InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Out of Reach ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello!! I'm happy to give you this chapter!!! Sorry for the wait!!! Things have been uber hectic. My nephew had to go back to the hospital and so I've been busy taking care of him…I feel like nurse cuz I keep having to inject him with stuff *scrunches up face* eh anyway….Well hopefully you'll like this…because I'm still not quite sure where this story will go so hopefully you'll hang around for the ride.
And as always…..
This is * Thinking *
This is “ Speaking “
This is ~ Telepathy ~
(Telepathy between two characters will be done in 2 colors)
Yusuke slowly opened his eyes as he smelled the aroma of sausage and eggs float heavenly to his nose. Taking a deep breath he sat up and stretched as he groggily rubbed his eyes.
It was then he noticed he wasn't wearing his clothes and that he was in Kurama's spare bedroom. Suddenly images of last night raced through his mind of one talented silver haired Kitsune who had him tied up with vines
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed an enraged voice that nearly made Kurama shrink in fear. *Oh shit oh shit oh shit * Kurama thought as he quickly stopped what he was doing and stood outside Yusuke's door. “Yusuke…ano…daijabou?” Kurama asked as he sidestepped the door.
Kurama toppled over as he missed the blast that erupted from behind the door splintering the wood to smithereens. “Yusuke! Tomare! I wasn't the one who did it! Stop attacking me!” He shouted as Yusuke charged at him full force.
The fox dodged another shot as he whimpered at the other lost door. Someone was gonna have to pay for that. Kurama didn't want to hurt his friend so he did the only thing he could think of. He ran. Kurama ran into the living room just as Yusuke cornered him behind the coffee table. “N-now Yusuke…don't do anything rash…Youko took over and did it…not me…so…oof!” Was all Kurama could say as Yusuke leaped across the table and tackled him down.
The two figures rolled and twisted as each tried to hold the other down. As Yusuke finally straddled Kurama with the fox's hands firmly locked in his and his body resisting moving, he glared into the jade eyes of the Kitsune. “Let me talk to Youko.” Yusuke said slowly as he closed his eyes.
Kurama nodded as his eyes changed gold. “Mmmm. Hello tasty one. Last night was a scream wasn't it?” A low husky voice drawled as he pierced Yusuke's chocolate orbs with his gaze. “What the hell was your game last night Kitsune?” Yusuke growled.
Youko Smirked as he closed his eyes. Pushing his chest up he gave a devilish roll of his hips that had the Detective gasping in a very naughty way. “Damn you!” Yusuke swore as he lifted his lower half away from the fox's.
“Look I just want to know one thing and one thing only since I remember to have blacked out before you were done with me and then you give control back to Kurama. Did or did you not fuck me?” Yusuke stated as one finger glowed blue and pointed at Youko's face.
Youko's golden eyes twinkled in amusement as he Ignored Kurama's pleas to tell him no. “And what would you have done if I did hmm? Ask me to do it again? If so perhaps that can be arranged…” Youko stated with a suggestive gleam in his eye. Looking at the enraged Yusuke, a bored look quickly set upon his face. “I tire of you.”
Youko yawned as he ignored the murderous look Yusuke gave him. “No I didn't…” He stated blandly. “But I'd watch that ass of yours if I was you…it looks too delicious to pass up,” Youko whispered seductively before licking his ear and laughing as his eyes quickly turned to green.
Yusuke stood and walked back to the spare room without a second glance back toward the disheveled Kurama. He needed to think. He sighed as he lay back down on the bed. *I was an ass…a really big ass…I was frustrated and I took it all out on Kurama…shit now I gotta say I'm sorry… * he thought as he turned over on his side. “But the question is…why did I want him to do it again?” He asked as he pulled a pillow over his head. It was too confusing to continue thinking about.
