InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Sorry about spelling mistakes I will try to correct them from now on and about the updating I don't know how often I can because I do take a programming class at the local community college that is very demanding along with all my high school classes so don't be mad if it takes a whil between updates… I try but crap happens, so on with the story…




Chapter Six ~ Meetings ~


* Kaede's hut, shortly after dusk


Most of the group laid back and relaxed, just carrying on conversations to pass the time. Miroku was discussing his wind tunnel with Tsuri who, having wind powers, found it very interesting. Isilme, Kagome, and Kaede were discussing the use of Miko powers. Sango talking with them just to be in the conversation and Shippo sat in Kagome's lap eyeing the new fox demon. Inuyasha was sitting in a corner, content with just being antisocial for the moment.


Tsuri had noticed the little kit eyeing her all day, but he had bearly spoke a word to her. She looked at him and flashed him a warm smile, "Why don't you come join miroku and my self Shippo?"


At first he stayed put, but when he finally got the nerve to move Tsuri felt she might have made a big mistake. As soon as he came up to her his shyness was gone and his mouth wouldn't stop. "Wow, your so cool, being able to control wind, hey you think you could teach me how to do that or maybe just teach me how to use my fire Do you know how to teach a different element? How old are you,doyouhaveanychildrenwhatsitliketobeademoninkagomestimearetheremanyfoxde monsleft…" The inu group just looked on with sweet drops as the little tyke rambled on to his new "victim"


Tsuri patted him on the head which got him to pause and take a breath, "hmm let me think…" Tsuri answered with a smirk. "Thank you, no, yes, yes, you shouldn't ask that of a lady, no, I'll tell you later, and a fair amount. I think that about covers it." Everyone was stunned. She had not only understood all the kit had said, but answered as well.


"Wow Tsuri, I could barely understand him how did you manage to keep up with little Shippo."


"Begging your pardon lad…" Isilme gave Tsuri a pointed look at her choice of words. "…Isilme, but that was nothing compared with the amount of work that goes into keeping up with you when you go into one of your tangents." She said bowing her head.


Isilme looked at her for a second and then got a mischievous look on her face… *twack, Tsuri got hit in the face with the hat Isilme had been wearing seconds before. Tsuri looked a bit surprised and Isilme looked away innocently. "yeah, like that will work." Tsuri said picking up chopsticks.


"Why what ever do you.." *Toink a chopstick hit her in the head as she turned back to respond to Tsuri. "Hey what's the big…" *Toink. Then the other hit her. "You better not do that ag… *thud Now the offending object was a certain someone's pan flute. "Oh, that's it… " Isilme lunged at Tsuri and caught her ankle before she could jump completely out of the way. *BITE


"WOW!, Cut that out!!" yelled Tsuri.


"Never, Mwahaha. " Isilme retorted with an over dramatic evil laugh.


"Ok, then." Tsuri grabbed the back of Isilme's coat and flung her out the door and followed after. The rest of the group gave each other wired looks, but they all huddled around the door looking out at the two about ready to fight.


Isilme brushed some dust off her pants as she stood. "Alright, You know the rules." She said as she removed her coat and placed it off to the side. When she turned back to Tsuri she looked slightly different. "No weapons," it was her face, "no powers," she had a serious look that turned almost bloodthirsty as she smirked at Tsuri. " Purely fighting skills." She adjusted her tail so that it would not get in the way.


"Agreed" Said Tsuri as she too removed her coat and pushed up her sleeves. She too had a more serious look and a small smirk, though her look was more one of concentration.


The others now stood outside the house looking on, as spectators, at what they were sure would be a spectacular fight, while Inuyasha was leaning against the door trying to look uninterested. The two demonesses stood across from each other , Isilme crouched into a low stance with one open palm in front of her and the other raised behind her head and Tsuri was in a slightly relaxed state with her hands in a ready position. The to just stared each other down for a moment, then Tsuri's smirk widened and she flexed her index finger in a motion that said come and get it. A slight evening wind blew rustling the women's hair and in the blink of an eye Isilme closed the distance, throwing a spinning back leg round house. Tsuri ducked and threw a reverse punch that almost hit Isilme in the ribs, but she dogged just in time.


Isilme backed off a couple of feet and now Tsuri took the offensive and did a low hand spring that propelled her into the air. She landed on Isilme's shoulders and used her body weight to fling Isilme to the ground. The on lookers cringed a little as they heard some kind of crunching sound from the impact of the ground. Tsuri jumped away as Isilme swiped at her leg. Picking herself up off the ground she wiped the slight trickle of blood from her lip. "not bad" she said with a wide smile. She cracked her neck and charged Tsuri. Isilme kicked the same spinning back leg roundhouse, but this time she followed it up with a double front leg roundhouse, the second of which caught Tsuri in the face and sent her flying into a nearby tree.


"Not bad yourself," Tsuri said as she pulled her self to her feet rubbing the bruise on her cheek. Now it was on. They no longer played a game of cat and mouse. Both took the offensive, mercilessly beating the living day lights out of each other. Isilme would land a kick here and Tsuri a punch there, both moving so fast the audience could barely keep up with their movements.


