InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ I kissed death and she liked it. ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter Seven: I kissed death and she liked it
The day had turned into clear blue warmth with dark gray cumulonimbus clouds sitting in the distance, threatening to smother an otherwise beautiful day. Genkai's Temple was large with red columns that stretched high to hold the structure up. Scrolls of various fighting techniques littered the walls of a dojo. Kagome was fascinated when, after being introduced to Genkai, the older woman led her into a room that seemed to be an arcade.
Games she thought she recognized were everywhere, the excitement from the males behind her seemed almost tangible. Yusuke had returned followed by a rather tall human boy with Elvis styled red hair and dressed in a blue school uniform. He wasn't that attractive…scratch that- he wasn't attractive at all. However, his heart was good. That was what drew her to him. He made her think of Jinenji, an old friend of hers that had enough kindness he could bottle it and still have more than the average person.
When she first met him, he grabbed her hand and cried out, "You're Beautiful!" Kagome could still remember the blush on his cheek, as well as the loud response of Yusuke's, "Hey, Idiot! That's my sister!" It wasn't beyond her imagination to see the resemblance between Inuyasha and Yusuke. In the deeper part of her mind she wondered if Yusuke was the reincarnation of Inuyasha, however, she kept that on the back burner to think on at a later time.
Genkai was a different matter. She was elderly, but you would have never thought that by her personality. She had the wisdom of Kaede, but the strict fighting style and mode of Sesshoumaru. Her personality and aura demanded respect. Even Yusuke seemed to show some respect to her, despite the foul mouth he had.
"Hey, wench! This here is Kagome. Long story short, she is my sister; she's the protector of the Shikon no tama…of which she broke…and now all three worlds in jeopardy. So hag, do you have any info for us!" Yusuke folded his arms and scowled at the woman.
Genkai took the opportunity to right kick him in the chest; this sent him over the shrine steps. Kagome winced—the steps were much higher than the ones on her own shrine. She decided to take control of the situation.
" Good afternoon sensei. As Yusuke said, my name is Kagome. We have come to you in hopes that you might be able to share some wisdom on what we should do now that the Shikon no tama has once again broken. I fear that it may be worse this time then in the past." Genkai looked at Kagome until she wanted to fidget…But Sesshoumaru lesson no.31…Never, under any circumstances, make your opponent feel like they have the upper hand; if they stare at you, stare right back.
Genkai smirked.
"It seems you have been trained. I'm curious. Follow me." With that, she had disappeared into the maze of her temple. This is where Kagome found herself; standing in the middle of several different arcade games.
"These games are more than just video games. They test one's spirit energy. You can have the force of brute strength, but it won't do any good if you have no spirit energy." Genkai smirked again and motioned for Kagome to step up to a game that was strangely reminiscent to a fair or festival sport with the big hammer and bell at the top. Now she was curious. Before coming to the temple, she had purposely pulled all her energy within herself until nothing could be noticed except an average amount of spirit energy. Releasing that tight build up within her abdomen, she allowed her energy to flow down into her hands and feet as she grasped the handle of the overlarge hammer.
It was a bit heavy, a little bit more than her sword, but not much more. She lifted it and gracefully swung it down on the flat axle. Amazingly, the notch shot up through the ceiling, knocking the bell clean out of orbit.
"Well, that was…unexpected." Kagome breathed. She lowered her gaze and discovered that all were staring at her. By this time, Yusuke was back in the group…his breathing ragged.
"No way…Kagome…you blew Big Ben…!" (big ben is the name I call the game.) Kurama and Kuwabara stared at her in amazement, while Hiei merely graced her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh come on guys. It wasn't that big a deal was it? I mean, I bet all you guys have done it or at least have come close to it." She looked at them all with a sinking suspicion that she was wrong. Laughter carried over her shoulder from behind her. Turning around, she saw the old woman practically bent over with hysterics.
"Ha Ha! This is too good! Yusuke has finally gotten competition and from where do we ask! Ha ha ha, a girl…and not just any girl. His sister! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Her laughter carried over the group, reddening the face of Yusuke and brought out the laughter of both Kurama and Kuwabara. Even Hiei had to smirk.
"You old crone, that's NOT FUNNY! And what's with you kicking me out the temple!" Yusuke's face was burning with embarrassment.