Pushing all that to the back of his mind, Yusuke went and walked towards the wonderful smell that he could no longer fight against and found a shirtless Kurama reading the newspaper with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth. Yusuke watched as Kurama looked up and noticed a pink blush that graced his cheeks. “…Hey.” Yusuke said as he loaded up a plate and sat down in front of his friend.
Kurama watched as Yusuke prepared to devour his meal. * He seems ok…he hadn't tried to hit me…again. * He thought. Placing down his paper he took a deep breath and caught Yusuke's eye. “Yusuke…I'm very sorry for Youko's behavior…I...I don't know what came over him…if anything like this should happen again I'll try to take better control of it. Really I…”
Yusuke shoveled his mouth with more food as he cut him off. “Don Wrry Bout eet. Eeffs ine. I'm ofay,” The spirit detective said as he took a huge gulp of milk. “Nothing major happened I mean it was only a blowjob right? Don't even think about it. I didn't get fucked so I'm happy.” Yusuke said bluntly as he thickly layered his piece of toast with butter and grape jelly.
“Oh yeah…I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done what I did. It wasn't your fault he's a hentai…oh! Thanks for the spread…I never get to eat like this at home.” Yusuke said with a blinding smile, as he now loaded his second plate with more eggs, sausage, toast, fruit, and a bowl of rice.
Kurama smiled at Yusuke as he once again returned to his paper. “Yusuke…do you want to go somewhere fun today? It seems we should get our minds off of the girl for a while…what do you say? An Amusement Park?”
“Yeah! We can go to Su Gann's. Hmm…I think were good because they close I believe in a day or two anyway.” Yusuke said as he walked to his room to get dressed. Seeing a more casual set of Kurama's clothes waiting for him, Yusuke smiled as he made his way to the shower.
He stood there as he felt the water run over his body. Almost instantly images of last night ran through his head as he remembered the sinfully good pleasure he felt as the fox had his way with him.
More pictures raced through his mind as he remembered the mind numbing finish the youkai gave him. Then his thoughts switched to Keiko as he remembered how she felt against him as he grounded into her center, while he caught her mouth in a searing kiss.
He groaned, as he now stood fully erect. Not that he minded jerking but the Kitsune was waiting and he wasn't sure if he had enough time to go in for a quickie. Once again his thoughts turned to Keiko.
Lately Keiko had been on his mind. He kept thinking about yesterday. How she felt beneath him. Why couldn't she give him some kind of physical affection? He enjoyed kissing her like that, but she wanted everything to be slowed down and gentle.
As he thought on it he realized he was too fast paste in nature…it was in his blood being youkai and all. He wanted someone he could mate with…but it kept pointing out that maybe Keiko wouldn't be the one…it looked like Kurama might be right after all.
He shrugged the thought from his mind as he dressed and walked out to meet Kurama. “Let's go Fox.” Yusuke said as he grabbed his shades and threw on his denim jacket. “Yes, Yusuke let's. I've been looking forward to some fun.” Kurama stated with a mischievous grin, as he locked up and they both drove off in Yusuke's car.
Hands… hands roamed over her body as she ran her hand through the long black hair of the man who teased and rolled her sensitive mounds. The feelings the three gave her were beyond anything she ever felt. Kagome moaned as fingers spread her open while a wet heat devoured her.
She cried out in the splendor of it all as she rocked her hips. Slowly she felt a hand creep its way to her backside and begin to probe her. *Oh Kami…he isn't * she thought as she felt feather soft kisses on her rear.
It was that instant she became nothing more then a sensitive lump of flesh. Her mind nearly went numb as she felt both tongues probe her. Kagome rocked against them both as she caught her third lover in a kiss pulling him away from her lavished breast.
Kagome whined as she felt hot lips latch onto a sensitive bud. She felt something approaching with her body and she welcomed it gladly. Just as she was beginning to see bright lights engulf her…
Kagome grabbed her katana and sliced the damned machine in half along with its supporter. She glared at the evil thing as she sat on the edge of her bed. She rocked herself back and forth on the frame as she felt the ever-growing dampness between her legs.
