InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ Falling into Old Troubles ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter Four: Falling into old troubles
It was cold. The hallway of the hospital was alive with personnel walking, running, rushing, and conversing. But Kagome couldn't get the inescapable feeling of death to stop looming over her. She could sense it everywhere; a little dabble of it in every room.
She sighed. This was going to be a long day. She had no idea how right she was.
She had left home about an hour ago. Her mother dropped her off at the subway and after some reassurance on her part in acknowledging that she would be fine on her, her mother departed. The ride itself wasn't that long, maybe half an hour give or take a few minutes. But the struggle to get on and off the train had been a hassle because of the multitudes of people she was packed in with. After being released from the cramped atmosphere, she was able to see the sign that read downtown Tokyo. She had managed to discover map at a sidewalk bender, and after locating Tokyo City Hospital, she walked another fifteen minutes. Finally she stood in front of a massive building, or rather, buildings.
There were four buildings in total, and from what the map inside the hospital told her, they were separated in individual wings; north, south, east, and west. Each one held 12 floors, which was good since there wasn't a good hospital for fifty miles in any direction.
She remembered that the woman she was here to see was in the east wing, on the tenth floor, in room 1013. Kagome mentally sighed. She had yet to think of what to call this woman. She didn't feel close enough to her to call her mother; besides, she had a mother already. Her mother said that the woman's name was Atsuko. Yet, it seemed rude for her to call the woman that. The more she thought about it, the more nervous she became. Ironically, as Kagome pushed the 10 button in the elevator, she felt like she held left her stomach behind.
Well, this is just great. The last thing I need to do is past out from nervousness. She took a deep breath in hopes of calming her nerves. I need to calm down. She birthed me…and my brother. Because of that, I am here to pay my respects. It's not like she could bite my head off. What's the worst that could happen? She felt better, and in good time too because the elevator doors opened.
She stepped up to a receptionist desk and asked for directions and permission to go in the room. The nurse behind the counter had red hair that was cut in a short bob with messy curls. She smiled sweetly and Kagome smiled back.
“Ms. Atsuko is in room 1013 down this hall,” She pointed to Kagome's right, “and to the left. Take this with you.” The nurse handed her a pass that said VISITOR and dismissed her. Kagome held onto it tightly as she walked down the hallway, noticing how it was already wrinkled beyond proper use. I wonder if the person who had this last was as nervous as I am now. The cool she had gathered in the elevator was slowly seeping away with every step she took, every square tile she passed. Finally, she stood before a wooden door with a silver handle. There were glass windows on both sides of the door, which she imagined were part of the room, but thick beige curtains had been drawn closed.
She stood there for a moment, quieting her breathing. Her heart rate had slowly evened out. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind. She was empty. There was no past or future, just the present. It was something she had learned to do in a fight. If she was empty, then everything that happened within that space of time could be focused on more. God knows she needed to focus. She sighed one last time before knocking on the door.
A young woman, around her own age, opened the door. She had brown eyes and chocolate brown hair that came to her shoulders. She was dressed in a white blouse and blue jean ruffled skirt. A necklace with a green pendant hung around her neck. The young woman smiled; a small smile, but a smile none the less.
She stepped aside allowing for Kagome to enter. Kagome's eyes drifted to the other visitors in the room. A boy in loose blue jeans and a green shirt was leaning against the wall. His hair was red—a very familiar red. His arms were folded and eyes closed as if he was listening to a song no one could hear. Her gaze moved on to the boy standing by a bed. He wore loose black, cargo shorts and white tee shirt. His hair was jet black and slicked with grease that gave him a punk look. His demeanor told her that he was just that- a punk. His eyes were big and brown, almost exactly like hers except hers had green. His face was like hers as well, and she figured that this was her brother, her twin. She smiled at him as she followed his arm that was resting on the pillow of woman.
The woman was rather pretty. Her hair was a light chestnut brown and honey color. Her bangs were cut in a clean line and ended at her eyebrows. They stuck to her face with the sweat from her body, Kagome noticed, which registered as a fever. Her eyes hazel with a hint of blue, but were dulled by her internal ailment. Her eyes were on her, and Kagome could barely breathe as they locked gazes with each other. She wanted to cry right there, and she couldn't figure out why. Her hands gripped the side railing as she leaned over and planted a kiss on the woman's forehead. The woman smiled and tears fell from her eyes, reflecting the ones in Kagome's. She heard her take a deep breath and speak.
