InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Moments Away From Disaster ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Ryukotsusei
Fandom: Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters: Hiei/Kagome Higurashi
Title: Moments Away From Disaster
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Lemon
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi Rumiko and Yu Yu Hahusko belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. I make no claims of ownership to either series, nor do I make any profit off of this fan fiction.
"I can't... go on.. much longer." The words were barely ground out through clenched teeth as Kagome fell to her knees heavily. Snow rained down upon them in heavy torrents, not sparing them in the least as they traveled through the night. A hand gripped her upper arm, helping her back to her feet and prodded her to keep walking despite the way her body protested every moment. If they stopped she knew that she would surely die from exposure and that was the only thing that kept her on her feet and moving, even if it was at a much slower rate than the apparition would have preferred.
"You can and you will unless you want to die here." Even though his voice didn't show it, Hiei was worried. He'd felt just how low the miko's body temperature was and it wouldn't be long before her strength gave on out her no matter how indomitable her will was. It didn't help matters that her clothing was torn in many places, so badly so that he'd been forced to give her his cloak in order to keep her from succumbing to hypothermia. Of course, no one could have predicted that when Naraku had seized the last of the jewel shards and made his wish that the world would have been split into the three realms he had come to be familiar with. It had never occurred to him to question to how demons and humans had become separated in the first place. Now as they trudged forward through the snow the question had become where the hell were the others and why had he been transported to the frigid lands of the North with the miko?
Only the fact that talking would waste entirely too much energy stopped her from snapping at him in irritation. As grateful as she was for the use of his clothing, Kagome didn't need to be reminded of just what would happen if she stopped moving for too long. Wrapping the cloak around her tighter she tried sensing the Shikon jewel to give them an approximate direction to head towards. It would be making their way back to the enemy but chances were the others would be nearby. At least then she'd feel a little bit better, knowing that the rest of the group were okay. Instead she didn't know if Naraku had killed them, or if the evil hanyou had even survived the violent explosion that had come with wishing on the jewel. Yet as before, Kagome couldn't pick up even the slightest trace of the artifact.
How the hell was Hiei managing to keep from freezing anyway? Yes, he was a fire apparition but shouldn't he still have some aversion to the cold? It didn't make sense to the miko but she wasn't going to question it much. At least he was remaining by her side, doing what little he could to radiate some warmth her way which was more than she thought the apparition would have done for her to begin with. Truth be told for all of his generosity now she was still of the opinion that he despised her. Was it only the fact that he'd been charged with looking after her in the fight as Inuyasha fought with Naraku that he continued to help her even now?
Had Kagome bothered to ask him that very question it would have been highly unlikely that she would have received an answer. A large part of it was in fact that she was a job and an important one at that. But in spite of it all Hiei found himself oddly at ease around her so long as she wasn't talking. The fact that the miko tried even though everyone knew that her training and skills were lacking was a point in her favor. If the girl had to die he'd rather see it through some noble cause, not freezing to death out in the hellish woodlands of the Makai. It wouldn't be long before he would be forced to carry her, a daunting prospect considering how deep the snow had become but it would seem he was out of options.
The fact that night was beginning to fall only lowered the temperatures further making it all the more imperative that they find shelter soon. A cave would be ideal but Hiei was not so foolish as to believe they'd manage to find one. The foothills of the nearest mountain range were a good distance away, three days of travel at a fast run. The best that he could hope for was finding a hollow tree large enough to accommodate the two of them and then pray that his ability to heat the air around them would be enough until the others could locate them. As the girl fell once more, this time tripping over a fallen branch hidden deep within the snow Hiei realized it would be up to him now. As he knelt beside the half frozen girl and put his arms around her, the shivering in her body intensified. "Hang on, we'll find shelter soon." As the words left his lips, the apparition could only pray that they were true.
Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm Kagome as the apparition lifted her off of the ground but she fought to keep her eyes open. Turning her head slightly she buried her face into his tank top, trying to avoid the wind that continued to tear at the both of them. As they set off once again she could feel that he was struggling under her larger size but still managing to move at a quicker pace than they had been previously. "Do you think they'll find us?"
Hiei knew that would be the outcome sooner or later, but what condition they would be in was another story. "Eventually, Koenma is sure to look for us once we fail to report." If nothing else the junior ruler of the Reikai could be counted on to be thorough in his duties to the team. While he might slack off on giving information from time to time, he did make sure they were well looked after.
