InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho or any brands I may label or anything I may quote. This will be the only disclaimer. Enjoy!
No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter One
'How could you Inuyasha? How could you kill them all?'
They had just beaten Naraku a few days ago and all of them were gathered under Goshinboku. Miroku, Sango, Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken were surrounding Kagome in a semi circle. (Shippo had previously said goodbye before running to Kaede's hut.) Kagome wanted to say goodbye before she joined the jewel together. They were waiting on Inuyasha to come.
Inuyasha walked into the clearing covered in blood. Human blood. And that's when it started. Inuyasha took out the Tessaiga and attacked Miroku and Sango. They both fell over with multiple slashes from the Tessaiga's attacks. Inuyasha looked towards Kagome with his blood red eyes and whispered something incoherent.
"Why Inuyasha? Why!?"
"Give me the jewel, bitch."
"Give it to me now!" His eyes flickered between red and gold. "Run Kagome, run." He whispered. And run she did. Kagome grabbed her pack and ran for the well all the while trying to piece that two halves together. And when she did, there was a huge flash and Kagome was gone.
Kagome arrived by the Goshinboku on her property and ran into her house crying. She ran into the living room and slipped. The substance she slipped on was red in colour and mingled with her tears. The horrible stench of blood finally reached her nose and she looked up only to see the mutilated body parts of her family. Blood was everywhere; it slicked the walls, the floor, the furniture... and mostly where the body parts lay. Kagome knew whose blood covered Inuyasha and was terrified. Kagome ran upstairs where no blood tainted her house and swiftly entered her room. She started to pack the necessities in her room when the stench filled her nose again. This time it was coming from her mother's room. There on the bed lay the three heads of each member of the family. On the wall across from the bed the words 'You're next' was written.
Kagome left the room and grabbed her beaten pack. She ran down the temple stairs and to the park. Kagome didn't know what to do anymore. Who could she stay with? What was going to happen to her? And then it hit her; Sesshomaru could've helped prevent the whole thing. She had sensed his presence in the forest and yet, he never stopped Inuyasha. If she ever saw him again, she was going to kill him, or at least try. The tears started flowing again, this time stronger than before.
[End Flashback]
Next Chapter Update: Tuesday
The chapters get longer… then shorter… then longer and then shorter and shorter and shorter… Nah, I'm kidding… it goes more like this: longer, slightly longer, even longer, shorter, slightly longer, shorter, longer, shorter, shorter, shortest. In that exact order, I checked. ^____^