"Oh don't get your panties in a bunch. You deserved the kick, you insolent whelp! You should be use to it by now, it wasn't your first time and it won't be your last. Now back on subject." Genkai placed her hands behind her back and turned back to Kagome.
"Come with me. I need more information to give you information." She again turned around and headed to the back of the temple and into what appeared to be a screened porch. It opened onto a pristine garden with a pine green lake that looked like glass and an arched red bridge. Sakura and bonsai trees stood on one side of the embankment, while the other side was laced with various flowers in such a way to form a pathway up to the bridge. It seemed so surreal. For a minute, Kagome felt as though she had stepped back into feudal Japan. The air seemed so fresh up here; it was hard not to compare the two places. Sighing, she looked down and noticed that everyone was seated except her. Even more unfortunate, every eye was on her as well.
"Sorry. I'm a nature girl." She laughed to cover her embarrassment as she settled down onto a pillow. She looked across from her and was caught in vibrant green eyes. They seemed to stare straight through her and with a look that seemed to catch her breath. She couldn't breathe. She tried, but couldn't. Those green velvet eyes were hungry and had stolen away all she needed for functioning. She tried holding onto Sesshoumaru's rule of not looking away, but she was failing…miserably.OH screw it all to hell!She glanced down and like a rubber band that had broken, air returned into her lungs. Her body seemed to shake and rattle with its return. She glanced back up. This time, however, Kurama was looking at Genkai. Kagome didn't miss the smirk he had at the corner of his lips, though.Why that cheeky little jerk! Pay back will be ever so sweet!
During her miniature venture into the eyes of Kurama, time must have stood still because no one seemed to have noticed her near death experience. Of course, there is always one.
"Kagome, my love, are you ok?" Naito, who was sitting beside her, leaned in. His right arm held his weight, while his left hand grasped her chin and pulled her closer. His violet eyes searched hers for any possible ailments. Heat flooded her cheeks when his eyes moved from her own, only to settle on her lips. She would have swore he was about to kiss her.
"You're beautiful…" He breathed only loud enough to heat her skin, but she could read his lips. Suddenly a growl was heard on the other side of the room. She chanced a glance out of the corner of her eyes and saw Kurama staring back, looking like he was about to commit murder. It's a good possibility he was. His eyes, Kagome noticed, flickered between gold and green.How strange?...wait a minute, is he jealous?...serves him right that…The rest of her thoughts scattered as a hand snaked down her spine, only to settle on the back pocket of her jeans.
Heat again started rising to her face, but for completely different reasons. Naito lay sprawled in a comatose state on the other side of the room. Kagome stared at his motionless body, daring it to even twitch. To top it off, that Miroku smile adorned his face, as if saying that whatever sin he had committed was worth it. She could feel the smoke crawling out of her ears as she turned to face Genkai who was trying to not laugh.
"Man, I haven't seen something that funny in ages." Her laughter broke out and echoed around the room, calming Kagome's frayed nerves.
"Gentlemen should not act like that to a lady. Has he no honor?" Kuwabara looked towards Kagome with frustration.
"I do not know about that Kuwabara. But I knew his grandfather, and unfortunately the trait runs in the family. Still, Miroku had more than enough honor." Kagome smiled at his memory.
"Speaking of which, let's get back to the matter at hand, shall we?" Genkai cleared her throat. "Now Kagome, tell me how you came into having the Shikon no tama?" Kagome proceeded to tell her the story…I don't want to repeat the story. You should all know it.
"Wow. Interesting. Now, tell me more about the one you fought before who desired the jewel." Kagome then proceeded to tell her the story of Onigumo, Kikyo, and Inuyasha.
"Now. About the jewel breaking yesterday, you said that Koenma stated that jewel shards have fallen into not only nigenkai, reikai, and makai, but also in hell and within the very border between worlds?" They all looked at her and nodded. Tension filled the air and settled like uncut glass that seemed to slice at their hearts with fear.
"This, children, does not seem to be shaping up good. This may very well be your toughest battle yet. If the barriers come down between all three worlds, not only will demons run rampant through human streets, but spirits, too, will run amuck. Can you imagine, a world completely under the power of chaos? Heaven forbid some evil soul to rise amongst the ranks only to rule over everything. Humans would become slaves …" Her rant faded as the ground beneath them started to shake. It started slowly, almost as a vibration, and quickly escalated into a severe earthquake. Kagome watched with frozen horror as the red bridge broke in half and fell into a widening lake. One of the columns shook, and then cracked completely down the middle.
