InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi ALL!!! I’m sure you’re all going to be very angry at me that I’m rewriting this story when I haven’t worked on anything in over a year. I’ve tried, really I have, but all I come up with is crap. This is the only thing I’ve been making any real progress with. So I’m completely rewriting this. And I mean COMPLETELY. I’m literally taking the skeleton of this story & turning it into something else. It is now an Inu Yasha & Yu Yu Hakusho crossover… because I love them so.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to: Inu Yasha (or any of its characters) or Yu Yu Hakusho (or any of its characters). This is merely an act of fandom & I make no profit from it.

Chapter 1: Betrayal All Around

A figure could be seen as it dashed through the thick woods. The full moon above brought little light to the woman’s path, but not once did she stumble or slow. Kagome didn’t understand any of the changes that had been taking over her body the past 6 months. If she didn’t know any better, she would almost say she had youkai abilities. Her night vision was just as good as her day time vision. Her innate clumsiness had vanished. She hadn’t put it to test, but she knew she could outrun Inuyasha. She found herself breaking things accidently, simply because she squeezed too hard. She briefly pictured all the broken pencils in her backpack. Coming to her destination, she sighed loudly as her newly heightened senses picked up something that she wished they hadn’t. The smells and sounds of sex. She could hear as they both came to completion. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest. She sat down on the edge of the Bone Eater’s Well.

She knew Inuyasha and Kikyo were lovers, but it still brought her to the brink of tears. She had accepted long ago that Inuyasha could never love her the way Kagome needed him to. She had graciously stepped aside for Kikyo. Kagome tried not to feel dislike towards the woman, but she longed to have the missing part of her soul returned. Thinking about her missing piece, she actually felt a bit cold, but only on the inside. Another thing she had realized as the weather turned cold, was that her body was much warmer than it should be. Very seldom did she find herself cold, regardless of her surroundings. She tilted her head up to look at the sky.

She wondered if her kit was looking up at it too. Shippo, she found out, was nearing his first hundred years. Kouga had offered to begin his formal training. Kouga explained to her, that while he had seemed to be quite young, it was simply because he hadn’t reached his one hundredth year. 100 years marks the time when youkai are considered sexually mature, meaning his instincts will be calling for him to take a mate. Shippo was still considered a youngster in youkai society and most likely won’t actually take a mate for some time, but his body was developing quickly in response to the possibility. Kagome smiled as she thought of her adopted son. He reminded her a lot of Lord Sesshomaru. He was tall and lean, with a very handsome face. He kept his long red hair tied in a ponytail at the base of his skull. It flowed behind him like a third tail, ending at midback. His puffball tail, which was now long and silky, had split into two tails to show his coming of age. When she asked Kouga about it, he shrugged and told her it was just a fox thing. The more power they had, the more tails. He now had human feet. She was also glad to see that he had fox ears on top of his head.

Kagome came abruptly out of her musings, realizing that subconsciously, she was procrastinating. She stood gracefully and turned to give the well a dirty look. She chewed on her bottom lip, mindful of her ever sharpening canines. She didn’t want Inuyasha to catch her sneaking away like this, but she also didn’t want to go home and deal with her ever drunk mother. She knew that she needed to, though, as she hadn't been home for a while. She wondered if the house was even still standing. Also, she did need more supplies, and she knew that she would need to finish the never ending flow of makeup work if she was going to pass her final year of high school. He mind made up, she leapt into the well.

In a village, not far from where Kagome had jumped down the well to go home, a woman sat staring at the hut wall opposite her. Her black hair was down and hung around her strong shoulders. Her brown eyes were blank as she pet her small neko companion, Kirara, unthinkingly. While passive looking on the outside, a war was being raged in her thoughts. A tear slipped from Sango's eye. `Demon slayers don't cry.' She reminded herself. Though she knew it was safe to cry, she was alone. Shippo was off training with Kouga. Inuyasha had slipped away much earlier, having caught the glow of his dead lover’s soul stealers. Not long after, Kagome had slipped away as well to go to her time. And Miroku…

She sighed. “It's so quiet.” Indeed it was. Miroku was off courting some princess, one who actually agreed to bear his child.

`How could Miroku do this to me? He said he loved me. Only me. That he intended to marry me. But now he's courting a princess that he knew for less than a week. While we were taking care of a demon problem in the woman's village, he was in the castle, sweet-talking that foolish princess! And what's worse? The princess actually returned his affections when he promised her that he loved her, and only her. I already know how trustworthy that promise is.' She thought spitefully. If that stupid princess wanted to bear Miroku's children, why should she care? Kirara mewed in protest when her master's fingers clenched in her fur.

“Sorry Kirara.” Sango said, avoiding letting the neko see how heartbroken she felt. “Let's just go back to sleep.”

With Kirara in her arms, she snuggled into the sleeping bag her friend had given her. And in the midst of autumn, the demon slayer was thankful for the additional warmth.

“Thank you Kagome.” Sango whispered into the night before falling into a deep slumber.

Deep in the forest, not far from the village, Inuyasha and Kikyo lay in a lover's embrace. Kikyo smiled when she felt Kagome’s sadness radiate from the soul in her clay body. She knew they were out here and knew what they were doing. `She will be broken soon enough, and then she will willingly give up the rest of her soul.' Kikyo needed two things from the woman. Her strangely powerful soul and the power of the jewel would give her life again. Nothing would stand in Kikyo’s way.

Inuyasha moved from beside her and looked at her with love shining in his amber eyes. She could feel his renewed arousal pushing into her thigh, which only served to excite her once more. Inuyasha's nose twitched, then a smirk found its way onto his handsome face. “Ready for round two?”


Inuyasha awoke with the first rays of dawn. Kikyo still rested beside him. A scent caught his nose, Naraku. He stiffened, which woke Kikyo. Just as she opened her eyes, Naraku appeared from the forest. Just a puppet, they both knew. It spoke venomously to Kikyo, though it was really for Inuyasha’s ears. “Kikyo, return to the castle. You've had your fun with the half-breed, now return to your mate. Our bed has been lonely without you there.”

Kikyo stood from Inuyasha, pulling her miko garbs loosely around her. “I'm sorry Inuyasha, while our night together was as fun as always, I must return to my mate. Perhaps we can have another fling next time I call for my obedient puppy.” She patted him on the head as if he were just some stray mutt, before her soul stealers flew away with her.

Inuyasha could only watch helplessly. He growled at her retreating form as her words struck him. `I have been acting like an obedient puppy.' He thought miserably. `Well, it will never happen again. From now on, Kikyo is as much an enemy as Naraku himself... even though I will always love her.'

With that he dressed and returned to find Sango asleep with Kirara, but noticed that Kagome was missing. He waited to see if she had just stepped out, but when she failed to return after a few minutes, he went to search. His nose led him to the well.

“I can’t believe her! She just left, without telling anyone.” He jumped into the well, expecting to be sucked into the blue haze, but only hitting the dirt bottom. “What the HELL?! She sealed the well?”