Knowing that was all she was going to get out of the apparition for the moment, Kagome fell silent. She still hadn't met Koenma but based on everything she'd heard from his team he'd do his best to find them. The minutes passed with agonizing slowness as they continued onward and she could feel his breathing becoming labored. As much as she disliked the idea of leaving the warmth of his arms Kagome knew that the apparition wouldn't be able to carry her forever. Just as she was about to ask him to put her down for a little while he shifted direction causing her to look up at his face. It was odd, seeing a strange mixture of hope and relief on his normally stoic face but she wasn't going to complain. "What is it? Is it the others?" Excitement began to fill her chest at the prospect.
"No, though at this point I cannot say even Kuwabara would be an unwelcome sight. We may have shelter from the storm." It wasn't a definite, not by a long shot but he'd take it. The snow had lightened just enough that he could see the outline of a building in the distance. What was uncertain was just what condition the building was in and if it was already occupied. If there were inhabitants and they refused to allow them to seek refuge he'd already decided that the situation warranted drastic measures. With luck anyone inside wouldn't be so foolish as to turn them away.
Kagome wasn't all together certain what he meant by shelter since she couldn't see anything in the darkness, hopefully it was something more than a group of trees but right now she'd take what she could get so long as they were out of the wind. Slowly though the dark shape of a hut began to take form and she breathed a sigh of relief. No lights shown through the darkened windows nor were there any signs of recent inhabitation outside. For once it looked as if the gods had answered her prayers. "Oh thank God."
At this Hiei nearly snorted and told her that God had nothing to do with this but he refrained. It wasn't worth it to get into a debate over their differences in religious beliefs. Instead he kicked the door open, knowing that if he attempted to set the miko on her feet she'd likely collapse before she had a chance to regain her balance. One more he had to question the girl's lack of sense for running around the Feudal era in a skirt. Of course, the women in the Makai weren't much better so it had to be a feminine tendency to ignore usefulness for fashion. Granted, he wasn't complaining at the time because of the view she provided. It kept the days travel from boring the hell out of him in most instances.
The inside of the cabin was just as he expected. There was only one room, obviously this wasn't meant to be a long term residence but it would suit their needs perfectly. There was one bed, barely large enough to fit someone of Yusuke's stature with a worn blanket covering the mattress. A small table and chair sat in the corner with a set of dishes neatly piled on top. Crossing the room quickly he set the miko on the edge of the bed and surveyed the rest of the small room. There wasn't even a fire place in the shack and no place where a small fire could be safely built. It was bothersome that they'd have to rely on body heat alone but at least they were out of the snow.
"We'll stay here for the night. In the morning we'll reevaluate the situation, the weather here isn't likely to clear and there is no telling how long it will take for the others to find us. It might be best to stay here until we are contacted, it's unlike we'll find suitable shelter if we continue on." If they were going to stay for any length of time then Hiei knew he'd have to go hunting soon. While he didn't need to eat every day the girl would, especially if she were to keep her core temperature up. Seeing that he wasn't going to get any arguments from her over their accommodations he turned his attention to the girls clothing. His cloak was covered in snow and now that they were out of the wind it was slowly beginning to melt. The scraps of cloth she had on beneath it weren't in much better condition, it'd be best if they were removed before the water soaked through to her skin if it hadn't already. "You need to disrobe, use the blanket to keep warm instead."
"You can't be serious!" Kagome clutched at the robe tighter as she stared at the apparition. The thought of stripping down to nothing in front of him caused a blush to rise to her cheeks even though she knew that he wasn't saying it to be perverted. However as he continued to stare at her implacably she began to fidget. A trickle of cold water trailed down the back of her neck causing her to shiver. "All right but at least turn around alright?"
It took all of his control not to snap at her, Hiei knew that human females had modesty issues but she was being excessively silly in his opinion. Apparently she hadn't yet realized that they would be sharing the bed together, there was no way that she'd manage to stay warm enough by herself with only the blanket to aid her. But instead of pointing that tidbit of information out to the girl he'd done as she requested and turned to give her some privacy. The sound of wet clothing hitting the ground and the bed creaking told him that she was done undressing.
Clutching the blanket about her shoulders, Kagome waited to see what he would do now. It wasn't as if she expected him to pounce on her or anything but she'd never been nude beneath a blanket and alone with a male at the same time. Still, she couldn't help but feel a bit silly. Hiei wasn't interested in her in that way and would probably call her foolish if he knew what she was thinking at that very moment. The knowledge did little to reassure her though as those crimson eyes continued to stare at her impassively. "What?"
Shaking his head, Hiei moved towards the bed and noted with amusement the way the girl moved further away from him with each step he took while keeping a death grip on the blanket. A thump was heard as her back met the wall and she had no where else to go. "Relax I'm not going to molest you if that's what you are worried about." While the idea wasn't unappealing the girl would probably come unglued if he so much as mentioned the possibility. "But we are going to share the bed and I refuse to sleep in wet clothing. So unless you want to watch me undress I suggest you avert your eyes."