This was too much. She needed her release and she'd dare anything to get in her way. Kagome slid her hand down her belly to the hem of her cotton red underwear. Her body shivered under her touch in anticipation as she crept closer to her cloth-clad bud.
Her body shook as she lightly circled and teased it. Unable to handle any more she brought her finger down firmly and…
Kagome screamed in frustration as she grabbed her hair. Forcing herself up she angrily marched down stairs and flung open the door …a shrill cry erupted from the shrine that could be heard from the streets. Kagome looked down at her intruder as the overwhelming feeling of tears crept inside her. It was a little boy looking for his dog.
Hiei grunted as he took the youkai beneath him. After that last dream he needed to satisfy his lust. Who was this girl that repeatedly came into his dreams? Why did she make him loose control? And why were two of his teammates always in with him as well? Could this all mean anything? Or was this just something his subconscious was revealing to him that he wanted…there were too many questions and he didn't know.
He pushed himself into the youkai as it moan and grunted under him like a bitch in heat. Images of the dream raced through his mind. Her lightly tanned skin covered with sweat, her face contorted in nothing but pleasure.
He rammed himself into his submitter as he took himself and the youkai beneath him for all he was worth. With three more sharp thrusts he had fulfilled his lust. Standing up he tucked away his deflated sex and darted off into the trees. As he entered a clearing he cut through the barrier and went into the Ningenkai…he had a fox he wanted to see.
Kagome sighed as she had just taken a well-needed cold shower. “I've gotta get a grip” she murmured as she walked into her room. These dreams were getting more intense by the day. She stood over her closet as she looked for something to wear. *Hmm…what do I want? Eh this is comfy… * she thought as she grabbed a pair of black nylon pants that flared out on the ends with a drawstring waist, and a white tank top with a black K.
Throwing on the clothes she brushed her hair one last time before putting on her choker. Kagome had listened to the radio earlier that day and heard about Su Gann's theme park. Needing something to get her out of the house she decided to go.
Throwing on a black jean jacket she walked out with a concealing spell hiding her Katana. Now that she knew youkai were about there was no telling what could happen. She was trusting…but she wasn't stupid. She learned long ago in the feudal era…don't take unnecessary chances.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” she screamed as she went down the second drop. Kagome squinted her eyes, as the coaster twisted, spinned, and turned upside down. She clenched the bar as the ride creaked up the hill for the final drop. As Kagome neared the edge she saw that it went straight down. “HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIII” she shrieked as she went through a final loop and then exited the ride.
It had been a long time since she had gone on a roller coaster. * I bet Inuyasha would have loved this…all of them…* she thought as her mind shifted to her dear friends. Now was not the time to think sad thoughts. Mind still roaming she began wandering.
“Huh?” Kagome said as she found herself in a line. She had found herself lined for the fasted and most daring coaster in the park. She gulped as she looked at the speed and height. *No fuckin way * she thought as she started to turn but stopped. She wanted very much to run away…in fact in seemed like the smartest thing to do, but something held her there. Sighing in defeat she prayed she would enjoy the ride.
Yusuke yawned as he walked down the road. “Where do you want to go next?” He asked as he eyed the stands they passed by. “Hmm…I'm not sure…the layout is confusing but I think we'll come across something good.” Kurama said as he shuffled through his unhelpful map of the park.
“Pathetic…you're becoming more like a ningen every day…have you no demon pride?” Hiei stated as he followed the two men in front of him. He had caught them before they had entered the human park. He found they all share the same woman in their dreams. Hiei frowned as he thought more on this. *…But what does it mean? * He wondered as he saw a contraption swirl upside down and through water. He shook his head. He could not understand his dreams the same way he didn't understand humans.
Kurama frowned at Hiei's remark. “I do not think it wise to say such things in a place like this Hiei, but you know very well that I am both. So I have the pride of both.” Kurama said as he walked next to Yusuke.
