InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ Discoveries ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I am sorry about the long wait, but my comp was down for quite some time and then the Library floppy drive tried to eat my disk while it yelled at me in some strange computer language. Grrr…any ways I do not own inu or yuyu groups … but the OCs are mine and Naomi's so back off >_< … now on with the story ^_^


Chapter Five ~Discoveries ~


"What the hell do you want now Toddler." Yelled Yuske.


"I need your help on a case" Koenma just tried to ignore his detectives little pet name for him.


"Like I didn't know that, but before you start let me say something to enlighten you. Keiko broke up with me because I never spent anytime with her and now I have someone new and if I lose her because of a hole bunch of menial tasks then there is gonna be hell to pay, so if this isn't something really important then you will answer to my fist." Yuske takes a big gasp of air due to not breathing during the extremely long sentence.


The child like ruler's eyebrow started twitching, "DO NOT forget who you are talking to Yuske!" He yelled. He then settled down and brushes some imaginary dust off his shoulder. "and my condolences for your loss, but it is a price to pay for being a spirit detective."


"Yeah yeah, just tell us what's up."


"The reason I called you her today was because a strong power resembling that of a time portal has been recorded on the Higurashi Shrine."


Yuske's jaw just about hit the floor.


"Problem Yuske?" Kurama asked.


"Hell yeah there's a problem! Kagome lives there." He said exasperatedly.


"Well that's great" interjected Koenma. "That means we can have easy access to the shrine grounds."


"What am I supposed to say to her, `Hi Kagome I need to search your property for a time portal because I am a member of a team of spirit detectives that save the world from evil.' Yeah, that will work out real nice." Yuske said, sarcasm laden heavily in his voice.


"No baka, you're supposed to sneak around and who's to say she doesn't know about it already? Indications say that it is being used. That's how we detected it." Answered Koenma.


"First of all I can't go sneaking around her house and secondly I can't ask her about it because…it might I weird her out and scare her away.


"Idiot," Hiei said out of nowhere. "I don't feel like dealing with you abandonment issues, so get over it and just do what you have to."


"I must agree with Hiei on this one Yuske." Koenma leaned back in his chair, "Besides, I am not asking you to ask her I am only asking you to look around.


"There shouldn't be any problem with that." Added Kurama.


"Fine, geese, it's like you're all ganging up on me."


"Good, contact me when you find something. You may go now." The boys went back threw the portal they came through and got in Kurama's mustang.


*Back at the Higurashi Shrine


"Bye mom I'll be back in a couple of days."


"Ok hun, be careful."


Kagome walked out to the well house and jumped down the well. Just then the boys pulled up to the house. Yuske got out and walked up the steps. When he knocked Kagome's mom answered the door. "Hello Yuske."


"Hey Mrs. H, is Kagome here?"


"Sorry Yuske, Kagome is… staying with her aunt for a couple of days."


`Well that was sudden,' Yuske thought to himself. "Ok, well when you talk to her could you tell her I stopped by."


"Of course, is that all?"


"Yeah, Thanks" he said as he walked down the steps and waved over his shoulder. "Bye"


"Bye bye." Mrs. Higurashi answered as she shut the door. Yuske got back in the car and the drove off.


"Well." Said Kuwabara.


"She's staying with an aunt." He answered.


"That seems awfully sudden." Said Kuwabara.


"She was probably lying." Added Hiei.


"So, I take it we will becoming back tonight to investigate after dark." Yuske said. Kurama nodded in response. "Fine, I guess we have to."



*On the other side of the well


Kagome came out of the well and was immediately greeted by furious Hanyou. Apparently he waited for her over night and the hot spring incident only added to his anger. "It's about time wench. What the hell is your problem running off like that?"


"You Inuyasha." She said emotionlessly and she walked around him without a second glance.


Inuyasha didn't like this at all. He grabbed her arm and jerked her back to him. "An what is that supposed to mean?"


"You're always my problem, just like your being now. You're always being a jerk."


"Feh," he didn't know what else to say. She was right and he hated it. He was just about to let her go when he caught a faint sent. He leaned down in her face and sniffed. A growl emanated from his chest. What he had smelled hurt him a little.


"What!" Kagome said confused.


