InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Nor do I own the songs in this chapter. It is My Life by The Game. And My Own Worst Enemy by Lit.

Please for give my spelling and grammar errors... -.-* I am a bit of a gramatical clutz.

CH 2
Kagome sealed the well as soon as she leapt out of it. She always sealed the well behind her these days. She didn’t need him to see what has become of her family since her grandfather died. It had been almost 6 months since the man had passed away. It only took a week for her family to fall apart.

She stepped cautiously out of the well house. Glancing around, her heart ached. The shrine was unkempt. There was litter and graffiti. Even the God Tree had toilet paper decorating its boughs. She walked to the house, knowing what was waiting there. The door wasn’t locked, it never was anymore. Not with all the constant traffic of her mother’s boyfriends and Souta’s friends. The house was a mess, like always. Kagome took stock of the damage as she walked to the living room. Broken beer bottles, stains from blood and other bodily fluids, empty pizza boxes, bodies passed out on the floor, holes in the walls. None of the pictures on the walls had survived. Stepping over a man in the floor, Kagome found her mother, Rizu, asleep on the couch. Kagome’s delicate senses told her that the woman was breathing and that her heart was still beating. Unfortunately, they also told her that the woman had ingested enough alcohol to kill a lightweight, not that the woman was a lightweight, by anyone’s standards. Kagome lifted her gently and made her way to Rizu’s bedroom.

Kagome was extremely annoyed to find the door locked. Twisting it roughly, it snapped. She pushed the door open quietly. The two bodies in bed were jerked roughly awake when Kagome kicked the bed hard enough for it to jerk off the floor a few inches. The man started to threaten her, but thought better of it when he saw her glowing ice blue eyes in the darkness, and realized who she was. The woman was clearly his whore, and was used to getting what ever she wanted through him. She started to protest, but he shut her up and quickly hurried out of the room, dragging the woman behind him.

Kagome had quite a reputation among the gang that Souta belonged to. That man would let the rest of the gang members, who were using her home as a club house, know that she was back again for a while. She would start seeing fewer and fewer of them, because they were all scared shitless of her. And the ones that weren’t, hadn’t met her yet. The smart ones knew that while she was there, they shouldn’t be. The stupid ones learned it the hard way. When she left again, though…

Shifting Rizu’s weight onto one arm, Kagome stripped the bed. She put the woman on the bare mattress, pulled a thick blanket from the closet, and covered her up from neck to toe. It was like this every time Kagome came home. Tomorrow, she would clean up the house. It had become an easy task with her abilities, but it strained her psychologically to see her childhood home treated this way. She could only imagine what her grandfather would say.

She missed him. She had so many things going on, she needed his knowledge to help her figure things out. If only she could ask him about her new abilities. If any one would know what was happening to her, it would be her grandfather. It had been right after his death that all these things began happening. Starting slow, just sharper vision and clearer hearing, now Kagome didn’t even feel human. She made up her mind to look through her grandfathers scrolls in the basement right after she cleaned up the house.

Kagome made her way to her room. To her surprise, there was a man lounging on her bed. Obviously one of Souta’s gang. He stood when he saw her, his eyes taking on a lusty gleam. He was tall and built like a bodybuilder. He was either new or stupid, Kagome decided.

Everything about him pissed her off, even his voice made her visualize tearing out his throat. Used to thoughts like that by now, Kagome wondered if she had become a youkai.

“Ah, it’s a pleasure to finally meet the terrible Kagome, who scares grown men. I can see now that they’re all just pathetic and listening to a younger brother’s glorification of his sister.”

He casually walked to her, alcohol clinging to his scent. The idea that he was in her territory, leaving his disgusting scent in it, enraged Kagome. He stood stock still when she suddenly vanished. Kagome used her speed to move behind the stupid man. Without warning, she grabbed him by the back of his neck, then slammed him face first into the wall. She could tell things in his face were now broken.

She leaned in close to him and whispered, knowing he could hear her. “Let this be a lesson for you. I am to be feared. This is my home and you are an intruder. When I am here, you better not let me find you here. If I see you or any of your group in my home come morning, you will be forcibly removed.”

She let him go and before he had even begun to slide to the floor, she kicked him in the side. He flew into the other wall, near the door. Crawling on hands and knees, he scurried out her door.

“Stupid, weak, pathetic human…” Kagome grumbled to herself. She sighed. That definitely sounded like something a youkai would say.

Kagome laid in her bed, rolling from side to side, trying to cover that humans scent in her room. That was the scene that Souta walked in on.

“Um… Kagome? Is this a bad time?” He scratched the back of his head, he was pretty sure that she could answer some of his questions. He was even more sure after seeing her rolling around on her bed like a dog.

Kagome sat up suddenly, alert for threats. She relaxed when she realized it was Souta at her door. She tilted her head, examining him. He looked just as old as she did. He could easily pass for eighteen. He had obviously hit another growth spurt. He was tall and had clearly defined muscles. His shaggy black hair nearly covered his blue eyes. Wait a minute?

