InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Goodbye and Hello ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello again!! ^.^ wow….you people really like this story huh? Hehe your in luck that this was burning in my brain for so long. Well I've gone and thought about it. …and I couldn't keep away much longer. So here you are. This is what I've come up with. Hopefully it's as good as chapter one so I hope you all enjoy! And also as to the person on AFF who does not like my fic because it's not inu/kag…..I really don't know what to say to really except sorry I guess. Oh well not my problem I'm happy with those who like this story
Readers…if you would like to give me constructive criticism or if you have a totally awesome idea that you would like to see in the story please…leave it in your review…but no flames.
And also I'll try to have the other update up hopefully next week… um, Well that's all for now.
And with MUCH anticipation lol
He was agitated. Very much so, he knew that she should have been back already. He gazed into the sky as he watched a bird fly overhead. * Where. The. Fuck. Is. She.* Was the angered thought in his mind. Sighing impatiently he jumped down from the tree, which he was perched, and stood in front of Miroku who was lying down enjoying the breeze that wafted by.
Miroku opened one eye and peered at the irate hanyou. “Yes Inuyasha? Is there something I can assist you with?” he asked politely. He watched as the hanyou frowned as he gazed into the forest. “She's not here. She should have been back already.” Inuyasha stated. Miroku sighed as he realized he would not be left alone. Pushing him self from the ground he looked up once again at hanyou before him.
“So would you like me to help you look for her? Or would you rather I lend you an ear?” Miroku slowly stretched as he stood. He briefly wondered when Sango and Shippo would be back. They had gone to check on Kaede and he now wish he would of done the same. It most definitely would have saved him from the hanyou's whining.
Inuyasha grumbled as he pouted and turned away when suddenly a sound assaulted his ears and a familiar scent of cool rain and strawberries washed over his senses. “ She's back…” was the absent statement that left his lips. Miroku sighed with relief as he heard the faint words leave Inuyasha's mouth. He would now no longer have to deal with an annoyed hanyou…for now anyway.
As he heard the sound of the trees rustle he turned with a smile gracing his face. “Ah welcome back Lady Kago…me…” His voice trailed off as he stared at the sight before him. Kagome was truly a sight to behold at that moment and it was one that would make any man's blood boil.
He watched as drops of water ran it's way from her hair on to her color bone. The white blouse she wore hugged her curves in a most indecent way and he was able to see that odd breast garment she always wore. “Oh kami it's black…” he whispered as he continued to stare. His eyes traveled down to the odd blue pants she wore that were sticking to her skin as well and hung slightly low on her hips. Miroku swallowed thickly as he tried to contain the hentai thought that were now running through his mind as he forced himself to turn away.
Inuyasha wasn't that smart, and was unfortunately the one who was punished. “Inuyasha…. OSUWARI!!!!” she shouted. She may be wet but that's no reason to ogle her like she's a piece of fucking meat “IF YOUR GONNA STARE DON'T BE SO FUCKING OBVIOUS ABOUT IT! I AM NOT HERE TO ENTERTAIN YOUR PERSONAL FANASIES SO DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!” She fumed, embarrassment and frustration fueling her actions.
“OSUWARI!!” She shouted again for good measure, as Inuyasha grumbled a string of…creative curses. She knew she would apologize later, but seeing him having his eyes on her like that unnerved her. So she reacted the only way she knew how. She sat him.
Casually she went and picked up a piece of wood and walked towards Miroku who happened to be sitting by the fire pit. “Hi Miroku.” She said warmly. “Why Hello La-“ was as much as he could say before Kagome slammed the piece of wood across his skull. “DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU FOR ONE MOMENT YOU HENTAI HOUSHI!” Bringing down the stick on his head again for good measure she threw it into the pit as she walked away from a now severely twitching Miroku.
Now feeling self-conscious she reached into her bag for a set of dry clothes. “I'll be back.” She told no one in particular. It was that moment that Inuyasha leaped in front of her. “Oi, Kagome…. i need to talk to you.” He told her softly.
Kagome stared briefly into his amber eyes. Those same eyes she fell in love with almost 4 years ago. Holding her clothes in front of her chest, she nodded as she now followed Inuyasha into the forest.
As they walked for some times they stopped. Inuyasha sat down as Kagome joined him. “Kagome…what…what are you going to do now? The jewel is finished and Naraku is dead. You don't have a reason to really stay here anymore…I…I guess I want to know…are…are you leaving? For good?” His golden eyes burned into hers silently demanding an answer.
