InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon ❯ Chapter 14
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon
Author: Ryukotsusei and Cyntinell
Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. We do however own the plot. Steal it and you shall face our wrath.
Warnings: This is a dark fic. It does have graphically detailed rape in it, as well as lemons in future chapters. It's likely to have major character deaths as well. Reviews are always appreciated, flames not tolerated. You are forewarned.
Author: Ryukotsusei and Cyntinell
Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. We do however own the plot. Steal it and you shall face our wrath.
Warnings: This is a dark fic. It does have graphically detailed rape in it, as well as lemons in future chapters. It's likely to have major character deaths as well. Reviews are always appreciated, flames not tolerated. You are forewarned.
Hiei was extremely worried for the girl, he had seen many of the prisoners brought in through his years there but never had he seen anyone look as bad as Kagome did at the moment and still be among the living. He had watched over her for the first two days doing nothing but holding her trying to warm her chilled body. In that time she had never awoken, she barely even moved in her sleep. Yet he still maintained his vigil over her ignoring his own needs in favor of hers.
On the third day he noticed himself growing noticeably weaker. He hadn't eaten in that time but then neither had she. If he was beginning to feel the affects he could only imagine the havoc it was wrecking on her body. He had been ignoring the food that was shoved through the cell door before but now he realized that whether she was able to or not he was going to need to get her to eat somehow. He crawled out from underneath the blankets long enough to make his way over to the days food and brought it over to her.
Carefully he wrapped himself back around her body and propped her up into a sitting position while cradling her against his chest. "Kagome? Wake up." Her hands fisted in his shirt trying to draw him closer to her but she refused to open her eyes. Repeatedly he tried to get some reaction from her that would indicate she would be able to eat something yet it never came. Hiei sighed, human bodies were a lot frailer than a demons and he wasn't certain how much longer she would be able to go without starving to death. If she wouldn't eat on her own then he would have to help her. Grimacing at what he was about to do, he picked up one of the pieces of bread. While this was not something he had ever imagined himself doing he did not hesitate. He broke the bread into small pieces before putting them in his mouth and chewing them thoroughly. Once that was done and he was certain she wouldn't choke on it, he passed it into her mouth. Thankfully her reflexes were still working even if she wasn't responding. When she realized there was food in her mouth she'd automatically swallow it.
This became his routine for the next nine days. Each time he would try and fail to get her to respond to him yet he never gave up. He did however notice slight changes in her as the days passed. Somehow she was healing, at a rate that would normally have alarmed him. It was what he would expect of a youkai, not a human. He looked for anything that would explain what could be doing it but came up with nothing. Eventually he brushed it off as a side affect of the spell and let it go. At least her body was once again her normal temperature but he continued to hold her. If nothing else his presence was a constant reassurance.
He could sense her soul calling out to him, she seemed to need him there at every moment. The few times he left her to attend to his own needs she'd begin to violently tremble and tears streamed down her face. He was at a loss on how to help her yet he persevered. The days passed with him speaking to her softly, reassuring her that she would be fine. Even though she had brokenly whispered his name a few times he began to fear that she might not awaken. Perhaps she had been through too much.
The only blessing her condition brought was that Masakazu wouldn't be interested in her any longer. At least, not until she regained some of the fire that had seemed inextinguishable. The Crow lived for the struggle that came with breaking his captives. Once it was accomplished, he quickly lost interest in them. So long as Kagome remained so broken, Masakazu wouldn't bother with her. He didn't know what they would do should that ever happen. He couldn't stand by and watch a repeat performance.
Settling himself in for yet another long night, Hiei gently rested his head on her bare shoulder and allowed the darkness to claim him. He was almost at full strength once again and no longer needed to sleep so deeply yet he still allowed himself to succumb to it. Each time he was able to walk through the darkness of Kagome's mind and see her. He didn't know if it meant anything or not but she was slowly beginning to respond to him during such times. It was enough for him to continue to hope. 'Things will be alright Kagome. I promise that he will never hurt you again.'