“Souta? Why are your eyes blue?” Kagome asked, clearly concerned.

“Actually… that’s what I wanted to ask you about. Have you noticed any weird changes happening since Grandpa died?” Souta questioned her with a look that said he already knew her answer.

For the next two hours, the siblings conversed, each giving the other an account of the changes. They came to the conclusion that, somehow, they were youkai. They were unsure of why or what type, but they agreed to look through every scroll and sticky note of their grandfather’s tomorrow.


Kagome awoke just as the sun was rising. She knew that she had only slept a few hours, but she felt well rested. She made her way through the house, throwing any human, who hadn’t vacated the premises, over her shoulder, and then left them in a pile outside at the top of the shrine steps. Next she collected all the trash and set it by the road for the trash collectors to take away. To get through her self appointed chores quicker, she woke up Souta and put him on dishes duty. He wandered around the house, using his sensitive nose, and collected all the dirty dishes. Then he began washing and drying them.

Having picked up the trash outside, both on the ground and in the trees, Kagome set to wiping down and sanitizing the house. They had the radio blasting through the house. Their mom would sleep through a train crashing into the house.

Kagome would never admit it to anyone but her brother, but she loved the American rappers. This, in particular, was one of her favorite songs. She could really compare a lot of the words to her own life.

And I'm grindin' til I'm tired
They say you ain't grindin' til you die
So I'm grindin' with my eyes wide
Looking to find
A way through the day
A life For the night
Dear Lord, you've done took so many of my people
But I'm just wonderin' why you haven't taken my life
Like what the hell am I doing right?

She thought about her life now, a sad smile on her face as she scrubbed some stranger’s blood out of the carpet. All the lives lost because of Naraku. Miroku’s father and grandfather, Sango’s entire village, and so many others. They all fight to stay alive every time they confront Naraku. You never know when your times going to run out. Kagome raised a hand to the necklace under her t-shirt. They had almost half the jewel, but Naraku had the other half. There were few other shards left. The final battle couldn’t be too far away.

A more upbeat song came on, pulling Kagome’s mind from the depressing thoughts. It reminded her of the way her and Inuyasha’s relationship had been. The song was just so… Inuyasha in a nutshell.

It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me
Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk
I didn't mean to call you that

It was noon by the time they finished, so they agreed to have lunch before they looked through their grandfather’s scrolls. They sat in WacDonalds, each munching on their burgers quietly. People around them were outright staring, all of them knowing who Souta was and the gang he was in. A man approached the table and grabbed Kagome’s arm, with every intent to pull her from her seat.

“Kagome, we need to leave. You shouldn’t associate yourself with people like him.” The man said.

Kagome, refusing to budge an inch, looked coldly at the man. He gasped and involuntarily took a step back. “Hojo… Do not ever refer to my brother in such a fashion again, or you WILL regret it.” She turned back to her meal, ignoring the man who left in a flustered hurry. Souta snickered. They weren’t interrupted again.


They were just about to give up for the night. Kagome and Souta had come home to find their mother gone, so immediately went into the basement and searched through box after box of scrolls and documents. After hours of searching, they were both left empty handed. Souta, extremely agitated over their wasted time, slammed his hand against the wall. He pulled his hand out of the wall, ashamed that, in his anger, he forgot that he could easily bring the whole building down. Kagome didn’t have time to lecture him, as light flooded into the hole, she saw a leather bound book. Souta grinned sheepishly as he saw it.

“Wish I’d done that in the first place…” He grinned at her.

Kagome pulled the book out gently. It was small and had the appearance of a personal journal. Opening the first page, Kagome was surprised to see that it was not in her grandfather’s script. It was elegant cursive. It looked as if it had been written by a master calligrapher. The first date in it was the same date that Kagome had been born. She read it aloud to Souta.

“Today, my first child was born. A beautiful baby girl. Ikumi named her Kagome.” Kagome’s eyes widened, but kept reading. “I am sad to say that this joyous occasion is also a sad one. Due to labor complications, Ikumi died. I am sad that Kagome will not know the wonderful woman that was her mother. I attended the celebrations at the palace. The other youkai lords congratulated me on my beautiful healthy daughter and gave me their condolences for the loss of my mate. I am often disgusted by the tactless nature of my own kind. Not long after the announcement of Ikumi’s death, many other inu youkai nobles began sending their daughters in my direction.”

Neither Kagome nor Souta said anything. Kagome flipped a few more pages, then something caught her eye.

“Things have been strained in Makai lately. Lord Enma has been meeting with many of the Makai lords about a theft from Reikai vaults. From what I have been hearing, some powerful artifact has disappeared without a trace. Supposedly, it was a jewel of some kind, with the power to grant wishes. Lord Enma believes that one of the lords had the jewel stolen in order to gain enough power to control or possibly even reunite the three realms. He is threatening to turn Makai inside out, unless it is returned. I fear for my daughter’s safety. She is still but a newborn pup and can’t defend herself if it came to a war between Reikai and Makai. I have made plans for passage into Ningenkai. Hopefully, all will go well and Kagome and I will be safe there. If I am correct, Lord Enma will be too busy looking for that jewel to worry about a small break in the barrier between Ningenkai and Makai. I’ll have to find a powerful priest to help conceal our youki once we’re there.”

