InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Perfect Life ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Kagome who was that and what did he want?” Koenma said popping up in front of us looking like a hologram. “I don't have a damn clue. And I'm not exactly in the mood to deal with this either.” I replied as I felt once again another headache coming on. Damn. “Oh is it that time of the month?” I heard Kuwabara ask me and I replied by smacking him in the head, knocking him unconscious.
“Idiot never learns shit.” I mumbled to myself. “Well Kagome we're going to check our files and see who that was. We'll tell you if we have any success.” Koenma said to me and I just nodded. “Whatever.” I said as I picked up my backpack and walked in the well house.
“Kagome what the hell are we suppose to do with him?” Yusuke asked me. “I don't know. He's your friend you figure it out. Leave him here take him with us I don't care just as long as he stays away from me.” I replied to him.
`You ok?' I heard Hiei ask me. `Hiei not now. I got a huge ass headache. I don't feel like talking right now.' I said to him. I saw him slightly nod to me. “Alright you guys go first.” I said to them.
Just incase they cant get threw I'll still be here. Yusuke dropped Kuwabara in and when he saw that blue light that always came out from the well he jumped in with Kurama right after.
“Ready?” I asked Hiei and he just nodded to me. Probably annoyed because I wouldn't talk to him but what ever. We both jumped in at the same time. He grabbed me by the waist and jumped out.
We were greeted by the site of the spirit detectives ready to fight my friends from the past. Damn can't one thing go right today? Idiots all of them. “Enough of this. Everyone cut it out. Now!” I yelled to them all and they all turned their heads toward me.
“Where the hell have you been damn it? And now you bring some more weak humans that I have to protect?” Inuyasha yelled as he walked towards me. I'm just guessing he wants to drag me back to Kaedas hut. He was two feet away from me when I heard someone growl at him.
Hiei was next to me his eyes dead set on Inuyasha. “What the hell are you growling at pipsqueak?” Inuyasha want the hell? Did you have to say that to him? Now he'll defiantly be in a bad mood and really hate you too. Damn are guys stupid.
“What did you say half breed?” Hiei replied anger in his voice. “You heard me.” Inuyasha said as he put his hand around tetseiga (sp?). “Both of you shut your fucking mouths. It's enough already.” I yelled in frustration.
My headache once again grew. My hand once again went up to rub my temple to try to sooth it. It wasn't working. I than sensed something was coming. I wasn't sure of what or who but I knew it was powerful.
I turned to the north where the energy was coming from. I saw it in front of me a second later. It was my father. “Hey dad.” I said to him, my hand still on my temple. “Hello my daughter. Headache?” he asked and I slowly nodded.
“Bad signs usually.” He said to me and I nodded. “Yeah so I've notice.” I said and he looked at me confused. Actually everyone was kinda looking at me confused. Maybe because I never introduced them to my father.
“A demon on the other side of the well came and tried to kill me. It said I killed his family in the future well past or something like that. He said I was a cold blooded murder and I killed for pleasure.” I said to him and his eyes widened.
“That's strange but I know why he said what he said. I know only a little about it. It's only a prophecy though.” My father said to me. It was barley a whisper. “What?” I asked him.
“Maybe we should go back to the castle. It's a long story I suppose.” He said to us. “And we're going to get there how?” I heard Yusuke ask. “Well the fast ones can run and the others can ride on one of our animals.” He replied.
“Animals? Like the ones at the zoo?” Yusuke asked and I couldn't believe how stupid he was. I expected a question like that from Kuwabara.
“No demon animals. More specifically mine. Shani my kitsune, Nightmare my wolf, and Inferno my dragon. They fuse and unfuse with me. They're with me right now. I'll show you.” I said as my companions unfused with me. Inferno was on my right shoulder while the other two were on the floor beside me.
“Those pipsqueaks are gonna hold us? I doubt it.” Yusuke said and they all growled at the comment. Nightmare and Shani grew to be two times the size of kilala. My dragon grew to be four times the size of them. He was about 20 feet tall on his hind legs and ten feet on all fours.
“Wow.” Yusuke said. “Exactly. You can ride Nightmare or Shani.” I said to them. “Why not Inferno?” Yusuke asked. “Because he only likes me. He only lets me ride him. He'll burn you to a crisp if you even try to get up on his back.” I told him and just to prove my point Inferno blew fire out of his mouth and into the air.
“Okay.” Yusuke said and inched away from Inferno. He should too. My dragon would do that to him, friend or not. He only likes Hiei and my father. “ Can we get going now?” Inuyasha said as he started to become impatient. He's always impatient. Idiot.
“Yeah we can go. Yusuke you take Kuwabara on Nightmare and Kurama you can take Shani. Hiei and I will take Inferno.” I said to them. “ I thought you said he won't let anybody else ride him?” “ He won't Yusuke. Only Hiei and I for some reason he likes Hiei.” I replied.
“What the hell is the pipsqueak to you, Kagome?” Inuyasha yelled to me. Wow he finally figured out something was going ton between us. Yay Inuyasha! “What is he your brother?” Never mind the last statement. Idiot. My brother. Damn is he stupid. Even Kuwabara isn't that stupid.
“No he's not her brother but I am to curious who this man is kagome. Are you going to tell us?” My father asked me. “Maybe.” I replied. “Kagome.” My father said in a warning tone. “And I thought you were smart enough to figure it out on your own. Apparently not. How sad for you dad.” I said to him and he growled a warning to me.
“Alright, alright. I'll tell you. No need to growl. Seesh. You can't take a joke. Hiei is my boyfriend, if you must know. Happy?” I asked and his eyes widened a bit for reasons that I don't know but his eyes seemed to hold sadness. Still confusing as to why though.
“Your boyfriend? That's going to be a problem. A rather big problem actually.” My father said to me sadness in his voice. I'm confused why is it a problem? What the hell is my dad talking about?
“Why is it a problem?” I asked my eyes narrowing afraid of what he might say next. He might say he doesn't approve or maybe he doesn't like Hiei or something like that. I just hope he doesn't say the one thing that I don't want him to say. He can say anything but that but if he says that I will freak out.
Nobody should have to go through that at all. “Well umm I really don't know how to tell you this my dear daughter.” “Tell me what?” “Well I deeply regret what I did now that you actually found love I guess but umm… me and your mother before she died and before we gave you away to protect you we kind of set you up into a arrange marriage. Sorry my daughter.” My dad said to me.