A few hours later Kagome's eyes slowly fluttered opened. She groaned as awareness came to her and she moved slightly. Her body felt as if she'd had every bone in her body shattered. Her eyes drifted closed, unwilling to attempt to move again. She tried to remember what had happened and slowly bits and pieces came to her. It was all vague, as if there was something standing between her and her memories but it couldn't repress them totally. Her arms ached with the memory of her imprisonment, chained to the bed by a madman. She whimpered as the image of Kouga's last moments flashed before her eyes. She could feel the weight of his head resting upon her naked chest, the blood dripping down her skin. She tried to shut the memory out as two strong arms wrapped around her. Still the memories came about what she had done and how she had betrayed her friend. Hot tears made their way down her cheeks as she tried to move out of his embrace. She had known that it was Hiei holding her. No other would attempt to comfort her in such a fashion but she knew she didn't deserve it. She was tainted, soiled by a sadistic bastard. Even her soul was unclean, she no longer felt worthy enough to have anyone care for her. Her presence alone destroyed one person she had cared for, she couldn't bear for Hiei to die for her as well.
A cry escaped her lips as she tried to pull away from him, her body trembled violently. She wished nothing more at that point that she had been allowed to die. She felt dirty and knew that she could never remove the taint Masakazu had given to her. The mere thought of the Crow reminded her of the feel of his hands upon her. A wave of nausea washed over her and she had to swallow hard to keep from violently vomiting.
Hiei had sensed that she was awakening and began to stir. He almost didn't open his eyes, afraid to see into hers. Yet he knew he had no choice, the easy part of her recovery was over. Now the hard fight would begin, the struggle to regain the fire that he had come to love and respect about her. "Kagome?" He whispered softly into her ear, the last thing he wanted to do was to startle her.
It was too much for her, the gentle tone in his voice. It held a degree of compassion that she had never heard from him before and she couldn't handle it. She had to distance herself from him, she cared too much to allow him to continue to care for her. "Just get away from me!" Her voice was weak from disuse but he could easily hear her just as he easily picked up on the anguish it contained.
His arms loosened from around her as she began to struggle against his hold. He didn't want to cause her to snap, throwing her back into a memory of what had happened. He had no desire to let go of her but he also realized that she would need a little bit of space to begin dealing with her feelings. But he would be damned if she would face them alone. Slowly he pulled himself to his feet and moved a few feet away from her before sitting down on the floor. The movement caused the blankets to pool around her lap, baring her form to his view yet she made no attempt to cover herself.
Kagome couldn't bear to look at him, instead choosing to fix her gaze on her knees. Was there any point to all of this? She had been told there was but it was all so confusing to her. Honestly she couldn't bring herself to care anymore. She just wished that she could escape from it all, her death would be a blessing to the world she was certain. At least then she would no longer be killing those who cared for her. "All my life I was taught that demons were evil creatures. The stories my Grandfather would tell me spoke of the great atrocities they had done before they disappeared. I used to think what a good thing it was that they had vanished and yet now I find that I am just as terrible as the demon's told of in the Legends." Her tears continued to fall but she no longer had the strength to turn away from him. Grief overwhelmed her and she began to sob brokenly, displaying just how weak she had become for all the world to see.
Hiei wasn't sure what to say to that. He couldn't fault her for what she had to do, he believed that Kouga would not blame her either. But he knew that she wasn't likely to listen to anything he said at the moment. She was borderline hysterical, not that he blamed her for it. She had held out for as long as she could and now her mental defenses were shattered. To watch her breaking down was almost too much for him to bear but the feeling of helplessness as he watched her was worse. "Kagome you did what you had to. You've done nothing wrong."
Kagome looked up, her eyes meeting his. How she wanted to believe him and rid herself of the taint but she couldn't allow that to happen. She knew that he believed in her, the truth of his words shown brightly from his eyes but it was not enough. She was unworthy of him and her presence around him would surely put his life into jeopardy once more. Reluctantly she broke away from his gaze. As much as she would love to continue to stare into them, the compassion and caring he directed towards her only made her want to hold onto him and she couldn't allow that.
Hiei's hopes faded some as she turned from him. She was distancing herself from him though he was certain it was for his protection. He scoffed at that thought, he had survived years before she had arrived, he would continue to do so regardless of if she was there or not. Yet the thought of her no longer being there with him made his heart ache. 'She doesn't even want to look at me. I've got to put a stop to this somehow.' The force of raw emotion pouring through him was nothing new to him, yet he was unsure of how to deal with the strength of these new ones. 'How can I break what someone else has constructed? If she continues down this path I'll never be able to get past these barriers.' He decided his best bet at the moment was to distract her.