Finally there was a break in the nonstop attacks, Isilme unwrapped her tail and grabed a hold of Tsuri's leg with it and pulled the leg out from under her. As soon as her back hit the ground Isilme was pinning her to the ground. Miroku gave Inuyasha a lecherous look because of the sight and Inuyasha just gave him a disgusted snort. "You know you shouldn't have done that, but if it's ground fighting you want, then so be it." Tsuri wrapped one leg around Isilme's and thrust her arms out breaking Isilme's hold as Tsuri flipped the dog demon over. Isilme managed to get one leg folded under her, which she used to push Tsuri off. They both charged at the same time and end up in the same move. Both had their claws pushed against the others throat. Kagome was about to step in to stop her new friends from killing each other but Tsuri spoke first. "Draw?" she Questioned.


"Draw." Answered Isilme. The two of them let go and bowed. The on lookers stood in silence for a moment but then began to clap, well most of them anyways. As Isilme and Tsuri walked back to the others they simultaneously put their trench coats back on. The looks on their faces were back to a more calm and relaxed state. "Your getting better." Stated Isilme to Tsuri.


"I had a good teacher" She responded with a wink.


"Thanks, but it seams that if I don't practice more the apprentice may surpass the master. Heh." Isilme then walked up to Kagome. "I think it's time we go try out this well of yours, what do you think?"


Kagome nodded absent-mindedly. ` They just beat the bageeses out of each other and they act like nothing happened.' She thought to herself.


"Good then lead the way." And with that everyone followed Kagome to the well.



* Higurashi Shrine


"So how are we supposed to find this time portal?"


"Shhh, you ideot. We have to be quiet." Yusuke whispered.


"Oh… sorry." Kuwabara answered back.


"I suggest we split up to cover more ground and as for your question Kuwabara, you should be able to sense a large amount of energy in a small area." Kurama said quietly.


The group of four walked in opposite directions. Kuwabara searched the perimeter of the house, Hiei checked near the god tree, Yusuke checked the storage shed and Kurama checked the well house.


Kurama found a very strong pulsing power coming from the well so he sent a telepathic message to everyone.


/I think I found something, everyone come to the well house./


The boys gathered around the well and just as they looked down they were almost blinded by a bright blue light. As they looked on, they saw three beautiful women slowly emerging from what seemed to be the ground. With the blue glowing light surrounding them they looked like goddesses. One, the boys recognized as Kagome, but the other two were an unknown Inu youkai and Kitsune.


`What a beautiful Fox.' Kurama thought to himself.


The blue light subsided and the three opened their eyes and looked around. "I guess it did work." Stated Kagome.


"I thought it would." Said Isilme. "I have some knowledge of my miko powers and a basic knowledge of how these things work."


"So should we go back now or stay here a while?" asked Kagome.


"Well, we definitely have to get some modern food." Said Isilme.


"and a nice long hot bath!, if that's alright with you kagome." Added Tsuri.


"Not at all. Lets go."


Isilme put a hand on Kagome's shoulder. "Don't you think we should take care of you guests first?"


"What guests?" Isilme points up to the men looking over the lip of the well. They have a failed attempt at ducking out of sight, but Kagome had looked up to quickly. "Yusuke?!?" A feeling of `oh crap' passed over her. Yusuke's head along with the others slowly peeked back over the well.


"Yeah… hi."


"I … um uh,,, hey wait! What are you doing here this late?!"


"It's a long story, but what are you doing coming through a portal in the middle of the night with two demons?"




"Yes Isilme, what is it."


"I take it you know these boys."


"Yeah, they are friends."


"Well then since there is no danger Tsuri and myself will head on into the house. I'm sure you can sort this out on your own." Isilme jumped over the men's heads and landed gracefully by the well house door. She turned back to the well, "You coming Tsuri."


Out of courtesy Tsuri gave Kagome a questioning look. "It's ok Tsuri, go ahead. I have a lot to talk to them about."


Now with the polite permission she to jumped out of the well and landed beside Isilme. Tsuri looked back at the men. She could swear she sense the red haired man had the spirit of a kitsune.


"Lets go Tsuri." Islime told her.








Isilme hit Tsuri's back to get her attention. /You with me or are you to busy staring at Mr. Gorgeous over there./


\Heh.. sorry, lets go\


They started to walk out of the well house, but… "Hey! Where do you think you to are going?" Asked Kuwabara in a rather loud voice. Isilme just blew off his question with a wave of her hand and continued on her way into the house, shutting the door behind them.


"They're rude" Exclaimed Kuwabara.


"Anyways," interjected Kagome as she climed out of the well. "It seems we have some things to talk about."


"I suggest we follow the ladies into the house and have a civil sit down discussion." It would be more suitable for a long talk anyways." Suggested Kurama.


"I agree." Said Kagome. "Follow me and I will show you to the living room." They were about to follow her out the door, but just then another blue light came from the well. They saw a blur of red and white jump out of the well and when it came to a halt, before them stood an Inu Hanyou.


