InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Nine Months ❯ The Honest Mistake ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nine Months
Chapter 1:TheHonest Mistake
The snowy nights and tomorrow hold no meaning
I've immersed my body in the river of vengeance
And thrown away my womanhood many moons ago
-The Flower Of Carnage, Meiko Kaji
        “Give me another one.”  Kagome Higurashi downed the shot easily, and placed the glass with the other empty ones set the bar.  “Another one.”  She commanded.
        “Rough day, huh?”  The bartender asked.  Kagome wasn't quite sure if it was a man or a woman at this point, everything was pretty much a blur.  All that existed was her… and sake.
        “”  She said, surprised that she was still able to speak.  As another tiny glass was given to her, her hand shook as she brought it to her lips.  She sighed as the liquid slid down her throat.  The bitter taste had left about forty glasses ago, now all she tasted was… well, nothing. 
        The sensation of its tingle in her mouth, the soothing feeling it gave to her senses, that was all she needed.  She could care less how she would get home, or the fact that she was not yet of age to be drinking at all…. Let alone that she didn't have the money.
        “Stupid Inuyasha.”  She goggled, before, “Give me another one.” 
        That idiot. Stupid asshole runs off to a stupid clay pot…
        The bartender sighed as she gave the girl another drink.  It was obvious that she was depressed or angry about something, and she wasn't too keen on being on someone's death list… especially since she was death.
        Kagome downed it again, before allowing her head to fall to the bar. I don't feel too good.
        “Ah, hello Hiei.”  She heard the bartender chimed.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone sit on the chair next to hers.
        “Hn.”  The person said.  “Give me sweet snow.”  His voice was a command, just as hers had been, only without the gurgle of drunkness to it.
        “Sweet Sn-? Oh no Hiei, remember what happened the last time?”  The bartender said.
        “Botan, I'm not in the best of moods today, don't question me. Give. Me. Sweet. Snow.Now.”
        “Meow Me-“ Wait a minute… what?
        What was that?  Boy, Kagome must've really been drunk because she thought she heard the bartender… “Meow” ing?  No matter. If she's a cat, a dog, a human, as long as she can fork over the booze.
        The bartender, Botan, handed Hiei a huge bowl of what he called “sweet snow.” 
        She slowly backed away, between the drunk girl and Hiei, who was the only person she had known who could get drunk from ice cream (She hated to think what beer would do to him), she wasn't having the best of luck with customers tonight.
        It was because of Hiei in the first place that they even had ice cream at the bar now.  The last time however, he had gone completely mad, and almost started to strip on the bar.  The demon had transformed into a complete nut-case, and she didn't want to be here now once he got dru- 
        “Hey baby, how's it going?”  Too late. The blue-haired bartender thought. Hiei, finished with about a gallon of “sweet snow” and now acting peculiarly similar to a drunken ningen, had started to talk to the girl. At first, Botan had almost felt the need to need to giggle at her old friend's rather uncharacteristic behavior.
        Well, at least he's not trying to take off his clothes this time.  Botan thought, slightly relieved.
        But it was then she noticed something… Hiei and that girl were now walking out of the bar… together… with his arm rested around her shoulder. He was laughing a rather strange hee-haw and she was giggling in a high pitched squeak.
        Oh no. Oh no. He isn't going to… “Hey… wait a minute…”  Botan said to herself, suddenly remembering the mounds of shot glasses.  “YOU FORGOT TO PAY!”
        She wasn't sure where she was exactly, but she didn't really care.  All that mattered was that she was feeling great. 
        His eyes captivated her, as she ran her fingers through his spiky black hair.
        Bliss washed over her as whoever this person was, she didn't care who at the moment, smashed his lips against hers. 
        She giggled into his mouth, allowing passage for his tongue.
        Tasting the remainder of the “sweet snow”, she giggled once more.  She wasn't sure who she was. Where she was. What she was.
        But did it really matter?  Did anything really matter? She felt hands on the buttons of her shirt. 
        She closed her eyes. Forgetting all her morals, everything she had always strived for, losing herself to a man…
        Kagome awoke to the soft sound of the birds chirping merrily outside. She clenched her eyes shut tightly as she felt the rays of the sun clashing into her eyelids.
        “Dammit.”  She said.  What time is it? She thought curiously.  What day is it? And the classic question… Who am I? And why does this thing on the top of my body hurt so much? What is it called? Oh yeah, my leg.. no, my arm… no my… head! Yes, that's it. Why does my head hurt so much?
        Somehow, she found the strength to pull herself up.  However, once she was sitting in the bed, her head exploded.
        Fatigue stabbed every inch of her body and she allowed herself to fall back down once more.  Her head was pounding, it was as if some heavy metal band decided to use her head as their drum.
        She moaned as she rubbed her temples.  But it was then that memories came back to her.
        Orbs of blood red.
        Soft, silky hair.
        She sat, panting heavily on the bed.  “Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. I'm sure it was all just a dream… yes… I cam straight home after the bar.  Straight home.  Calm down.”
        “Dammit… stupid ningen, shut up.”  But it was then that she realized that she wasn't home.  How had she not noticed him right next to her… on the bed?
        Kagome whimpered when she saw him, the groggy form of a man… right next to her.
        “Baka Onna! Shut it, you're hurting my ears!”  The man growled, burrowing himself into the sheets. 
        Kagome panicked.  She felt the sheets, very, VERY close to her body.  Afraid at what she might see, she lifted the blankets just enough so she could peek at what she was wearing…
        Kagome's fear was realized with yet another ear splitting,
        “Dammit! Shut up or die!”  The man groled.  His crimson eyes piercing her skin. 