His eyes had an accusing look that burned her. "Why do you have the sent of a male all over you?" He didn't know if he should be so hurt because he didn't claim her, but he still considered her his in a way. The little green monster was starting to show.


"What are you talking about?" She said in a very bad attempt to act innocent.


"You know exactly what I mean. Now answer me." Inuyasha yelled feeling betrayed.


"Oh…" `think Kagome' she thought to herself. "Heh… uh, well I got a ride home with one of my friends today and he's a guy." `nice cover' she congratulated herself.


"Bull shit, the smell is coming from your lips." He yelled harshly causing Kagome to flinch a little.


"I, uh…"


"I was right, you are a wench." He said as he pushed her away from him.


"SIT" she said with slightly teary eyes.


Inuyasha didn't want to let her know his true feelings so he just showed anger which he felt bad for when he saw her watery eyes, but he didn't know what else to do at the time. He regretted it now, especially after the sitting.


Now Kagome was giving him the what for. "What I do other than act as your shard detector is my business and mine alone so Back Off! And NEVER call me that again!" She stepped over his body and headed for the village. Inuyasha pulled himself up off the ground and followed after her retreating form without another word.


Kagome stopped dead in her tracks about halfway there. She felt the two demon auras from yesterday and they were heading her way. She froze as the brush beside her rattled and out walked Isilme and Tsuri. They looked at one another for a second and then Inuyasha was there in a heartbeat, of course, pushing Kagome behind him.


Kagome knew that those clothes were not from this era so that means they came threw the well. Her eyes widened `How could they get threw though?' she asked herself.


When Inuyasha got a look at who was in font of him he too froze and a slight shade of pink burdened his face. `It's her' is all he could think.


Isilme was the first to break the awkward silence, "Oh look Tsuri, my secret admirer is here. Have you come back for more after last night?" she smirked.


After thinking about that statement for about half a second, the way it sounded Inuyasha had been off for a roll in the hay with some female deamon, so… "WHAT!" Yelled Kagome. The two new demons covered their ears not used to the loud sound of a mad kagome. Inuyasha just flattened his ears. Kagome, completely forgetting there were two powerful demons standing there stomped up to Inuyasha and poked him in the chest. You got mad at me for having a guys sent on me when you were of with her last night doing… That!"


"No I didn't, it's not what it sounds like."


"Ahem" Isilme got the groups attention. "Young lady, I did not allow him to do anything with me, I assure you. I merely reprimanded him for spying on me while I took a bath in the hot spring."


"You did what Inuyasha!?!"






Inuyasha flew into the ground. The two youkai gave a couple of confused blinks and then cracked up. Isilme held her sides as she laughed and Tsuri tried to hide hers with her hand to no avail. Isilme managed to choke out, "That's the…hah…funniest thing I've… hehe… ever seen."


"Go to hell." Growled inuyasha.


"Ow that hurt. Are such harsh words really necessary." She said with a fake pout.


"Excuse me." Interrupted Kagome.


"Yes" answered Isilme. "What is it."


"I am sorry for my friends behavior."


"It's alright, I am pretty sure he got my point last night." She said as she flexed the claws on one of her hands.


"May I ask you a question." Kagome asked Isilme.


"I suppose."


"I sense that youe have two jewel shards and…"


"Spit it out." Said Isilme.


"I was wondering if we could have them." She finished.


"What's so important about these shards?" said Tsuri. As she pulled out her shard and looked it over.


"Well, they are pieces of the Shikon no Tama and I have to collect all the pieces because I am the one who broke it." She had a look of guilt on her face and scratches the back of her head nervously.


Realization struck the two as they listened to her. She was The miko. Both women handed over their shards with a nod to each other.


"Really?" asked Kagome, surprised asking actually worked. `Maybe I should ask everytime' she thought to herself.




"Why so easily, there has to be a catch." Interjected Inuyasha.


"Nope, no catch. We know of the anciant tale of the shikon miko who…. Umph" Isilme elbowed Tsuri in the side.


\We should not tell them and besides you said `ancient'\




\It might not matter though because from the looks of it she is from the future as well.\


/I noticed that to should we ask her about it/


\In a bit\


"Did you say `ancient' tale" Asked Kagome.


"Um… mabey" said Tsuri.


"So you are from the future aren't you? I could tell from some of your clothes."