“Kurama and Keiko could you step outside. I would like a word with my children. “The young woman's, Keiko she assumed, eyes widen. They darted from the boy across from her, to the woman, and finally to Kagome herself. She seemed to come to a decision before stepping out into the hallway. The boy who was leaning against the wall stood up, his eyes never opening, and followed the young woman out the door.
“Kagome.” The woman spoke and brought her back.
“This is your brother, Yusuke.” Kagome looked at the boy who smiled at her warmly. She liked him already. He reminded her of Inuyasha, which made her smile even more.
The woman grabbed her hand and held it close, then grabbed Yusuke's hand. She brought them both close to her heart. Kagome could feel the tears coming back again, glancing at Yusuke; she saw he was trying to hold his back.
“I'm sorry Kagome for giving you away. I didn't have much of a choice. But I was so happy to know that you have a wonderful family; a family that loves you and cares for you like you were their own. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Yusuke, I am sorry for keeping such a secret from you. You should have known. And I am sorry to you both for not telling you about each other. You should have at least had each other. Promise me, that no matter what happens, you'll be there for each other. That you'll be true siblings.” Her voice wavered with hope as she glanced between them.
“Come on woman, don't talk like that. You're just-“She cut him off.
“Yusuke. Please. Everyone has their time. You should know this better than anyone.” His shoulders drooped. “Just, promise me this.”
He sighed. “I promise.”
Atsuko turned her gaze onto Kagome. The look was so hopeful that Kagome couldn't have said no, even if she wanted to.
“I promise.” More tears fell from Atsuko eyes as she held onto their hands and fell asleep. They gently pulled their hands back. Yusuke sat in a chair by the window and Kagome picked up towel to wipe Atsuko's face. She dipped it in a basin that was filled with cooler water by the bed. Wringing it out, she dabbed her face. The woman was burning. Kagome sighed. There was nothing she could do.
She made sure to wipe her neck and behind her ears. Atsuko seemed to relax with contentment under Kagome's administrations. Drawing back, Kagome sat the towel on the nightstand. Then walked over and sat on another chair across from Yusuke.
Yusuke was on edge. He had watched her wipe his mother down and, for some reason, she felt to close. As far as he was concern, she was still a stranger. Someone he didn't trust. She was probably some girl who, if he told her everything that had happened to him, would runaway screaming. He couldn't take that. How can you call someone family, and you can't trust them? He watched her sit in front of him and curl her legs up underneath her. She wore baggy black jeans and a pink shirt that said `Kiss me if you dare' in bold black print. Her eyes seemed a bit red from the crying. He heard her sniffle.
“Don't think you can waltz into our lives and we'll just trust you.” He whispered in hush tones so as not to wake Atsuko, but strong enough to get his picture across. He was caught off guard when the girl in question just lifted her head and smiled.
“Don't just assume that because you're my brother I'll just trust you.” Her voice seemed to mimic his. He snorted. He already liked her.
“What's your full name?” He asked.
“Are you going to tell me yours?” Smart girl.
“Yes.” She smiled wider.
“Kagome Higurashi.” He smiled back.
“Yusuke Yurameshi.” She stuck her hand out, and laughed when he raised an eyebrow at.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Yusuke Yurameshi.” He laughed and shook her hand.
“No the pleasure is all mind. So, Kagome, where do you live?”
“I live on a shrine.” He noticed she left out some information.
“Which one?” There are hundreds of shrines all over Tokyo.
“You'll forgive me, but I don't know you well enough to tell you that.” She smiled again. “Although, you strike me as the kind of guy to figure it out on your own.”
He had to laugh at this. She had to be related to him. Absolutely.
“Right you are Kagome.”
They sat in a comfortable silence when Yusuke's communicator went off. Or, in Kagome's mind, his cell phone. She listened as Yusuke cursed under his breath and stood up.
“Hey, Kagome. Would you mind staying with Atsuko? I have to go take care of some business. “
“Not at all. I'll stay until you get back.” He smiled at her and she returned it with one of her own.
“It shouldn't take too long. “ He called over his shoulder. The door closed with a click behind him. And Kagome was left with the approaching night, the soft breathing of Atsuko, and the feelings of death, or rather sorrow, to weigh down on her.
