InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Forbidden Story ❯ In Which New Friends Are Made ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ok, y'all!! First off, I would like to grudgingly admit that I do not own any of these these anime charaters or the awesome shows that they come from. However, that is not going to stop me from glomping on Hiei. He's just so cute and dark!! And, he's taller than me, which is a turn-on. But, that is besides the point.

Secondly, the plot is totally mine, and so is Ka'el, even though I hate him.

Secondly(or thirdly if you're keeping track X-D), Hiei will be majorly out of character, for a couple chapters.

And last, but not least, plz enjoy!!! (Super sorry that it's taking so long to freaking type!!!)

P.S. I changed their ages, Hiei is now thirteen, Kagome is ten and a half.

@blah@=Kagome/Ember telepathy
$Blah$=Hiei/Flame telepathy
Dream Sequence

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A brown rabbit gently nibbled on a blade of grass while a bird chirped merrily in a tree. A fawn wandered into the glade and joined the rabbit. Four or five butterflies flew this way and that, in a pattern that made sence only to them. The bright afternoon sun shine happily lit the area, warming all the little creatures.

Fat, white, fluffy clouds lazily floated in front of the sun, mometarily blocking the light as a gentle breeze blew. Sakura blossoms fluttered to the ground on the wings of the wind, littering the floor of the forest. If someone were to describe this cheery little scene, they might use the word 'paradise.' They couldn't be more wrong.

Lying not to far from the rabbit and the fawn was a boy. At first glance, a bystander would think that he was resting, enjoying the rare moment of peace that nature brought. Upon closer inspection, the bystander would see that this is not the case. The boy's arms and legs held many cuts and bruises, as well as a few burns and old scars on his chest. His clothes were hopelessly shredded, save for a loin cloth.

If anyone dared to venture closer, they might be able to see the weak up-and-down motion of his chest as blood freely flowed with each shallow breath. His pitch black hair was matted down with blood, his eyes were closed, and he held a sword in a death grip in his right hand. The sword had a black hilt six inches long. In the hilt were a big ruby, a silver indentation, and a big sapphire. The blade itself was two feet long and completely covered in blood.

The boy was well muscled, but not freakishly so. He had a rather lean physique, and was shorter than the average boy his age, but he was well proportioned nonetheless. In other words, he didn't look like a freak. His face revealed him to be a handsome, one who, if he lived, would be sure to break many hearts. He had small, almost invisible markings the undersides of his wrists, but no one knew what these meant.

Another breeze blew past the young boy's sensitive nose, cuasing his hand to tighten even more on the hilt. Suddenly, a scream cut through the peace like a hot knife through butter. The fawn and the rabbit raised their heads as the bird stopped singing. The boy's eyes snapped open when, a few seconds later, a young girl raced into the clearing, screaming again.

She was small for her age, and didn't really care. Hair bluer than a Colorado sky flowed like water behind her as she ran. Her kimono was in rags, but covered the neccesary areas. It was pink and a soft orange, with scattered, light blue, musical notes. She was petite and had stormy grey eyes. Her hands had claws, but in her fright, she had forgotten how to use them. Panicing, the beautiful girl looked behind her as she ran, causing her feet to stumble and give way.

Shaking her head to clear her eyes, she caught sight of the injured boy. Quickly she crawled over to him, oblivious to the shocked look he was sending her, and completely forgetting about whatever it was that she was running from.

"Oh, you poor boy! what happened to you? Just lie still and I'll try to heal you," she whispered, knowing deep down in her gut that he could her her and would listen. She put her hands over his chest, a few inches away from the skin. Her hands began to glow a soft pink, and his body followed suit as she lowered her hands.

After what seemed like hours, but what was really only five seconds, he stopped glowing as she withdrew her hands, panting slightly. She sat back and smiled at her handiwork. He flexed his left arm, and was surprised to find it completely healed. Turning to her, he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

Crashing through the trees into the meadow, was the...thing...he had smelled earlier. Quickly standing up, he held up his sword and stood in front of the girl. He could tell by the look in her eyes, and by her scent, that this ugly demon was what had had her screaming a few seconds ago.