He found himself on his feet once more, ignoring the questioning look that came over her face. He picked up the tray of food in the corner and brought it over to her. It had been over a week since she had eaten anything substantial, just enough to keep her alive. Now that she was awake he could remedy that. Reaching down he grabbed a piece of bread. It was extremely hard but still edible assuming one didn't break their teeth on it in the process. He ripped off the edges knowing the insides would be a tad bit softer.
Kagome continued to stare as if she didn't see him until he took a step towards her. "I said stay away, don't you listen?" Her anger was strong but short lived as she saw it made no difference. Hiei continued to walk towards her, ignoring her demands.
"You need to eat something, afterwards we can talk about this." Hiei's voice never rose above a whisper but it held a fierce determination. He was not about to be swayed by her attempts to drive him away. Carefully he seated himself next to her. He noticed how her hands shook as she reached out to take the food. He shook his head at her which caused a raised eyebrow. He doubted that she would be able to even hold the bread. In answer to her silent question he ripped it into tiny pieces and brought one to her mouth. She looked at him with an odd sense of wonder yet opened her mouth obediently.
At first she thought to try to move away from him. If he touched her he was too close and it made her desire more, something she couldn't allow herself to feel. Yet she realized she no longer had the strength to fight and relaxed against his hold. How many times had she wished for someone to care for her this much? To just hold her when she needed it and be the shoulder she so desperately needed without judging? She closed her eyes with the tears that threatened. This merely reminded her of all that she would be denied. She steeled her resolve, she would insist that he move away from her after she finished. The bread settled heavily inside of her, it felt as if she had swallowed a piece of iron. Yet she did not turn it away, something told her that if she did Hiei would force her to eat it by one method or another. Once it was gone she began to pull away from him once more.
Hiei sighed heavily and helped to move her until she was propped up against the wall. He then wrapped the blanket snugly around her before moving back to his position sitting in front of her. It wasn't long after when her eyes began to drift closed, even the small amounts of movement that she had managed had drained her physically. Once he was certain she was resting comfortably he moved next to her once more, wrapping his arms loosely around her. Whether she wanted to accept it he knew that she needed this, needed him. Just as he needed her.
He had begun to doze off himself, heedless of the consequences of facing Kagome's wrath should she find him holding her once more. The smell of cooked meat however grabbed his attention even with his sleep fogged mind. Cautiously he watched the door open to reveal the Seer. He had not expected to see her again, especially not after what had happened with Kouga's appearance. Yet there she was and she was carrying a tray of food along with a pitcher of water. Instantly he was on guard, never had anyone brought food of this sort to him in all the time he had lived there. Meat was not a common fare as it was, she most certainly pilfered it from Masakazu's personal stores. His growl echoed through the room in blatant warning that she had better not be trying anything.
The woman merely set the tray down on the floor next to him and took a step back. Her eyes were cold as she regarded the Apparition in front of her. She was getting rather tired of his suspicious nature, though after what he had witnessed she was surprised he hadn't attacked her outright. "I've brought some foods that will help Kagome's healing." One slim eyebrow raised as she regarded the girl. Something was off, yet she couldn't quite place it. The girl was recovering, remarkably quickly if the strength of her aura was any indication. She reached out with her own to probe deeper but met with a remarkable resistance, one that made her own energy backlash into her. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion but she didn't question it. Perhaps it was best if she didn't know.
She watched as he cautiously looked over the food. Knowing that he wasn't going to trust her blindly she knelt down and took a bite of everything on the tray and waited. As a final gesture she slowly brought the pitcher to her mouth and drank deeply. Once she was finished she sat upon the ground and regarded him calmly. "I do not expect you to trust me, Hiei, but you know that she must survive. If you are still unsure about the food then feed the rats. Just don't waste too much, I cannot bring more."