"Share... the bed?" Kagome squeaked when her mind processed exactly what the apparition had said. True to his word she watched Hiei strip his tank top off and as his hands went to his belts she looked away. It was difficult to keep her eyes off of him though, she'd often enjoyed watching the little strip show he gave whenever he got into a fight. Still, she'd never pictured herself in this position even in her wildest fantasies. Inuyasha was likely going to kill her later for sharing a bed with the man
Undoing the last belt, Hiei kicked his boots off before allowing the black material to fall to the floor. "Yes, share the bed. While it's warmer in here the temperature outside is still falling. You'll freeze to death while you sleep otherwise." Her head came up then though her eyes tried to stay trained on his face. Hiei nearly smirked as he saw her gaze try to go lower only to snap back up. So the girl was curious, the knowledge didn't bother him in the least. There was more than one way to stay warm through the night though she was a touch skittish. Of course with the morals she'd been raised with living on a shrine it was of no great surprise.
Swallowing thickly, Kagome laid down on the bed and spread the blanket out some as he lowered himself to the mattress. A battle warred within her mind of just what was appropriate and what wasn't as he touched her bare shoulder. Even with the blanket she still shivered from the cold and his skin was deliciously warm. Could she abandon her sense of modesty in favor of the comforting heat he was offering? As Hiei pulled her closer she decided that for at least this once she'd ignore the fact that she was doing something her family would frown upon. It was comforting being pressed against his side as she was.
Hiei was surprised when she relaxed so quickly instead of protesting his action. The second shock came with how quickly her breathing evened out signaling that she had drifted off to sleep. He'd expected more resistance but the turn of events relieved him. Dealing with the indignant shrieks of an offended woman just didn't suit his mood for the evening. Slowly her shivering died down as time passed but to his growing frustration she seemed eager to take advantage of his higher body temperature in her unconscious state. As it was he'd been pressed onto his back with her arm wrapped around his waist and a leg thrown over his own. Just a few inches more and the girl would be laying on top of him. Just the thought of her being positioned so provocatively had his member slowly hardening. It didn't help matters that as she cuddled in closer to him her leg brushed against it, adding to his aroused state.
Still he ignored the urges of his body as best as he could under the circumstances. A groan escaped his chest as the miko nuzzled against his chest and a sleepy mumble was spoken. As if of it's own accord, his hand traced along the curves of her back. A pleased moan came from her lips as he continued to caress her body and he knew that he should stop. Yet as her own hand began to lightly touch his chest he saw no need to deny himself the pleasurable sensations she was giving him, he'd just have to keep it from going too far unless she asked for more.
Once more her thigh brushed against his hard length in a fleeting caress and for the briefest of moments he wondered if she was awake and teasing him. However her steady breathing told him she was still blissfully unaware, merely enjoying his touch without any protests to the contrary. God only knew that he wanted her to touch him once more and it was tempting to take that delicate hand in his own and guide it to his aching member. Instead he ignored the urge and traced his fingers over the curve of the girl's backside before lifting her leg up once again, exposing her center to his questing fingers.
His touch was arousing her, of that much Hiei was certain as he ran a single finger over her moist folds. Moving slowly he sought out the girl's hidden jewel and began rubbing it slowly. His member twitched as his finger became slick with her juices but still he refused to indulge just yet. As much as Kagome was enjoying his attentions the apparition wanted more. Slowly he moved the girl onto her back, being careful not to wake her. The urge to taste her was strong and he saw absolutely no reason to stop. Carefully he positioned himself between her thighs, using his fingers to spread her folds gently. For a moment it seemed as if she would awaken from the loss of his warmth but soon she settled down once more and he took his first taste, running his tongue over her center.
When the girls hips bucked at the contact Hiei moved to hold her hips down before nibbling gently on her clit. The soft panting coming from the miko's lips and the spike in her scent only pushed him to take greater liberties with her body. Sucking the small jewel into his mouth he began teasing it with his tongue, knowing it wouldn't take long for her release to hit her. Small hands buried themselves in his hair in an effort to pull him closer and he felt his control break even further. Carefully he slid a finger deep within her core. Pumping slowly, Hiei urged her closer and closer to her impending climax, groaning deep within his chest when she came.
Pleasure too intense to be a dream dragged her from the depths of sleep but at the moment Kagome wasn't going to complain. As she stared down into the lust filled crimson eyes she could see the hesitation in them and she couldn't stop the whimper that escaped her throat as he paused. "Don't stop." It was wrong and she knew it but at the moment Kagome was too far gone to care. She wanted, no needed more of the sweet torture Hiei was inflicting upon her body.