The Youkai(that's gonna be it's name) was about seven feet tall, and not only was he ugly, but he was also very fat. He had puke green, scaly skin, beady black eyes, foot long claws, and tentacles for feet. On his head were multiple horns of varying size and shape. All in all, he looked like a youkai mix-and-match puzzle gone totally wrong.

"Ah, what have we here?" Youkai asked, laughing in a deep voice. "Two young youkai, perfectly aged for eating! Or, perhaps I should sell you into slavery and get paid for my troubles. Oh the many possibilities we have here!"

"You really should stop talking. It only tends to prove that you're a moron," growled the boy(that's gonna be his name for now).

Youkai growled and cracked his knuckles, glaring daggers at Boy. "What did you just say to me, squirt?!"

Boy merely glared back in kind. "Hn."

Youkai grinned. "Tell you what, little brave one. I'll let that little comment slide, if you just hand over the girl behind you peacefully," he said, pointing at the girl(that's her name for now). She let out a small, involuntary whimper and cast fearful eyes to her 'protector.' Boy saw this and turned back to the big youkai before them, smirking.

Changing his grip on the hilt of his sword, he took up a battle ready stance. "Hn, I don't think so, Ugly!"

Youkai's grin faded. "Why you little... So be it! I'll kill the both of you!!" And with that, Youkai chraged at Boy.

Boy disappeared, causing Girl to scream. Moments later, Boy reappeared behind Youkai and snickered. Youkai's eyes widened as he fell into little cubes at Boy's feet. Girl gasped and ran to Boy. He was rather surprised to see tears in her eyes.

"Oh no, you're hurt again!" she said, taking his hand in hers. Once again, they began to glow, startling him once more. When she was done, she looked up at him and smiled. Looking closely, she could see a small pink stain on his cheeks. Then, as soon as she saw it, the stain disappeared, so she decided to ignore it.


Startled from her thoughts, she looked into his his eyes, feeling her breath catch as she did so. His eyes were a bloody, crimson red, and they held confusion and amazement from what she could tell. She mentally shook her head. "What did you say?"

He closed his eyes and sighed. Opening them again, he saw that she had tilted her head to one side. Shaking his head, he asked, "Why? Why would you heal a complete stranger, when they could easily kill you once they were healed?"

She thought this over before answering carefully. "I knew that you weren't going to hurt me. I tursted you."

He felt his eyes widen and his breathing catch from pure shock. "Why would you trust me?! You have no reason to do so!!"

She giggled, and he suddenly had a vision of an angel flying through his head. "Becasue you're so darn cute!!!" she exclaimed, failing to notice his face reddening at this comment. "And, because you were hurt, just like me," she added in a whisper, her eyes glazing over.

He just stared at her incredulously. "How old are you, anyway?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm 10 1/2. How about you, um..."

Smirking in his mind, he said, "Hiei. I'm 13. There, I gave you my name, now you give me yours." As he said this, he turned his head the other way, feigning indifference.

"Impatient, aren't you?" she asked, frowning. She simply shrugged. "My name is Kagome. ...Um, Hiei?"

He merely glanced at her, pretending not to care. "Hn?"

"You're my friend, right?" ahe asked, her voice shaking.

Shrugging, he looked away again, rather pleased. "I guess. Although, not many people would ever want to be a friend of mine."

"Well, um, could you please catch me?" she asked as she fell backwards, into a patch of small flowers.

Before she could land, Hiei caught her, worry shining through his crimson orbs. Picking her up, he was mildly surprised by how light she was. Only then did he notice the blood seeping from the many cuts on her back, and was surprised that she hadn't lapsed into unconciousness earlier. Putting his sword back into its sheath, he took off running towards his only other friend; a taijiya by the name of Kohaku.