Yusuke headed out as far from the hospital that he could go before answering to Koenma. He had caught Keiko sleeping in the waiting room on the way out. He felt bad because he had completely forgotten about her since Kagome had come in. He woke her up and told her to go home. She nodded in agreement. As he walked her out she had asked him about Kagome.
“Yeah, she's my sister. My twin.”
“What!? Are you serious?” He gave her a hooded look
“Ok ok, I get that you're serious. But why didn't you tell me?”
“We both had a lot on our minds. You were already worried about Atsuko and me. I didn't need you to worry more.” He said looking away from her. He could feel the blush burning across his cheeks.
She smiled up at him and gave him a hug.
“You're sweet when you want to be Yusuke.”
“Oh jeez, thanks for the compliment.” She laughed. He watched her turn in the opposite direction he was headed.
“I'll talk to you tomorrow Yusuke.” He waved back at her over his shoulder. After about ten minutes of walking he came upon a secluded alley. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the round communicator. He quickly flipped it open, watching it go fuzzy for a moment before recognizing Koenma's face.
“What is it Toddler?! I was in the middle of something.” The toddler in question huffed around his pacifier.
“Yusuke don't get a tone with me! Especially when you're late, as usual, to answer my call.” Yusuke sighed. He could feel pains of a headache coming on already. He really didn't need this.
“Alright Toddler, spit it out. What do you want?” Koenma seemed to pause for a moment, probably in shock that Yusuke didn't go on a rampage. Of course, Yusuke wasn't feeling it. He already had a lot on his mind.
“Alright Yusuke, listen up. We have two breaches in the barrier. We know two demons escaped through one hole about five miles north of where you are. Three escaped through the other hole. Their exact location is currently unknown. However, we update you as soon as we know. The two that breached are lower class demons. The other three are low class but they have enough strength to do some damage. Hurry Yusuke. Take care of the two. By the time you're done with those two, we should have the coordinates for the other three.” With that Koenma signed off. Yusuke smiled, he needed a fight. Maybe that would be good to exert some of this tension.
Two shadows fell beside him. He looked to his right and his left. Kurama and Hiei nodded. It was time. He smiled deviously as all three sped off to face a fight so fast that the average human only felt a breeze as they passed.
Kagome was still sitting in her chair gazing out the window. It was a full moon tonight, she noted. The brightly lit orb reminded her of the dark nights in the sengoku jidai. She remembered how those lights that beamed from the city buildings use to not exist. She remembered how bright the stars use to shine, especially through Inuyasha's forest. On nights like this she loved to sit beneath the Goshinboku while Inuyasha would sit its limbs. A campfire warmth would surround them as Shippo nuzzled in her arms, Sango and Miroku would be on the other side conversing. That is until he grabbed her butt and slapped him. She giggled to herself at the memory.
A small groan in the bed brought her out of her thoughts. Kagome quickly stood up and went to Atsuko's side. The heart monitor by her bed was beeping quickly, and she also noticed that the young woman had broken into another fevered sweat. She tossed in turned as if she was trying to run from a nightmare. Kagome figured that that was what she was trying to do as she watched Atsuko's eyelids flicker quickly and her voice groan with incoherent sounds. Kagome lifted her hand and gently tried to soothe her like she use to do shippo. She ran her hands through her hair, allowing each strand to untangle as she moved through it. She picked up the still damp towel and wiped the sweat away while not breaking the rhythm of her other hand. She started to sing the lullaby her mother use to sing to her and she sang to shippo.
Sweet dreams my love
Be still don't cry
You're safe in my arms
Nothing can harm you
No monster can carry you away
You're safe here
In my arms
Think of the warmth of September
How you play in the sun
Think of the snow in December
The taste of snowflakes
Think of the aroma in spring
How you watch the flowers
Think of July summer
You know you like to swim
Sweet dreams my love
Be still, don't cry
You're safe in my arms
Nothing can harm you
She could feel Atsuko slowly calming down, her heart rate decreasing. Kagome laughed to herself as a smile graced the sick ridden woman's lips. She sighed to herself. She couldn't believe that so much could happen in so short a span of time. But here it was, staring her in the face. She had a brother. A twin at that. And they actually got along. For now, anyway. She had two mothers. One was at home, healthy, and probably cooking Odon for Grandpa and Souta. One was here, sick with an incurable ailment. It kind of made her feel torn and helpless. She sighed again, probably the tenth time that day, and looked out the window…and into a rather large eye.