Kagome was lost in a world of gold, as his eyes held her gaze. She turned her head to the side breaking the gaze as she thought over his words. He was right. There really was no reason for her to stay here any longer. They had both helped each other accomplish their goals and now there work was done. Inuyasha could have a life of peace and quiet. And she…what is it she would do now? There were no more demons to fight. No more evil to fight off, and no more shards to collect. Where did she fit in now? Should she go home?
Kagome frowned as she looked once again into Inuyasha's eyes. “I really don't know. I…I feel like this is my home…I've been here for so long…it's hard to imagine a life without you all. But I think I might just have to do that. The only thing I guess that keeps me here is my love for you all. But I miss my family horribly. It's been almost a year since I've seen them…and I know they are worried about me…but my biggest fear in leaving…is finding out I don't belong…”
Inuyasha gently led her into a hug. “Kagome…you will always belong. No matter where you are. If you decide to leave us…it will be very hard but I will support you…” Gently he reached down and pulled her face up towards his as he ran the pad of his thumb across her cheek. “…I only want to see you happy…even if it's not with me…” He whispered as he held her closer this time.
Kagome closed her eyes as she tried to think. *Why? Why Inuyasha? Why tell me these things? Don't you know your only giving me false hope in something that can never be?*
As that thought ran through her mind, her decision became clear. She had to leave. If she stayed here with Inuyasha, she would never be able to move on. He would always have some hold over her heart. Sadness overwhelmed her, as she knew how this would affect her precious hanyou.
She buried her face in his shoulder as she held him a little tighter. “No matter what happens, I'll always love you Inuyasha…” She whispered as they sat there in perfect silence. For this was a special moment. That they would have last as long as they could.
Yusuke frowned as he walked the streets, heading nowhere in particular. He needed to think. The dream he had still plagued him, and the girl invaded his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her. And he for the life of him could not figure out why.
The mission had been a quick one. All is was really was a few rowdy youkai, who were a really easy fix. So he didn't really have to worry about his other two teammates. He knew that he should go to one of them and talk this out. But he'd be damned if he were to be laughed at.
He briefly wondered if he should see Keiko. Maybe if he spent some “Alone” time with her it would clear this up. A smirk played it's way on his face as he thought of how their “Alone” time would be spend, if he had his way of course.
And instantly that image was replaced with the Tenshi in his dreams. He quickly averted his thoughts, seeing they were arousing things he's rather have the pleasure of finishing in his own home…or with Kieko…if that ever happened.
The spirit detective sighed as he looked up. It was then he realized he was on Kurama's street. As he passed the house, he stared as the door for the longest time before building up the nerve to see the kitsune. “I really hope I don't regret this” he sighed as he banged on the red head's door.
“OI KURAMA! YOU HOME?” as he came with no answer he turned to walk away when he heard the creaking of a door. “Hello Yusuke. What brings you by?” was the smooth reply from the door as he turned.
He smirked as he looked into mischievous emerald eyes and a playful grin as he walked up the stairs. “Hey fox boy. Just kinda wandered here and figured since I was by I might as well say hey and see what you were up do. Your not busy are you?”
“Of course not. Please do come inside. I was only having a…discussion with Youko.” Kurama stated as he invited the dark haired boy in. As Yusuke came inside he led him into his den.
“As always make yourself at home Yusuke. You already know where everything is. I'm gonna go make some tea.” Kurama said as he rushed into the hallway. “SURE THING!” he called out as he made himself comfortable on the burgundy sofa as he began flipping through random channels.
As Kurama came back with his tea set, Yusuke lowered the volume on the American made movie he was watching as he focused on Kurama. Kurama served them tea as he glanced at the screen. “What is this? I don't think I've seen this before.”
Stretching out he looked at the moving once again before responding. “It's an old (If you offended by this I apologize) American scary movie…I think it's called Sleepy Hollow…So what have you been doing lately?” Yusuke asked as he shifted slightly away from his friend.
Kurama catching this mentally raised an eyebrow. “Nothing much really. Just the usual, so…how far have you gotten with Keiko?” Kurama had to make it an effort not to laugh as the Detective nearly fell from his seat. Grumbling about baka kitsune's as he regained himself. “None of yer god damn business!” he pouted as he turned his head to the screen before him.
~Ask him. ~ ~No.~ Ask him! ~ Youko whined. Kurama sighed. Ever since that dream, he had been unable to forget about the girl. He looked at Yusuke *Why were you in my dream detective? * He wondered. Youko was riled up. He wanted to see what Yusuke would say…after all the boy wasn't that dim.