Unconciously, Kagome snuggled closer to his chest, his beating heart lulling her into a peaceful state. Hiei's arms tightened their hold on the girl, surprising him that he had no control of his body's reactions. He looked down at her as a miniscule smile made its way to his face.

After running nonstop for an hour, Hiei skidded into Kohaku's hut in the middle of the taijiya village. Kohaku merely took a quick glance at the girl before motioning to the bed. Hiei put her down as Kohaku left the hut. Hiei made to follow him, but a hand held him back. Looking down at Kagome, he was surprised to see that her face had a troubled look on it, and her hand had a death grip on the back of his loin cloth.

Just then, Kohaku came back in with his older sister Sango and Kaede, the visiting miko. The women blushed at the sight of Hiei's undress, but Kohaku quickly threw him a long black cape, which he gladly put on. Sango made her way to the girl, and giggled when she wouldn't let go of Hiei. Hiei growled at Sango, who just laughed harder.

Kagome, hearing Hiei growl, surprised them all by letting go of him. Kaede smiled softly at the touching scene and ushered the boys out of the hut. The boys decided to pass the time by sparring, but after three hours, Hiei was practicing on his own. Kohaku just sat and watched him.

Kohaku was a human boy, about 10 years of age. He wa much taller than Hiei, and had dark brown hair in a short ponytail. his brown eyes were glazed over ni thought, as they almost always were. Kohaku was very strong, due to the weightedaromor all taijiya were required to constantly wear. It's green hue signified that he was still a novice; his sister's was a light pink, which signified tht she was an apprentice, and able to help the older taijiya on their missions.

He idly scratched one of his many freckles as Hiei stopped his practicing. "You know, friend, you really should go wash in the river. I can smell the blood from here, so it must be nausiating for you."

Hiei glanced at him, and tried to run a hand through his hair. When he found that it was all stuck together with dried blood, he scowled. With a quick 'Hn,' he disappeared. Kohaku grinned and shook his head back and forth. Five minutes later, just as a steaming Hiei got back from the river, Sango and Kaede emerged from the hut. Sango began speaking first.

"We have good news and bad news." At their blank stares, she continued. "Kaede and I have managed to stop the bleeding and heal her wounds. However..." Sango stopped and looked over at the miko.

Kaede cleared her throat. "We've tried everything that we can think of, but she seems...rather wake up. You may go in and see her if you wish."

Sango and Kohaku grinned at each other. Before Kaede had even finished speaking, Hiei had made his way past them, through the door. The miko simply rolled her eye and huffed. She walked into a hut that she was using, muttering about the impatience of demons. Sango picked up Hiraikotsu and Kirara, and headed off into the forest to train. Kohaku, well, no one seems to ever know what he's up to.

Hiei found himself inexplicably by Kagome's bedside. His hand moved to sweep hair out of her face, and surprising himself yet again, he made no attempt to stop it. After moving her hair aside, he noticed her brow was covered with sweat as she was shaking uncontrollably.

Placing a hand gently on either side of her head, he put his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. He began to 'see' her nightmare, which was so vived, brutal, and fresh that he was brought to his knees as he cried out in her now shared pain.

^*+ Kagome's Dream +*^

A small girl was chained to a wall, completely in the nude. Her head hung limply as she longingly gazed at a glass of water just out of her reach. There were multiple lashes across her body, as if someone had taken a cat-o-nine-tails to her tiny body. Grime and sweat covered her face, only remotely clean where her tears had streamed down her cheeks. Suddenly, a door opened and a fire hanyou stepped into the small, dark, dank cell.

He was grinning like a child who had done something right and gotten a huge reward. However, his eyes held an evil gleam, making Hiei growl in anger. Kagome whimpered and tried to scoot as far away as possible, which wasn't all that far. The hanyou chuckled.

"Now, now, my pet. Is that any way to greet your master?"

Kagome gulped. "G-good morning, Master."

He nodded, closing his eyes. "That's better. Well, seeing as how you're no longer of any use to me, I've decided to set your filthy little life form free."

