InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Yusuke's....Problem ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I bet you're all happy I updated on “The Nameless Youkai” huh? ^_^ Lol so am I. Well I figured since I updated on the other one I'll update on this one too. Might not be as long as the others but hey…I'm working on it. Lol well anyway here's Chapter 3!
Fire. Liquid fire burned through her blood as she felt hands and mouths roam all over her heated flesh. Kagome stifled a moan as she felt her red headed lover relentlessly devour her core as the one with spiky hair, skillfully teased her breast, while the other caught her mouth in a searing kiss.
Kagome felt as if she would explode as she felt her red head's sinful tongue work faster. Gasping she dug her hands in lush black and white locks while pulling her beautiful brown eyes into a needy kiss.
Kagome felt as though she were dying yet truly living for the first time. She never wanted this to stop. Gently she felt arms lift her lovingly as they rolled her over on her stomach as she looked down over claret eyes.
As the ache she felt grew be began to feel something long and hard begin to probe her as a second one joined. One leaned back to fill her while the other arched her up. Just as they were about to fill her
Kagome jumped up from her bed as she heard the pounding on the door. She fisted her hair as she resisted the overwhelming urge to scream. Why? Why did this always have to happen to her?
Kagome clenched her teeth as she made herself get up. Quickly filling the tub with ice-cold water she stripped down and sat as the freezing cold melted away the heated effects of her dream.
As kagome leaned against the back of the tub, she heard the pounding on the door again. *Who would be here at this late in the afternoon? * She thought curiously. Quickly rising she dried off and threw her clothes back on as she went to the door. It seemed she had a delivery.
Yusuke awoke with a start as he sat up. Looking around in a state of confusion he quickly remembered where he was. He was at the movies on a date with Keiko, who glared at him as she noticed he had fallen asleep.
Yusuke tried to even out his erratic breathing. He had dreamed of the girl again. While he might not have been as active as few previous times, it still affected him. He could tell by the growing bulge in his jeans. He began to look over at Keiko.
Her hair had grown a little since the fire so it was now 1 1/2 inches below her shoulder. She had on a soft yellow sweater and a simple knee length loose black skirt. Feeling the ache between his legs grow he knew the rest of the night would be painful.
They had been going out for over a year and they hadn't even done anything. Literally! Granted he didn't really try, but that was always because he had to work or it just wasn't the right time.
The movie ended and the two walked back to his car. They drove around and Keiko talked happily about what school she wanted to attend and what her friends were up too. Then she began to talk about them and how he didn't need to work so much.
He leaned back and sighed. It always came to him and his job no matter where they went. He loved what he did. It made him feel important. How many other people can say they saved the world from total destruction more then once? He got to do the one thing he was good at all his life. Fight.
“Keiko, while we seem to be on the topic of my job this reminds me. There's a possibility of a new case coming up. A few nights ago, me and I'm sure, the rest of the guys, felt an enormous ki. We don't know if this is good or bad and if Koenma senses it then I'm gonna be called off.” He told her tiredly.
“Yusuke! You always go off on these missions and things but what about me? How do you think I feel when you go off missing days at a time and I can't do anything but wait until you come back?” she told him as she looked out the window and onto the passing cars.
“Yusuke…I want you to quit your job. They can find someone to replace you.” She said quietly as she turned to look at him. “I need you here.” She told him gently as she placed her hand on the middle of his thigh. That was a big mistake as she felt something long, soft yet hard at the same time. She jumped back at she felt it twitch beneath her hand.
“Yusuke?” she questioned as she felt a tingle in her hands from what she had touched. He sighed. “Don't worry about it ok Keiko?” he told he as he flashed her a Yusuke smile. She smiled back “Alright Yusuke.” She said as they turned a corner down a road as they neared her house… the earlier statement forgotten.
As the pulled into the street he parked the car one house down and cut the engine. “Well tonight was fun Yusuke…heehee I'm happy…it's been a while since we could actually finish a date where you take me home.” She told him as she smiled.
She leaned over to peck his cheek when he turned to say something. As their lips met a red blush crept on Keiko's face, making Yusuke think she was the cutest thing on earth. As he leaned into her he gently began to kiss her. It took a while but he finally got her to respond.
He felt himself twitch as she laced her arms around his neck pulling him closer. Nibbling at her bottom lip she gasped while he took the opportunity to deepen this kiss. His tongue deviled into her mouth as he slightly smirked. She tasted sweet. Crawling over to her seat he leaned her back as he gently let the seat down.
