InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Oh we’re off to see the Godling! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! I got a Hiei, and a big yaoei tree! ^__^ Ah! Hey! That's MY Hiei! `No, it's not.' WAA!! It's my party and I'll cry if I want to! (Even though my birthday is in May…)
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
Madmiko! This one is for you!
Chapter Four: Oh we're off to see the Godling!
Last chapter:
That's when all hell broke loss, yet again. For that is when Botan decided to make her appearance on her trademark oar.
This chapter:
Kagome shot up to a standing position as soon as Botan was through the portal. “Who are you? What do you want? You don't feel like a demon!”
Botan let out a nervous laugh before she hopped off her broom and held out her hand to the new woman. “Hi, I'm Botan! It's nice to meet you! If you're wondering I'm lady death. So, tell me… how is it that you can see me?”
Kagome sweat dropped, was this girl for real? She looked over at her son for help, but noticed that the human he shared a body with had managed to take back control.
“Um… hi… I'm Kagome…?” She said uncertainly. The over zealous ferry maiden quickly shook the young girls hand and circled her a couple times before clapping her hands together.
“I got it! You're a miko! Oh goodie! I LOVE miko's! We have the funniest conversations ever!” She began to go on and on about the weird conversations she has had in the past with one of her favorite type of people to visit. Yusuke, getting impatient, blew his lid.
“Botan, what the hell are you doing here! You can't just show up whenever you feel like it! SOME of us need to go to school to be successful in life!”
“This from the boy who skipped school more then I did on my trips to the past?” Kagome said with a raised eye brow, Keiko chuckled while Kuwabara snorted. Yusuke sent her a death glare and continued on with his rant.
“So you can just go back to spirit world and tell Koenma to shut the fuck up! The whole world doesn't revolve around him!”
“Actually, the world DOES revolve around spirit world but, that's not why I'm here. In fact, I think it would be wise to take Kagome here with us.” Botan gave a semi-evil laugh and created a portal underneath them all, causing them to fall into Koema's office in a heap of bodies on the floor. “Oh… sorry, Keiko! Here, I'll take you back to the human world!” With that she grabbed Keiko out of the group and was off through another portal.
Koenma had a hard time holding in his chuckles as he looked onto the mass of people before him on the floor. During the fall Hiei had somehow managed to grab onto Kagome and cushioned her fall with his body while his arms wrapped around her tiny waist. Kurama, had somehow managed to latch onto the young girl's arm while falling, thus causing the two of them to sandwich Kagome between their strong bodies.
Also, during the fall Kuwabara had latched onto the first thing he could grab, which turned out to be Yusuke. Yusuke had grabbed his girlfriend, protecting her from the impact. After everyone had hit the floor there turned out to be two different groups of bodies, which were connected by their entangled legs.
Koenma couldn't help it anymore. He burst out laughing. Hiei was the first person to come out of the shell shock that everyone seemed to be in. He would have pushed Kagome off of him if it weren't for the fact that Kurama was also on top of him and making it a little difficult to move his arms from around her waist.
Yusuke was the second person to come out of the state they were in and immediately started to yell at the young prince.
“What the HELL are you laughing at, toddler?!” He yelled out as he pushed Kuwabara off of him with a startled `hey!' from the orange top. The `toddler' comment brought Koenma out of his laughing fit and the two of them began to fight like they did every single time they got in the same room. Thus, bring everyone else back to the present with their yelling.
“Miss. Kagome, are you ok?” Kurama asked as he moved to get off of the smaller woman. He noticed with a slight joy that Hiei was glaring at him.
Kagome gave a small smile and took the offered hand that Kurama held out to her, but as she did she heard a slight growl from behind her. Turning, she saw that Hiei was currently sending a death glare that rival Sesshomaru's at the young man helping her up.
“Are you ok?” Kagome asked, not noticing that she was still on top of Hiei or that his arms were still around her waist. She slowly let go of Kurama's hand and moved to touch the fire demon's shoulder.
Hiei quickly turned his glaring from the Kitsune to the Miko lying on top of him. “I'll be fine, Onna, when you get off me.” Kagome's eyes flashed as she heard that.