Her grey eyes, which had closed during her greeting, flew open wide at the man's last words. "Master, are you truly going to let me go?" she asked as her shackles opened. She gently rubbed her raw wrists.

Suddenly, the scene changed. The girl was mostly healed save for the deep lacerations on her wrists and ankles. She was humming happily to herself as she picked a bunch of flowers. She stood, brushed off her kimono, and moved to go inside a nearby hut. Suddenly, Hiei was beside her. She gaped at him while he just blinked at her.

"Hiei?! How in the three worlds did you get into my dream?"
(Kagome knows about Makai, Ningenkai, and Reikai, and Hiei doesn't.)

"Honestly, onna? I have no fucking idea. I was holding your head, and suddenly I'm watching you greet a stinking hanyou as 'Master.' Who the fuck was that bastard, anyway?"

Kagome looked down, ashamed. "He...he is my older half brother. He has hated me since before I was born."

Hiei gaped. "Why?! Why would your sibling hate you?!"

"Because," she answered quietly, "his father, a very powerful fire apparition, mated with my mother, a gentle yet equally powerful ice apparition, while his mother was still on her deathbed."

"So, he hates you because of what his father did?" asked Hiei, eyes wide at the small tidbit of information she had just revealed. 'I can't believe it! She's a Forbidden, just like me!'

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a small hand waving in front of his nose. He quickly caught it, brought it to his mouth, and gently nipped the back, smirking 'evilly' all the while. Kagome's eyes went wide, but she quickly giggled, until she heard Hiei ask her a question.

"So, which are you more prone to use: your fire, or your ice?"

She gasped. "I can't believe that I let that slip! Oh, you're not going to try to kill me just like everyone else, are you? Please, please don't! I'll leave as soon as possible. I'll seclude myself, just please don't kill me!!!" She was sobbing, big fat tears soaking into Hiei's cape.

Hiei grabbed her, pulling her in for a big bear hug. He smoothed down her hair, murmuring words of encouragement and consolation to her to try and calm her down. "Hey, don't do that! I'm not going to kill you!"

"Y-you're not? You promise?......Wait, why not?"

"Why would I kill someone just like me? You're not the only fire-and-ice Forbidden, y'know. Although, I'm going to let you in on my little secret: I haven't told anyone else, but I'm also a monk."

Kagome pulled away with an astounded look. She quickly got a sly look. "You asked earlier, what am I more prone to use, fire or ice? Well, the answer miko powers. And you're the first person, human or youkai, that I've told. I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. Deal?"

Hiei smiled. "Deal, on two conditions." When she just blinked, he continued. "One, you wake up so we can get out of here, and two, don't get withdrawn around the people."

Kagome tilted her head and frowned, and for some reason, Hiei thought she looked rather cute. "What people, Hiei?"

"Well, you passed out in that clearing, and you were bleeding really bad. I don't really use my monk powers, so I can't heal much of anything with them. That being the case, I took you to one of my 'friends,' and his sister, along with a miko, healed you. Except for the miko, they are all taijiya. This is the last surviving village."

"Oh, okay. Cool! Well, shall we wake up? I have to go home soon, but I'm sure okaa-san won't mind if I stay away for a few more days. I only ask that you don't follow me when I do go home."

Hiei looked at her strangely, but he agreed nevertheless. The children closed their eyes, and left the dream world.

^*+ Back In The Real World +*^

Kohaku and Sango walked into the hut just as the children began to wake up. They gently smiled and walked out of the hut, not wanting to disturb them. After two days of sleep, it would take them a small while to truely wake up.

Sometime during thse two days, someone had picked up Hiei and placed him next to Kagome, who had then proceeded to grab him like a favorite toy. In his unconscious state, he had thrown an arm around her shoulders. The two were snuggled close together underneath their blanket, small smiles on their faces.