Kagome ran over to a sleeping Naito. She shook him awake, while at the same time screaming, "NAITO! GET UP!" He jumped to complete alertness at her cry. Grabbing her by the arm and throwing her on his back, he bolted outside and towards the closest level ground he could fine with open space. The others quickly followed. Hiei appeared as well holding a blue haired beauty in his arms. Kagome didn't recognize her.She must have been somewhere within the temple. She must be special to Hiei if he went to find her.A quick pang of jealousy went through her, and just as quickly left.I should have known that he was taken, he's bloody hot.She laughed internally at the irony of her thoughts; bloody and hot seemed to be the definition of Hiei.
They all looked up and marveled at how a clear sky was now a violent purple. An array of scattered electricity danced across the expanse, the sound of thunder echoing the storm's groove.
A 'pop' was heard behind her, followed by a shocked, "Botan!" Kagome turned around and saw a battered girl with blue hair holding a child, Koenma she remembered, within her arms. Botan sank to her knees, cradling the demigod frailly. Blood, different from mortal blood because it was a fluorescent pink that seemed to shimmer as it flowed, was everywhere.
Can gods or demigods die?...was the main thought as Kagome ran to their side. She looked up at Yusuke, his face quietly said he was thinking the same thing.It doesn't matter. If he can, it won't be tonight.
She took hold of Koenma, releasing the weight from the petite woman's arms. She smiled up at the pink eyed girl who watched her dazedly.
"I can take it from here."She said gently, "You rest." Botan nodded, and proceeded to pass out. Naito was behind her in a flash, gently lowering her head onto soft grass. Kagome mouthed a 'thank you'. He nodded back at her as she turned her attention to Koenma.
He was hurt badly. A long slash fell across from his right shoulder, down to his left hip. Multiple scratches littered his body, deeper than normal; Obviously made by claws.Who did this to you?She quietly wondered. Yet at the same time, she was sure she didn't want to know.
"Kurama, could you come and hold his wound close so I can heal it. I need to stop the blood from leaving his body." Kurama quickly moved into action, obeying her words with such experience that easily said he had done this before. Lifting her hands, she placed them about half an inch above his body. She reached within her to pull out the specific strand of power she needed, making sure that all purification energy was gone. Her hands started to glow purple, and just like the sky above them, lightening sparks danced across her skin. She watched as the sparks played across the demi-god's skin, folding it and nipping it back into place. Not even a scar was left. Pulling the energy back within herself, she placed her two digit fingers at the junction of Koenma's neck where his pulse would vibrate. She allowed a smile to grace her lips when the strong thrum of a heart beat bounced against her skin.He will be alright. On to the next victim.
She moved over to the pink eyed girl who lay in what appeared to be a fitful sleep. Kagome knew right away that this was going to be more difficult. There wasn't a deadly wound on her, only a few scratches and a jagged gash on her leg that stretched from the back of her knew and ended on her calf muscles. Despite this, her skin was a sickly pale and was covered with drops of sweat. She tossed and turned as if wrestling with something that could not be seen.I'll have to heal her wound first before I do anything else.She reached out her hand, but as soon as her energy started to surface, an inhuman cry arose from her the broken woman's lungs.
"AHHHHHHHH, GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU WHORE! You reek of holy energy! I'll tell him to kill YOU FIRST!"
Kagome stared at the face of the girl that seemed to flicker from normalcy to a grotesque and inhuman shape, and back again.Guess the wound will have to wait.
She jumped onto the girls abdomen, pinning her down.
"Yusuke and Kurama, hold her hands. Naito and Kuwabara, hold her feet." She cried urgently, their dumbfounded faces changing into those with a purpose. They quickly assembled around the girl. Genkai, Hiei, and the other blue haired stranger stood a little ways off, watching.
"Who are you?" Her voice was cold like Sesshoumaru's and not to be trifled with.
"Wouldn't you like to know, Bitch?" He laughed in her face.
"I will purify your soul slowly if you do not tell me. If you talk, I will consider a merciful end." He laughed at her again.
