InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon ❯ Chapter 24
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: On The Night Of A Blood Red Moon
Author: Ryukotsusei and Cyntinell
Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. We do however own the plot. Steal it and you shall face our wrath.
Author'sNote: Yes, I know this update has been a long time in coming. For that you all have my apologies. I can't promise the frequency this is going to continue. Real life has a tendency to get in the way of things. Thanks for being patient.
Warnings: This is a dark fic. It does have graphically detailed rape in it, as well as lemons in future chapters. It does have major character deaths as well. Reviews are always appreciated, flames not tolerated. You are forewarned.
Chapter Twenty Four
Author: Ryukotsusei and Cyntinell
Disclaimer: We do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. We do however own the plot. Steal it and you shall face our wrath.
Author'sNote: Yes, I know this update has been a long time in coming. For that you all have my apologies. I can't promise the frequency this is going to continue. Real life has a tendency to get in the way of things. Thanks for being patient.
Warnings: This is a dark fic. It does have graphically detailed rape in it, as well as lemons in future chapters. It does have major character deaths as well. Reviews are always appreciated, flames not tolerated. You are forewarned.
Chapter Twenty Four
Heavy drops of rain began to pelt the apparition's tired body as he stood there, motionless and staring down into the dark depths of the well. Time seemed to collapse in on itself as Hiei stood there, an all powerful rage beginning to consume him. The image of Kagome's face as she slipped through time kept replaying in his mind, her shriek of terror continuing to echo in his ears.
'I could have stopped her!' The thought wouldn't leave him, not when there was so many things he could have done, so many ways it could have turned out differently. If only he'd been faster, if only he hadn't been distracted by the damned fox! Even now he could feel the warmth of her skin against his own despite the frigid rain that fell around the three of them. Watching her slip away had torn his heart from his chest and he was certain that it had followed her through the damned portal.
The only consolation he had, however slight, was that the separation would be mere seconds for her, but for him it would seem like an eternity. One way or another he would force himself to endure and grow stronger. He would ensure that there would never be another bastard like Masakazu to torment them, but in the meantime his world would be frigid, just like his heart had been before she entered his life. Never again would he allow another so close, that spot in his heart was reserved for her alone. The slightest tug of the vine still wrapped around his wrist had his attention snapping back to the ones responsible for this disaster in the first place. Blood trickled down from the punctures in his skin, but the pain was negligible and it only served to further remind him of his failure. Had he not been restrained he might have made it to her side in time. Indeed they were truly the ones at fault and he would make sure that they'd pay dearly.
Youko could immediately sense the apparition's change in demeanor, yet it wasn't a cause for concern. This particular demon was of no match for someone of his strength or experience, only a fool would think to challenge him over something so mundane as their human whore. Without effort he yanked his whip back and released the smaller demon, clearly believing the fight to be over. Whatever power the girl might have possessed was gone now, although it did trouble him to know that she'd disappeared so easily. Calmly he began walking towards the portal intent on examining it when the apparition turned to face him, his eyes glowing in the darkness.
"So you would think to follow her, you fool?" Hiei snarled at the approaching kitsune. His expression was one of pure rage, and his stance shifted in a clear challenge to the other demon, despite his odds of winning at the moment. The thought of this vile creature and his partner attempting to reach Kagome where he could not was maddening. Logic told him that the portal would allow no such thing, but there was no way in hell he was going to take such a chance. Logic didn't always play into the laws of magic and he couldn't be sure that this wouldn't be one of those instances. Right now she was safe from anyone that might be able to harm her and that was exactly how it was going to stay. "I'll kill you the both of you before either of you have the chance to fucking touch her."
"You must have no idea exactly who you're speaking to, youngling," Youko said, narrowing his eyes at the smaller demon, yet making no move. Instead he waited to see what the brat's next move would be. Even Kuronue had now tensed, sensing that something was about to happen, but what the bat demon would choose to do even Youko didn't know. It was times like this his partner's unpredictability pissed him off. Would he fight as well or would he sit back and laugh while he dealt with this nuisance? "Stand down, you have no chance to defeat me. Or are you looking to die? Is a piece of human ass worth your life, boy?"
"She's worth far more than either of you could ever imagine," Hiei whispered just moments before he lunged, closing the distance between him and his enemy before the kitsune even had a chance to react. The blade he'd dropped in his haste to get to Kagome before she fell through the well was once again firmly in his hand and slicing through the air with renewed strength. Moments later, slivers of silver hair floated gently on the wind, a sigh that his enemy had just barely evaded his attack. And now Hiei knew that he was so close that the taller demon's whip would be ineffective. "Your second mistake, fool, will cost you your life. Never underestimate me!"
While the fire demon was attempting to remove the kitsune's head, Kuronue threw one of his scythes with a lazy grace and smirked when the little brat dodged it easily. It was of no matter since the distraction was just enough to buy Youko the time he needed to put a small bit of distance between them. Normally he wouldn't have interfered, but the apparition was being reckless and that unpredictability could be just the advantage he needed to score a blow on his partner. Whether the little shit lived or died really wasn't his concern, but if Youko was going to be in top form for an upcoming heist, then he couldn't allow the smaller demon to run the kitsune through.
"Hell, Youko, you must be either getting old or wanting a hair cut. Tired of being mistaken for a woman?" A laugh escaped him seeing the look of malice his friend gave him. Oh yes, he was going to hear about this later, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
"Now is not the time for your petty insecurities to come to the surface, Kuronue," Youko said, his voice remaining calm but still containing a deadly edge. Ruthlessly he flicked his whip out again and watched the apparition leap out of the way at the last minute.
"If you wanted people to pay more attention to you, it would have been better for you to pick an ugly partner. Maybe then you'd get laid more often," he continued with barely concealed amusement.The indignant snort from his partner had the corners of his lips turning up for just a moment while he drove his opponent further back with each strike. In spite of the boy's speed it was child's play keeping him at bay now that he had full use of his whip. "Give it up, boy, you can't possibly win."
Hiei landed heavily, going to one knee as he stared at the one called Youko, "Really?" he asked quietly while he placed one hand upon the ground. "Who says so? You?" Although everything was damp, that still didn't mean things couldn't burn, it just took a bit more effort. A small vine crept out of the ground, encircling his wrist, but Hiei was onto what the kitsune was doing. Smirking cruelly he mustered the last remains of his strength and sent a burst of energy into the ground, creating a firestorm that the kitsune couldn't possibly escape. Though his energy was severely limited, there was no doubt in his mind it would last long enough to engulf the two bastards and end their pathetic lives. The winds howled around them as the flames soared higher, incinerating everything in its path.