Hiei nodded, he was well aware of the drugs that Masakazu had used upon Kouga, it stood to reason that she might have built a resistance to them as well. He tore off a hefty portion of it and hurled it across the room knowing that it would soon draw the vermin they shared the cell with. As he waited he continued to watch the woman for any signs that she was becoming influenced by any drugs. When she continued to act as her cold, aloof self he began to relax slightly.
The Seer quickly caught the look of relief that flashed in the Hybrid's eyes. It was far too early for him to be thinking such a thing, he would have to know of what was to come. "Do not feel relieved just yet Hiei. Something worse may still come to pass."
Surely he hadn't heard her right, there wasn't much more that he could think of that could be worse than what they had already endured. His eyes moved over to the discarded food, it had already been discovered by a handful of rats that were fighting over the scraps. He turned his attention back to the woman. "Enough of the mind games, if you know something then speak. Otherwise get the fuck out."
She stared hard at the far wall for so long Hiei was beginning to wonder if she was going to continue but then she looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. "Have you wondered why Masakazu has not come for either of you yet?"
Actually he had been. That question had plagued him for over a week now. It wasn't like the Crow to go so long without making some sort of token appearance. "Why?" Kagome had whimpered in her sleep at the mention of Masakazu's name. Even at rest she couldn't escape him. He tightened his arms around her ignoring the amused look the Seer cast towards him before becoming completely serious once again.
"You can't tell me you haven't noticed your own body Hiei. Masakazu knows that you will be going through your heat cycle soon. Surely you remember what it was like the last time it happened. Everyone could hear your cries. You will be unable to resist her just as you were unable to resist Masakazu. It's his final plan in what he wants for the girl, you are to be the final piece of Kagome's breaking. The trial you two shall endure will be the deciding factor in the outcome of this war. I beg of you to consider my words carefully, when the time comes you will not be able to resist her." She stood without waiting for a reply, she knew that he would curse her and swear that he wouldn't touch her in such as fashion but she knew better. He would not be able to stop himself, especially not when he had feelings for her to begin with. She could only hope that he was gentle enough with her despite his own needs otherwise all would be lost.
He watched her leave, her words echoing in his head. He knew his time was coming, he was well aware of his body's cycle. He was to help in Kagome's breaking. How could he have missed his own body changing, falling into the cycle. Hiei closed his eyes and sighed heavily, he knew she was right, it would be nearly impossible for him to stay away from her but he had no choice. He would rather die than to force himself on her. 'She'll never be ready to accept something like that willingly.' He'd just have to suffer, to touch her in such a fashion would crush the relationship they had. His resolve might destroy him but if that was the case he would accept it gladly, he would not destroy her just to sate his body's desires.
Hiei looked to where the rats were and saw no evidence that the food was poisoned. Instead the rats crept closer hoping to get to the food that remained on the tray. He waved his hand scattering the rodents before bringing the food closer to him. He was still a bit uncertain as to the safety of the food so he placed a few select pieces into his mouth. Sensing nothing out of the ordinary, he shook her shoulder ever so gently. He hated to wake her when it was obvious she still needed sleep. She groaned slightly and pulled herself closer to him. His hand began to caress her back but stopped when he heard her muffled whisper. "Please don't leave me Hiei, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." His eyes widened at her whispered confession, her words sparked the hope brighter in his heart. She had dropped her walls, even a little to show him how she truly felt. It did not matter that she was asleep. She had said it, that was all that was important.
His eyes narrowed at the rats that once more had come closer to steal the food. He knew that eventually they would come regardless, they needed to eat while they could. He shook her a little harder and her eyes fluttered open. Their eyes locked and he saw her completely bare to him, vulnerable. And yet at the same time he saw the utter devotion that she would offer to him if she was not trying to conceal it due to their circumstances. But quickly the look was gone, her barriers snapping back into place.
"What the hell do you think your doing? Don't touch me!" She expected him to pull back, to do as she demanded yet he did not move. He merely shook his head, he wasn't going anywhere. She had betrayed herself and for a fleeting moment he saw into her heart. He knew of her true desires.
"I'm not leaving. Scream if you want, it will not change things. You can't get rid of me that easily." None of the words were said with malice, only a firm determination that she would not break through. He brought the tray up into her lap, noticing how her stomach growled loudly in response to the feast that lay before them. "Eat slowly, it may upset your stomach." Bread was a poor diet at best and anything richer was likely to cause her problems yet he knew that she needed it.