"Really! Are you going to send me back to hell? Sorry toots, Hell has been completely demolished.Hesaw to that! Now, he has crippled rekai as well. Your frivolous little world will be next. So, you see. You can't kill me." Everyone stilled in the clearing, listening to the creatures insane laughter. Anger boiled under Kagome's skin. Her energy started to sizzle the skin of the girl, and to Kagome's frustration, she realized she couldn't exactly purify the spirit because she would kill the girl.
"Who is he?" The creature before her trembled again with laughter.
"This I will tell you just to shake you with fear. His story is widely known, especially to those in hell. He was once a great evil. Known across the land as Naraku. After being defeated his soul was ripped apart. The demon's that had made him hanyo were purified and destroyed. His human soul, however, was sent into hell for eternal damnation. But now he has returned, and is again gathering the sacred jewel shards. His goal is to resurrect a long lost love, "to this he spit out with disgust, "and take over the world, killing every living creature with sorrow." He mercilessly laughed.
Kagome sat back on her haunches, taking the information in.There's no way this can be happening…Maniacal laughter seeped into her thought processes, reminding her of the laughter of her most hated enemy. She couldn't purify the damn creature, but she could trap him in his own personal hell.
"Hiei I need a jar that has a top and some duct tape." He looked at her as if she had grown another head. "Just do it, please." Her voice had faded into a strange hollowness, its emptiness pushing Hiei to do her bidding. He returned after five minutes or so, holding a small cookie jar that said, 'take just one, I won't tell' in green letters. The top fit snuggly in place.Perfect.
"Tell everyone goodbye, you bastard." Her voice held no emotion as she looked into the still changing face of the spirit in front of her.
"Did you not hear me? You can not kill me." She smiled a deadly smile that had the creature beneath her shuddering. Leaning down she whispered in its ear, "There are worse things than death." The body beneath her seemed to freeze.
Reaching down, she held the girl's nose closed which forced her mouth to open. The creature tried to throw the boys off in fear.
"Hold him." She stated before she placed her mouth over the girls in a deadly kiss. She reached within her body and pulled power into her mouth. She then pushed it into the girl's body in the form of a hand. It searched the girl's body for the extra spirit, being careful not to take the girls spirit by mistake. Quickly she found it, that solid mass of darkness floating around in an otherwise good soul. She pulled it into her mouth and drew back. As soon as she pulled away, Botan woke up, taking deep breaths in and out.
Kagome allowed some purifying energy to sizzle within her mouth, laughing within her mind at the angry growls of the spirit. She knew it couldn't take her over, she was too holy. If it did, it would only purify itself. Picking up the cookie jar, she carefully pushed the spirit inside, and just as quickly slammed the cookie jar on top. She then sealed it with her energy, again, allowing some purification to enter in. Hey, he had to suffer at least a little bit. Taking the duct tape, she wrapped it around the top in multiple layers as reinforcement to the spirit's personal banishment. She then rolled the jar off to the side.
"What happened?" Botan's groggy voice was heard as she started struggling to sit up. The boys released her, as Kagome got off of her stomach.
"Kagome kissed you." Yusuke let out with mirth.
"What!" Botan looked between her and Yusuke, hoping to find the truth. Kagome just looked at her, raising an eyebrow when a blush crossed the pink eyed girl's features.
"It's alright. I was merely trying to retrieve a spirit that had possessed you." The girl continued to look at her shakily, a blush becoming even more evident on her face. Kurama cleared his throat.
"So Kagome what more do we know?" She glanced at him with eyes that told him she truly was just as old as Yoko.
"We now know that our fears have been realized. A threat has risen to stand above the rest, by the name of Onigumo. He will conquer all the worlds if he gets all of the jewel shards. We will most definitely have to gather more allies, and head into the makai. There it will be safer to battle; away from humans. "She sighed. "Yet this is not my own greatest fear." They looked at her with expressions of curiosity. Really, what could be scarier than that?
"I told you the story that Onigumo was in love with Kikyo, right?" They all nodded. "I didn't tell you that I am the reincarnation of Kikyo. If he decides to bring Kikyo back, I will die." Silence filled the clearing as drawn in breaths were held and eyes widen as they landed on her. Yusuke was the first to respond.
"Well, shit Kagome."
A/N: I'm super sorry guys. I have been having a brain fart and caught up in school work. I hope you liked this chapter. So I'm thinking about three main characters for Kagome to be with: Naito, Kurama, and a mystery character. Oooo who will it be. It won't be someone you will be expecting, I promise you that.

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