"Son of a bitch!" Kuronue swore and stared wide eyed at the flames, shielding his eyes when a gust of wind sent a blast of heat towards him. Over the roar of the fire, he was certain he heard maniacal laughter although it sure as hell wasn't from his partner.
"The kid's lost his fucking mind," he growled and quickly leapt away from the well. One way or another he had to get his partner out of the hell hole he'd found himself in. While Youko was good, there were somethings even he couldn't handle and there was a good chance that this was one of them. It only took a moment's thought to send him through the shadows where he could evade the fire's destructive force. Silently he came upon the fire apparition who was still kneeling on the ground, giving everything into the attack that was meant to kill them. With one precise blow to the head he managed to render the brat unconscious, but it did nothing to stop the fire storm that surrounded them. Wasting no time he made his way to the kitsune who was desperately searching for a way to escape the flames. "Come on, old friend, I'd rather not have barbqued fox on the dessert menu tonight."
"Shut the hell up and get us out of here," Youko snapped, glaring at his partner for all he was worth. It didn't stop him from breathing a sigh of relief though once Kuronue took him through the shadows to safety. He was beyond irritated with himself that he'd been trapped so easily by one so young. Now he'd be days in recovering,! Severe burns littered his body where he'd been unable to avoid the flames. Truly they had bent to the will of their master and had been determined to erase him from existence. As they came out to a safer location they both turned towards the dying fires. On the ground lay the one responsible, unmoving. "Is he dead?"
"No, he's not, but I'm aggrieved to say you aren't as pretty as you used to be," Kuronue replied without amusement. Now that the danger had past they could both breathe a bit easier. But what would happen to the young demon had caused all of this though had yet to be determined.
"Are you going to finish him then?" Kuronue asked at last. It wouldn't surprise him in the least if the kitsune did just that since his partner had to be livid that he'd been bested in such a fashion. To his knowledge it had only happened once before and it had ended up in their partnership. Of course, Youko claimed it was a lucky shot on Kuronue's part, but it still didn't change the fact that he'd managed to get the better of the famed thief. What would happen now?
For a moment Youko said nothing as he stared at the fallen demon. So many questions raced through his mind, not the least of which was just where did the woman go? It had become apparent by the apparition's actions that he knew what had happened to her, but could he reach her himself? And just what was the power that he had sensed when she'd disappeared?
"No, for now he lives. I am positive he has the answers to my unasked questions. Whether he lives or dies depends on just how forthcoming he is when he awakens," Youko said quietly. For now he would concentrate on healing himself and contemplate the problem of just how long it would take them to return to the lair. The problem of what to do with the smaller demon could wait.
The proclamation surprised Kuronue slightly, however as he opened his mouth to question his partner's decision, a bright light flared in the sky, gaining his attention. “Dammit,” he muttered, “It didn't take Enma long to drag his ass down here, did it?”
“Did you really believe it would be otherwise?” Youko snapped before walking over to the fallen demon. “This is trouble we don't need. Let's get the hell out of here before Enma realizes that something happened here.”
A snort was given in answer, “As if the demonic fire wasn't a dead giveaway. Fine, pick up your new pet and let's go. I'm not carrying him.” The look of irritation was expected and subsequently ignored. While the kitsune was seriously injured, he was by no means helpless. If he was bound and determined to bring the fire apparition with them, Kuronue wasn't going to be the one to cart him around like he was some damned pack horse.
The feeling of free falling was a familiar one and Kagome knew that she was trapped in the depths of the well. The black and purple sky surrounded her, giving little impression of the amount of time she'd spent in it's dark embrace. Even her initial shriek of terror echoed around her, and after what seemed like forever, faded away. It was more than enough time for her to regain her wits, and realize what was happening to her.
The gap between time had never felt so hollow, nor so empty. At one time she had enjoyed the feel of the air rushing through her hair and the rippling of the wind against her clothing. But now, she just wished that it would all end. Was she going home as the Gods had predicted? Or was she to be a toy yet again, belonging to another madman for reasons she could not fathom? It came as no shocking revelation to her that she no longer cared, not when she no longer had Hiei at her side. Without him, her life was meaningless, she'd learned that much in her time in the Makai.
Whether it had been within the God's plans for her to give up her soul to the apparition didn't matter. The fact of the matter was that she had, and she'd do it again if she'd been given the choice a second time. Her fate was meaningless, but his made the tears trail down her face. He'd be alone now, with no one to stand by his side. She could only pray that he'd survive, and overcome the trials that life would throw at him. And perhaps, he would even live long enough to fulfill the promise to find her.
Yet once she started to think, her mind raced nearly as quickly as her body fell. The thoughts were as random as they were common place after her ordeal. Love for the apparition, hatred for herself and what she'd been forced to do. The hope for peace even while knowing that a war was coming. It was inevitable now that she controlled the rod. But would she survive until then? And even if she did, her scars would take a life time to heal. The physical scarring was immaterial, but the mental abuse would linger for years. Masakazu had seen to that by using her for nothing more than a mad man's amusement and if it wasn't for Hiei, she would have never survived.
If she were to be honest with herself, she wouldn't have wanted to had he not been there. If there was one truth that she was certain of, it was that Hiei was unlike any of the demons she had encountered. While they all had their own beliefs and ways of living, Hiei seemed to be unique from them all. Memories from a long distant past had been replaced, and they could no longer compare. Inuyasha and his self righteous tendencies, Sesshoumaru and his unfeeling ways. Even Shippo and his innocence had been replaced by the measures that the fire apparition had taken to keep her safe. If she continued to push on, to live, it would be for him and no other.
Moments later she could feel her body slowing in its descent and Kagome prepared herself for landing at the bottom of the well. There was a moment of dread that coursed through her, knowing that the impact of the cold, hard ground would put yet more strain on her body, and she closed her eyes in anticipation. However, when the pain didn't come, she opened her eyes to reveal that nothing had changed. She was still in the nothingness between the eras and the same familiar sky embraced her.
'I'm... stuck?' The thought was not a comforting one, for there was every possibility that she could be trapped here forever. There was no explaining how the well worked in the first place, and should the unthinkable happen, she'd have no way to free herself. 'Why the hell is this happening to me? Haven't I suffered enough for you? Let me go!'
