InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Stars ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

HELLO!!!! I know I should be working on “The Nameless Youkai”, but this has been burning in my brain so I had to write it down. Although I am nearly at the end of chap 9 so you'll prob get it near the end of this week or the next. Mind you this is an attempt. I hope you will like it. This was the title to another story I was working on but I just couldn't get into, so I dropped it. This is my attempt at another story.
Kagome sat alone on a hill in the middle of the night. The stars entranced her with there magical beauty. They always made it seem as if anything was possible. *What will be possible for my life now? * She thought.
It had now been three months after the battle with Naraku and they had won. She now had all of her soul and Kikyo was finally put to rest. Also…Inuyasha and Kagome had finally come to terms with where their relationship was and could be. They came to the decision that they would be better off as friends…because he would never be able to really love her they way she needed…he would always see Kikyo through her.
So now here she was sitting in the middle of a field alone, wondering what it is that she should do. Kagome was also torn between the feelings in her heart. She had two lives in two different worlds and she loved the people in them both. Kagome sighed as she lay against the soft grass. The stars entranced her senses…making her feel at peace. As Kagome closed her eyes, she was drifted off into a land of dreams
Inuyasha frowned. He did not know what to do. He basically lied to Kagome when he said they should be just friends. He wanted more then that…but he was scared he would always see Kikyo in her…and she deserved someone better then one who could only half love her. Inuyasha sighed as he hung his head. He wanted to be with her so bad it hurt! He hated having to keep himself in line just to protect whatever friendship they had left.
The pain only grew more and more as the days went on. He wasn't sure if he could live like this…if you called this living. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he looked up into the stars. The beautiful glowing orbs, that seemed to make people have hope in something good again. * Like Kagome has in me* he thought absently. Slowly he picked himself up and ran. He didn't worry about the others because they could handle themselves so Shippo would be protected if needed. He needed some time alone to clear his head.
As he came near a field he came across the familiar scent of cool rain and strawberries, with the hint of something different. * Kagome…? * Curious he came across the field to see if anything was going on. It was then the full smell of that “something different” hit his nose full force. Inuyasha was overcome with the smell of a heavy cinnamon. *Uh oh* he thought. Kagome was aroused. And by the growing bulge in his pants it was affecting him badly.
It was times like these he wish he had the power to see into dreams. “ Of all the fucking times! God Kagome…what is it that makes you do this to me” he hissed. Inuyasha tried to stay there as long as he could to look after her…but the feelings of lust pulled at his senses making him think of doing things that he only ever thought about on the loneliest of nights. He knew then he couldn't stay. He was burning. The flesh of his body screamed for release and he could not handle the innocent temptation Kagome was displaying at the moment.
With one last look Inuyasha ran through the forest as fast as he could, desperate to keep himself away. As he rested in the canopy of a bushel of trees he leaned against the trunk as he attempted to calm his erratic breathing. As he calmed down, his body made his predicament clear. It would not be denied. His body wanted completion. As his arousal increased with need, his mind raced with images of Kagome. His precious miko doing naughty things he could only hope to dream of, were roaming about in his mind, calling his attention.
With fumbling hands he desperately undid the ties to his Hakama. Slowly as he pulled out his throbbing member, he gently held it in his hand, mindful to keep his claws away. As he closed his eyes Kagome over road his brain as he thought of her. Her hand being the one to touch him, her hand being the one invoke the passion he felt burning deep with in him. He began to move.
His hand started a slow steady rhythm as his mind filled with images of Kagome in the midst of passion, passion that he invoked within her. He thought of Kagome lying beneath him as he pulled moans and mews from delicate mouth, with every push and pull slowly becoming one.
His hand began to pick up pace, as low moans escaped his mouth. He closed his eyes as he tilted back his head thinking of himself and the one he loved climbing higher and higher in the throws of passion as they both called forth their release.
As Inuyasha felt the burning need of passion come close he went for all he was worth and the signal of his completion overcame him the he cried out a name that tore through his soul. When the hanyou came from his lust induced state he cried.
The name that left his lips was supposed to be Kagome not Kikyo. This was the sole reason why he could not be with Kagome. He knew that if this glorious moment happened for real…it would break her and kill him inside.
How he longed for his beloved Miko who was so full of life and love. Inuyasha sighed as he leaned his head back against the tree that supported him. * Kagome…what I would give to have you if I only could. * Was the lonely thought that fluttered in his mind.
Would he ever have the chance to love her? Would he end up falling for someone else? He didn't know. Slowly he tucked his sex away as he slowly stood staring into the night sky. Where would the road take him now? He sighed again as he leaped high into the canopy, where he rested in a wide branch.
His eyes grew heavy as he stared at the stars. “Tomorrow” he mumbled. Tomorrow would be the day he would try to deal with the problems that lay ahead, as sleep took him to the land of dreams, where nothing existed but him and Kagome.
Kagome was burning. Her skin felt like fire as hands and mouths covered her scorched flesh. She sighed as she gazed into the golden eyes of her lover that teased her endlessly with his sensual kiss. She ran her hand through silver hair as she jerked, as she felt the heat of a hot mouth from her dark haired lover caress her deepest core.