Having her explicit permission now Hiei wasn't about to turn back. By the time this night was over he fully intended on being buried deep within her body at least once. They'd deal with the consequences as they came later but for now he refused to be concerned with such trivial matters. Sliding his finger out once more, the apparition added a second one causing the girl to gasp. Her untried body was so tight as her walls clenched around his fingers, causing his groin to tighten painfully. He wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.
Kagome felt as if her body were on fire as he continued to push his fingers deep within her and as he hit a sensitive spot deep within her she called out his name. It was no longer enough, she wanted his body buried deep within hers. "Please Hiei.. I need... more.. please." Her voice was nearly a sob as she pleaded for something only he could give.
Her eyes were intense and demanding as he slid up her body, smirking at the way she gasped when his cock brushed against the damp folds of her center. Propping himself up on his elbows, Hiei ground his hips firmly against hers and pulling a ragged groan from the woman beneath him. Moving a hand between their bodies the apparition took a hold of the base of his member and placed it against her untried opening. Knowing if he said anything she'd tense more than she already was, he brought his mouth down on top of hers, thrusting his tongue deep within her mouth even as he impaled her with his throbbing length.
Feeling her barrier give with minimal resistance, Hiei fully sheathed himself and then stilled. The barest of whimpers came from his miko, her hands clutching at his back in a death grip. Releasing to hold he had on her mouth, the apparition pulled back slightly to stare down into her eyes. The pain of their joining was apparent but the lust hadn't died away either. His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he sought to reassure her. "Just relax, the pain will pass." Bringing a hand up to the girl's breast, he rolled a taut nipple between his fingers to distract her from the pain in her lower regions. A gasp and the way her back arched told the hybrid that he had succeeded.
The pain was quickly forgotten as a hot mouth descended on her nipple. Arching up into his mouth, Kagome's eyes slid close as he continued to tease the small bud with his tongue. As her hips shifted she couldn't help but groan when his hard length slid deeper into her. Sliding her calf along his leg, Kagome shifted once more and nearly smirked at the way the demon above her tensed. It was touching the way he was holding himself back for her sake but at the moment she was more than ready for him to take possession of her body.
With his patience at an end, Hiei knew that he couldn't wait any longer. The girl's teasing was his undoing and with a growl he pulled back only to lunge forward once more, driving his cock even deeper into those heated depths. The blanket slipped from the bed as he moved over her, driving her to the edge once more. Her cries filled the air as he shifted the angle of penetration and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he had his miko calling his name in ecstasy. "Scream my name!"
Abruptly her legs were thrown over the apparition's shoulders, stretching her even further. Crimson eyes blazed down into her own stormy blue as her walls began to clench once more. Liquid heat poured through her veins as he pushed her higher, the tension building to a near unbearable level. When it snapped her voice filled the room, calling out his name just as he'd demanded.
His own release became unstoppable as her walls milked his shaft. Hearing the girl saying his name in the throws of passion only added to the pleasure as his seed poured deep within her, his body shaking with the strain. Trying to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible, he continued moving within her for a few more moments enjoying the sweet friction of their bodies joined as one. Slowly he lowered her legs before coming to a rest on top of her, his breathing labored. The chill in the air a welcome comfort to him but Hiei knew it wouldn't be long before it started to affect the girl once more. Without pulling away from his lover, Hiei blindly felt for the blanket and pulled it over their nude bodies before rolling the girl onto her side.
"That's one way to wake up." Nuzzling into the apparition's chest, Kagome couldn't bring herself to complain about what had just happened. Not when she'd enjoyed every moment of what he'd just done to her. While she knew she'd probably be sore later for the moment the pleasurable sensations he'd invoked still lingered. As they laid together she couldn't help but feel surprised over this gentle side he was now showing, the tender caress of his hand as it ghosted over her back or the languid kiss that he placed upon her lips when she looked up at him.
Hiei nearly smirked at the satisfaction in her voice and it was then that he knew that the girl would be receptive to a repeat performance. Preferably many times if he had anything to say about it. "I'll have to remember that in the future." It would take time he knew, to convince her to remain with him but after sampling what she'd had to offer he had no intentions of letting her go anytime soon. While it wasn't love, this was something more than just simple lust. The hanyou would be troublesome he knew, but at the moment they didn't even know if he'd survived in the fight. Besides, there was no telling just how long they'd be trapped in the Makai before Koenma managed to locate them. Given enough time Hiei was certain that he could sway his miko's affections away from the dog. Even if he had to make certain that they weren't found until his plan had succeeded.
The End. Thank you to everyone who reviews.