As if in answer to her words, a bright life flared briefly and then disappeared to leave the figure of a wolf in a golden pelt standing before her. Although Kagome knew not his name, she immediately realized that the demon was a member of Kouga's clan. Perhaps he was even an ancestor coming to take revenge for her friend's death. A combination of fear and acceptance coursed through her, knowing that she deserved what ever punishment that would be handed to her. She would pay the price in blood for Kouga's death, because it was her responsibility. It had been her choice to end his life, even if her hand had been forced. The circumstances would not be enough to prevent the consequences from being given. What choice did she really have anyway? Bracing herself, she raised her chin and stared defiantly into the wolf demon's eyes. She refused to cower before him, not this time.
“I killed him,” she whispered, voicing the words that would surely condemn her to death.
“We know, child, but some things are not always as they seem. We do not blame you for the murder of our wolf brother. Be at ease, we are not here to take revenge.”
At his words, the slight fear in Kagome's eyes and heart began to ebb. She'd known many members of the wolf tribe and she knew that the act of lying was foreign to them. Their honor meant everything to them, and if he said they weren't there to punish her, she believed them. Why he had stopped her, she still didn't know, but if he had wanted her dead, she'd already be taking her last breath. Reaching within her heart, she could feel an inner turmoil, however, she knew that it had nothing to do with her. Truly, it wasn't a feeling that was her own.
As if sensing the girl's feelings, the wolf smiled slightly, “You have something that is ours, child and it's time that it was returned to us.” His eyes were soft and understanding, even though she most likely hadn't figured out what he had come for.
Kagome stared at him in confusion, because none of this made sense. “What have you come for?”
In answer, pain shot through her chest and paralyzed her body in place. She could feel her muscles tightening involuntarily, and instinctual reaction to whatever attack it was experiencing. Harshly she whipped her head back, opening her mouth to scream in pain. Even so, she knew that she was in no mortal danger, other than the wounds that had already been inflicted to her body. Briefly she wondered if the Gods were trying to take the jewel back when it felt as if her chest were splitting in two. Yet even through it all, there was no blood, no warmth that would indicate that her flesh had been torn. Eventually though, she collapsed roughly to the ground and with great effort, she looked up to see what had been pulled from within.
Immediately she recognized the soft, white light of a soul which floated in the same place where her chest had been only moments before. While she watched, the orb grew, pulsing in time to an invisible heart beat before drifting over to the wolf demon. Yet, to her mind it didn't appear that it had gone voluntarily. More to the point, it seemed as if the man had pulled it over when it had wanted to remain by her side.
Still she said nothing though, choosing to watch and wait while it stretched and grew in size. Realization came to her as it began to take shape, becoming the very person she never thought she would see again. “Kouga,” she whispered, unsure of what more to say.
“How's it going, Kagome?” Kouga asked softly, as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. He knew that it had to be one hell of a shock to her, but there wasn't time for explanations. Time was running out and he had to act quickly. He gave her a reassuring grin before turning his attention towards the other wolf demon, “As much as I appreciate the one way ticket home, I can't leave her now, Elyas. There's too many things left undone.”
Kouga's easy acceptance of the situation left Kagome stunned, and she lay there on the floor in disbelief. Her mind was in turmoil and she didn't know how to put her thoughts to words. Yes, she had felt something within her from time to time, but to witness the demon's rebirth from herself was just too much. Slowly she brought her hands to her chest, trying to make sense of it all before making a move to stand. “Kouga,” she whispered again, while trying to get to her feet, “It's really you? Oh god... I'm so sorry.”
The anguish in her voice had Kouga wanting to go to her side, but Elyas' hand stopped him. Instead he was forced to wait patiently to arise and join in on the conversation. It wouldn't be fair to leave her out, not when this involved her so heavily. “I know, Kagome, and I don't blame you. So don't blame yourself.”
Elyas shook his head, this was not the time for tearful reunions, “I understand your reluctance, Kouga. You've done well and you've earned your place by my side. While you may wish to continue to aid the miko, your part in this story goes no farther than here.”
Even as he spoke the words, Kagome realized that this 'Elays' was no ordinary wold demon. Clearly he was their God, or as close to one as they had. Her eyes burned with the knowledge that this God had played a part in her torment and she wished that she could damn them all to the lowest pits of hell. They were the ones that placed her in a world where there were demons who had tried to kill her. But they were also the ones who had brought her to Hiei, and she just couldn't reconcile that in her heart.
“I can't leave her like that Elyas, she'd never survive once she reaches her own time,” Kouga objected. Whether or not a God proclaimed what was to be, that didn't mean that he would just accept it without question. He hadn't gone through all that, just to send her off without a care.
Even though she remained silent, Kagome quickly picked up on what had been said. She would indeed be going home, but even Kouga believed she'd die before she could be helped. It was a bitter revelation and the last thing she wanted was to be reunited with Hiei, only to die in his arms. How could she do something like that to him, after waiting for so long?
Elyas continued as if Kagome was not even standing there and his eyes hardened, “What has been done has been done by design, Kouga. Do you really think that we would bring her all this way, just to allow her to perish now? Trust in us, Kouga, we will not allow her to
die, not until her task is complete.”
“You won't allow her to die? Do I have to remind you how close she's come already? Even your best laid plans have blown up in your faces! You can't blame me for not wanting to leave her,” Kouga retorted, “You're lucky she hasn't died already and I'm not so sure even you can stop it from happening.
“Whether you agree with the decision or not is immaterial, Kouga. Your destiny has been completed and it is time to come home. The discussion is over, her world holds no place for you,” Elyas proclaimed quietly, ending the debate. Even one of Kouga's power would be useless in Kagome's fate and it was time for him to rest.
For a moment it looked as if Kouga was going to argue, and Kagome shook her head. She couldn't have him jeopardize himself for her, not after he'd done so much already. “Please go, Kouga. I'm grateful you want to stay with me, but maybe he's right. You've done so much for me already. I just wish it hadn't ended like this.”
Yet she knew he wouldn't leave it like that, but how could he fight against his own God? He couldn't, and to do so would risk his destruction. She would never be able to live with herself, knowing that she'd killed him a second time. Yet at the same time, she wanted him to fight for her. All of those she had trusted, except for Hiei had forsaken her. Was it wrong to want a small piece of what she'd once had to come back to her?
Kouga looked at her uncertainly, unsure of whether or not to say anything further. He knew that she really didn't want him to go, even if she wouldn't come out and say it. With his mind made up, he gave one last effort to remain with her. Bracing himself, he turned to face Elyas, “What about the child? If I go, you know the chances are slim for its survival.”
Whether the child survives or not is not your concern, Kouga. All is as it should be,” Elyas replied, his voice carrying more than a hint of annoyance. “The time is upon us, come. We must return and she must continue on her journey.”