~ASK HIM!!! ~ Was they cry from the frustrated silver in his mind. Sighing, as he knew his other half would not let him rest until he did what he wanted. Mentally sighing in defeat ~ Alright Youko. I'll ask. ~ The kitsune beamed ~ I knew you'd see it my way.~
As Kurama opened his mouth Yusuke began to speak. “Kurama…can I ask you something? This is kind of awkward for me, so I'd appreciate it if you would keep that hentai kitsune in check. Kurama merely nodded as Yusuke turned off the television set.
“Well…I…I've been...” And that was all Yusuke could manage before his communicator went off. Kurama groaned. It would be his luck. *Oh well, maybe another day then. * “GOD DAMN FUCKING KOENMA!!” he roared as he flipped open his communicator. “What the fuck do you want?!” He demanded as he stared into the childlike face of his boss.
“Yusuke! Don't talk to me like that! I need you guys quick! There's a breach in the barrier and youkai are going through at an alarming rate I need you to round up Kuwabara and Kurama, and have Kurama find Hiei. This might take a while. Boton's on her way now hurry!” was the last they heard as his communicator went black.
Right on time, Boton was there with a cheery smile and a portal.” Ah great I already have two of you now come with me and let's find everyone else.” Kurama merely passed through as Yusuke gave her a look that promised death if she so much as breathed on him. Silently cowering away, she only prayed that they quickly found the other two, because she did now want to be on the detective's bad side, and quickly followed them into the portal.
Kagome stood there. For how long she couldn't say, all she knew was that this was the day. She was leaving. Tears began to stream her face as her heart clenched at not being able to see her precious friends…her first real friends who she would gladly give her life for.
* Will I make it with out you? * Was the single thought in her mind. She had spent so much time in the past, she didn't know if she could adjust in the future. Would she ever be normal? She was use to fighting for her life and always being on guard. What if there was an accident?
She knew she could take care of her self. After all Sango had seen to that. While she wasn't as skilled as the Taijiya she could hold her own, until help came. She smiled as she thought of the first time she came down the well. She was so naive then, it was her travels here that made her into the woman she was today. She even managed to graduate from High School. Barely…but she made it.
Now here she was, thinking of how to say goodbye. She thought everyone suspected it, because she had been glued by each of their sides, spending as much time with them as she could. She looked down and the lavender orb that hung from the silver chain she wore around her neck. The moment she made the wish on the tama…she would no longer have the power to return…she would have to go home.
She sighed again as she stood. Waiting was only going to make this harder. It was time to tell them. Giving one last look to where she was she made her way to her dear friends.
As she walked into the clearing where they were, Inuyasha took one look in her eyes, and knew instantly what was about to happen. “You're going home.” He stated as he yellow eyes burned into hers. “For good.”
Sango glanced between the miko and her hanyou. “Kagome? Is this true?” she questioned. As Kagome's eyes feel to the ground she nodded her head slowly as she turned her tear filled eyes towards her friends.
“Yes” she spoke quietly. “I will make a final wish on the Jewel and then I will return home. Once I make a wish on the Jewel, I will no longer have the magic to travel back and forth between our times. I…I wish there was some other way…but…I need to be with my family…they…they worry and I need to be there for them. Please tell me you understand?”
Hope shone through her eyes. She prayed they would not look down on her, for wanted to be with her family…and for wanted to completely get over Inuyasha. While she loved him dearly, they would not be able to be anything. And it was too painful to be around each other knowing they both shared the same feeling for each other, but could never do anything about it.
Miroku was the first to stand and walk her way. A serious expression graced his face as he came closer. Kagome shrank under his gaze, as he peered at her. Before Kagome knew it she was suddenly in the houshi's arms as he held her close. “Kagome-Sama…this place will not be the same without you. I believe I speak for everyone when I say you have touched our hearts in ways we never knew existed. Yes, while we wish to keep you here it would be selfish to keep you from you family. But know that we will always love you little one and you will always be with us no matter where you are.” He told her gently.
Sango nodded as her eyes glittered with unshed tears. “He's right Kagome. That is how we all feel. Kagome? I…I want to give you something.” She said softly as she bent down to pick up Kirara who mewled softly as she looked up at her mistress quizzically.
“Kirara” she whispered into the little neko's ear. “We've had our good times. But I want you…need you to guard and protect something that is truly precious to us all…can you do that for me? Please?” she whispered to her faithful companion as tears slowly made their way down her tanned cheeks.