Yusuke stopped as Kurama nearly ran into him. His face lighting up with joy, he grabbed Kurama's arm as he pulled him toward a line. “This is the best one yet! C'mon already and lets go!” He said as Hiei waited for them already in the line, the three of them oblivious to the young girl two people up ahead.
Kagome closed her eyes as she bravely walked towards the front of the ride. As she neared her seat the butterflies she felt only got worse. * C'mon…how bad can this ride be? * She thought as she desperately tried to calm her nerves.
She looked around and noticed several people had turned away in fear. “Maybe it really is that bad…” she murmured to herself as she sat patiently waiting for the ride. Several minutes passed as she saw the attendants prepare for the departure. No one had come near her compartment the entire time.
Kagome did not like this one bit. Suddenly she paused as she began to laugh. She was the mighty miko of the feudal era, defeater of the heinous Naraku and here she was scared of a mere human machine? Calming down some, she reposed herself for the ride. She could handle this.
It was then she hear a rowdy outburst from a young man and running. “GOD DAMNIT WAIT ONE FUCKIN MINUTE!” a voice roared as she heard the steps getting closer. She listened as she heard a man say “You guys barely made it. Now hurry up.” As she heard a set of tracks walk away.
She was surprised when the three young men joined her and rather quickly. As they all fastened themselves in, she felt herself being pulled forward as they neared the first drop. As she looked from side to side she noticed that the man on her right had long soft silk red hair, while the other just had short black that hung loose around his face.
*Why do these two seem familiar to me? * She wondered as she began to think quickly. “HOLY FUCKIN SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII” Came a shriek from the first row. All thoughts in her head were quickly forgotten as she buried her face in the arm of the man on her right as they went down the 300ft drop.
Yusuke wobbled off the ride laughing as he slung one arm around Kurama. Noticing he looked a little green Yusuke smirked. “Feeling ill? I though a Youkai was afraid of nothing.” Yusuke teased as he danced away from hard hit from the fox. “I was not afraid. It was just unlike what I am accustomed to. I did not think it would be moving that fast.” Kurama stated as a light blush he fought desperately to hide formed on his cheeks.
“Hn…I could go faster then that foolish human machine…” Hiei stated as he glared evilly at the ride. Yusuke smiled mischievously as he walked over and placed an arm around the glaring fire demon. “Awww don't worry Hiei…you'll always be my fastest youkai.” Yusuke said, laughing while dodging a blow from Hiei who was mutter about baka Ningens.
“Eeeewww! That girl's loosin her lunch…” Yusuke stated as all three watched a girl about a yard away heave into a wastebasket. “Kurama…wasn't that the girl who was in the ride with us?” Yusuke asked as he began to laugh. “Guess she couldn't stomach it!” He chuckled.
Kurama locked onto the girl as he began to notice something oddly familiar about her. He watched as she cleaned her face and briefly looked their way. It was then that time seemed to stop. ~R-Red! ~ Youko cried. ~I know~ ~Well if you know then get you ass moving! ~ Youko sneered as he began franticly pacing in their mind.
“It's her…” Kurama stated, as he watched the girl lean against a wall. Both Yusuke and Hiei looked at Kurama's line of sight. “Who is “her”…and are you sure?” Yusuke asked as he looked at the girl. Suddenly she lifted up her face and stretched, giving all three a perfect angle. “Holy Fuck it is!” Yusuke declared as he ran a hand nervously through his hair.
Yusuke paused, as he looked at the beautiful Tenshi who was no longer just a woman in his dreams… she was real. * What am I thinking? * He thought as he looked at Kurama who was arguing with Hiei about why he couldn't track her because of all the humans. He wanted to find her. He wanted to find out why this woman out of all the others called out to him like no one did…but what about Keiko?