Kagome kept flipping through the pages, scanning as she went.

“I have been in the Ningenkai for nearly a year now. I have, so far, escaped Reikai attention. I have a small apartment where Kagome and I stay. Things have been difficult without Ikumi around. I’ve talked to many shrine keepers, but few seem to really have any kind of power. There was one man, in particular, who seemed to have a great amount of power. The Higurashi shrine was a very peaceful place. The God Tree seemed to have an energy all its own. I haven’t asked the man yet, but I think he is my only real option.”

Kagome turned the page.

“Today, I went to the Higurashi shrine and ran into a beautiful woman. Her name is Rizu. She is the man’s daughter. She seemed to know what I was and brought me in to see her father. The man agreed to listen to my request. After telling him of my worry for Kagome’s safety, he agreed to help us. He said that he would need a few days to look through his scrolls and to come back in three days. I hope he can help us.”

“I went back to the shrine today, this time with Kagome. Rizu was out by the God Tree. She was quite beautiful, even by human standards.”

Kagome looked at Souta. “Is it okay if I skip the mush and get to what the hell is going on?”

He nodded, so she went on. “The best solution the priest had come up with was a kind of binding spell. He would keep her youki from surfacing. He seemed quite knowledgeable on youkai. He also suggested a spell to advance her aging. If we were going to live in the Ningenkai, then we had to fit in. An extremely powerful girl, who didn’t age like a human, would stand out like a sore thumb. He asked us to live on the grounds, since it would take a lot of effort to maintain both spells.”

Souta looked at Kagome thoughtfully. “Well that explains a lot, but not quite everything.”

Kagome skipped through a few pages that told how he had fallen in love with Rizu. She stopped at the one that was dated the same as Souta’s birthday.

“I was extremely worried about how Rizu would handle the birth. My Izumi had died giving birth to Kagome, and she had been full inu youkai. It didn’t matter to me that our child would be hanyou, I already loved them the same way I loved my Kagome. She was there with me during Souta’s birth, asking so many questions. It was amazing to see my father in law’s spells at work. Even to my youkai senses she seemed human. Rizu’s father had cast his spells on Souta right after his birth. It was hard to see the blue eyes of my people turn brown, but it was necessary.”

Kagome skimmed through the pages. She came to a page that was not in their father’s handwriting. She went back to the last page he’d written in.

“I fear that my position here has been discovered. It’s hard to watch Kagome and Souta grow so fast, but that just proves that the spells have held, as neither of them has displayed any kind of youki. There have been a few close attempts on my life. I’m confidant that Kagome and Souta are safe with the spells in place.”

She flipped to the next page. She recognized her grandfather’s writing.

“This page is the last page in it. It was written by Grandpa.” She looked at Souta, who looked more confused now than before. “To Kagome and Souta. I’m sure a day will come when you will find this book. That means that I am most likely deceased. I had hoped to be around to explain things to you, however with your quest for the Shikon unfinished, I feel it important to keep you in the dark and I may not live to see it completed. That is why I am writing this. I know you have many questions and that what your father had written only partially answers them. Your father, Atome, was a very powerful inu youkai. Kagome, your mother, Ikumi, was also a powerful inu youkai. Your black hair and blue eyes come from their clan. Similar to the way Inuyasha’s clan has silver hair and golden eyes, your father’s clan was dark haired with varying shades of blue eyes. Kagome, I wish I could be more help, but as I haven’t been able to gauge your youki, I do not know the extent of you powers. Your father had a dog form, similar to how you explained Sesshomaru’s. Souta, being a hanyou, I can not even estimate what you will be capable of. After I die, the spells will continually weaken until eventually they are completely gone. Both of you need to take this very seriously. Youkai are not supposed to be in Ningenkai. If the Reikai senses you, they will come to take you to Makai. Also, because of the aging spell, you are both older than you think. For every one year, your body has aged eight years. All I can tell you for sure, is that when your youki completely awakens, beware of your instincts and urges. They can be very powerful. I love you both and I’ll be watching over you.”

Both stared at each other for a minute. Souta did the math quickly. “So… that makes you 144 years old. Damn sis, you’re old.”

She smiled as he tried to make light of the situation. They sat down there and talked about everything they had found out. They ignored the sound of Rizu coming in, stumbling, followed by the louder footsteps of a man. Nothing they had found out changed anything between them. They were still brother and sister.



Sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. So I’m a little out of touch with the Japanese form of many words. Like the correct name of the God Tree. More often than not, Ill use the English form of a work anyways, unless it’s convenient to use the Japanese term. Like, its easier to type Reikai than Spirit World. So yea.

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