He nearly growled as he felt himself against her center. Gently he pushed to see what her response was. He heard her gasp, took it as a good one, and captured her lips once again as he began to ground his arousal into her.
Keiko was at a loss for words. The feelings she felt overwhelmed her. She began to feel scared as she felt Yusuke grind against her harder and more intensely. Something was coming and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out what it was. She gasped as she pulled away from the kiss and turned her head to the side.
“Yu…Yusuke.” She called as she unhooked her hands from his neck and placed them on his hard firm chest. “Yusuke stop. Please.” She pleaded as she saw him look into her eyes. That's when she noticed that they were beginning to turn gold.
Yusuke had to fight himself to regain control. He closed his eyes as he fought back his beast. When he opened them, he saw relief spread throughout her face as he pushed himself back on his side of the car. He smiled and gave her a wink; as he opened the door to stand outside to give her a chance to readjust her clothing if need be.
He sighed and looked into the sky. He knew none of this would have happened if he did not fall asleep. He didn't regret it, after all he was male, but he knew that none of their kisses would get this far again.
One thing he felt though was a bit of guilt. He nearly felt as if he were cheating on her in his dreams. It was his dream girl that put this kind of intensity in him…not Keiko. That thought alone made him sad. *Maybe …Keiko isn't the one...* He thought sadly as he heard the other door close.
Turning he gave her a warm smile and took her hand as he led her to her house. As they reached her door he gave her a soft kiss on her hand and a gentle one on her cheek as he whispered into her ear. “Don't worry. I promise nothing like that will happen again.” He said as he kissed the shell of her ear and walked away.
As Keiko watched him leave she began to wonder about what happened tonight. Nothing had ever driven him to do what he did a while back. She realized there was a change in him right after he had woken up in the movie. * But what was it he dreamed…* She thought as she went inside to go to bed.
Yusuke drove. He was frustrated, upset, and confused. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going he was just going somewhere. He realized he stopped in a driveway that belonged to one red headed Kitsune.
He didn't care if Kurama could smell his arousal or not he just needed someone to talk to. He closed his door and went up the walkway. As he lifted his hand to knock on the door it opened to reveal a shirtless Kurama in silk black sleeping pants, who had a towel draped around his shoulders. “Good evening Detective. Come inside.” He told him as he continued drying off his hair.
Yusuke smiled and walked in and went straight to the den and leaned against the plush couch. Kurama joined him. Looking the boy over he gave him a devilish smile. “Something not go as planned I take it?” he teased as he glanced at the prominent bulge in Yusuke's jeans, although he had no right to talk himself, as he had to release some tension as well when a certain reoccurring dream knocked his hormones senseless.
“Shut it, Kurama.” He stated as his arm draped over his eyes. “That was a result of a dream I had in the middle of a movie with Keiko.” He told as he sat up. Before Kurama could ask about the dream he had, Yusuke went and told about how the night went and the car ride and what happened in the car when he took Keiko home.
“Fox…why is a girl from my dream giving me more feelings then Keiko?” Yusuke asked. “Don't think I've gone soft, but I feel content with her. But she doesn't accept the fact that I'm needed to do something important regardless is it's dangerous. She asked me to quit being a Spirit Detective because she needed me. Yusuke said quietly.
Kurama's eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated this. Keiko was being selfish, but he could understand the desire she felt to have someone she loved with her. It was something he longed for himself. Though he knew that if she did not stop, something may drive them apart.
He personally felt that Keiko was better off at being a close friend then something serious. While she was indeed a sweet girl, she was far too delicate to be use to and accept these dangerous types of situations. He just decided to sit back and wait for them to realize that. This however the thought may be it.
“Yusuke, you know as well as I that Koenma will never let you go, far less for some girl.” Kurama stated. “It may be Yusuke…that she might not be the one for you if she can't handle your line of work…and the fact that you're not fully human.” He added quietly.
Yusuke sighed and nodded as he shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. He would have thought that all this talking would have made him die out a bit but to it just kept throbbing, painfully getting his attention. It refused to be denied.
Kurama noticed this as well and smirked. “Yusuke…tell me, what did you dream of to put you in such a state?” he asked deviously. A blush eased on the young boys face as he focused on an interesting spot on the floor. “Just a girl…” was all he meant to say but he found himself going on. “She was beautiful. Long lush black hair and dazzling blue eyes with slight silver flecks. Pink lips and a toned and athletic body to die for.” He stated as he began to relive his current dream all over again.