“My name's Kagome! Ka-Go-ME! Not onna! Now Miko! Or any other thing you can think of to call me! Like Bitch, whore, stupid, weak, human!” She poked him hard in the chest with each name she said as her aura began to furious to whip around the room from her anger.
Youko, seeing what was going to happen, quickly pulled his mother off of Hiei and into his own lap. He began to rock her back and forward and ran his hands through her hair just like she used to do for him when he was little.
By the time he had gotten her clamed down enough for her aura to go back into her body the whole group was looking at her from the amount of power she had just unleashed. Hiei was looking at her in amazement while Yusuke, Koenma, and Kuwabara were all sporting the same stupid shell shocked fish look.
Koenma quickly came out of shock. “You're a Miko!?” He said quietly, too scared to say it any louder incase she were to disappear. Kagome lifted her head up from where it had been cradled in Kurama's chest. She took a deep breath before she answered the young prince.
“Yes, I am.” She nodded.
“What? How? Why?” Kagome sighed and made herself comfortable in her son's lap before she told the young godling about her adventures in the past. Youko added a comment about how much Yusuke reminded him of Inuyasha. This earned him a glare from said person.
Koenma starred at the priestess for a second before he cleared his throat and said what he had been waiting to say ever since he had called them to his office. “So, you're telling me that the same well that I was going to go have them investigate is the same well you've been using to time travel for four years? But, that's not all! You've been going back to the past to collect the shards of the Shikon no Tama! This is just perfect! Yusuke, I want you and the rest of the group to go back in time with her and help her complete her mission so we can seal off the well once and for all! It's not safe to have such a large hole in time out in the open like that.” He nodded to himself before he called for Botan.
“Yes, boss?” She said cheerfully.
“Can you open a portal to Miss. Higurashi's shrine so they can get started on their mission?”
“Sure! No problem!” With that she said she opened another portal and led them through to the young girl's shrine. They all walked through the portal until only Kagome and Kurama were left.
“Is this going to kill me? Or is it like the well?” Kurama chuckled at her question.
“It won't kill you. Youko tells me it's like the well you travel through.” Kagome smiled at him then slowly made her way through the portal with Kurama quickly following after her.
The scene they arrived to when they stepped onto shrine grounds was to Kagome's grandfather plastering their three companions with `Demon-Be-Gone!' charms. Kagome sighed before she ran off after her grandfather to stop him from going to get the sake.
“I see Jig-chan hasn't changed much in the last ten years…” Yusuke remarked as he pulled the charms off of himself.
“Oh! Yusuke! Kuwabara! I haven't seen you in forever!” Said Mrs. Higurashi as she came out of the house to give both of the boys a hug. “And who are your friends?” She asked turning to the new comers.
“Hello, Mrs. Higurashi. I must say that I'm glad to finally meet you. I'm sure you've heard a lot about my younger self?” At her confused look he chuckled. “My name is Kurama, but I believe you know me by Shippo.” At the mention of his name Mrs. Higurashi ran to his side and swept him up into a big hug.
“Oh! My little Grandbaby! You grew up too fast! I didn't even get to give you any candy or spoil you rotten! I was denied my right as a Grandmother! That's it! We're going shopping and I'm going to get you anything you want! But, first… may I ask who you are?” She asked turning to Hiei.
“Hn. Hiei.” He said before he crossed his arms over his newly un-charmed chest. The scene was ruined however by the appearance of Kagome with her over sized yellow bag.
“Ok guys! I'm ready to go!” Kurama just shook his head.
“Ka-san… you really need to stop bringing such a large bad to the feudal ear…” Kagome just huffed.
“How else am I going to bring all the candy and Ramen with me to the past? Besides I packed some extra blankets and such with me this time. Mom… you can let go of Shippo now…” She said before she turned towards where the well house was located. “Come on guys.”
Yusuke and Kuwabara were the first to follow her into the well house, slowly followed by Hiei. Kurama and his grandmother shared a look at the way Hiei had been watching Kagome.
“Don't worry. I've done this before. Everything will turn out fine. Though, the next time you see Inuyasha you might want to be extra nice to him. You never know when the last time you're going to see his is.” He gave her a sad smile and one last hug before he followed Kagome and the rest of the group into the well house and through the well. He wasn't looking forward to this.
AN: Sorry guys… I decided to stop with the `Whose Line' stuff! It was takin up to much space!