Carefully she picked up a piece of the meat that had been provided. It was lukewarm at best but she ate it just the same. Juice ran down her chin and fingers but she paid no attention to it. She was just happy that she was able to feed herself this time. Hiei was thankful for this as well, granted he had no problems with feeding her but to see that her independent streak was returning gave him hope. Once the meat was gone he handed her a piece of fruit. He watched her eat waiting for her to finish. He would take what was left over when she was finished, he was able to get by better on less.
"Why are you doing this?" She couldn't hold the question back any longer. He should hate her for what she had done. Yet he just sat there and continued to watch her. It was unnerving to say the least.
He shook his head refusing to answer the question at the moment. So long as there was still food on the plate the talking could come later. For now, they had other needs to attend. "Eat now, we will talk after."
Anger flared in her blue eyes. She was not expecting him to blow her question off quite so casually but she did as she was told. There was no telling when they would have another meal like this. She noticed he had not touched the food except for a small bit of cheese. She picked up a piece of fruit and handed it to him. She was rapidly losing interest in what was left anyway and she was not about to deprive him of eating. Gradually the food disappeared and she turned to face him. "Why are you doing this? Why help me?"
He paused momentarily before answering her. "Fate has chosen us for this, we are merely pawns in the game. Together we will defeat those who seek to kill us. I will not let you die Kagome." Hiei watched her carefully for some sign that he should continue. He wanted to tell her of his true feelings but he was unsure. He doubted that she would truly turn him away, they both desired the same things. Yet circumstances could come between them. Did he dare to risk his heart and hers at such an unstable point in their relationship?
"I used to think that Fate was what we make of it. I'm no longer so sure." Kagome met his gaze and then leaned back against his chest. She desperately wanted to push him away from her but as she looked in his eyes she realized that it was impossible. She knew that he was hiding something from her and she was fairly certain that she knew what it was. She had seen the look before so many times in Inuyasha's eyes but he never could find the words to say. Sometimes there were things that were better left unsaid as she was beginning to find out.
She turned her face into his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. She felt so weak right then, maybe it wouldn't hurt to lean on him just for a little while. "I am dirty Hiei and you've seen what I have done. It's something that will fester inside of me until I die. I'm sure that when I am judged my soul will be cast down into hell."
He smelled the tears as soon as they began to make their way down her cheeks. He tilted her chin up and silently swept them away. "Kagome you did what you had to do. If you had chosen me to die instead Masakazu would have killed Kouga regardless and then you would be here alone. The Kami will not condemn you for that. But know this, wherever you go I will follow. One way or another, I will be there next to you." He pulled her closer to him reinforcing his words. It was as if a dam had broke, he could feel her tears soaking the thin material of his shirt. All he could do was hold her and let her cry. "Sins may scar the heart Kagome but it doesn't mean you allow it to consume the soul. We will get through this together."
He felt her nod against his chest, her crying slowly beginning to ebb. After awhile all that he heard from her the sound of her breathing as sleep had claimed her once more.
Masakazu smiled as he sat in his chair. It overlooked the entrance chamber giving him the perfect view of events down in the main room. Things were going smoothly, they were turning out exactly how he had foreseen them going. True, he had lost Kouga's spirit and it troubled him. There were no breeches in the barriers which would mean he was still present but yet the spell had failed. He had not gained any additional power, instead he had lost some. Casting the spell evoked a high price but one that he was willing to pay in order to obtain the power boost. He was still contemplating the ramifications of Kouga's disappearance.
It was no matter at the moment however. He had his broken Miko and ultimate power lay at his fingertips. He only needed to reach out to obtain it. It was time for him to acquire the final piece. The Scepter of Darkness would tie everything together, soon he would have all he had ever desired. Mentally he called for Ryuji. He would be the one to obtain this great treasure for him and then he would be disposed of soon afterwards. He had sensed the dissension inside of the Dragon and knew that he would be making a bid for power soon.
Masakazu was not worried about Ryuji figuring out how the scepter worked though. His inner strength would not be enough to open the shields that had been woven around it to protect it's power from outsiders. Power that was his alone for the taking.
Special thanks to my beta Mary!