It was staring at her. She was on her feet in an instant, pushing Atsuko as far into the corner as her bed and hookups would allow her to. It was just in time to because a hand, presumably belonging to the same one with the eye, reached through the glass of the window and swatted at her. It's fat, chubby hands couldn't reach in far enough to actually grab her. She stood in front of the bed and pulled out her sword that had been attached to her leg underneath her black pants. She swung it around a few times to ready herself. Bring it on, big guy.
She watched as the hand withdrew only to be replaced by another demon that was more her size. He flew in with wings like a bat. His hair was pulled back into a long pony tail, and his eyes were a liquid, molten lava color. He was dressed in ragged, orange hakamas and that was it. His skin gleamed in the moonlight with its sickly purple tint. At that moment, the hospital door swung open and in walked Yusuke.
“Move Kagome!” He tried to walk closer, before she was yelling back.
“No you stay back. He's after me.” Yusuke paused for a moment, confusion and surprise written all over his face.
“Give me the Shikon no Tama, wench.” Hiei and Kurama chose this moment to come in.
“What is it with demons and calling me wench. My name is Kagome and you cannot have the Jewel.” Yusuke sucked in a breath. What in the world was going on? He looked over to his mother and made sure she was alright; she was still sleep. He turned his attention back to the standoff.
“Then I will take it from you, Bitch.” He lunged.
“Kudos. I'll make sure you'll remember my name.” With that she retaliated. He had no weapon accept his hands which swung without landing a punch. She knew this would be easy. He talked big, but had no bite.
The demon lunged again after she jumped on top of his head and called out, “Here I am!” He hit her legs as she jumped down which caused her to fly slightly sideways, but she still managed to land gracefully. The fact that he's hit her surprised her. That meant there was no more play time. She had to kill him. She quickly let her miko energy flow through the sword, loving how it glowed with a brilliant pink fire. Jumping to the air, she did a somersault and brought her sword down his middle on the way back to the ground. She backed up as the demon fizzled away. She had a moment to glance up at Yusuke and grin in a sheepish way at his shocked expression before she was dragged through the window and up into the air by another demon.
She watched as the other two guys that were with Yusuke, the red head and the red eyed one, jump out of the window and land gracefully on the curb. Obviously their not human. Hold on. Wait a minute. She let her aura and ki release, sensing everything in the vicinity. She rubbed up against theirs and noticed how familiar they were. Those are the shits at the ball the other night. She laughed at the irony of the situation. Well my life seems to be going downhill in a nut shell. The two demons on the ground quickly slaughtered the big fat one. She watched as its feet crushed cars on the ground. The red eyed one took off its head as the red head whipped it to pieces. The demon was gone before he knew it.
The demon that had taken her was almost like the bird she'd seen swallows the shikon no tama early in her travels. It was the one that she had shattered the shikon through. But it was bigger. Much bigger. Big enough to hold her in one claw. It shook her so she couldn't coherently use her sword, took its other claw and hooked it around the necklace holding the jewel; its claws going through her skin like paper, then through her up in the air, the necklace ripping off from around her neck.
She was flying, but still focused. She pushed the pain around her neck and shoulder away, ignoring the blood that seemed to fly around her, and charged her sword with energy. It's light brightened up the sky as she started falling back to earth, the flying demon so focused on swallowing the jewel to not notice its impending doom. It swallowed and she swung. It hit with a crack that was unfortunately familiar to Kagome. She reached out her hand towards the light that was emanating from the flying demon and grasped the jewel. But not all of it. Her heart fell as the familiar light of shikon shards shot across the sky.
She held her hand close to her chest as she continued to fall, slightly surprised when she was caught in the arms of the familiar red head. His green eyes gleamed down at her with curiosity. He sat her on the ground. She flicked her wrist to get the blood off her sword, her other hand still holding the grasped jewel in her hand. She watched as Yusuke came running up to her.
“Kagome. What the hell was that?!” He was in deep shock. Not about demons, she noted, but about her.
She looked at the shard in her hand. It was only 2/3 complete. She sighed heavily, her shoulders drooping.
“We are in deep shit.”
A/N: Thank you guys for reviewing. I appreciate it. Please keep reviewing. The more you review, the more I am encouraged to keep writing. Much love to all of you. Ja ne!