Yusuke closed his eyes as he thought quickly on what to do. He should not go…that would be the best thing considering he was with Kieko. But there was a pull…the overwhelming feeling of needing to be near her.
Yusuke sighed as he realized the outcome of this was inevitable. Pulling together a smile, he threw his arms around them both and dragged them along. “C'mon already! She's on the move!” He told him as he separated and broke out into a run…the race was on.
Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama fought through the crowd to try and reach to her. “Left! She went left!” Kurama shouted over the crowd as they all pushed and shoved their way through. As they finally made their way through the mob…they had lost her. “You gotta be fuckin kiddin me!” Yusuke swore as he slammed his hand into a wall. “Wait I see her. Iko!” Hiei said as he ran while the rest hurried to keep up.
Kagome sighed as she walked through the crowd. “Baka” she muttered to herself as she turned a corner near the exit of the park. She had forgotten about the cheese-covered pretzel she had eaten before the ride and had paid for it later. She looked to the sky as a grin crawled across her lips.
*Next year… * she thought. Next year she would ride that monster again. She had gone down the first drop and could not stop screaming. She kept pressing her face into both of the guys' arms whenever they went for a drop, which happened to be quite often. But even if she did embarrass herself after the ride, she had fun.
She stretched as she walked outside the gate of the Amusement Park. Her stomach indeed felt better, but she wanted nothing more then to lie down in her soft sheets and not wake up until next week, which did not sound like a bad idea at all. Walking down the lamp covered street. Kagome headed home.
Kurama screened the crowd as the searched for the girl continued. They had been trailing and loosing her for an hour now. ~Red…find her!!~ Youko growled. ~Why is it so important to you anyway! I thought you had your eyes set on Yusuke.~ Kurama stated as he turned another corner with Hiei and Yusuke behind.
Youko paused a moment. ~…Because…I need to see her.~ Youko said. ~There is something about her that intrigues me…also, something pulls me to her as well as you my friend.~ Youko stated as he turned and looked darkly at Yusuke and Hiei. ~In case we do become interested, I just hope we wont have any competition.~ Youko said as he growled softly to himself.
Kurama sighed as he ran around another corner to catch up with the girl. He had not thought that far ahead. And it was indeed something to think about. Would they all try to court her? Would she accept? Or would they have to hide certain matters from her as well?
Kurama sighed once again. He didn't know but now was not the time for this. They just needed to find her. * The rest will come later. * He thought as he watched his Tenshi turn another corner.
Hiei was getting annoyed. They had been tracking the damn Onna for over an hour now and they still had not approached her or completely caught up with her. Too many people littered the dirty Ningen streets and he wanted to nothing more then to return to the Makai.
His curiosity however said something completely different. He had an opportunity to actually find answers to this whole damn situation and that woman was the key. He continued on behind the girl as another swarm of ningens went by…he lost her again.
Yusuke sighed in relief as he finally saw the woman slow down. “About fuckin time!” Yusuke exclaimed. The long walk had tired him and he was amazed that the woman could go this far non-stop. *She must have one hell of a body. * He thought as they followed her around the corner.
They paused as they saw her walk up a long flight of stairs. “Kurama…” Yusuke started as he looked at the large structure. “This is a shrine….” he said as he looked at his friends with concern. Yusuke was worried.
The only way they were able to enter Genkai's Shrine was because she permitted them too…what would happen here? “Can you two enter? Well Kurama your human right now so you'll most likely be ok, but what about you Hiei? Can you do it?”
Hiei closed his eyes as he stretched his aura over the shrine to test its power. “Hn. I'll be fine. The land is powerful yes, but it's nothing that I can't handle. Let's go.” He stated as he leapt up the steps with Yusuke and Kurama behind.
Kagome sighed as she walked through the shrine. Her soul hummed as the magic of the land washed over her, reviving her senses. In gratitude Kagome kneeled down, placed her hands on the soft earth, and released her Ki into the soil.