Without so much as a goodbye, the two of them were gone. Kagome knew that it had been done to stop any further protests, but before she could do more than acknowledge that fact, she was falling again. The wind tore at her hair and clothing more violently before, but they weren't half so turbulent than Kouga's words had been. She'd known about the child, but things had been to chaotic to really think about it. Now, without Kouga there, would her child be doomed? Pain had already been present in her body, and while she couldn't detect any new problems, there was no telling how long her child would be safe.
Regardless, Kouga had been the lifeline inside of her, keeping her together. Even now she could feel her strength waning and it was only a matter of time before it gave out completely. Her eyes closed against the bitter sting of tears, leaving her with nothing more than the hope that things would turn out all right in the end.
Any further thought, however, was destroyed by the sharp impact of her body hitting the hard packed dirt of the well. As much as she wished that she could just lay there at the bottom, she knew that if she was to have any chance of saving her child, she had to get help. Weakly she reached for the bottom rung of the ladder, ignoring the way her ribs screamed in pain. The brief thought of calling for help was quickly destroyed when she realized that she couldn't even get in enough air to do that. 'I'll have to do this on my own. There's no choice.'
She didn't want to think about how she'd expected Hiei to be there waiting for her. After all, how could he have known the exact date that she'd be coming through the well? The fierce belief that he'd find her later burned through her heart and mind, even as she began to pull herself upward. She wouldn't believe that he was dead, the very idea was not to be considered. He would find her later, after she made herself out of the god forsaken hole in the ground.
She was the only person she could rely on now. She didn't even know if things were even the same at the shrine now, or if her trips into the Makai had altered her own world. She couldn't take the chance on bringing attention to herself and instinct forced her to hold in the cries of pain that wanted to break free as she tried to pull herself by one good arm. Inch by painful inch she advanced up the ladder, and long before she'd reached the top, spots had begun to dance before her eyes. There was the very real danger that she could lose consciousness before reaching safety and it was only her perseverance that kept her going. Eventually though, she'd made it to the top and wearily pulled herself over the edge. Immediately she collapsed onto the wooden floor, unable to muster the strength to even move. 'I'll just rest here... for a moment.'
~Inside The House~
For hours Souta had been wondering just what it was about the day that had been bothering him. Since the sun had risen, he'd been on edge and fidgeting uneasily, as if waiting for something big to happen. More than once he'd wondered if his mother could feel it as well, but when he'd made mention of it, she'd seemed oblivious to his unease. Even Grandpa seemed to be quieter than usual, although when he'd asked the older man if everything was all right, he'd been brushed off.
'Maybe it's his arthritis. He's been grumpier than normal this past week.' The uncharitable thought was a reasonable explanation, even if he didn't think that was really the problem. With a sigh, he pushed his dinner around his plate again, all traces of his appetite having vanished. Nor did he believe they'd be returning anytime soon. Wearily he looked up at his mother, taking note of her slightly exasperated expression, before sighing, “May I be excused?”
“Are you feeling well, Souta?” she asked in concern before setting her own fork down. He'd been acting strange ever since he'd come home from school this afternoon and it was beginning to concern her. She began to get up to check his temperature, fearing he might have taken ill, when the boy shook his head at her.
“I'm fine, Mom, really. I'm just not really hungry tonight,” Souta said, trying to reassure her even though he could see that it really wasn't working. But what else could he possibly say? Telling his family that it felt like something bad was about to happen would worry them needlessly and there was nothing that they could do about it anyway. The only one in their family with true spiritual powers was missing, and had been for the past several years. Not even Inuyasha had come to speak with them about his sister's disappearance and it had left them fearing the worst. He didn't want to believe that she was dead, but what other choice did they have? She should have come back by now because Kagome wouldn't just abandon her family like that.
Even as Souta spoke, she knew that he was lying to her. There was something in his eyes, some sort of secret that he was keeping from her and if she was to be honest with herself, it was beginning to frighten her. Just how much more would her family be forced to endure before it was all over? Carefully she looked him over and tried to give him a reassuring smile, “Souta, I hope you know that you can talk to us about anything.”
Deep in her heart she wished that she could believe that he knew that, but she feared that saying the words just wasn't enough. Many times before she'd told her daughter the exact same thing, and each time she'd gotten a smile that meant she was better off not knowing the truth. Would her daughter be home now, if only she'd pushed the issue?
“Don't worry, Mom. I know and everythings fine,” he said, even though he didn't believe his own words. One way or another, he'd have to keep up appearances, at least for her sake. His chair scraped lightly across the floor as he pushed it back and stood up. “I'm going outside for a little while,” he said, but when the suspicious look returned, he continued, “I want to see how the garden is going and if the flowers that I planted for Kagome are blooming yet.” It was nothing more than a convenient excuse to get out of the house and away from their questioning stares.
“I wouldn't mind a walk in the garden, if you don't mind my company,” Grandpa said, offering to accompany the boy. But the offer was rejected with a shake of Souta's head.
The garden and its flowers had become Souta's special place to spend time alone. He'd often suspected that his grandfather had uncovered the secret that he was learning how to make Bonsai trees, but if he had, he hadn't said anything. This time was no different and the old man resumed sitting at the table to resume his dinner.
“If you change your mind, let me know,” Grandpa replied with a sigh before picking up his chopsticks again. With each passing day it seemed as if Souta was growing more and more distant from his family, and there was no bridging the gap. Just how long would they be able to keep the family together at this rate?
Souta nodded his head in acknowledgment, “Alright, Grandpa.” Before anyone could say anything else, he hurried through the door. He didn't want their attention on him at the moment, and even now he could feel their eyes burning holes into his back until he shut the door behind him. With a sigh he closed his eyes and savored the slight breeze that blew the scent of flowers towards him. While he was sure the slight reprieve would only be temporary, he intended to savor every moment that he could, before it was gone once again. Already he could feel the slow pull building deep within, urging him to seek out whatever the problem was. For a moment he tried to ignore it, but unconsciously he found himself drawn to the well house.
Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the building and he scowled. It almost seemed to be mocking him, taunting him with the knowledge of what it contained, but he could never have. “What now? Why do you want me?” he whispered, “Wasn't my sister enough of a sacrifice for you?”