"You caught us," said Isilme, "but it appears we are not the only ones."


"Yeah I guess my clothes are even more conspicuous." She laughed as she looked at her fuku. "Oh, we still haven't been properly introduced. I am Kagome and that crater creator over there is Inuyasha." All the girl giggled a bit.


"Pleasure to meet you Kagome, I am Isilme," she said with a bow, "and this is Tsuri." Tsuri also gave a bow.


"I want to thank you very much for the shards and I would also like to invite you to lunch with us in the nearby village." Kagome said returning the bow. "It's the least I can do."


"Hell NO!" Interupted you know who. " They are not coming with us. What the fuck is your problem!" spat Inuyasha.


"……..sit Sit SIT!"


"Ow, Shit, Arg," muttered Inuyasha.


"Come on ladies, I'll show you to the village." They started towards Kaede's.


As Kagome walked into the hut she heard Kaede yell, "Watch out child there are demons behind ye." Everyone in the hut had his or her weapons drawn in an instant.


Kagome put her arms up defensively, " Whoa, it's ok. Their friends." Everyone looked at the two youkai and hesitantly set their weapon down.


As the three women took a seat a rather mad looking Inuyasha stomped in. He was ignored, though, because everyone was interested in the two new comers so he sat down to brood in a corner.


Kagome introduced everyone. "Isilme and Tsuri, this is Sango, Shippo, Kaede, Miroku, and Kirara, everyone this is Tsuri and Isilme." Everyone bowed their heads and said hello.


"So lady Kagome" asked Miroku "How did you come to meet these two ladies."


"We kind of bumped into each other and they gave me their jewel shards. Oh, and it seems Inuyasha was being a peeping tom and spied on Isilme while she was bathing." Everyone looked at Inuyasha in disbelief.


"No I didn't!"


"I beg to differ" Isilme commented.


"Inuyasha, I'm surprised at you." Miroku said as if it was some big injustice that he had never committed before.


"Look here houshi, I don't need a lecture from you… THE Biggest lecher in Japan!"


"Not to worry, I'm over it," said Isilme "And don't think he will try it again."


"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you, how did you guys time travel? Did you come through the well?" Kagome asked as she turned to Tsuri and Isilme.


"Kagome, you mean to tell us that these two are also from your time." Asked Sango.


"Yes they are." Kagome turned back to the demons, "So how about it guys, how did you do it?"


"Well you see," Tsuri explained. "Isilme is not a full demon. "She may appear to be one, but she is actually one quarter miko."


"And that allowed me to make a portal here." Isilme finished.


"So where did you come from?" Kagome asked. She didn't know there were demons in her time, but if there were she needed to know to protect herself while at home.


"Maki of course." Tsuri stated as if everyone should know.


"What's that." Kagome asked her.


"You mean to tell me you are a miko of modern times and you don't know what Maki is?" Isilme inquired.




"It's the demon world. There are three worlds, demon, human and spirit, I just thought you would know. Anyways, I was trying to make a portal to the human world to escape some demons we didn't want to deal with and it some how made a time portal."


"Wow, I never even knew my time had demons, let alone a demon world."


"So how did you end up to come here." Tsuri asked Kagome.


"Well it all started on my 15 th birthday party… (Kag tells her story)"


"That's certainly is exciting." Tsuri was very excited to have the first hand account of the story she was told as a kit.


"At least we have a way back to our time." Added Isilme.


"Well that might not be possible." Kagome said to Isilme.


"Why not?"


"So far only Inuyasha and I can get through."


"I suggest we try a little experiment this evening after we have had some of the delicious food I smell cooking. Kagome you can bring us to the well to see if it will except us. I think if we are holding onto you we should be able to get threw. That's how Tsuri came through the portal I created."


"Sounds good to me." Kagome said as she got out one of her school books she brought with her. She might as well get some work done while the food cooks. The others relaxed and started talking to the new demons. They passed their weapons back and forth to get a good look at them and pretty much got acquainted a little better.




IVX: um … not much to say… sorry it's been a while. Things break. And computers try to eat you. But I'm sure you know how that goes. Heh. ^_^; And I will update as much as possible, but you know writing three stories at once takes a lot of time. Anyways, R and R …^_~