Within minutes the grass was fuller and the colors richer as she pulled away from the soil, which reached out for her touch. *Arigato… * she thought as she walked towards her home.
She looked into the quickly darkening sky as she thought of the three mysterious men who invaded her dreams. “Who are you…what is it you want from me…” she said softly as she closed her eyes in thought. It was then she felt the disturbance in the area…she felt youkai.
Quickly she ran and hid in a tree as the branches swayed slightly to hide her from view. Kagome closed her eyes and concentrated on the Ki she felt on the shrine.
Three different signatures radiated power. She pushed her ki around them searching for any malice or evil that she could find. She found darkness in one but nothing of the sort from the three.
*Why are youkai here? * She wondered perched in her tree. As she felt the three figures move under her she dropped down silently as she padded behind them. “Ano(sp)…excuse me.” she said as two jumped and one instantly placed his hand on his side. “Who are you and why have you entered my home?” she asked gently.
Three figures turned around and in that moment Kagome's world stopped. The three men from her dreams were as real as day and were standing before her, even more magnificent then what she saw of them in her dreams. “I-Y-…Your…real?” she said dumbfoundedly.
The words came out to quickly for Kagome to process them. All she knew was at that moment she felt something connect, as darkness clouded her vision, the last thing she saw, was emerald eyes.
Kurama stared at the beautiful woman in his arms. Gently he brushed back the hair from her tanned face as he traced his finger on the outline of her cheek.
The dreams did her beauty no justice as he felt a stirring within his soul he had never felt before. Just as he was about to turn around, a large heavy force knocked him to the ground, as he skidded away from the girl.
Kurama quickly rose as he looked for the one who dared attack least of all shove him. Before him was a large neko youkai that stood in front the girl.
~How dare that foul beast keep me away from what's mine! ~ Youko snarled. ~Now now Youko…the neko obviously has some kind of relationship with her, so we must tread cautiously. Also do not forget IF she chooses us she is OURS ~ Kurama replied as he watched the feline give off a warning growl that all the youkai understood: “Leave my mistress alone or I will kill you, unless she deems you friend.”
Kurama's eyes flickered from green to gold as he watched the cat fly over to the house with the girl settled on it's back. “So close and yet so far…” Yusuke murmured as he watched the cat land and go inside the house. He looked over to Hiei as something nagged him. “Why didn't you help Kurama?” Yusuke asked.
Hiei glanced at him as he closed his eyes. “Kurama is one who does not need my help. He can manage for himself…after all it was only a cat.” Hiei stated as he turned around irritably. It was then he noticed something on the ground. As Hiei walked over, he found there was a wallet.
“Hiei…what's that?” Yusuke asked as he walked over to his side.“ Hiei smiled as Kurama and Yusuke watched curiously for him to reveal whatever news, might be of interest.
Reaching back into his shirt he pulled out the small black leather object. “We now have a reason to come here again and also more information on…Kagome Higurashi(sp?)” He said as he flipped open the small wallet.
Feeling a sense of relief that they could see her again, all three walked back to their homes in ease. There was something special about this girl they knew…they all felt it when they first saw her…now they could only wonder what this mysterious beauty was like…
They each smiled secretly to themselves. They would see the girl that invaded their dreams every night…they would find her and learn more about her and see why it is that they dream of her continuously…everything would be told tomorrow.
HELLO!!!!!!! I want to thank all of you who have supported me in regards to my nephew…you are all angels!!! It really means a lot to me, and also thank you for being so understanding. He's doing well so far. He has to have IV medication for about 10 days and then I think he'll go back in for the actual removal of the appendix. It took a lot to write this chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it. ^_^ I will now begin working on chapter 12 And also the revision on some of the other chapters as well. So things may run a little slow but I ask that you please bare with me…I want to make this story as good as possible ^_^. Well thank you as always for reading my story and I really appreciate you all ^_^
Heh ja ne!