Bitter pain followed hard on the heels of those whispered words, along with an intense anger. The damned portal had stolen one of the few things precious to him. His sister was gone, along with his childlike innocence that led him to believe that things would be all right. But things weren't, and they never would be again. The only thing that had stopped him from destroying that damned well was the slim hope that maybe, just maybe Kagome would return one day. But it was becoming clear to him that would never happen. As he stood there in the dying sunlight, he felt as if that last hope had been taken and the knowledge tore at his already battered heart. 'This ends today, I won't let you continue hurting our family!' After he was finished, he'd plant more flowers in her memory and mark the spot where they'd spent their last day together.
Anger fueled his steps as he marched towards the tool shed and he yanked the door open violently. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes, yet he refused to allow them to fall. Not yet, not until it was finished. Without hesitation, he snatched up the small canister of gasoline and a small pack of matches, which he quickly shoved into his pocket. The motion seemed to be almost cleansing, and helped him to accept what he was about to do. Moments later he was marching back to the very thing that had torn his family apart, sparing only a second to glance back at the house. So far no one had noticed what he was doing, and to his mind that was for the best. Why waste time in an argument that would only bring about more pain? The building would burn quickly with how dry the wood was, and then they could begin to move on with their lives.
His fingers tugged at the cap on the lid, and after a few moments it came free. The smell of gasoline assaulted his nose, but it was a welcoming smell and without preamble, he began splashing the sides of the building with the flammable liquid. It seemed to take forever, but eventually the can ran dry, leaving Souta to stand there with his chest heaving.
'It's almost done. Just a couple more seconds and it'll be over. This damned thing won't touch my family again!' The book of matches found its way back into his hand, and he yanked one free. In spite of the way his hands shook, the match flared to life on the first strike. Taking a deep breath, he finally allowed the tears to fall, blurring his vision of the small building.
“I hate you,” he screamed and then tossed the match. For a moment it looked like it would extinguish itself, but before he could take another breath, flames roared to life. As it engulfed the building, the heat surrounded him in an attempt to drive him back. But he wasn't about to move from the spot, not until the well had burned to the ground. Over and over he screamed out his hatred and fury to the burning building, never once hearing the muffled coughing coming from the inside.
Encased within the smoke, Kagome wasn't sure what it was that had awoken her first. The thick, choking smoke was a good bet, but then so were the animalistic screams of rage coming from the outside. The sheer venom of those words would have been enough to drive her to her knees, had she been standing, but as it was, she could only lay there in stunned disbelief. Over and over she could hear Souta's words echoing in her mind, 'I hate you! I hate you! I'll make sure you're never able to hurt anyone again!' Her eyes burned with tears as she pushed herself off of the floor, ignoring the way her blood soaked clothing tried to stick to the floor. All she knew was that she had to get out, before the smoke claimed her life. Even if her own brother had turned against her, she wasn't going to die. It merely twisted the knife in her heart further, solidifying the belief that she could trust no one.
Weakly she threw the door open, crying out in pain with the flames licked at her bare skin. Screams of terror reached her ears as she stepped out of the darkness, and from a distance she could hear her name being called. With a pained expression, she looked at her brother and taking in his expression. 'He didn't think I'd make it,' she realized before coming to the decision that she had to leave. While she didn't know what she'd done to deserve this from her family, she wasn't going to stick around and find out. Even though her body ached, she stepped away from the building and stumbled down the stairs. Before she could collide with the ground though, Souta had caught her. His tight grip on her cause pain to flare through her body and she screamed and proceeded to push him away roughly.
“Kagome, no!” Souta shouted at her. The violence of her actions had him losing his balance and falling backward. Before he could regain his feet though, she was off and running towards the woods. Clearly she was desperate to get away and he had to stop her. Blood coated his hands, but he ignored it. He had to find her and stop her before she could hurt herself worse. Over and over he berated himself for not checking to make sure the well house was empty. 'How could I have been so stupid?' He'd nearly killed her in his attempt to destroy the well. What would have happened if he hadn't made it out? “I'm sorry,” he called out after Kagome, hoping to stop her from running, “Kagome, don't go!”
“Souta, what have you done,” Mrs. Higurashi screamed at his retreating back. None of this made sense, but she was franticly trying to figure it out while she ran after her children. Had Souta known all along that Kagome had come back? Tears slid down her face even as she passed her fallen son and tried to make out Kagome's form in the growing darkness. She'd only gotten a brief glimpse of the girl before she'd bolted, but she couldn't imagine what her daughter had been through. To return home, only to have her brother attempt to burn her alive had to be devastating, and she didn't know if Kagome would even listen to her at this point. How on Earth could she bring her baby home and reassure her that she was safe now?
The sound of her mother's voice was almost enough to make her pause, but not enough to convince her that she'd be safe. By now Kagome was frantic, desperate to escape and she pushed herself faster. In the darkness she was tripping over dead branches and rocks, but she didn't dare to stop. The sound of her pursuers were now becoming distance, but she knew they wouldn't give up the chase. Sooner or later, the police would get involved and then she'd truly be hunted. No, she couldn't allow anyone to catch her. There was no doubt in her mind what would happen should that happen, it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that she was injured. They'd demand to know what had happened, and as soon as the story came out, she'd be committed. Her only hope lay in finding Hiei, wherever he happened to be.
“Don't worry, mom. We'll find her,” Souta said, his voice heavy with guilt. Tentatively he laid his hand on his mother's shoulder, hoping that she wouldn't turn him away. With the shadows lengthening, there was little to no chance that they'd be able to find Kagome in the forest. His sister knew these woods better than anyone and if she wanted to remain hidden, she would unless they had professional help. There would be questions, and Souta didn't stop to question that he was in serious trouble before this was all finished. He'd take it gladly, so long as Kagome was brought home safe and sound. “Let's go, Mom. We need help.”
“We need help?” she repeated numbly and staring at her son as if she'd never seen him before in her life. Perhaps she'd never truly known him, but at the moment, she just wasn't sure what to think. None of this was making any sense to her and she still didn't understand just what had happened. Frantically she turned and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, shaking him slightly. She had to know the truth, “Did you know she was in there, Souta? Why would you do such a thing!”
“No I didn't,” he yelled back, horrified that she would believe he was capable of killing his own sister. “I didn't know that she was in there... I thought... I thought that she was gone forever and I was so mad. The well took her from us, you know that!” His words seemed to have the desired effect and her grip loosened. But she turned away as if she was unable to even look at him now. “I'm sorry, I didn't know. I should have looked, I'm so sorry.”
He watched as she walked away without saying another word and Souta sank to his knees in the soft grass. He was helpless to do anything, other that watch her disappear from view and he couldn't deny this was all his fault. “Oh God, what have I done?”
