InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ The Missing Shards ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: This chapter was having troubles showing but I finally got it to work right.

I do not own inu or yuyu groups

Chapter 2 ~The Missing Shards~

As Kagome and the rest of the group sat in the hut it seemed like any other day before they went jewel hunting. Shippo was rambling on and on to Kaede, Miroku was inching closer to Songo as she was distracted while cleaning her boomerang, and Inu Yasha sat in a tree near by. Suddenly, Kagome sensed it. Demons were near the village. She visibly tensed and everyone noticed. They had jewel shards.

"What's wrong Lady Kagome?" asked Miroku.

Inu Yasha put his nose to the air and suddenly caught the sent. "Demons."

"Inu Yasha, I can sense jewel shards. It's just through that patch of woods near the God Tree. " She pointed down the well know path she used to get to the well.

"Great, jump on my back so we can get there faster"

"Wait…" Kagome stops and looks wearily ahead. "I also sense that two of the youkai have very strong demon power. I think there is a battle going on. Should we maybe wait until it's over to investigate?"

"Of course not stupid, the demon with the jewel shards could get away and we would have to go find it" With that Inu Yasha picked Kagome up and flung her on his back.

* In the Forest

"You can come out. I know you've been ssstalking me for quite ssome time now." Hissed a large, scaly snake youkai.

A female inu youkai and kitsune walked out from the cover of the forest and into a clearing where the snake youkai stood. The inu youkai had emerald green eyes, long silver-white hair and a tail to match. On her forehead was a red four-point star over a red crescent moon and purple stripes on her checks. She was wearing tight black pants, a leather vest that strings up the front, a black trench and a jazz looking hat to top it all off. The kisune had autumn colored hair and tail with amethyst eyes. She had her hair tied back in a low ponytail with roses. She wore black leather pants and dark red leather boots. She had a tunic shaped dark red shirt with a sash around her waist and a dark red trench coat.

"Why do you fallow me?" The snake youkai asked with malice in his voice.

"We were merely curious of you." The inu youkai answered. She had an unemotional look on her face that showed no sign if she was lying.

"And you expect me to accept that anssswer?"

"You have no reason not to." Stated the Inu Youkai matter-of-factly.

"Ah, but I do, you are a plague on the world Inu HANYOU. You are dissgusssting and cannot be trussted. I will not allow you to sssuffer your misserable exissstence any more."

With that the demon pulled his sword from the black sheath at his side. The two females barley had time to get out of the way of the attack. Both were shocked at his speed. They didn't know a snake youkai could move that fast, something was up. The women drew their weapons. The inu youkai crossed her arms over her body and pulled out twin bladed tomphas with silver and ruby handles with black leather grips. The Kitsune reached behind her and slung a double bladed spear over her shoulder. They both lunged at the demon in unison. The kitsune was knocked into a tree by a powerful energy and the inu youkai only got pushed back a little. The inu youkai kept running forward and swiped at the other demon who jumped out of the way skillfully and again the demon could only send her back a few feet with his youkai energy. The kitsune got up, stabbed her long spear into the ground and pulled out a pan flute. She started to play a fast tune that caused whirlwind to rise around the demon.

The demon chuckled "Isss that all you have…",but he stopped his ridicule as he realized he was stuck in the demon winds.

The inu youkai took advantage of this and attacked. Her blade caught him just before he tried to dodge. His chest was split open and bleeding profusely. He grabbed his chest with his clawed hand and let out a painful hissing cry. He unceremoniously hit the ground with a loud cruching sound, hit his neck when the music stopped and the win let him go. It managed to choke out one question "How…." he winced in pain before he could finish his question and dropped to one knee.

"How your attack did not affect me like my friend or how just one attack from my blade did so much damage?" The inu youkai finished for him. "Well the answer to both of those questions is because I am, as you said only a Hanyou. True I'm three quarters inu youkai, but the other quarter is miko." A smirk found it's way to her lips as she saw the look of disbelief on his face.

The demon gasped for a breath, but collapsed. He lay in a growing pool of blood. The inu youkai took a step back to keep from getting the red substance on her newly polished buckled boots.

"Well that was weird" Said the kitsune.

"Yes, indeed it was. Who stuck the stick up his ass anyways." The inu youkai said as she slug the blood off her blade with a cutting motion and sheathed her weapons.

The kitsune just shook her head and laughed. She then became serious again, "What disturbs me is that he had more power and speed than a regular snake youkai. It caught me off guard."

"Me too, if it had not been for my miko powers I would have been thrown to the ground with you, no offence."

"None taken."

The inu Youkai tilted her head to the side as she stared at the body of the fallen snake youkai. "Hey what is that" The Inu Youkai fallowed her gaze to two shining jewel pieces on the back of his head.

*Back with the inu gang

"Kagome… KAGOME, Wake UP" Inu Yasha was shaking her now.

Kagome opened her eyes and looked at Inu Yasha who was straddling her and shaking her. Her eyes widened at the position they were in. "SIT" she said almost instinctively. There was only one problem with this, she was still under him putting him in even more compromising situation, not to mention knocking the wind out of her. She managed to slide out from under him and catch her breath enough to sit him even harder.

"HENTAI" she yelled.

"I was only trying to get you to wake up wench" He managed to say while pulling himself out of a hanyou shaped crater.

"Sure." Sarcasm clung to her remark with every intention of it being there.


"Don't `Feh' me dog boy. I wake up to you on top of me and what am I supposed to think. What happened anyways?" She now felt a throbbing pain on her head and reached up to rub an oversized lump.

"Inu Yasha accidentally knocked your head into a branch. Are you ok lady Kagome?" Asked Miroku moving closer to her.

"I'm fine…so there is no need to `check me for injuries.' We should get back to our jewel hunt then."

"Finally" said Inu Yasha gruffly. He took off without Kagome on his back and ran at full speed. Kagome, Song, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo were struggling to keep up.

Inu Yasha came to the clearing only to find a corpse in the middle. No jewel shards or other demons in site. The others caught up huffing and gasping for breath.

"Where are they Inu Yasha?" Miroku asked.

"How should I know? All I know is that there were two other youkai here. One was a female inu youkai and the other was a female kitsune. AND they made off with the shards." He shot a displeased look to Kagome.

"Well if someone hadn't rendered me unconscious then this wouldn't have happened."

"I suggest we go back to Kaede's" Songo interjected before a fight could erupt, " just for the night so we can get a fresh start tomarrow."

"I agree completely Songo" Kagome said and walked away with her. The group fallowed with a rather displeased hanyou in the back of the group muttering, arms crossed and ears back.

~ ~ ~

IVX: So how do you like the oc's. The inu youkai is mine and the Kitsune is my friend Naomitinuveil's. Also, for readers that don't know Japanese weaponry think the game Blood Rayne, only shorter blades that are not connected to the hands. For people of you who don't know the game, shame on you guess your sol…. Just kidding. We still love you. Well, anyways please R&R… ^_~