Kagome felt as if she were breathing and drowning at the same time. She tore her lips away and cried out, at the heat she felt on her breast from her spiky haired lover. The three of them worked her until she felt like dying, yet she loved every single minute of it.
She felt her body being lifted as two sets of arms held her lovingly and she felt two heated organs begin to probe her openings as her breath hitched. Never had she felt this turned on before. She ached to be filled with their length, “O-onegai” she whispered as she let them move her body to their will. Just as she watched them pull back to fill her…Kagome's eyes opened as the sun kissed her skin and she screamed.
Kagome pulled her hair as she felt the ache between her legs eat her alive. “H-how can a dreams have this much of an effect on me?” She asked herself as she clenched her teeth as a wave of need washed over her. With unsteady legs she pulled herself from the mossy ground and stopped. She could still feel the tingle on her lips of their kisses and the heat of their touch.
She grit her teeth together as she pushed her leg forward, followed by the other. It was rubbing herself together and she did not want to do that there. Kagome was nearly in tears as she saw she was almost at the cool stream.
She pushed her self further as she now stood at the bank of the torrent. At that moment she didn't care if she was dressed or not, she threw herself into the cool blue water and sighed as she felt the effects of her dream instantly begin ebbed away.
As her body temp returned too normal she sighed. * What the hell was that?! * She never knew a dream to feel so real and to affect someone so bad. It was almost as if it were real. She chuckled at the absurdity of it all. People meeting in dreams just to do that! It was ridiculous…wasn't it?
She shook her head as she pulled herself from the riverbank. She looked at her clothes which were now completely soaked. “ Great…how am I gonna explain this?” she groaned as she started her way towards the camp. “ I'll just say I fell and leave it at that.”
Little did the miko know, that 500 years later… down and old dusty well in their own home. Three boys were affected by the same dream as well.
Yuske shot up as the sound of his heavy breathing filled the room. The dream that he had burned into his mind as he started down at his self, fascinated at how hard he was. He had never seen himself so hard before…not to mention so turned on. The dark haired and blue eyes beauty in his dream invoked feelings in him that never even surfaced when he was with Keiko. What did it mean? Why did he see two of his teammates?
Yuske was confused. Just as he reached down to ease off a little tention, his communicator beeped as he fell out of bed. Startled by the noise. “ GOD DAMN FUCKING ANNOYING MACHINES! FUCKING DREAMS AND STUPID FUCKING KOENMA!” He shouted as he picked up the beeping device and opened it. “ What the hell do you want?” he growled as he looked at the young infant with a pacifier in his mouth.
“Nice to see you too Yuske. Come down here immediately. I have a mission for you. There are problems in the Makai and I need you and the rest of the team to do it. A portal is opening for you as we speak. Good-bye Yuske.” Koenma stated as the screen went blank.
Yuske damn near threw the infernal thing across the wall as he clinched his hands in frustration. He began to feel his eyes bleed red and his youkai tried to break loose. The only thing that somewhat tamed him was the thought of Demons flying back from his fist. He smiled as he pictured all the things he could do. And with a unnerving smiled on his face, he walked into the portal and to Koenma's office.
Kurama stirred as the remnants of last nights dream wafted through his mind. With the ever-growing tent in his bed he knew it was affecting him so as well. He felt youko clawing in his mind. Why did the baka Kitsune have to pester him now?
He sighed as he gritted his teeth. The dream was having more of an effect on him then any other dream he ever had. He could still feel the heat of her body across his skin. What was it about this girl that made him desire her so? Was she someone real? Why were there two other males he knew? He sighed as he finally felt Youko break free from the confines of his mind.
Sighing in irritation he addressed his other self ~Yes Youko? ~ He asked politely. ~How dare you confine me? Do you have any idea who I am? Why if…well well well, look who's up and at it this morning. Was it- ~ Kurama interrupted him as he gently rubbed circles near his temples. ~ YOUKO PLEASE!…not now.~ he stated threw their link. ~ I have not the patience for it today. Please just let me be this morning allright?~
He felt his other half bushel up as it turned it's back on him ~ Fine. If that's the way you want it so be it~ and with that not another word was said as Kurama sighed. HE ran a hand threw his fiery red locks as he looked to the door that led to his personal bathroom. * I need a shower * he thought as he took one last look at the bottom of his pants. “A long cold shower.” He concluded as he headed towards the water system to clean himself of his “Problem”.
Hiei roared as he cut down tree after tree. He did not understand what was going on or why he felt such a strong desire for a woman of his dreams, or why 2 of his teammates were there as well. As he felt the call of his communicator he smirked as he thought to himself. He would find out if it kills him. With that in mind he opened his communicator to find what mission was in store.
Well folks there you have it. My first chapter of a new story. I really don't know where I plan to go with this one so I guess well all see together. I am going to work with my other story. I think this will help in the cases that I can't think of what to write for that story. Thank you as always for reading and remember…READ AND REVIEW!!! Lol well be safe and have a fun start at school of you who start next month. Later