Kurama stared as he heard Yusuke describe the girl he, too had seen in his dream. “Yusuke…” he stated as he paused a moment. “Was…did there seem to be more then one person in your dream?” he asked curiously. Yusuke held his eyes as his mouth drooped in suprise. As they kept their gaze it became clear. They both had the same dream of the girl.
“Fox…why are you in my dreams?” he asked. Kurama shook his head and pierced him with an emerald stare. “I believe detective. The question is why are we dreaming of the same girl and why is Hiei joined with us as well.”
As Yusuke pondered this, Kurama was on edge. Youko was being strangely quiet and he could not sense what he was up too. The Kitsune blatantly ignored him as he reached out to him. As he sighed and figured to give up, the silver fox came forth.
~Kurama…doesn't Yusuke seem strikingly handsome tonight? Especially the way his hair is un-gelled and falling around his face. ~ Youko purred. ~Red, I think I want a formal introduction. ~ He stated and with that the Kitsune hurled itself against Kurama as it fought for control of their body.
Yusuke looked on in concern as he saw his friends face scrunch up in pain. “Kurama? Kurama what's wrong?” he questioned. It was then he noticed that silver streaks were forming in his blood red hair.
Kurama fought as hard as he cool as his eyes flickered between gold and green. “Yusuke run!” He called as he tried to move away. But his friends' determination to be loyal proved to be his undoing as he made it clear he wasn't leaving his side.
Yusuke watched in awe as his friend suddenly disappeared and in his place stood a sliver haired Kitsune who looked him over with a predatory stare. As he waved his hand vines seemed to grow magically out of nowhere. Yusuke struggled as he felt them wrap around his arms and ankles.
Feeling highly nervous he glared at the youkai, who now had him captured. “What the hell do you want?” He growled as Youko came uneasily close. “Why Yusuke…” he drawled as he leaned closer to his ear.
“I only want a formal Introduction, …” he cooed as one hand snaked down the front of Yusuke's painfully tight jeans. Yusuke hissed as he felt the hand pressed firmly against his aching need, unconsciously pushing his hips near the needed friction.
Youko smirked as he saw and felt Yusuke's reaction to his skillful touch. After all…. he wasn't a Kitsune for nothing. “There…doesn't that feel better?” he asked wickedly as he added more pressure to the rubbing and molding he was doing against the burning clothed flesh.
Yusuke only nodded as a light moan came from his lips. The only thing he knew was that he needed a release and his body or mind at the moment didn't care how or who gave it to him. Yusuke suddenly felt a cold chill as he felt his pants slide down his legs and two more vines reach out to wrap themselves contently around his well-muscled thighs.
Yusuke hissed as he tried to push his hips further into the burning hot cavern that now enveloped his hardened shaft. He glanced down and saw Youko's mouth engulfed him whole…. which was a very impressive thing to do. Increasingly the suction became harder and he felt the burning need run throughout his body.
Youko moved his head as one clawed hand teasingly came and toyed with the hanging flesh that lied behind Yusuke's manhood. Drawing his mouth up the hardened shaft, he ran his wet muscle harshly over the crown as he slipped his tongue and played with the little slit that lay on the top of the Spirit Detective's erection.
Yusuke desperately tried to ram his hips into the hot hole that held his length, wanting to increase the speed and friction, but was held back by the vines that bound his legs. He cried out as he felt a devilish tongue flick and play with his piss hole. Yusuke tried moving his hips as much as he could, painfully needing more.
He sighed as he felt the warm mouth sheath him again and the speed once again increased, but was completely unprepared with he felt and heard him hum. At such a high level of arousal it became too much for the boy and a vision of white blinding light obscured his vision as he came.
Regardless to the fact he came, Youko continued to hum and instead of slowing down picked up his pace even more so and within seconds had the poor boy screaming as a second release cut through his body like a flaming sword.
Youko watched with satisfaction as Yusuke hung there completely slack with a look of content on his face. He chuckles as he relinquished control over to Kurama who could only stare at the scene in awe. ~Hey red…I think I made my introduction rather well. ~ The Kitsune gloated as he turned back into the darkness of their mind.
Kurama only shook his head as he made the vines lower Yusuke to the couch where he dressed him in a black pair of pajamas, picked him up bridal style, and carried him into one of the guest rooms he had in his house.