Kirara stared into the face of her former mistress as she gave a soft mewl and licked her cheek before jumping down and making her way towards Kagome. “Kirara?” she questioned as he looked at the fire neko.
When realization hit her she turned her head towards the taijiya. “Sango? Are you sure?” she asked her friend. With a watery smile, and tear stained cheeks she nodded. “Yes Kagome I'm sure. This is our gift to you. Now…how about making that wish ne?”
Kagome smiled as she looked at all of her friends. “Yes Sango, I believe you are right, it is time to make the wish.” Kagome held the small tama in her hands as she closed her eyes. Slowly a blue glow shone around her giving her an angelic look, as her power began growing more. The jewel glowed brightly as it's guardian began to call forth it's power.
A pink hue slowly came from the jewel as it formed a shape. “Hello Kagome.” The figure said warmly as kindness shone in her eyes. Kagome looked up at the soul and returned the smile. “Hello Midoriko-Sama.”
The ageless priestess gazed at the present guardian. *Such a pure soul indeed. * Was thought in her mind regarding the woman-child before her. “Kagome, I take it that you are prepared for your final journey home?” The ancient miko asked softly.
Kagome looked into her large green eyes. “Hai” she answered softly. “I am” Midoriko nodded. “Then you know what it is you must do.” Kagome nodded. “I the Guardian of the Shikon no Tama wish that all those involved in the final battle with Naraku are rewarded in which they find the happiness that they most desire. And that it last for all of time.”
The Jewel rose from the miko's hands and glowed brilliantly as the power around it began to swirl. Gently the Tama became nothing more then a sparkling dust that fell on only Kagome. * We choose you for are Guardian for all of time. * The jewel whispered to where everyone heard.
Kagome's skin briefly glowed pale lavender as her eyes gave a silver spark. ~This is our gift to you Guardian… unlimited knowledge of your power. Guard us with it well…Guardian…~ It told her as it fused itself to her body.
She glanced up at the Spirit before her. “Midoriko…I don't understand. I thought the jewel was suppose to disappear once a wish was made…why did it stay?”
Midoriko sighed. “Kagome…it appears the jewel wants you to forever stay its guardian. And…in a way the jewel is gone…but it is not. You now have the Tama in you once again…but in a way where no one can ever take it out. It fused with your body Kagome…in a sense you could say that you are now the Jewel itself. This means that your lifespan will be as long or even longer then that of a youkai. Kagome…I must ask you. When you made the wish, did you still have a desire to protect it?” the older priestess asked gently.
Kagome thought as her eyes flickered with something unknown. “Y-yes. I did. I was willing to give it all up, but in a way I wanted to protect it still…. I…I'm so sorry.” Midoriko gently placed her arm around the young girl. “Kagome...this is not your fault in the least. It is not a wish that will rid the jewels existence…only when both opposing sides find peace, and it's Guardian as well. And even that is questionable. All you can do now is protect us Kagome… we believe in you…that is why you are our Guardian.” The priestess said as she dissipated and became one with the jewel once more.
Kagome sat there, as she tried to register everything that happened. Instantly she knew how to use all her powers…things she couldn't even dream of she knew. Kagome sighed. *Things will never be the same for me again. * She thought. How to feel about it she didn't know. All she could do was live her life the best that she could and try to find what was missing in her heart.
Kagome stood and turned around facing her friends for the last time. She gazed at them for the longest time, placing all their details to memory. “You guys will never know what you mean to me. Words can't describe it. But know that I'll never for get you.” She said softly as they all ran to hug the girl who they all loved dearly.
As they let her go she gave them each a hug and kiss. The last one she was able to reach was Shippo. “Shippo? Are you going to be ok?” She asked soothingly. “No” he pouted. “I don't want you to leave…I'm gonna miss you too much.” She smiled sadly as the little kit. “I'm gonna miss you too Shippo. But no matter what I'll always be with you.”
Shippo nodded, “I know Kagome,” he said as he hurled himself in her arms for once last hug. “Good bye…Kagome.” He said sadly as he bounded out of her arms and perched himself on Sango's shoulder. Gathering the last of her things, she placed herself on the edge of the well as Kirara jumped onto her shoulder.
Gently she scratched under the neko's chin as it purred. “Ready to see what life in the future is like?” She asked. Giving an exited mewl, Kagome smiled as she gave one last wave and jumped into the well. The last thing they saw was a blinding light and like that, their miko was gone.
Kagome looked up, as she no longer saw the clear blue sky before her. She was once again in an old well house. She paused as she heard someone enter the well house. Whoever it was walked slowly and then stopped.