Kagome blinked a couple times, getting the sleep out of her eyes. She took a deep breath and smelled sulfar, sweat, and orchids. A small grunt made her eyes snap open wide. As she looked up, her grey eyes met with Hiei's red ones, which seemed to light up in amusement as her face did a very good impression of a rather large tomato.

Hiei had opened his eyes in time to see Kohaku and Sango walk in and leave again. He tried to get up, but found an arm stopping him. He releaxed when he saw who was attached and sniffed her scent. What he smelled made him give a small grunt of pleasure: Burning wood, fresh water, and Sakura blossoms. He saw her freeze and look at him, blushing, causing his mind to laugh merrily.

"Do I amuse you, onna?"

A small frown appeared on her face as she answered. "Monkeys always amuse me."

"Hn. Who are you calling a monkey?!"

She shrugged. "If you give me a better nickname than 'onna,' I won't call you a monkey."

Hiei did some quick thinking and replied a few seconds later with, "How about...Ember?"

Kagome looked at him, blinking. She thought it over for about a minute, and decided that, as long as it come from him in kindness, even 'bitch' would have been acceptable. Smiling, Kagome lost herself in Hiei's embrace, his heartbeat, and his curious eyes. "Ember will be perfect, Flame."

He blinked and grinned, a small blush coming unbidden to his cheeks. "Flame, huh? Yeah, I guess it works. In fact, that's my name now, so don't let anyone call me Hiei. You're the only one that knows, so let's keep it that way."

Kagome put on a depressed front, sighing. "Fine. Oh, and the same thing goes for me, okay? And please don't mention my real name; I don't want my brother to know that I'm still alive."

"As you wish. Are you hungry?" Hiei asked, his eyes softening. He loved looking at her eyes, they were like dual snowstorms in winter.

She shook her head. "No, not really." Even as she spoke, the smell of roasting meat wafted through the room, making her stomache rumble and her face get redder than Hiei's eyes.

Hiei chuckled and got up, carrying Kagome like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. He quickly cleared his face of all emotion and walked out, listening to her quietly commenting on how strong he was.

@Hey, Hiei, you don't talk much, do you?@

Jumping slightly at the intruding voice in his mind, he heard Kagome giggle, and once again thought that she sounded like an angel. $No, Ember, I don't talk much...out loud. But now that I know that you have telepathic abilities, I will be delighted to hold a good, and interesting, conversation mentally. Provided that you call me Flame, no matter what.$

Kagome grinned. @Flame, it's a deal, if you help train my fire powers.@

$Done. We'll start once you get back from your home.$

@Thank you Flame. Thank you so much.@ And with that, Kagome worked her way off of his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Giggling, she skipped the rest of the way to the bonfire and roasting meat. Hiei snapped out of his daze and quickly followed, not skipping, of course. Grinning to himself, he was looking forward to training the younger girl in the near future.

Kaede stood and greeted the children. "Did ye have a good rest, young lady?"

Kagome smiled up at the older woman. "Yes, I did. Thank you for healing me, Miko-sama. My name is Ember."

"Do ye have a last name, child?"

Ember reopened her mind-link with Flame (Yes, I switched their names already, remember that? :-p). @Flame, do I have to give them a last name now? And did you even give them a name at all?@

$Hn. Nope. And I don't have a last name yet, either. We are allowed to choose them whenever we want.$***

@I know. I was just curiously asking.@ Ember once again spoke to the waiting miko. "No, Miko-sama. I do not yet have a last name as of this point in time."

"Call me Kaede, child. I didn't really expect you to have a last name yet, anyway. Well, I must go. I hope that you and your friend enjoy the food, Ember."

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Well, I think I'll leave it at that for a bit. Updates are going to be rather hard because my brother is always on here and I'm not allowed to have anything to do with fanfiction whatsoever. I'll try to add more to it later, though, I promise.

*** I think that it would be so much cooler if demons could choose their own last names, because then the names would have some meaning for them. Not only that, but they would be unique. If you don't like, then tough cookies!!!