InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ No One's Listening To Her Tears Anymore ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No one's listening to her tears anymore
Chapter Seven
And so the team ended back in their suite and waking up the next day. The whole shower thing going on again. Only today they… okay, they still didn't know if they were going to fight or not…
“I still can't believe that a girl is on our team.” Kuwabara `whispered'.
“I can hear you! And I told you, I could take on all of you!”
“Well then fight me! I am the strongest!”
“Ha! I can sense your power, you're weak.”
“No I'm not!”
“Yes you are!” Kagome ran up to the unsuspecting Kuwabara and punched him out. “Told ya.”
“Nice, Kimiko. Now I have to drag him to our room.”
“No you won't.” She stated. “He'll wake up in five, four, three, two, and one.”
“Why are you staring at me!?” Kuwabara yelled.
“Haha! Kimiko so kicked your ass.”
“What!? No she didn't.”
“Yes I did. MUWAHAHAHAHA! I have mad skills.” ((I have pro/mad skills too! Weee!))
“Pft, like you could seriously do that. It was probably pure chance.”
“Okay, you idjit, I'm a demon which means I have superior skills to you. I also have super cool miko powers even thought I'm not supposed to because I'm a demon but I do any ways `cause I'm way special. I can beat Fluffy who is so much more stronger than all of you Reikai Tentei freaks.”
“Who's `Fluffy'?”
“Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Land in Makai. He's been in that position for over five hundred years.”
“Only you would know stupid things like that, Kimiko.” Yusuke stated, adding himself into the conversation. “Okay, and you too Kurama.”
“I would have only said more than three hundred; I'm not that old you know.”
“Three hundred!? You're not thaaat old he says. So, does that make Kimiko five hundred?”
“Huh!? No way! I'm only eighteen.”
“Okay… full grown demon who's only eighteen… I don't see the logic.”
“Hehe… um… I'll explain it to you some other day. Hey, there's Shippo… let's go say hi!” Kagome ran over to Shippo while screeching his name, “Shippo!!!”
Sesshomaru was in his suite thinking about his imouto. He knew that her new form was permanent but that she could change back into her normal human form without looking the least bit demon, she could beat him after a while and he knew that she would have to go to the past after the tournament. He looked at the wall clock and left his room. He was to meet Kagome, Shippo and the Reikai Tentei in the lobby.
“So, Shippo… you got a girlfriend? Or a mate?”
“What!?” Shippo screeched. Kagome just grinned at him. “Pft…”
“What? After five hundred years you still don't have a girlfriend!?”
“So you are five hundred!”
“Gack! No!”
“But you just said…”
“Just cause I knew Fluffy and Shippo five hundred years ago doesn't mean I am.”
“Then how does that work…?”
“You're `smart', you'll figure it out…”
“Kag- Kimiko, he isn't smart, he'll never figure it out!”
“Kag? Wait… Kagome? My little cousin, Kagome? What the fuck!?”
“Um, this is all a figment of you're imagination. It's just a dream.” Kagome stated, waving her hand in the Jedi mind trick fashion.
“That doesn't work! Now, you'll explain this to me.”
“What if I don't wanna?”
“I'm older; you'll do as I say!” ((Just pretend Yusuke and gang are like 19 or so… blah))
“Eep! Aw, come on `Suke, you're not that mean, are you?”
“Yes, and you'll explain to my friends too. God, you're not even demon.”
“Yes I am!”
“No you're not!”
“Okay, Yusuke, shut up. For now I am Kimiko. I don't want Naraku to know I'm here.”
“What are you talking about?
“Look, a miko gave me a disguise, okay? There's this demon that I guess I half killed or he got resurrected… anyway, he wants me dead probably and he's the leader of the Toguro team. I guess he figured out that we're related or something. Any ways, you're not allowed to tell anyone, promise? So, what's my name?”
“Good boy.”
“Now, let's to our match.”
“Yeah… don't we have to meet Sesshomaru in like five minutes ago?”
“Shit, let's go!”
Next Update: Tuesday
Oh my God! He knows, we're all gonna die! Four more remain… Aww, then it ends… this is gonna be sad. Poor reader! *pats you on back*