She heard something rip, and then felt something gently fall on the top of her head. Reaching for whatever it was, as her fingers touched it, it felt almost like silk. As she looked up she saw that rose petals were being dropped into the well.
“Kagome…onegai…I know you're still alive…I promise I wont pick on you anymore…Nee-Chan…please come home…” The voice pleaded as it turned around and closed the door. “Souta? She whispered. She hardly recognized his voice. It had changed so much.
Kirara mewled and rubbed her head across Kagome's cheek as a means of comfort. Kagome smiled. Reaching up she climbed the stepladder till she was over the well. As she stepped outside the well house she looked at her home. She began to feel nervous. Will they be mad that she was gone so long with out warning? She had been gone for almost over a year. She prayed to Kami that it would be smooth and walked up towards the familiar walkway and opened the door.
As she stepped though three faces emerged from three different parts of the house and all of them wore identical expressions of shock. Souta was the first one to break the silence. “Kagome…your back!” He cried as he ran into the arms of his older sister.
He didn't care that he was now 14. He didn't care that she saw him crying. He didn't even care that he was now bigger then her. The only thing Souta cared about at that moment, that after wishing and praying and hoping for so long…he finally had his sister back, and he's be damned if anything took her away again.
“It's really you? My baby's come back…” Her mother trailed off as everyone now hugged Kagome. They all cried as they missed each other so. As they all settled down they went into the living room. Souta sat right by his sister his arms wrapped protectively around her.
Kagome merely grinned and pulled his arms away. “Souta is that really necessary? Besides I'm the one who's suppose to protect you.” She told him playfully as she made herself comfortable on the couch. Kagome looked around into the eager eyes of her family.
“I assume you all want to know what it is that's happened correct.” She watched as they all nodded. “Well this is what happened…” she began as she told them everything. She did not leave one thing out She told them how she couldn't go home because Naraku was looking for her, how the final battle really went, how they won and it was all because of her, and last but not least how she is now fused with the Shikon no Tama.
“And that's how I'm here now.” she finished. “Oh I almost forgot I now have somewhat a little guardian of my own.” As if right on cue, Kirara walked into the living room and hopped right on her lap. Souta frowned as he watched the little cat. “A mutated cat is going to protect you?” He asked stupidly.
Kagome frowned as Kirara growled. “Kirara is not a mutated cat, she's a fire neko youkai. And don't be fooled…after all what you see isn't always as it appears.” She said as she scratched behind Kirara's ears. “Right Kirara?” Kirara leaped off her lap as flames swirled around her reveling her battle form as she roared in reply and was looking quite pissed off at Souta who was now backing away.
“O-Ok Kagome...I stand corrected...Kirara…I apologize for Insulting your size.” He said. “I only want Kagome safe, after all you know how much trouble she gets in.” he teased as he winked at Kagome who only glared/ “Keep it up and I'll make her eat you.” Kagome grumbled. “Well I think she's darling,” Her mother said smoothing out the conversation.
“Souta you need to go to bed. It's late and I'm sure you sister would like to go to bed.” She said as she went into mother mode. Souta nodded as he stood and walked towards the stairway as he paused. “Kagome? Thank you for coming back…I know you were tempted to stay…but still thank you.” He said softly as he went upstairs into his room.
Kagome merely stared at the spot where her brother was. *How did he know? * Was now the questioned that roamed her mind. Shaking her head she picked up her bag and headed to her room.
Giving the room a once over she decided that she was in desperate need of re-modeling. For this was FAR too much pink for just one room. Setting her things down, She placed Kirara on the bed as she took a nice long awaited bath. As she entered her room while drying her hair Kirara meowed at her. “Yes Kirara I know. I Miss them already as well.” She stated blandly.
As she dressed for bed and snuggled into the warm sheets of her warm comforter with Kirara cuddled close beside her. “Kirara” She whispered as sleep began to take her. “I think were finally where we belong…for now…” Was the last phrase that left her lips, as she was swept away where she met her lovers once again.
THERE! IT'S DONE! KAPUT! lol well hey it's a lil longer this time. I really have no idea how long these things are gonna be. I just write them as I feel. So some days you might get long chapters and other days you might get short chapters. School starts next week so updates are gonna be a lot less. I'm sorry but while I do enjoy writing this my schoolwork will come first. Well wish me luck you guys! Hehe kinda nervous. Well as always be safe and have a good school year !
HEY also lemme know what ya think otay? That means ya know review or -mail me…also looking for a beta as well if ur interested well respond hehe