, “yes of-course. Why didn’t I think of it?” Then he too unbuttoned his dress shirt, tossing it next to the woman sitting on the floor still.

“Thank you.” Midoriko replied, sighing in relief, she placed her arms threw the sleeves, trying with surprising success to keep her modesty in-tact. Having watched the man remove the garment in the first place, she had the basic idea of how to put it on. She was a little confused at first about the funny little round things that ran down only one side of the garment, eventually, she got the garment closed correctly though, after noticing the holes that ran down the opposite length of opening.

Hiei watched as the girl looked at the black fabric she was still holding in her right hand, then lifted it to her face, burying her nose in the article of cloth. She closed her unusual eyes. If she had a problem with the way he smelled, she could just give the damn cloth back to him and run around naked for all he cared! This was what he got for being a nice guy!

He opened his eyes wide when he heard the woman’s next words, fallowed closely by a giggle from Botan and a quiet chuckle from Kurama.

“Mmmm . . . You smell yummy.”

Hiei blinked. That wasn’t anywhere near the kind of reaction he was expecting. ‘Yummy?’ Was she really human? If she was . . . She was a rather strange one, not that he knew a lot about them to begin with . . . But still. Once he was over his momentary shock, he spoke to the woman again.

“Cover yourself girl.” he gestured to her still nude form with a flick of his wrist and a much more telling eye movement.

She actually giggled before putting the cloak on in a rather clumsy fashion.