As he returned to the privacy of his own room, he sighed as he flopped down on his bed. * How the hell do I explain this in the morning? * He thought as sleep began to take him into darkness.
Kagome looked into the eyes of the guy who was at her door. He was very well built, with an adorable bad boy face. He was two inches above her height and had long black hair with auburn streaks. But what caught her attention the most were his eyes. Bright turquoise eyes started brightly at her reminding her painfully of someone she had left. “…Shippo?” she asked tentatively
His eyes widened as he looked at her in amazement. “…Shippo is my father. How do you know him?” he asked wondrously. “Are…are you the Kagome my father talks about?” He asked.
Kagome's head was reeling as she realized she was speaking with his son. She offered for him to come inside but her respectfully decline. Instead he presented her with a box. “It was my father's orders to give you this.” He said as he bowed down low and walked away.
Kagome closed the door and walked into the living room where Kirara jumped into her lap and snuggled closely as she too peered at the package in Kagome's hands. Kagome ripped the tape with her nails and opened the box. Inside was a letter.
Hello Kagome,
We all hope that you are well. I feel I should tell you what happened to the rest of us when you left so here goes. Inuyasha was depressed, but he stayed strong and took care of me. He knew you would want him to. About a 100 years later be meet a hanyou who reminded him a lot of you. As you can already guess, he fell in love and they mated and had a litter of pups. Sadly a few of them died, but three of them survived. Sango and Miroku got married and had children. It was difficult at first because of how Sango's body was from always fighting but in the end she had children.
Her first-born children were named after you. She had a son named Kago, and a daughter named Kome. They were very good kids…. although Kome did have a temper like yours…or her mother's. Heh sometimes it was hard to tell. Sadly Kaede died from old age, but she was very happy. She gave me something to give you in case I ever saw you again. Kouga was very upset when he learned you had gone home. After you left we hardly every saw him. No one really knows what became of him but I'm sure he's content with his life, and is living. You know as well as I do the wolf is too hard headed to die.
As for me, well I ended up falling for Rin and mated with her after trying to gain Sesshomaru's permission…. which was a major bitch. We mated and I watched, as she grew old and continued to live with my child who had brought you this letter. His name is Rinshi.
There is also something else. The world had been divided into three realms. Rekai, Ningenkai, and Makai. Rekai is the spirit world, Ningenkai is where humans live, and the Makai is where the youkai live. Some youkai can live in Ningenkai if they pose no threat. This is why you haven't seen a youkai before you were brought through the well. The youkai who live in the Ningenkai can't let the human's know that we are here. So we fit it.
I myself am sorry that I cannot bring this to you myself but I have been called to important matters. I will try to meet with you as soon as I can and if not. Well…I'll see you again. I hope everything works out for you…because you deserved it most of all.
Kagome re-read the letter several times and thought this through. She was glad she was home alone. Souta had been sent away to a stay away school, and Ji-chan and Mama went away to visit and old relative who had lost her husband. They bid her farewell and left her more then enough money to make sure she was taken care of.
She smiled as the thought of how her friends were happy, but could not fight the tears that came from missing them. She was also surprised to find that the worlds were split. While this did explain a lot, it somewhat saddened her.
She reached inside the box and pulled out a beautiful black velvet choker with a curvy silver Kanji for Guardian that ended in points. Fastening it on, she looked inside to see if anything else waited to be found. The box glowed a soft blue and from it came a light but deadly katana. It was beautifully detailed as she ran her fingers over the cold blade. The box glowed a second time and from it came a beautiful staff as well.
She smiled as she now had two options. She didn't like to kill. Not unless they deserved it. She put the object in her room and laid on her bed. Deciding that she had been cooped up far too long, she would do something fun tomorrow.
Hiei sat and narrowed his eyes at a large shrine. Last night a powerful ki washed over him and he was intent to see who and where it came from. But now he felt nothing. Not even a tickle.
Figuring it may have been a fluke; he ripped a portal and headed into the Makai. Very intent on finding any youkai willing or not that called out to his body. With all these dreams he had been having, he needed a good rut. With that he slipped into the darkness of the portal.
Well folks…there ya have it I'm done! Hehe I love a naughty Youko and Youko was bad indeed…. seducing Yusuke like that lol. Well I'm going to be updating regularly now so I hope you all review. Wish me luck in college it's a killer.
Ja ne!