~Back at the Shrine~
“I'm not exactly sure about what happened. Was there an explosion of some sort?” Grandpa asked, squinting at the charred building while he tried to work out just how to get his grandson out of the predicament that he'd gotten himself into. “Maybe it was a meteor. Nasty things those are, so troublesome. Have you ever seen a meteor fall from the sky? It was obvious that he was driving the detective that was interviewing him just a bit insane, but that was fine. Anything at all that would stall him from the real reason he wanted to speak with him would help.
“Only in films, Higurashi-san. Can you please answer the question? Who had access to any flammable materials on the grounds?” The detective barely managed to keep from rolling his eyes when the old man appeared to go deep into thought. As the seconds passed however, it appeared that he'd gone to sleep while on his feet. 'Why did I have to get the senile one?' The officer mentally swore as he cleared his throat, causing the old man's eyes to fly open again.
"Eh, what were we talking about again?" Grandpa asked, scratching his head absently as if pondering the question, stalling for time. It wouldn't be long before his daughter returned and then maybe they could get Kagome checked out. Perhaps it could even be passed off as Souta came upon the well house just as someone torched it, but he didn't know she was inside. "Oh yes, you were asking about meteorites! We've got a lovely specimen in the shrine itself, it's been passed down in our family for many generations. Would you like to see it?"
"This is getting us nowhere," he said with a sigh and glanced to the destroyed building. Already a crowd was gathering and they were having a difficult time keeping them off of the crime scene. What was troublesome was the blood they had found splattering on the concrete, but this old coot couldn't seem to keep his train of thought. "One more time Higurashi-san. Who has access to the flammables here? You know, paint thinner, gasoline, oil, anything like that?"
"Gasoline you say? We don't have anything like that on the shrine grounds. Too much chance for something to happen you know. As my great great grandfather used to say..." he trailed off for a minute, "He said, and I remember this quite clearly as if it were yesterday..... no, that isn't right either." Muffled snickers reached his ears, coming from the Detective's partner. Oh yes, that man was greatly amused by the hell he was putting this man through.
"Higurashi-san, then what is that gasoline can doing here?" The detective pointed to the red container laying not so innocently on its side. It wouldn't be long before it was bagged up to be dusted for prints, but it was the best lead they had at the moment. Another muffled laugh crossed the distance between them and he couldn't resist throwing a glare at his parter. So help him the next time they had a drunk in the car, he was going to make sure that man was the one to clean up the mess.
Grandpa peered at the container and heaved a heavy sigh, his attitude one of condescension, "Young man we have to have something to power the lawn mower. It doesn't run on air you know. If you wanted to know what the gas was for why didn't you just say so? Instead you've been asking me about the shrine's artifacts. Are you sure you're a real police officer?"
"Would you like to see my badge again?" The Detective inquired irritably, he was more than ready to call the paddy wagon for the old geezer. How the family put up with this on a daily basis he would never know. At least now he'd gotten the man to admit that they did have gasoline on the property, maybe now they could get somewhere.
Seeing his daughter and grandson walk out of the forest without Kagome, he heaved a sigh before looking at the man in irritation and speaking loudly enough that his family could hear him, "If you were a real police officer you'd be out there searching for my granddaughter. God only knows what she must think now! The poor girl, a stranger locked her in the well house and tried to burn her alive. Thank god Souta showed up in time to chase the man off and free her!" He wailed dramatically, turning everyones attention to him as he'd hoped. "My poor granddaughter! You must find her!"
"What?" The Detective blinked twice trying to determine if this was yet another of the old man's crazy shifts of personality. One look at the woman's tear streak face told him that it wasn't though. As the pair walked up he turned his attention to the woman, "Mind telling me what happened? I'm sorry, but your father hasn't been too clear with the details."
Years of lying to protect Kagome's secret kicked into gear causing Mrs. Higurashi to easily fall into the story that her father had concocted. If nothing else this would spare her other child for the time being. However if she learned that he had known his sister was in that well house, she'd turn him over to the authorities herself.
"We were all sitting down at dinner when Souta thought he heard something outside. So he went to see what it was. When we heard him screaming we came rushing out, but we didn't see anyone. A few seconds later Kagome came out, she was terribly beaten up sir,." she said, her voice breaking at the memory of her daughters abused form coming into view, "She panicked and ran, I'm not sure if she was thinking whoever had done this to her would come back or what. We chased after her but we lost track of her in the woods, please. Is there anything you can do to find her?"
Something about the woman's story seemed off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Perhaps she was merely distraught over what had happed. Anyone could see that she was extremely upset and if her daughter had run off that would only add to it.
"Hey, Yasuo, " he called over to his partner, gaining the man's attention. "Call out search and rescue, we've got a kid missing." As his partner ran to radio for the dog teams to be brought out he turned his attention back to the family. "I need some information on her so we know who we're looking for as well as a recent picture and something that smells like her. Can we go inside to finish this? It'll take a few minutes for the team to get here."
Of course," Mrs. Higurashi said quietly, stopping only to give her son a meaningful look once the Detective had his back turned before following the man. Grandpa might have bought him some time, but if he didn't say just the right things the man would get suspicious. If he wanted to stay out of trouble for the time being, he'd keep his mouth shut unless he was asked a direct question.
~In The Forest~
The thought of Hiei and her child was the only thing keeping Kagome moving after so much time. She longed to give in and rest, but she knew that she couldn't. If she made the mistake of laying down now, she'd never get up again. It was just that simple. 'So much for the dream of having him waiting on the other side of the well,' she thought with a sigh and cast her eyes towards the sky, 'Hiei, where are you. Am I truly alone in the world now?'
Thinking of him, however, wasn't going to make her current situation any better at the moment. She needed to concentrate, instead of walking blindly and stumbling on the uneven terrain. The pebbles on the ground seemed like boulders to her tortured feet and she tried to lift her legs high enough to not touch them. Small tufts of grass and dirt turned into mountains as the strain on her legs to keep moving taxed her body even more. She had to concentrate on making the muscles in her legs obey her wishes or she wouldn't be able to take another step. With each passing moment, sweat rolled down her forehead, pausing only briefly on her chin before dripping onto her rags that she called a shirt. The saltiness continued to sting her open wounds, but strangely enough she welcomed the added pain since it helped her focus, pushing her onward. On the other side of this forest lay a small, quiet part of the city and she'd be able to find someone that could tend to her wounds.