        However, it was then that he seemed to realize something. He glanced at her, naked as the day she had been born, to himself who was in a similar state, to the bed… which they shared.  At first, he looked calm, but his features strained as if fighting with himself.  All hopes of a straight face vanished. “KKKKKYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”  His scream was a little more masculine than hers had been, but with the same logic.
        “Okay! That's enough! Baka Onna! Why. Are. You. In. My. Bed?! AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED!?”  The man yelled, desperately trying to stay calm, collected, stoic… himself at least?  However, that is a bit hard when you wake up naked next to a human girl. 
        Forgetting about her headache, confusion and rage took over Kagome's emotions.  “You… HENTAI! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!” 
        “I didn't do anything! All I wanted was sweet snow, and I… Oh no.”  Kagome pulled more of the
blankets around her body, careful to leave nothing exposed.
        “What?”  Kagome inquired, almost afraid to ask. She could sense that the guy was a demon, and she wasn't exactly liking the idea of being in bed with one.
        “A-After I eat sweet snow… I'm not… myself.”  He grimaced, remembering what he had done the last time, which that sly fox had managed to tape for him and the rest of the Reikai Tantei to see.  Hiei almost gaped at his explanation, why was he explaining himself to a human in the first place? 
        “S… So you got drunk on ice cream and then you take advantage of me?!” Kagome lost it, fully prepared to kill the idiotic, pervert of a demon with her bare hands. Sure her miko powers hadn't fully developed to their glory yet, but in the current circumstances, surely rage would lead to an increase of ability.
        “Well, if I remember correctly, you didn't seem to have a problem with it last night!”  Both sat there in shock at what he had just said.  Blushing furiously, they turned away from the other.
        Kagome glanced at him, he was sitting there with an unreadable face, staring at the sheets in front of him.  Kagome blushed harder, noticing how bare his chest was.  Mentally slapping herself, she reminded her mind that she had to find a way out, as well as the thought that Inuyasha's chest was more masculine… but was that true? Dammit Kagome, pull yourself together.  Trying to think through the affects of her hangover, courtesy of last night's drinking escapade, she took a glance in back of her. 
        Her hand wandered in back of her, clutching onto the smooth handle, she quickly brought the lamp down hard over the demon's head.  The electrical cord pulled out easily, smacking him in the noggin as well as he fell to the depths of the bed, unconscious.
        Kagome knew that, being a demon, he wouldn't stay in his current state for long.  She found her clothes, which, she noticed ruefully, were thrown in separate areas of the room. Blushing furiously, she dressed in record time as she raced out of the motel room.
        Tears flew in back of her as she ran down the hall, without a word to the bell man, she raced into the street, running straight home. 
        How had this happened? How could she have possibly allowed this to occur?  To allow herself to lose her virginity.  She continued to run down the sidewalk, she couldn't care less that she looked like a convict running from the scene of a crime. 
        One of her greatest fears was of being raped.  To be stripped of her innocence and childhood against her will. 
And most of all… to lose what she had been saving for one person… Inuyasha.
And yet, she had done it willingly
Kagome collapsed, half in pain from the awful hangover, and half from the pain of anguish.  “Inuyasha…” What will he think?
Through tear-filled eyes, Kagome noticed where she was.  Right in front of the department grocery store. 
“Uhmm…” Kagome slowly got to her feet, finding this extremely difficult at the moment.  She would give anything just to be home.  To collapse into her bed until this awful after drinking feeling had finally worn off. But she had to do this. 
If there was even the slightest of chances...
As Kagome grazed through the aisles, she finally found which one she was looking for. 
For many years, she had passed this aisle, not once thinking about walking down it, let alone look for something in it. 
She had never thought that there were so many different kinds, even more variety then when she had first looked for a tampon to use.
3 Weeks.
7 days.
Morning After.  ( A/N: Okay, first of all, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever if there is such a thing as this kind of pregnancy test.  I have never been pregnant, and have never actually… you know, did anything to suggest that thought. So if I'm wrong with this, I'm sorry, please correct me, but do it politely.)
Hastily, Kagome grabbed the little box, threw it in her shopping basket, and made a beeline to the check out line. 
Kagome was glad for one thing as she made her way home, that was that she hadn't run into anyone she knew at the store.  Had someone saw her buying what she did… well, Kagome really didn't want to think about it.
As Kagome reached her house, she realized that she hadn't told her family of her return.  She had gone straight from the well house to the bar.  She, however, didn't have the energy left to deal with telling her mother of her adventure, listening to Grandpa's stories, or be forced into a video game with her little brother, Souta. 
Kagome slid the shoji open and sprinted upstairs to her room, not running into or seeing anyone in the process. 
Once in the safety of her bathroom, Kagome dumped the content of the plastic grocery bag out on her sink.  She tore open the box after hastily reading the directions. 
More tears ran down her face as she opened the box. 
When she was finished, she set the tester on her sink. 
She stared at the meter.  If it turned red, she was free.  She wouldn't have the burden of a demon's child, and she could maybe even bring herself to laugh about it in the years to come.
But if it turned blue…
Kagome almost didn't want to look at the wretched device.  She would've given anything, anything to just have twenty-four hours of her entire life back. 
But the fact was that she could never go back.  That this was her only reality, her fate lay in this little contraption.
Finally, the meter displayed its answer.
Kagome's knees shook violently before giving away altogether.  She fell to the bathroom floor, clutching the test.