Inuyasha didn't like the looks of what he saw when he came out of the well. There were four strange males, some of which were demons, and the girls were out of sight. As he drew his sword he caught Yusuke's sent. `It's the smell of that bastered that was on Kagome.' He thought to himself.' He charged at the boy in an instant.


Kagome had just made it to the door when she heard "Spirit Gun" She ran back to the well house and saw Inuyasha holding his side with one hand and the Tatsaiga in the other. When she looked over at Yusuke he had his hands pointed in a gun position, directly at Inuyasha.


"Fucking boy" Inuyasha growled and then charged again.


"Spirit gun!" yelled Yusuke again and the light beam of spirit energy flew from his finger tips.


This time, however, Inuyasha successfully dodged it and was about to cut Yusuke down, but he heard Kagome say those dreaded words. "SIT BOY" Inuyasha went flying into the ground. The boys started laughing and even Hiei found it hard not to at least smirk ant the hanyou's dirt eating.


"Wow, how did you do that." Asked Yusuke with a bit of amazement in his voice.


"Another part of the long story." She stated, but she then turned to Inuyasha and kneeled down beside him. "Are you ok?" She asked in a soft voice. A sound of worry was present in her tone as she saw the wound to his side.


Inuyasha pulled himself up to a sitting position. "I'm fine" he growled, "Besides, what would you care. I was defending myself against these four bakas and you sat me!"


"Inuyasha, I.." She was interrupted by the gruff voice of her hanyou companion.


"Oh spare me. I know why you did it… He" Inuyasha pointed a disgusted finger at yusuke who just glared back at him. "Is the boy I smelled on you earlier." With that said Kagome turned a slight shade of pink and suddenly found the ground quite interesting.


She inwardly thought about the sound of his voice. `Did he sound hurt? Oh no, what if he actually did like me. Crap, I hope he isn't too upset with me.'


Yusuke saw the blush and the look of guilt on Kagome's face. ` Why dose she look like she's done something wrong? Wait a minute, what if he is her other boy friend or something.' He felt his heart sink o his stomach and just gave a sad glance to Kagome, who was still looking at the floor.


"I am sorry for using the s word, but I didn't know how else to stop the fight."


"Feh, whatever." Was all she got out of him and he turned away from her.


Kagome's eyes found their way to his wound and she immediately felt guilty, seeing as how it was probably her fault for not coming back to tell the others it had worked and everything was ok. He probably came to see if she was alright. She moved closer to him and started to lift up his shirt to get a better look. "I should tend to this quickly."


Inuyasha was going to push her away, but then he saw the jealous look that flashed threw Yusuke's eyes and decided if this got a rise out of the snot nosed punk then he would mess with his emotions a little. Yusuke was the guy that had stolen his Kagome away from him and he would take pleasure in pissing him off. He grabbed Kagome's hand gently with one of his and pulled her into a hug. Yusuke was very pissed off and kinda hurt. He was just about to say something, but Inuyasha opened his mouth first. He spoke in a tender caring voice and looked into Kagome's eyes. "don't worry about me, it's nothing but a scratch. And Kagome… I'm sorry for getting mad. I was just worried when you didn't come back and when I came to check on you there were these suspicious guys. I lost it when I thought they might have done something to you." He patted himself on the back mentally for getting himself out of trouble and messing with her little "boyfriend" at the same time.


The other guys were now thinking the same thing as Yusuke. ` Was this her boyfriend.'


Yusuke couldn't take it anymore so he did the first thing that came to mind to get her attention. "Ahem." He cleared his throat. Ok, so it wasn't one of his slickest moves ever, but he was upset and besides, it did the trick. Kagome looked over her shoulder and quickly removed herself from Inuyasha's embrace.


"Sorry you guys, I was just a little worried about my friend here. Inuyasha, this is Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei." She pointed to each of them as she spoke.


Yusuke walked up to Kagome and took her hand in his, surprising her a bit. `If she puts up a fight then I know she is with him.' He hoped she wouldn't though.Kagome took Yusuke's hand and stood up with him. Inuyasha just growled slightly as he stood up and brushed past them making his way to the house. He hated the sight of them together and he would have gone back to his era, but there was no way he was leaving them here alone, and together. He had to get away from them for the moment, so he went to the only other place he could think of.


Yusuke was ecstatic now that he was sure they weren't n item, but he could tell the doggy eared boy had feelings for her so he would have to keep an eye on him.


"Well lets go inside. My parents aren't home and we should have plenty of privacy to talk." Said Kagome in a cheery voice, trying to change the mood. Everyone nodded in agreement and they followed her towards the house.




IVX: Can someone say jelous… hehe. Anyways. There should be a couple of updates soon seing as how break is coming up so I will have some free time, but then again I do have two other stories to update… I'll see what I can do. Thanks for hanging in there guys, I know how hard it is to keep interested in a story if it isn't updated a lot, but I never get mad at the author cause I know how it is. Well that's all for now. Please R & R… ^_~