A chill raced through her body even though the air was warm, causing her to shiver. She no longer knew which direction she was traveling and had no way to be certain she was even going the right way. Without even realizing that she was falling, she felt the air leave her lungs when she hit the ground and small pebbles began to embed themselves into her exposed flesh. Her labored breathing became shallower, and Kagome rolled over onto her back trying to suck in more air into her lungs. Deep inside she felt a push to move onward, but could she keep going? 'I have to move. I don't have a choice, not if I want to save my baby.' Calling on a strength she didn't know she even had, she finally made her way back to her feet and continued walking towards where she believed help would be found.
A short distance away, a familiar scent caused a young man to pause, his green eyes narrowing in contemplation. This scent was one that he shouldn't have recognized, but deep within his subconscious, he knew otherwise. 'That scent... where have I encountered it before?'
The answer didn't come immediately, but Kurama could feel the fox spirit stirring deep within him. It was rare to arouse the kitsune's interest, but he had a feeling that this would be one of those rare moments.
'A miko,' Youko answered quietly, his thoughts colored darkly with malice. It had been many centuries since he'd run across that scent and he'd given up hope that he would ever encounter it again. Patience had finally brought him his prize, and now he intended on taking it. The answers of a small demonling and a miko were his, he merely had to reach out and snatch it away.
“Interesting. Oh well, it is of no matter. We don't have the time for this anyway, not with this mission anyway. Koenma will not be pleased if we don't bring him the artifact, he's getting tired of us returning with nothing but excuses,” Kurama said quietly, dismissing the matter entirely. He knew that the kitsune disliked any beings that could end his life with a touch, but there were a lot of things that Youko disliked as a general rule.
'This supercedes any claim that Koenma might have on our time. Call it unfinished business, if you will,' Youko replied haughtily. As far as he was concerned, the Reikai could go fuck themselves. He'd never intended to mix his present situation with his human aspect and his checkered past, but this couldn't be helped. To his way of thinking, he would take advantage of every opportunity given to him and make do with whatever comes. This was something he was determined to use to his greatest advantage.
Kurama turned in the direction that the scent was coming from. Maybe it had slipped past his spiritual counterpart, or maybe he just didn't care, but there was blood on the wind, as well as the faintest traces of Hiei laced through it. That was enough to leave him torn between wanting to do what he could for the woman and instinct demanding he run the other direction. This would be nothing but trouble. In the past, he'd always wondered about Hiei and Youko's connection, but this window of opportunity might place his head on the chopping block. Already it felt as if the executioner's axe was already falling and Youko's mind was completely focused on the girl like she was the only thing that mattered. “There isn't a way to talk you out of going after her, is there?”
A slow smile of satisfaction crossed the kitsune's face, 'There's not a chance in hell that I'd miss this.'
Now Kurama was certain that the spirit Kitsune knew her somehow, and that was a bit unnerving. Just how would he have run across a miko in the Makai? That part alone made no sense, but that was the least of it. While he was relatively sure that Youko didn't want to kill her, his lack of emotions and caring when it came to his prey made it difficult to tell how long it would remain that way. Yet there really wasn't a choice anymore as to whether or not they should even check on the girl, so instead he changed courses so that he would intercept her.
As he was walking, Youko continued a litany in the background about how he'd finally found her and Kurama was now convinced he could only smell her, nothing else. The scent was overwhelming though, and he knew that he was close. Only a few more yards and through some thick branches and they'd be upon her.
Closing the last distance between them, the redhead swept the branches aside so that he could finally see the woman. He wasn't surprised to see that she was on her knees and gasping for breath. Given the amount of blood she'd lost, it was a wonder that she wasn't unconscious. However he wasn't prepared for the shift in Youko's emotions. No longer was his temper of mere curiosity and satisfaction, it was now complete rage. It left him convinced that if he'd given control of the body over to the demon, he'd murder her with no remorse. As it were, it took everything in his power to rein in the beast within. The power surge was alarming and he knew that he'd have to do everything in his power to keep Youko in check. Otherwise, all hell was going to break loose, assuming it wasn't already too late.
'You will let me go, now human,' Youko ordered with a lethal edge. He had no intentions of killing her, not yet anyway. He would have his answers first and then he'd finish bleeding the life out of her.
“Absolutely not,” Kurama said through gritted teeth, holding himself immobile. “You can't kill her, I won't allow it. She's on the brink of death as it is. Do you really want to damn the both of us for killing a human?”
'Do you truly think that you can stop me?' Youko said, unleashing more power in order to break the bonds holding him in place. 'You have no idea of what she is, or what she's done. But I will have my answers and whether or not she survives the night will be of no consequence to me. Stay out of this, it does not concern you.'
“How can you ask me to stay at this when we are one and the same,” Kurama retorted angrily, trying not to lose control completely. “Have you lost your mind? Do you want the Reikai hunting the both of us? Or are you so blinded by rage that you'll ignore what will happen if you touch her.”
'Nothing will happen, aside from her death. As you said yourself, she's nearly dead. My actions will make little difference, other than speeding things along.'
“It's the answers you truly want, right? The hold off for a time, if we get her to the hospital, we can make sure she lives long enough to give you the answers you seek,” Kurama said, trying to reason with the enraged kitsune. It was a last ditch effort in order to gain his compliance, because there was no way he could stand against the demon forever.
The only reason Youko stopped to consider the idea was because it was perfectly reasonable. There was a good chance that the girl would perish before he could gain all the answers he sought, and for that reason alone, he backed down.'Move quickly then, and take her to the healers. But make no mistake, this is far from over. I will not be denied.'
Kurama didn't relax until he'd felt Youko back away, not wanting to take the chance on a surprise attack when he was least expecting it. It was once he was certain that things were calm once again that he made his way over to her side, although he remained cautious of his other half. The moment he touched her, his lips thinned in concern because now that he was close enough he could see just how badly hurt she was, and there wasn't a chance in hell that he could miss the way the scent of sex blanketed her. There were several demons that had touched her, but Hiei's scent was the most prominent. Clearly she'd been raped and tortured, but who was responsible? 'Think about that later. For now, let's get her to the hospital.'
Carefully he touched her and tried not to wince when the slightest flare of holy energy caressed his skin. A moment later her eyes flew open and he rushed to reassure her, “Miss, it's alright. I'm not going to harm you.” However, his words seemed to have the opposite effect and she struggled harder against the light hold he had on her. Even though his grip was tenuous, he could feel her holy energy trying to surge. However, he wasn't terribly worried about it, by now he was sure that she was far too depleted to do him any real harm.
