InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Over the Tree’s and Through the Woods to Kill Some Demons I go… ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: dum da dum…. *sneaking a bag with Hiei and Kagome in it out of some random anime headquarters* AH! They found me! *Author runs away from hungry youkai dogs out for her blood. And unknown to her Hiei has cut a hole in the bag and took Kagome off someplace more… private... ^__^*
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
Chapter Six: Over the Tree's and Through the Woods to Kill Some Demons I go
Last chapter:
`She really has no clue does she? I'll have to get Miroku to help me play matchmaker. After all, Turnabout is fair play!' “Whatever, Kagome.” She said rolling her eyes. “Let's just get this bath over with before the REAL hentai comes to spy on us.” Kagome nodded her head and both girls quickly got in the stream.
This chapter:
I'm telling you, Kagome! I REALLY think he likes you!” Sango said as she continued to pester Kagome on the topic on the way back to the village.
“Oh come on, Sango! I thought we already covered this! The first time we met face-to-face he gave me the same look Sesshomaru gives me! And I don't think that Sesshomaru wants to go out and date me!” Sango stopped and got a thoughtful look on her face. Kagome just rolled her eyes at her friend's stubbornness. “Sango, please tell me you are not thinking about setting me up with Mr. Cold and has a stick up his ass…”
Sango just laughed and pushed Kagome into the hut before her. Kagome, thrown off balance, would have tumbled to the ground had it not been for the strong arms that came around her small form. Kagome blushed before she looked up into his deep red eyes and regained her balance.
“Thanks, Hiei.” She said giving him a small smile. The earlier confrontation and thought's of what Sango had just said still present in her mind. Kagome made her way across the hut and took a seat next to Kurama while holding out her arm's to a young kit that quickly jumped into her arms, all the while ignoring the heated gaze that Hiei sent her way.
The small group sat and talked quietly and got to know each other better. Kuwabara and Yusuke got into a fight over which video game was the coolest before Inuyasha came back into the hut and declared that Halo was the best game ever. Even though it was the only game he had ever played with Souta. That one sentence got the three of them fighting about `who kicked the most butt' when playing the game. `At least they agree on the game…' Kagome thought to herself as she and Kurama shared a glance while the others just looked on in confusion.
After about an hour of talking and fighting from the boys, Kagome stood from where she was on the ground. She slowly stretched her mussels while still holding onto Shippo. “I think we should all go to sleep soon. If I know Inuyasha he'll be waking us up bright and early the next morning to go off shard hunting.” Inuyasha just `huffed' and crossed his arms over his chest. Kagome made her way over to her bag and let go of Shippo long enough to set out her sleeping bag before both her and the little kit got in and quickly fell asleep.
Sango and Miroku shared a glance. It always amazed them both at how fast those two could fall asleep. Sango then, ever so slightly, nodded over to where Hiei was still staring at their young friend. Miroku's confused look soon turned into a perverted smirk and both he and Sango agreed that they would get the two together. Besides, it was getting kind of boring around here.
During the night it became apparent to Inuyasha that the demon, Hiei, had a strange fixation on Kagome. As soon as she and the other human's had fallen asleep he had moved to sit down against the wall by her. He noted that the fire demon was much like his half brother in the way he didn't show what was really on his mind. But, for just a split second the look in his eyes had told Inuyasha what he had wanted to know.
His sister, Kagome, was no longer his concern. For this demon in front of him would do anything to keep her safe. Even giving up his life or… killing a past lover… Inuyasha turned his head away to get the two of them out of his sight. But, even that didn't work. He silently stood from his spot on the ground and made his way out of the hut.
When the time came, he would act as Kagome's father for her. He knew she didn't have one anymore, even though she had never said anything on the subject. He could tell from the family portraits that he had seen on the walls of the shrine.
He had lost the love of Kagome as a mate, but not as a brother. And he'd be damned if anyone were going to take the role away from him. Even that stupid-cocky-little-bastard! He would make sure that his sister would be well taken care of before he handed her off to anyone. He snorted and shook his head to get those thoughts out of his head.
The next morning, true to her words, Inuyasha woke them up bright and early, even though half the group was already up. The main problem they had was waking Kuwabara up. He seemed to be having a rather nice dream about a `good kitty'. Thankfully, he had woken up rather quickly when Yusuke started to outright laugh at him, starting an early morning fight before breakfast was ready.
`Really,' Kagome thought, `Just one word with some sort of food and almost ANY male would be on their best behavior.' She shook her head and finally served herself something to eat. The only one who had denied the food offered was Hiei, who said `human food was beneath him'.
After everyone was done eating, and they were all packed up, they headed off to the west where they heard word of a new shard. Inuyasha was at the head of the group with Sango and Miroku walking behind him. Kurama and Kagome were next in line with Shippo sitting on Kagome's shoulder. Yusuke and Kuwabara were bringing up the rear with their yelling and screaming. Kirara stayed in between the two just incases they decided to do more then just yelling at each other. Hiei, being him normal self, was in the trees scouting ahead so no demons would come across their path.
They were just about to enter into the western lands when Kagome stopped walking and tensed up. “Inuyasha, a shard's coming from the south!” With her warning the group dropped into defensive positions with their weapons out. They didn't have to wait long until a boar youkai came crashing through the clearing.
Inuyasha took up the front with his sword out. Kuwabara and Miroku were behind him and slightly off to the side. Yusuke and Sango were behind those two and were slighting to the side with Kirara next to Sango. Kagome had taken a spot at the back of the group and had her bow out and notched. Shippo stood behind her, just encase someone were to do a sneak attack. Hiei was still in a tree and Kurama was standing off to the side.
Inuyasha charged forward and Sango threw her bone boomerang when the boar blocked the transformed sword. When the boomerang came back to Sango it had cut off a piece of the demons back. Miroku rushed forward to block the demon as it moved to go after Kuwabara. Yusuke then shot off his `spirit gun!' and took out one of the demons eyes. It was then Kagome's turn to go. She released an arrow and watched as it took out one of the demon's legs, causing him to crash to the ground.
“Inuyasha! The shard's in his forehead!” Inuyasha was just about to charge again when a black blur came out of the tree's and sliced the demon's head off. Hiei then appeared to be slicing the skin of the demon's forehead off until he found a small purple shard. Kagome, seeing the shard, ran forward and quickly took the shard away from Hiei with a muttered `thanks'. The jewel was purified before she had even put it in the small container around her neck.
“You bastard!” Inuyasha yelled at Hiei. The others just shook their heads as they continued their quest into the western lands. They had gone on walking for two miles before they decided to stop for the night and set up camp. As soon as camp was set up Inuyasha jumped up into a tree to sulk.
Kagome was almost done making dinner when a young hyperactive girl named Rin ran out into the clearing with Jaken hot on her heals. “You foolish human!” He yelled after her, but as soon as he said that he began to shiver in fear. For Sesshomaru had just dissolved into view at the edge of the tree line.
AN: I just want to let you all know that I am very sorry for this chapter being so late (A week late! AGH!), but not only that! But, also because it's soooo short! I just want you all to know that this is the ONLY chapter that I've had writers block with! I have chapter's 7-18 all mapped out and I'm sure that the next chapters to come will be MUCH longer. *Grumble…* Sometimes I hate college….