“No,” Kagome gasped out, trying to push away from him. His demonic energy had slammed into her the moment he'd touched her, and she recognized it immediately. While she didn't know how in the hell he'd managed to follow her through the well, that didn't mean she was going to stick around to let him do what he wished. Weakly she tried to strike out at him, knowing that she was as good as dead if she didn't figure something out. Desperately, she readied one final blast of energy, praying that would be enough to gain her freedom.
“Stop it,” Kurama ordered, while trying to pin her arms down at her sides without aggravating her injuries any further. Clearly she was delusional, and with what she'd been through, he couldn't blame her for reacting badly. Still, he had to gain some leverage on the woman in order to get her under control long enough to get help. Yet when her energy began to swell, he knew he had to act quickly before she managed to kill them both. Although he loathed the idea of striking her, it was the only way to stop her from expending the much needed energy. While it might or might not be enough to kill him, it would surely kill her. The sharp blow to the back of her head was more than enough to stun her, and suddenly Kurama was trying to keep her from slumping over completely.
Fortunately for him, the woman didn't weigh that much and he was able to pick her up easily once he had her complacent. He couldn't help but wince and the amount of blood that smeared onto his clothing and skin. 'Good thing my reputation in this world is what it is, otherwise they might believe I'm the one responsible for her condition.'
For several long minutes he trekked through the woods, carrying her until they reached the street. The nearest hospital wasn't terribly far away which was fortunate, because he doubted she had a lot of time to spare. While he walked, he allowed his mind to roam, contemplating the mess that he'd found himself in. There were certain things bothering him, things that needed to be resolved before he returned to the others, for they would demand to know just where he'd been and why.
The fact that Hiei's scent was one of those concerns was one of the foremost thoughts that had to be dealt with. Knowing that the demon was likely in his heat cycle now, there was the slightest chance that he could have been the one who had done this to her. Ordinarily he'd scoff at the very idea, but he was well aware of the state the apparition was likely in. There was a chance, however small, that he'd come across her at some point in the Makai. Whether or not he participated in her defilement was something that he couldn't say for certain. All the signs pointed to yes, but he didn't want to believe his partner capable of it. Perhaps in the past yes, but hadn't the apparitions perspective on humans changed?
Deep within his mind, Youko was pondering what this would mean for them all later. For many months he'd been forced to watch Hiei mourn over the loss of the girl, which was a waste in his opinion. Eventually the apparition had parted their company and went his own way,even if he'd tried to convince Hiei otherwise. The next time that they had met the younger demon had changed into a cold bastard. None of the emotions he'd been so demonstrative with had been there and for that, Youko was thankful. Now that the woman had returned he didn't want to see his friend return to the state he'd been in before. Even now her life energy was barely there, why tell Hiei she had returned when the girl would die? If not now, then many years in the future, the outcome would remain the same.
Yet he wasn't sharing this information with the redhead, who continued to walk on with his injured cargo. With each passing step Kurama became more and more certain that Hiei was at least partially responsible for this. He couldn't keep denying to himself that his partner had slept with the girl. There was also the tell tale scent of smoke surrounding her and while it wasn't of the Makai variety, Hiei controlled the more mundane version of it as well.
The fact that she'd escaped alive was a miracle in itself, and only solidified in his mind that she was a powerful miko. Briefly he pondered the idea that Hiei had helped her to escape, but it still didn't make sense. If the torture had happened prior to Hiei finding her, it meant he would have still rutted with her in this condition, something she wouldn't be able or willing to consent too. It left him back at square one, which was frustrating. It seemed that the only one who could give them answers would be the miko herself, since even finding Hiei right now would be virtually impossible.
With his mind trying to wrap around the mystery that she presented, Kurama continued carrying her towards the hospital. Now the lights were in plain view and traffic was passing by with more frequency. He'd been sure that someone would have pulled over to see if they could offer assistance, but it hadn't happened. He supposed it was the human trait of not wanting to get involved. At any rate, it left him as the one responsible for getting her help.
When he finally reached the entrance of the hospital, he nearly breathed a sigh of relief. For now at least they'd arrived, and she was still alive. It wasn't surprising to see that there were several people waiting in the emergency room, and nurses were busy checking people in. No one seemed to notice him in the confusion, so he decided it was time to make his presence known. Clearing his throat, he called out in a voice loud enough to cause everyone to fall silent,"Please, can somebody help me here?"
His request gained the attention he wanted, stunning almost everyone in the room. The moment of silence was shattered then as he was swarmed with medical personal and the girl was taken from his arms, leaving him to stand there and await the questions that were sure to follow.
~Deep within the forest~
The silence of the night should have been comforting, however at the moment it was anything but soothing to Hiei. Something was nagging him, although he couldn't quite place what the feeling was. Angrily he stared up into the darkened sky and shifted uncomfortably. It was always like this, and he loathed the fact that his body could exert so much influence over his mind. What he needed to do was kill something, yet to do so would mean venturing into the Makai and he couldn't quite bring himself to do so.
No, something told him he had to remain here in this god forsaken realm and he knew not why. Again he shifted, his body longing to take flight and relieve some of the tension that was building inside him. Yet still he refused to move. There was no point to it, not when the feelings would pass sooner or later. Whether or not something died by his hand before then was another matter entirely.
Determined to get some rest, he allowed his eyes to close. Instinctively the Jagan went on alert, determined to keep its master safe. However, long before sleep found him, the implant began to react to a familiar energy, causing his brows to furrow. Why would the Jagan seek Kurama out now of all times?
It was possible that the kitsune was looking for him and the thought made him sneer. He'd made his thoughts well known, and the redhead was well aware of the fact that he didn't want to be disturbed.'If he's coming on Koenma's behalf, I'll slit his throat for bothering me.' At this point it didn't matter that the man was one of the few friends he had, he'd die all the same.
Still, it was tempting to completely ignore the fact that his partner was so close by, and try to get on dealing with the issue of his reproductive cycle. The only thing that stopped him from doing just that was the fact that the Jagan was focusing intently upon the redhead. If its power flared any higher, the other demon would be alerted to his presence. No, that was something he didn't want to deal with. In this instance, it was best to approach on his own and keep himself concealed in the shadows. Perhaps then he could find out just what this new interest was and deal with the problem before it became more of an issue.
With a growl of irritation, he pushed himself up away from the tree limb he'd been resting on and disappeared into the night. One way or another, he'd get to the bottom of this foolishness and if this was some trick on Kurama's part, there was going to be hell to pay.
End of chapter
For those that are interested, the talented Madmiko has set up a Hiei/Kagome message board, and the first fanfiction contest has just kicked off. New members are always welcome, come by and check it out.